Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man

Chapter 48


The second-married wife of a wealthy old man 48

Luo Xiu lived like a year outside, but the time in Meng Yang's mind stopped, because he was in that dark dream, and he couldn't feel the passage of time at all.

Meng Yang knew that he had fainted, and knew that Luo Xiu must be very anxious now. He thought he must wake up quickly, but he didn't know how to wake up.

Just when Meng Yang was thinking hard to wake up quickly, he suddenly heard a cry of a baby. At first he thought he heard it wrong, but the cry of the baby became more and more obvious. Walking in the direction of the sound, I saw a bright light on the ground, and a little baby was lying in the light.

Meng Yang walked over quickly and squatted down, and carefully carried the child into his arms. When the child was in his arms, he stopped crying immediately. Looking at this white and tender fat boy, Meng Yang fell in love with him to the extreme. Can't get enough. Meng Yang just hugged the child and coaxed him to watch. He didn't know how long the time had passed. He suddenly remembered that Luo Xiu was still waiting for him to wake up, and then the light appeared in front of his eyes.

As soon as Meng Yang opened his eyes, he saw Luo Xiu looking at him intently and affectionately. He opened his mouth and said, "Uncle Luo, son..."

Luo Xiu held his face and kissed his forehead and said, "The child is fine, and you are fine, don't worry."

"Very good?" Meng Yang wanted to say, he just dreamed about a child, why would Luo Xiu say that the child is very good

"The doctor has examined you. You have been pregnant for more than two months. You fainted because you were too tired recently." Luo Xiu stroked his face and said.

"I'm pregnant?" Meng Yang still couldn't react.

"Well, you're pregnant." Luo Xiu thought that Meng Yang had heard the doctor's words when he was in a coma just now, so he asked the child as soon as he opened his eyes.

Meng Yang wanted to sit up, but Luo Xiu immediately lifted him up and let him lean into his arms.

"I have a baby?" Meng Yang put his hands on his stomach, thinking that it's no wonder he had such a dream just now. Although he knew that the child in his stomach was definitely not as big as a pinky finger now, he felt, The little boy in the dream just now was his child.

Meng Yang is one of the very few men who can conceive naturally, which was confirmed when he was still very young. Other men who cannot conceive naturally want to have children by themselves, only through the help of medical technology, and through natural conception, children will be healthier and smarter.

Luo Xiu put his hand on Meng Yang's. He could understand the joy and emotion in Meng Yang's heart now, because the joy and emotion in his heart were the same as his. He was almost forty. Only now has his own child, his mood, even he himself doesn't know how to describe it.

"Are you happy? We have a baby." Meng Yang looked up at Luo Xiu and asked.

"Happy." Luo Xiu kissed the corner of Meng Yang's mouth and said, "But you will definitely work hard."

"This kind of hard work is worth it, and it is happiness." Meng Yang hugged Luo Xiu tightly sideways and said, "We have our own child. It is a life fused with your blood and mine. This is my child. The long-awaited wish, I really feel very happy and fulfilled."

Luo Xiu hugged Meng Yang tightly with one hand, and cupped his face with the other and said, "I will definitely let you have a happy and stable life, and I promise not to let anyone interfere with you, no one will do."

"I believe in you." Meng Yang replied.

The two hugged each other tightly and kissed affectionately. This kiss did not contain pornography, but it was full of emotion and affection.

The two kissed for a long time before they parted. Meng Yang looked at Luo Xiu and said, "I want to go home, I don't want to stay here."

"Okay, I'll take you home right away." After Luo Xiu finished speaking, he picked up Meng Yang and walked outside.

Luo Xiu took Meng Yang back home, put him on the bed, and put a big pillow behind him for him to sit on.

"It just so happens that you are on vacation now. You should take a good rest in the past two months. Put aside all other things first, and let your body recover first." Luo Xiu looked at Meng Yang and said.

"Come here and give me a hug." Meng Yang patted the seat beside him and said.

Luo Xiu sat next to Meng Yang and held him in his arms.

Leaning in Luo Xiu's arms, Meng Yang felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction. From now on, they are a family of three.

Meng Yang's cell phone rang, and he took a look at it, then handed it to Luo Xiu and said, "The director of the college must have persuaded me to go to Fenglin world again, you can pick it up."

Luo Xiu took Meng Yang's cell phone and clicked on it, and then talked with the director.

Luo Xiu's words were simple and clear. After greeting the director, he said that Meng Yang was not feeling well and had to rest at home. Although his tone and attitude were normal, it just made people feel that there was no room for negotiation on this matter, and the director never called again after that.

Luo Xiu doesn't plan to let others know about Meng Yang's pregnancy for the time being. He can keep it a secret for a while, and wait until Meng Yang's belly is too big to hide, and then announce the news that Meng Yang is pregnant.

Meng Yang had arranged a lot of plans for his summer vacation, but now he had to ensure enough rest time, so all the plans that could be canceled were cancelled. And after he knew that he was pregnant, he felt that his body was much better, as if his whole body was full of energy, his heart was also courageous, he no longer had nightmares at night, and he completely recovered his previous state.

In fact, Meng Yang knew very well in his heart that he hadn't overcome the fear and shadow in his heart, but because he knew that he had a child, the courage to do anything to protect the child temporarily suppressed the shadow in his heart. Sooner or later, he still has to face what he has to face, and he has to overcome what he has to overcome, but it's not right now. The most important thing for him right now is to give birth to the child safely and healthily.

Although there is enough rest time, it is impossible for Meng Yang to do nothing, otherwise he will be bored and sick, so he decided to continue to study how to help Su Di heal the pain caused by psychological problems while resting. Nightmares and sleeplessness.

Meng Yang's brain also recovered, and he suddenly thought that since Su Di had a psychological problem, he couldn't just use aromatherapy to change his physical condition, maybe he could use the aroma itself to change his dreams, so that he could be in a dream. can be full of courage. For example, some perfumes will make people feel very sexy, some perfumes will make people feel very sweet and happy, and some perfumes will make people feel very elegant, romantic and seductive. To Meng Yang, the combination of these fragrances It is not difficult, but it is really a big test for him to obtain the fragrance that can even change the dream, but he must try it. He found those books related to fragrance and studied it, and then tried again and again With deployment.

During the summer vacation, Meng Yang visited Su Di several times to find out about his situation. Every time he went, he would bring new fragrant medicines to Su Di. Although Su Di's condition had improved, Meng Yang felt that he Still did not achieve the effect he wanted, he felt that he needed to research and find more flavoring ingredients.

One and a half months passed quickly. During the last half month of vacation, the masters and students of the Fragrance Academy need to go back to school early, because another international competition is about to start. According to the usual practice, every time a student of the academy wants to go abroad for a competition, The school will arrange for the master's students to visit and study abroad before the competition begins.

Because Brailei took the students to his private island without authorization last time, Luo Xiu was responsible for all the expenses and arrangements for the students going abroad this time.

The students will go abroad in a few days under the management and protection of the person in charge arranged by Luo Xiu, and Meng Yang, accompanied by Luo Xiu, has already left the country in advance to wait for them.

"What is this place?" Meng Yang looked around after getting off the car and asked, "Aren't we going back to the villa?"

"This is a gift." Luo Xiu put his arms around Meng Yang and kissed him on the lips.

"Gift?" Meng Yang looked around in confusion and asked, "Where is it?"

"The land we are standing on now, as well as everything you see now and in the future, are my gifts to you." Luo Xiu put his arms around Meng Yang and walked to the carriage next to him: "Let's go."

Meng Yang fell asleep in the carriage just now, and now he is still a little confused. Before he understood what Luo Xiu meant, he got into the carriage with Luo Xiu's support.

"The scenery here is so beautiful." After Meng Yang sighed from the heart, he looked at Luo Xiu and said with a smile: "Are these scenery also a gift from you?"

"Yes." Luo Xiu put his arms around Meng Yang and said, "This is Alfie Manor. I've already bought it, and it says your name. You can visit it later and see if you like it."

"Really?" Meng Yang thought it was some kind of scenic spot, but he didn't expect it to be the manor that Luo Xiu bought.

The carriage jogged on the flat stone road for about ten minutes before they entered the castle. Meng Yang was fascinated by the scenery along the way. The outside of the castle looked majestic, but inside it was warm and full of The artistic sense and all the warm colors make Meng Yang feel very comfortable and warm in his heart.

After Luo Xiu took Meng Yang to look around, he hugged him in the garden and asked, "Do you like it?"

"No one would dislike this place." Meng Yang hugged his waist and said with a smile: "So you should ask me how much I like it, and then I will tell you that I really like it, very much."

"Being able to make you like it is more important than anything else." Luo Xiu lifted Meng Yang's chin, carefully and delicately sucked and kissed his red lips, and stuck his tongue into his mouth to entangle with his tongue.

The two are standing in the sunny garden and kissing. The picture is beautiful like a movie scene. The two people who really love each other express their inner love to each other in this way, and their surroundings seem to be shrouded in a halo of happiness.

The butler next to him took this scene with a camera, and he wanted to paint this moment into an oil painting as a gift to his two masters.

"Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?" Luo Xiu walked inside with his arms around Meng Yang.

"Anything is fine, if you want something light." Meng Yang said, "It must have cost a lot of money to buy this manor, right? But we can't live there for a few days a year, and it's usually empty. Think about it. It's a pity."

What Meng Yang considers is always practicality and usage time.

"Maybe you don't have much time to live now, but after you graduate, you can come and live whenever you want. Then we can often take our children on vacation." Luo Xiu said.

Meng Yang thinks what Luo Xiu said makes sense. If Luo Xiu wants to help him open a perfume company here, he will definitely come to this country often in the future. It is also a very good place to take a vacation. The children will definitely like it. Looking at the children They are running and playing in the garden, what a beautiful picture it should be, just thinking about it makes him feel extremely looking forward to it. It seemed that he was going to change his mind. As long as he could have it, it was fine even if he couldn't use it most of the time. This beautiful place like the Western Wonderland now belonged to him.

After washing at night, Meng Yang took off his nightgown, lifted the quilt and lay on the bed waiting for Luo Xiu. He tightly grasped the quilt covering his body, and he didn't know if it was because he was in a completely strange place or because he was in a completely strange place. The reason why he hasn't done anything with Luo Xiu for a while is that while he feels anticipation in his heart, he is also slightly nervous.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who voted [Landmine]: Mr. Xiao Xiao Wang, just 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Big cherries, -3- 20 bottles; 24487074 12 bottles; Zhaoyue still 10 bottles; Chuchu 7 bottles; Shuiwanfeng 6 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!