Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man

Chapter 62


The second-married wife of a wealthy old man 62

As soon as Meng Yang put the child to sleep, the helper came in and told him that Luo Xiu's three sisters-in-law came to talk to him and asked if he had seen him.

Meng Yang said directly: "Just say that I have already fallen asleep, let them go back."

Even if Meng Yang didn't see them, he could guess what they were trying to say. It was nothing more than pretending to be pitiful and sympathetic, because he also had a child now, so they would definitely say something for the sake of the child. It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. Even if they can live a better life than ordinary people, it is too difficult to change their previous living habits, and there will definitely be some contradictions. What's more, Luo Xiu did have the idea of giving up the original Luojia company. They couldn't even imagine what their living standards would be like by then, so they were really afraid.

Meng Yang put the child in the innermost part of the big bed, and he slept in the middle of the big bed waiting for Luo Xiu.

After Luo Xiu returned to his room to wash, he went to bed and hugged Meng Yang and kissed him.

The two kissed for a while, Meng Yang pushed Luo Xiu's face away and said, "Don't do it tonight, this is the Luo family's ancestral house."

"What happened to the ancestral house?" Luo Xiu asked suspiciously.

"We came back to worship our ancestors. If the ancestors really come back, it would be bad to hear about it." Meng Yang is somewhat superstitious about whether he has been reborn.

Luo Xiu couldn't help laughing and said: "I don't think the ancestors of the Luo family would have the vulgar taste of listening to the corners. They must understand the principle of not listening to evil, so you can rest assured."

"It's not good to wake up the child." Meng Yang looked back at the sleeping child and said.

"Let's keep our voice down so we won't wake him up." Luo Xiu said as he leaned on Meng Yang's body.

Meng Yang put his hands on his shoulders and asked, "Are you really going to do it?"

"Because this is the ancestral house, we will have a bridal chamber tonight." Luo Xiu whispered in his ear.

Meng Yang couldn't help blushing, and didn't reject Luo Xiu again.

Before dawn the next day, the helpers and helpers of the Luo family mansion began to get busy with preparations.

Luo Xiu also got up early, he was going to open the gate, set up an incense table, offer incense, and welcome the ancestors.

About an hour after Luo Xiu left, Meng Yang got up to wash up. After he washed and changed his clothes, the nanny came in and told him that Luo Xiu's cousins and sisters-in-law had come to bring him breakfast.

In the past, there was indeed the etiquette of delivering food to the head mother on festivals or other important days, but that was an old custom in the past, and now they don't have to, so they did it purely to please Meng Yang.

Meng Yang thought that if they came to bring him breakfast early in the morning, if he refused again, it would appear that he was too unkind, so he went out to meet them.

"Good morning everyone, thank you for thinking about me, have you eaten yet?" Meng Yang said with a smile, and walked to the sitting bed and sat down.

The women looked at each other and didn't say whether they ate or not. They just smiled and opened the food box they brought, took out all the things inside, and put them on the big round table in the middle.

"This is goat's milk cake. It doesn't have any fishy smell. It's sweet but not greasy. It melts in your mouth. It's the most suitable for breakfast."

"This wild vegetable shrimp dumpling, the soup inside is very fresh, it's best to eat it while it's hot."

"This is fish soup wide noodles. It is a soup made from wild eel bones, small carp and pig bones. It is mellow and delicious, and it is especially delicious."

"This is fresh meat wonton..."

"This is bird's nest porridge..."

"This is crab roe bun..."

Meng Yang watched them bring out a total of more than a dozen dishes. The portions were not too large, but everything was delicious. Meng Yang felt funny in his heart. Ever since he entered this mansion, he felt like he had come to ancient times. Now that they are like this, he feels like living in ancient times. Although he knew that they wanted to curry favor with him, he was still a man no matter what, and these women who were ten years older than him seemed to serve him for breakfast, which made him very uncomfortable.

Meng Yang was about to ask them to go back to have breakfast too, but before he could say anything, the servant came in and said that Aunt Huang had come to bring him breakfast.

"Let her in," Meng Yang said.

Aunt Huang came in with her helper, saw Luo Xiu's sisters-in-law stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "The wives came so early, even earlier than me."

Aunt Huang went to Meng Yang again, and said with a smile: "Sir, I told you before coming here that Master Meng Yang likes light food, and you can't put extra seasonings, greasy, too salty, or too sweet. It should be easy to digest and taste good.”

Meng Yang smiled, thinking that he is not as picky eater as he said, as long as it is cooked, he will eat anything. Just don't put too much oil and seasoning, don't be too salty or too sweet, the food that is easy to digest is just fine... .

"Master, try this bowl of Longxu noodles." Aunt Huang took out a medium-sized round bowl from the food box held by the servant and placed it on the low table next to Meng Yang.

Meng Yang looked into the bowl, and saw that there were two-thirds of the soup and one-third of the noodles in the round bowl. The noodles were neatly shredded, as if they had been combed with a comb, and there was only a little oil floating in the soup. Flowers, and some scallion egg shreds on top. Meng Yang has a sensitive nose, and when he smelled this delicious smell, he knew it must be delicious.

Meng Yang drank two mouthfuls of soup with a spoon, and took another mouthful of noodles with chopsticks. He nodded and praised, "This soup is really good. It's better than all the noodle soups I've had before, and the noodles are also delicious."

"In order to make this bowl of noodles, the kitchen started preparing yesterday afternoon." Aunt Huang said with a smile: "As long as the young master likes to eat, it's worth it. When I tell my husband, give them a few more red envelopes, and they will also eat it." Happy."

This bowl of noodles really suits Meng Yang's taste. He was about to eat again when he turned around and saw the other people still looking at him. Being looked at by them like this, he really couldn't feel at ease eating this breakfast. To indigestion.

Aunt Huang also turned her head to look over, and then said with a smile: "Have the ladies eaten yet? If you haven't eaten yet, hurry up and eat breakfast. My relatives are here. I'm busy today, no How about having breakfast? Let Master Meng Yang eat breakfast properly."

Before they could say what they wanted to say, they were half pushed by Aunt Huang to invite them out.

Meng Yang glanced at the breakfasts on the round table in the middle, thinking it would be a pity not to eat them, so he asked his assistant and nanny to share them.

Meng Yang was finally able to enjoy his breakfast well. After finishing a bowl of noodles and soup, he rested for a while before getting up to see if the child was awake.

After waking the child up and feeding him milk, the servant came to invite Meng Yang over.

Meng Yang put on the little fluffy white earmuffs for the child, and then walked out with the child in his arms. There will be many guests coming today, all of whom are relatives and friends of the Luo family. Because they had already held a full moon banquet for their children before, both Luo Xiu and Meng Yang didn't want to make a big one. Originally, they only planned to hold a simple one, and then opened the ancestral hall to worship the ancestors. They went back the next day. But Luo Xiu's uncles and cousins knew that Luo Xiu attached great importance to Meng Yang and the child. In order to please them, they made a big scene and invited relatives and friends to participate in the child's double full moon and ancestor worship.

Meng Yang carried the child to the gate and stood beside Luo Xiu. Luo Xiu took the child and held it in his arms, then said, "Let's begin."

Meng Yang and the others stood on the steps at the entrance of the steps, and there were many town residents standing below them, and they all stood as far apart as possible.

Thousands of red envelopes were placed in more than a dozen bamboo baskets. Luo Xiu said that after the start, the classical band began to play music, and the helpers began to spread red envelopes, and the scene suddenly became more festive and lively. There are also a lot of gifts tied up with red cloth. After the red envelopes are scattered, everyone below can receive a gift and go back.

After standing for a while, Luo Xiu hugged the child, turned around and walked in with Meng Yang, and other uncles, brothers and relatives followed them.

Everyone was waiting outside the gate of the ancestral hall. When the time came, the gate of the ancestral hall opened, and everyone lined up and walked in. The distant relatives just stood in the yard, and the others followed Luo Xiu and Meng Yang into the ancestral hall.

Luo Xiu hugged the child and knelt down, Meng Yang knelt next to him, and the others knelt down one after another. After the master of ceremonies sang the words, everyone began to bow down.

After getting up, Luo Xiu handed the child to Meng Yang, and the genealogy and family tree had been spread out on the altar. Luo Sheng's name was written by Luo Xiu's father. Luo Xiu picked up the brush and crossed out Luo Sheng's name himself, then wrote Meng Yang's name on it, and then wrote the child's name Luo Junye.

Then began to serve food, tea, wine, meat, and various sacrifices. After that, there were all kinds of kneeling and burning paper and incense. Everything must be orderly and not messy.

After placing the tributes inside and outside the ancestral hall, it is necessary to formally kneel down to worship the ancestors.

After the ancestor worship ceremony was completed, Luo Xiu asked Meng Yang to go back to rest with the child in his arms, and then come out after the banquet.

When Meng Yang was walking out with the child in his arms, all the women and relatives of the Luo family gathered around to watch the child, boasting while watching.

"This child is so beautiful, and the heaven is full. It looks like a blessed one."

"Isn't it? These eyes look really aura, and they must be extremely smart when they grow up."

"Although the child hasn't grown up yet, his facial features can vaguely resemble his father."

"It's really rare to see such a good-looking child, even more beautiful than those in the advertisement, especially the eyes, really beautiful."

Meng Yang just listened with a smile on his face. Although they had tried their best to show their sincerity, Meng Yang still felt that they were intentionally flattering them.

The intention of these women to please and get close is obvious, although they feel that Luo Xiu has a daughter-in-law and forgot his mother, spoiling a man's wife like nothing else, even wanting his own mother. despised by people. But it's not their turn to say anything now. After all, they and their men still want to continue to rely on Luo Xiu for food, so they feel that in order to live a good life, let them pull their faces to please Meng Yang. Also willing.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 32514034 2 pieces;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Mushrooms that Eat Mushrooms - 2 bottles; One Star Beacon Shuoyunqiu, Patch·Sprite, Hard to Bear 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!