Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man

Chapter 35


The second-married wife of a wealthy old man 35

Meng Yang lay sideways in Luo Xiu's arms, took a deep breath, there were tears on his face, because he cried a lot just now, he felt very painful just now, but it was also very comfortable, after all, it was the first time, never before This kind of experience, mixed with pain and comfort, was too exciting for him, and he couldn't help crying.

Meng Yang's voice was a little hoarse, Luo Xiu got out of bed and poured a glass of warm water, then held him in his arms and fed him.

Luo Xiu put the water glass on the bedside table, then continued to lie down and hugged Meng Yang, buried his face in his neck, and smelled the fragrance of his body seriously and enjoyment.

Luo Xiu used to think that Meng Yang's body would emit this tempting sweet smell that made people feel hot all over his body only when he fell asleep at night, but after doing it, the sweet smell on his body became even better. People feel addicted.

And Meng Yang hugged Luo Xiu tightly, his body was still trembling slightly, because the aftertaste had not subsided, and his body was still in the feeling just now.

"Uncle Luo, let's have a baby as soon as possible." Meng Yang said hoarsely.

"Well, it's time to have a child of my own." Luo Xiu replied, now that they are a real husband and wife relationship, he feels that he should have a child of his own at this age. Moreover, his current ability and strength are enough to protect Meng Yang and their children to have a stable life, and he has endured for so many years, and he can start to carry out plans and actions against the Cheng family.

"My own child?" Meng Yang asked pretending to be puzzled: "Don't you already have one? Although I know you don't like Luo Sheng, blood relationship cannot be changed."

"Luo Sheng is not my son. He was conceived by his mother after having an affair with that ex-boyfriend who was forced to break up because of being too poor." Luo Xiu sat up, hugged Meng Yang and said: "My mother Luo Sheng and I were both forced to marry by our family. I was young back then, and I thought that even if there was no love, we would just live our lives with respect and respect. But Luo Sheng's mother is arrogant and domineering, and his personality is really unbearable , so I thought again, then try to keep her as far away as possible in the future. We were forced by our family to have sex several times, and his mother drugged me in the tea. I actually knew it, but I didn’t expose it on purpose, and I knew what was going on with us in my heart. None of that happened, but shortly after, she got pregnant."

"Then why didn't you tell the truth?" Meng Yang asked.

"I thought at the time, Luo Sheng's mother didn't marry me voluntarily, and I didn't marry her voluntarily. We never had feelings, so even if she was pregnant with someone else's child, I didn't feel anything. Another That is, the Cheng family was more powerful than our family back then, and my father was not as shrewd and resourceful as Mr. Cheng, so if this matter broke out, it would not be good for our family. I just thought, wait until I finish After school, I went out to start my own business, and then I found a reason to divorce Luo Sheng's mother, so that she and her ex-boyfriend could be fulfilled, and then I would reveal that Luo Sheng was not my own son. But before I graduated, my father After dying of illness, I had to carry the Luo family's property on my shoulders, and the Cheng family saw my father go suddenly. At that time, it was the time when the Luo family company was in crisis, and they immediately began to attack our company. I stomped the Luo family to death. At first I thought that Mr. Cheng did this because he knew that Luo Sheng was not my son, but after many times of probing, he found out that he didn't know, and when I asked Luo Sheng to After his family successfully turned over, he still dreams of letting Luo Sheng inherit the Luo family's property."

Meng Yang raised his head, stroked his face with his hand, looked at him distressedly and said, "You must have suffered a lot and suffered a lot in those years, right?"

"It's all over." Luo Xiu said calmly, and in these words, there was a sadness that ordinary people could hardly comprehend.

"If only I could have been by your side." Meng Yang hoped so much that he could face those hard days with Luo Xiu.

"It's the best time for you to come to me now." Luo Xiu kissed his palm and said, "I hope you can live happily every day, and I don't want you to suffer with me, and if that If I meet you in time, I won't care about you at all, and I won't be with you anymore."

Meng Yang retracted into Luo Xiu's arms, leaned his head on his shoulder and said, "Since Luo Sheng is not your own, then we will announce the truth after we have a child, so that they can deeply feel the feeling of their dreams being shattered." I want to get pregnant soon, Uncle Luo, you have to work hard."

"Is it the kind of effort that doesn't stop when you cry until your voice is hoarse?" Luo Xiu asked.

"It's the kind of hard work until I got pregnant." Meng Yang kissed him on the mouth, and then lay back in his arms to get a good sleep. He didn't sleep all night last night, just now Strenuous exercise, now really tired and need sleep.


Before the start of the competition, Meng Yang stopped acting with other students. Luo Xiu helped him ask for leave from Lin Songtai, and took him to the hotel where the competition was held in advance. This hotel is located in a botanical garden, so it has a very large area and is also very beautiful. Except for a few high-rise buildings, the rest of the hotel are villas. Meng Yang and Luo Xiu, during the day, occasionally leave the room to go for a walk outside, and stay in the room at other times, working very hard to make people.

Two days later, several masters and Wu Feng also came, and Meng Yang went to meet them specially.

Wu Feng looked at Meng Yang's face and said, "I haven't seen you for two or three days, and you seem to be a little different."

"Why is it different?" Meng Yang asked suspiciously.

"Why do I feel that your face is glowing? It seems to look better." Wu Feng said.

Meng Yang smiled and said nothing, thinking that if his face was really shining, it must be the light of happiness.

Before the start of the competition, some preparations have to be made. Competitors from other countries have also arrived one after another, and the reporters are also busy with interviews.

Several masters and students randomly entered a lounge and waited for the organizer's staff to come over and show them how to get around the auditorium assigned to them, so as not to run around when the competition starts tomorrow.

Suddenly a few people walked in quickly, they thought they were taking them to see the auditorium, but those people hurriedly said: "Sorry, please come here immediately."

"Did something happen?" one of the masters asked suspiciously.

"Selsey is going to be interviewed here, and he only has five minutes. You can come in after five minutes. Now please leave quickly." The staff said quickly.

"Quick, quick!" A staff member hurriedly urged again: "Selsey's car is about to arrive at the gate, he doesn't like crowded places, if he sees so many of you sitting here, he won't I will be interviewed, don't be dazed, get out quickly!"

The staff were too anxious, so their tone and attitude were very bad. Although the masters were unhappy, they didn't want to care about these people who were listening to the arrangements, so they could only get up and take the students away.

When they walked to the outer hall, they saw a large group of reporters waiting behind the door. Three black cars stopped outside the hall. After a few bodyguards got out of the car, they opened the door of the front car and got out of the car. A young man with blond hair and blue eyes and wearing a mask walked down. He was the winner of last year and the year before last, Selsey.

The bodyguards pushed away the reporters and escorted Selsey inside. A large group of people walked into the lounge where Meng Yang and the others were sitting just now.

"It's really a big battle." Wu Feng said with a twist of his lips, he was still unhappy because he was kicked out by those people with a bad attitude just now.

"Who made him the winner of last year and the year before, and the one who is most likely to win the first place this year." Meng Yang said with a smile.

The other lounges were occupied by people, and they waited in the lounge area of the lobby. After Selsey left after the interview, they didn’t bother to change places. It took half an hour before the staff took them to see the area assigned to them. their auditorium.

When they arrived at the auditorium positions arranged for them, the faces of the masters became even more displeased, because this year they had three students participating in the competition, but the positions were even further behind than last year. But there is nothing they can do if they are not happy. The students they participated in last year did not even enter the rankings. The students participating this year are all participating in the international competition for the first time. In addition, the organizer has changed this year, so this is the case.

Among the several masters, six should have been able to get the qualification cards for the audience review, but when the staff gave them the audience review cards, only four were sent. The school had fought hard for the seats for the audience review, and now there are two missing for no reason, so of course we have to ask what happened.

But the staff member evaded vaguely, saying that the higher-ups sent him the four orders, and then said that he was very busy and left in a hurry.

Not only did the faces of the masters look particularly ugly, but the students were also very angry.

Lin Songtai glanced at Meng Yang and wanted to say a few words to him, but he didn't want to put too much pressure on him. The words came to his lips but he didn't say them, but Meng Yang already understood what he meant, so he must Fight for it.

Everyone returned to the room full of anger.

It is said that there are international masters like Lin Songtai and Xu Wangya, they should not be treated like this, but there is a big difference between the incense culture of Western countries and the incense culture of Eastern countries, so like Lin Songtai and others The status of the masters in the western incense academia is far lower than that in the oriental incense academia.

The burning incense handed down from ancient times in the Eastern countries has almost no market in the West. They only like perfumes, fragrances, and essential oils. few. Another point is that the fragrance culture in eastern countries is almost only something that rich people can touch. It is not as easy to understand as perfume, and it is not as convenient as perfume to use, so it is far less common than perfume.

Perfume also has a very large market in Eastern countries, because anyone can use perfume, no matter whether they understand perfume or not, and there are perfumes at any price. Basically, everyone can afford it, and it is not like Xiangdao. , If you do a little badly, you will be criticized and accused.

Moreover, they came to participate in the Western International Youth Perfumery Contest, and the competition was to blend perfume. Masters like Lin Songtai and Xu Wangya must be much higher than Brayley in terms of research on fragrance, but Brayley is one of the main judges of this international competition, and these two masters, It can only be judged by the audience, although the qualifications for the audience to judge are very difficult to obtain.

Although Meng Yang knew that the orientals had no status in the western perfume industry, he didn't know that it was so low. However, judging from the expressions of the masters, it should be that the organizers have changed this year, so they are especially underestimated. It shouldn't have been like this in previous years. Originally supposed to get six qualification cards for audience review, but only got four. Where did the other two go? Meng Yang could tell from the expression of the staff who gave the qualification card that he must have been sold to someone else by that person, otherwise he would not have the same expression and left in a hurry.

Meng Yang originally wanted to participate in the competition easily, but now he is also holding a breath in his heart, and he is determined to win well.

The next day, before the competition started, Luo Xiu sent Meng Yang outside the contestants' lounge.

"Don't be nervous, and don't have psychological pressure. You will be fine if you perform normally. I believe in your strength." Luo Xiu seriously kissed Meng Yang's forehead, which was a kiss of blessing.

"Hmm." Meng Yang nodded with a smile.

Luo Xiu wanted Meng Yang to go in, but looking at Meng Yang's face, he couldn't help but lift his chin and kiss his lips.

Wu Feng and Yu Junchen, who were standing behind waiting, saw this scene and couldn't help turning their heads to look elsewhere. Wu Feng felt embarrassed to watch, but Yu Junchen's emotions were more complicated, because so far, He already knew clearly how much Luo Xiu loved Meng Yang, and he really didn't expect that Luo Xiu really loved Meng Yang, and loved him so deeply.

Meng Yang responded to Luo Xiu's kiss with his eyes closed. The two kissed for a while and then separated. Meng Yang's lips looked even more rosy.

"I went in." Meng Yang said.

"Go." Luo Xiu looked at him and said.

Meng Yang turned around and walked into the lounge with Wu Feng, and Yu Junchen also walked in behind them.

The lounge was divided into two spaces by a glass wall. Inside the glass wall, Sercy was resting on the oversized leather sofa, while several bodyguards stood outside. Only Selsey was inside alone, and the other contestants were waiting outside.

Meng Yang and Wu Feng looked at each other, and then found a place to sit down.

After sitting down, Meng Yang was talking to Wu Feng in a low voice, and suddenly felt that someone was looking at him, and looked in the direction where he felt his gaze. He only saw Sercy closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Meng Yang has lived by his sense of smell and feeling for more than ten years, so he knows that he can't feel wrong. Although Sercy's eyes are closed now, he must be the one who was looking at him just now.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [grenade]: 1 concubine;

Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Landmine]: Gerald, Yang Shuzhi, Yvette, Big Cheerilee, Joanna__Kain, I heard that I am cool, more or less, I don’t have meow, Zhimo 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

85 bottles of Merlin Zhongren; 77 bottles of Lai Tiao Bar; 75 bottles of Gerald; 50 bottles of Xiaozhou; 40 bottles of Qiyue Wuyi; ; Xiaowei, Mo 20 bottles; Xiaoxi, 16 bottles; Eucayptu. 11 bottles; Gu〓の, Niannianyouyu, Tanting, Yin 10 bottles; Fleeting Years Drunken Feather Falling 9 bottles; Chasing Girls 8 bottles; Jingyan 7 bottles ; 5 bottles of Xi, Weiheng, and Ye Chen; 4 bottles of Patch·Sprite and Yelingxue; 3 bottles of panda and Peipei; 2 bottles of Liying, Stardust, and Chuxin; Can be that good, meow star people, flowering Pinellia, A Ruoxie, kid, Scorpio de Dayuanzi, Qin Zhichuan, Xiaoyuyu, Beiyue, 0987, 1 bottle of fallen leaves late autumn;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!