Second Marriage in the 1970s

Chapter 97: All four episodes are pretty good


As the first batch of private restaurants opened in the county, Xiaoli Restaurant quickly gained a foothold in the county due to its excellent location and novelty snacks. In terms of income, Li Wangping and Zhao Caixia, as they said at the beginning, did not take Jiahui's house for granted, and gave them five cents a year for three years. Jiahui refused to take it no matter what.

In □□, the couple opened a restaurant under Zhao Donghe's suggestion. Since then, they have broken away from small workshop management and become real bosses.

"Donghe, your sister and I don't know how to do business either."

"Brother-in-law, you don't need to do it yourself. If you don't understand, please ask someone who understands to help you. This is the benefit of being a boss."

It took a year and a half to select the site, build the house, decorate it, and finally run the hotel. Due to the luxurious decoration design, the couple couldn't put all their savings into it. In the end, it was Zhao Donghe who took the majority of the investment.

The restaurant was named Jinyun Hotel. On the opening day, all the famous people from the county and the province also came, and Jinyun Hotel became an instant hit.

Jinyun Hotel operates on a high-end route, with a high-end environment and high-end services. The management and service personnel have all received professional hotel management training and have reached the level of a three-star hotel.

This year, Da Ya is 21 years old and is about to graduate from university.

"This is about your daughter, oh, she looks so good-looking, how old is she? Are you talking about someone?"

Da Ya went there a few times, and was too scared to go to the restaurant again, but her mother was completely brainwashed and wanted to introduce her to a boyfriend all day long.

"Mom, I'm only twenty-one, there's no need to remember to get married."

"You are twenty-two years old, not too young."

"There is no law that stipulates that twenty-two must find someone to marry. I haven't graduated yet."

Da Ya learns from her sister-in-law, Zhao Meixiang, and is a model for university selection, but it's not a college or a bachelor's degree. Teachers are the most popular types of jobs in the blind date market.

"Find a suitable place before you graduate. I didn't let you get married right now. You're going to be an intern soon. Your sister-in-law was looking for a partner as soon as she got a job. You have to follow your sister-in-law."

Da Ya curled her lips, not wanting to get entangled with her mother on this topic, so she decided to take refuge at her sister-in-law's house.

"Sister-in-law, you said that my mother insisted on a blind date after hearing a few words from others. She has no ideas of her own at all, and she refuses to respect my wishes."

With a faint smile on Mei Xiang's face, she lowered her head to peel an apple for Da Ya, and the old man with the apple peel hung down on the coffee table.

"Then do you have any male classmates you like at school?"

After finishing speaking, Mei Xiang handed the peeled apple to Da Ya.

Da Ya pursed her mouth uncomfortably when she heard this question, but Mei Xiang knew at a glance that there was something to it.

"If you have someone you like, think about whether the other person is suitable for you, and make a decision early. Girls' youth is very important. It's okay not to want to go on a blind date now, but you can't put your precious feelings on someone who is not suitable for you. .”

Just like when she had a young love for Cui Zongyi back then, it turned out that her sincerity was wrong.

Da Ya listened with half understanding. For young people, it may be difficult to understand the thinking of adults at once. If you like it, you like it. You should not care about the other party's conditions, family, otherwise it is insincere and snobbish. .

Da Ya hid at her sister-in-law's house for two days, and on the third day her mother came to block her.

"The children nowadays are really disobedient, and they are incomparable with us at that time."

Zhao Caixia also complained to her younger sister about her daughter, and Mei Xiang poured a cup of tea and put it in front of her elder sister.

"The times are different. At that time, we had little experience and didn't understand anything. Today's children are much happier than us."

Zhao Caixia agreed with this, sighed and said, "No, who would have thought a few years ago that I would be able to live the life I am today."

Ten years ago, he was still poor, but now he owns a restaurant and is the big boss. There are four brothers and sisters in his family. Donglin has been promoted from the county to the province. Donghe's business is getting bigger and bigger, and Meixiang is the most secure teacher. The brother-in-law's position has been promoted one after another, and he is already the deputy director, which is extremely rare at his age.

As for Jiahui, she served as the person in charge of the foreign affairs department of the province. Although she was nearly forty years old and well maintained, she looked like thirty at most. The one I admire most in my life is this sister-in-law.

I heard before that the capital was willing to send my sister-in-law there, but my sister-in-law declined. Compared with my sister-in-law, my elder sister-in-law is too useless. If it weren't for the relatives in my family, I wouldn't be able to make ends meet. What about today.

In a yard near Wudong University, a young man with a cropped head, carrying a schoolbag and holding a basketball, strode into the house with great strides. As soon as he entered, he yelled, "Mom, I'm hungry, make it for me soon!" food."

When Mom didn't respond, a girl in a dress came out of the house.

"Mom hasn't come back yet. There is leftover food at noon, how about I warm it up for you?"

The speaker was Yingbao, whose name was Zhao Xinyi, and the young man was naturally Fang Fang, whose name was Zhao Zhuorui.

As soon as he heard that his mother was not at home, the only one who could cook for him was his elder sister, so he immediately acted like a baby to his elder sister.

"I want to eat noodles, sister, please make it for me."

Fang Fang, who had a thick head and a thick head when he was a child, has grown into a little boy. He looks more like Jiahui, with fair skin and very good-looking eyebrows and eyes. Although he is only thirteen years old, he is already 1.7 meters tall.

He loves to play basketball. His mother said that boys are the most handsome when they play basketball. On the other hand, he doesn’t like his overly handsome appearance. When he was young, people always thought that he was a little girl, so he was willing to tan and look strong. Some, because I know that he is not tanned, and other friends have already turned into balls in one summer, but he has not changed, and there is a tendency to get whiter with tanning. Compared with this, he stands out from the crowd.

At this time, he was like green onions in the field in the morning, white and green, with a vibrant youthful flavor, reminiscent of green onions in the morning sun, full of vitality and hope.

Zhao Xinyi loved this younger brother the most since she was a child. After entering puberty, her younger brother was not as cute as when she was a child. Now, hearing her younger brother talk to her in a coquettish tone, how could Zhao Xinyi bear it.

"Okay, I'll make it for you if you want to eat."

Zhao Xinyi is seventeen this year and is studying in high school. At her age, her brother Zhao Zhuojun has already been admitted to Tsinghua University. Therefore, Zhao Xinyi is under great pressure. She wants to be admitted to a good university like her brother.

Tsinghua University is her brother’s alma mater, and Wudong University is her parents’ alma mater. These two schools are her voluntary choice. In fact, her family prefers her to take the Wudong exam. She is a girl, and the family is worried that she will stay with her parents when she travels far away. More reassuring.

Zhao Zhuorui finished a bowl of pork shredded pork noodles with green peppers, and finally spread it on the back of the chair and patted his belly to express his satisfaction.

Zhao Xinyi sneered and said, "Look at you, you look like an old man."

Zhao Zhuorui replied dissatisfied, "What do you know, I am manly."

"Masculinity is not like your little old man. Our father and brother are manly."

Zhao Zhuorui was discouraged when he heard that, as a young man, he always wanted to pretend to be an adult, and he also took his father and brother as role models in life, but when would he become like that? Don't be angry and prestige, people don't dare to underestimate it when they see it, it's really a headache.

As night fell, Zhao Xinyi and Zhao Zhuorui were doing homework and reviewing homework in their respective rooms. The Zhao family had a strong learning atmosphere. No matter how mischievous or playful the children were, they had to complete their homework, and their school-level rankings in each exam could not Falling out of the top ten is already a noun after lowering the requirements.

Once Zhao Zhuorui and Zhao Zhuoming raised objections, Jiahui or Zhao Donglin would just say, "Your brother was number one in the school back then."

In a word, custody keeps the two honest.

Later, after Zhao Zhuorui was also admitted to Tsinghua University, because of his handsome appearance and cheerful personality, he was very popular in school. When people talked to him about studying, he would always sigh.

"I'm always forced to study. If your parents are top students, your brother is a top student, your sister is a top student, and your whole family is a top student, you have to study, you have to be excellent, which time you fail the exam? , that feeling is the same as that of a labor prisoner, who can't hold his head up at home."

The words are said in jest, but the truth is indeed the truth.

The worst student in the Zhao family is Zhao Zhuoming. Who made him have a father who can make money, a veritable rich second generation, and he will spend his whole life building the money his father earns. Just like that, Zhao Zhuoming even took an exam University, majored in architecture, planned to join his father's real estate company as the prince after graduation, Zhao Zhuorui envied this cousin the most.

Of course, these are all things to come, let’s go back to today in 1990.

Both Zhao Donglin and Jiahui are busy people, but it is rare to come back together today.

Zhao Donglin is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Wudong Province and the person in charge of the Provincial Economic Development Zone. In the past ten years, he has made a lot of achievements in the economic field.

"Dad, Mom, you are back."

Seeing her parents entering the yard, Zhao Xinyi came out of the room happily, and took Jiahui's hand affectionately.

"Have you eaten with your brother yet?"

Zhao Xinyi smiled and shook her head, "I haven't eaten yet. My younger brother came back and said he was hungry, so he let me order a bowl of noodles. But he has a black belly, so he might be hungry again right now."

While talking, Zhao Zhuorui also came out of the room.

"Dad, Mom."

Zhao Donglin was even stricter with his son, so Zhao Zhuorui was quite afraid of his father. At this moment, Zhao Donglin glanced over lightly, and Zhao Zhuorui felt inexplicably that he had done something wrong.

"Dad, I finished my homework and previewed it. I took the first place in the monthly exam this time. I love my classmates and respect teachers at school. I didn't make any mistakes, right?"

Jiahui chuckled, and she turned to look at her husband. As his position got higher and higher, his face became darker and darker, like Bao Gong. No wonder her son saw him like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Your father is like this. If you make a mistake, he will not stare at you, but will beat you with a stick."

Zhao Zhuorui muttered in dissatisfaction, "It's simply fascist education..."

When Zhao Donglin glanced over again, Zhao Zhuorui hurriedly closed his mouth and ran back to the house, and he missed the smile on the corner of Zhao Donglin's mouth.

It was rare for the family to sit together for dinner. Jiahui reheated the dishes that could be eaten at noon and fried two more.

"Eat more, both of you. It's time to grow your body. Supplement more vegetables and protein, and don't be picky eaters. Only in this way can you grow taller."

"Mom, I'm already 1.67 meters, I don't want to grow any taller."

A girl who is 1.67 meters is really not short, and if she is taller, she can be 1.7 meters. Zhao Xinyi doesn't like that she is too tall.

"It doesn't matter. Girls usually stop growing when they are eighteen years old. This is just right for you."

After Jiahui comforted her daughter, she looked at her son who bowed his head while eating, "But Zhuo Rui, he needs to play more basketball and drink more milk. Your father and brother are both 1.8 meters tall. You can't hold back."

Zhao Zhuorui choked on the rice, his face blushed as he patted his chest and coughed. After coughing, he complained sadly, "Mom, I'm only thirteen years old, and I'm already one of the top students in my class. Are you asking for me?" Too high."

Zhao Donglin looked over and put down his chopsticks. Zhao Zhuorui's arrogance disappeared immediately, and he said aggrievedly, "I'm just trying to reason with my mother, not being cruel to her."

There is an unwritten rule in the family, which everyone must abide by. Don't talk loudly to mom, don't make mom angry, don't make mom shed tears, and dad will definitely punish anyone who makes a mistake.

Therefore, the sons of the Zhao family all have a gentlemanly demeanor that their peers do not have, and they attract many girls' hearts. drink.

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