Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man

Chapter 13


The second-married wife of a wealthy old man 13

Meng Yang had been standing at the corner of the stairs, secretly observing everyone below.

Among the people sitting below were Luo Xiu's three younger brothers, one cousin and two cousins, and their respective wives.

As for the old man Cheng who came in later, he was planning to put on airs of an elder, but after a few words from Luo Xiu, he was speechless.

Meng Yang can feel his oppressive aura just by looking at Luo Xiu's back, let alone those who are directly facing Luo Xiu.

As for Mr. Cheng, Luo Xiu and his daughter have been divorced for more than ten years. He actually came to rely on Luo Sheng's grandfather's status to put on airs with Luo Xiu as an elder, and wanted Luo Xiu to confirm the identity of Luo Sheng's heir. Luo Sheng was the child of his daughter who married Luo Xiu, and it wasn't Luo Xiu's own child. However, Mr. Cheng didn't know about it yet.

At present, it is known that Luo Sheng is not Luo Xiu's biological person, except for Meng Yang, there are only Luo Xiu and Luo Sheng's mother. Luo Sheng's mother must have thought that no one else knew about this matter except her, so she kept silent, because it would not do her any good to speak out, and Luo Sheng could still inherit the Luo family's property if she did not.

And Luo Xiu has never said the reason for this matter. Meng Yang speculated that he didn't say it back then because he wanted to get time and opportunity to breathe. Not to mention now, he wanted to take advantage of this incident to take revenge on the Cheng family, because he knew that the Cheng family would definitely do their best to plan for Luo Sheng to inherit the Luo family business, and the greater their expectations, the greater the blow they would receive. Luo Xiu was just waiting for an opportunity to deal a fatal blow to the Cheng family.

Meng Yang thought to himself that there might be other reasons, but he could only ask Luo Xiu for clarification after the matter was made public.

Seeing Luo Xiu standing up, Meng Yang immediately turned around and went upstairs.

Old Master Cheng left first. Except for Luo Xiu's second brother Luo Qi who took his wife back to his residence, everyone else went to Luo Ming to continue discussing what to do next.

"What are you talking about, big brother? You suddenly decided to get married, and the person to marry is someone who has dated with Luo Sheng. What kind of words does this sound like when a father marries his son's ex-lover?"

"That Meng Yang is only nineteen years old. The main reason for marrying my eldest brother must be for money. My eldest brother and him are already legal. Even if we divorce now, he can still share at least half of my eldest brother's property. That's amazing It's all the Luo family's money, if it is really divided by that Meng Yang, I really feel my heart is bleeding when I think about it!"

"Tell me what the elder brother thinks. I recommended so many well-matched people to him before, and he told me not to meddle in my own business, but now he suddenly married a shareholder of a small company."

"That kind of little boy, it's fine to give him some money to play, but the eldest brother actually married him, is he bewitched or something?"

"He has become the legal partner of the eldest brother. In the future, maybe even we will have to look at his face. We have lived to this age, and we still have to look at the face of a person who is about the same age as our own child. Do you think it is reasonable?!"

"Now I can only let my mother come back quickly. Only when she is here can this family be able to live in peace."

"I called my mother. She can't go away now, and there is no way to come back immediately. Mom said, everything will be discussed after she comes back. No matter what happens now, don't bother her on the phone. Wait until she can When I come back, I will naturally come back to deal with these matters immediately."

"We can't do anything now, we can only talk about it after the eldest aunt comes back."

… … … … … … …

Luo Xiu came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and saw Meng Yang sitting on the bed looking at him, so he said, "There are still many rooms on this floor where you can sleep, so you don't have to force yourself to sleep in the same bed with me."

"I didn't force it." Meng Yang looked at him and said, "We are both legal partners, isn't it normal to sleep in the same bed? And if Luo Sheng finds out that we slept in separate rooms as soon as we got married, wouldn't it be even worse? Can you take advantage of this and mock and humiliate me by the way?"

Luo Xiu was a little tired, so he didn't say much, he lifted the quilt and went to bed, and then tried his best to let his brain and body enter a relaxed state.

Seeing that Luo Xiu seemed very tired, Meng Yang moved to his side, then looked at his face and asked, "Are you tired?"

"Hmm..." Luo Xiu was indeed tired, so he had to relax his brain and body quickly, otherwise he would have headaches for the next few days.

Seeing this, Meng Yang stopped disturbing his rest and turned off the headlights with the remote control, leaving only the dark yellow night lights on both sides of the bed, and then lay down beside Luo Xiu to sleep.

Having lived alone under the cliff for fifteen years, Meng Yang got used to being vigilant at all times, otherwise he might be attacked by snakes, ants, poisonous insects or even wild animals at any time, but sleeping next to Luo Xiu and smelling his scent made him Meng Yang felt extremely at ease. This was the first time he had slept so relaxedly after so many years.

When he fell asleep in the middle of the night, Meng Yang woke up suddenly, because the familiar smell that reassured him was gone. He opened his eyes and saw that the side was empty. He sat up and saw Luo Xiu sitting on the sofa by the glass wall.

Meng Yang got out of bed and walked to Luo Xiu's side, looked at him and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, go to sleep." Luo Xiu closed his eyes and said, he had a headache attack, the more he lay down, the more uncomfortable he was, so he could only sit and rest.

Even if Luo Xiu didn't say anything, Meng Yang knew that it was because of his headache that he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't sleep. In his previous life, he had seen Luo Xiu suffering from a headache attack, which was much more serious than now.

Meng Yang turned around and went to the dressing room next door, opened the suitcase he brought, took out the things he had specially prepared for Luo Xiu, and went back to the bedroom.

Luo Xiu endured the headache as if it was about to explode, his whole body was tense and he couldn't relax, but the more he did this, the more tired he became, and the more tired he was, the more severe the headache would be. Since a few years ago, he has suffered from headaches. The doctor said that it was caused by the car accident many years ago, and because he worked too long and didn't pay attention to rest.

Therefore, after Meng Yang was injured because of saving him, he has been strictly asking Meng Yang to take a good rest and check up on time, just because he didn't want Meng Yang to suffer from sequelae like him.

When Luo Xiu first took over the management of Luojia Company, there was a man-made car accident, and he injured his head, but the wound healed quickly, and the doctor said there was no serious problem. And after he officially took over the Luo family's company, he began to deal with various things day and night, and there were a lot of entertainment and intrigue, which made him sleep no more than three hours a day, and sometimes even for several days in a row. Tian didn't go to bed and slept, just took a nap in the car, and immediately started to deal with various things.

More than ten years have passed like this. From a certain day, he suddenly had a headache. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but the pain gradually became more and more serious, so he went to the hospital for examination. The doctor prescribed a lot of medicines for him, but they were only effective at the beginning, and the effect would disappear after taking too much. The doctor said that there was no other better way than letting his brain and body get enough relaxation and rest.

So Luo Xiu tried many ways to relax himself, and in the process, he fell in love with extreme sports, because after that great stimulation, he got a sense of physical and mental relaxation.

Luo Xiu suddenly smelled a cold fragrance with a faint herbal smell. It smelled very good, and it smelled very comfortable. He opened his eyes, looked at the incense burner that Meng Yang put on the coffee table and asked, "What is this?" fragrant?"

"I made the sleeping aid myself." Meng Yang looked at him and said.

Luo Xiu closed his eyes again, carefully smelling the fragrance emanating from the incense burner. In order to treat his headaches, he has tried many methods. Aromatherapy, which has been preserved from ancient times to the present, has been very popular among the upper class. He has also tried many times, but the effect is not very good for him.

However, Luo Xiu didn't say that the aromatherapy had no effect on him, mainly because he didn't want to hit Meng Yang. He had asked many master-level aromatherapists to help him mix medicinal fragrances for headaches, but none of them had good results, let alone Meng Yang was not even a perfumer now.

However, Luo Xiu felt that the scent was really nice, and he could create a scent that would make him feel comfortable even when he had a headache, which showed that Meng Yang was still very talented.

During the fifteen years that Meng Yang lived alone under the cliff, he was blind, deaf, and unable to speak, so he could only distinguish everything by his sense of smell. During those fifteen years, he used his sense of smell to find food and judge his surroundings. When dangerous animals approached him, even if they were far away, he could smell them immediately. Breath, and from smell to distinguish what is poisonous.

Meng Yang felt fortunate that after his rebirth, his keen sense of smell did not disappear. He even learned after the test that he had a very high smelling quotient.