Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man

Chapter 65


The second-married wife of a wealthy old man 65

Meng Yang asked Wu Feng and the others to leave first, without waiting for him, and then went with his assistant to the yard where the president entertained Kerch and the others.

After Meng Yang sat down, Kerch couldn't wait to ask: "Do you still have the medicine you gave Su Di last time? I have a patient who is in a similar situation to Su Di. He was also caused by a car accident. Psychological shadow and trauma, I always have nightmares and can’t sleep, I feel scared when I see a car, after trying your medicine for him, the effect is not bad, but the medicine has been used up, and the treatment needs to continue, I want to ask you to buy it again Some."

Last time, Xiao Ke paid for all the fragrant medicines that Meng Yang gave to Su Di, but there were still some that were not used up. Seeing that these fragrant medicines had miraculous effects, Ke Qi wanted to buy them from Xiao Ke. . Xiao Ke didn't want to sell it at first, but he thought that if he refused, it would be difficult for him to ask Kerch again, so he sold it to him.

Kerch took the medicine back and gave it to another patient who also had nightmares after a car accident. He used it after learning Meng Yang's method, and then combined with his psychotherapy. The effect was very good, but continued treatment was needed. , so he wanted to buy a lot from Meng Yang.

Meng Yang thought for a while and said, "In a short period of time, I'm afraid I won't be able to make the same fragrant medicine. After all, spices are hard to come by."

Kerch immediately said: "Maybe I can help you find the spices you need, and money is not a problem."

"Come, come, the dishes are ready, eat first, and then talk about other things in detail when you are full." The president greeted Lin Songtai with a wink.

"Meng Yang, you still have class in the afternoon, so go back to school first." Lin Songtai said to Meng Yang.

Meng Yang was taken aback for a moment and then replied, "Okay."

Seeing Meng Yang got up to leave, Ke Qi was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Meng Yang left suddenly before he finished speaking. The president continued to invite him to eat food, saying that we would talk in detail after dinner.

Although seeing a psychiatrist in Eastern countries is not as common as in Western countries, it is gradually starting to be taken seriously. They all feel that making aromatherapy the main method of psychotherapy in Eastern countries will be more conducive to the development of aromatherapy, but they still have a lot to learn about psychology. Since Kerch has a request for Meng Yang, this is a good opportunity to take advantage of.

So a month later, Meng Yang went abroad to study as a branch representative.

In the room of Luo Xiu's private jet, Meng Yang lay sideways on the big bed, looking at his 100-day-old son, lying on the bed like a chubby little worm, trembling and trying to raise his head. Tired of lying down, he turned over again, turned his head and looked at Meng Yang with his big watery eyes.

Meng Yang couldn't resist his gaze the most, moved over and hugged him into his arms, gently stroked his back and said, "Happy now? Who was crying so sad just now?"

Two hours ago, after the plane took off, the child was very uncomfortable and cried loudly because of the air pressure. Ever since he was born, he hasn't cried so loudly for such a long time, it makes Meng Yang feel distressed, he has been hugging him and coaxing him non-stop.

Meng Yang sat up with the baby in his arms, leaned against the small round window, pointed outside and said, "Look baby, there are a lot of marshmallows outside, we are swimming in the marshmallows, look, isn't it pretty?"

Luo Xiu pushed the door and walked in, closed the door, took off his shoes and went to bed, sat behind Meng Yang, hugged him and kissed him, then kissed the child's chubby face.

Neither of them spoke. Meng Yang turned his body and raised his head to kiss Luo Xiu. After a while, the two separated. Meng Yang felt a little embarrassed when he found the child looking up at them with big round eyes.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Meng Yang looked at the child with a slight blushing and said, "Do you want me to kiss you too?"

Meng Yang pouted, kissed the child's tender red lips, and then said with a smug smile: "The first kiss is gone, haha, let's see how you explain to the person you like in the future."

Looking at Meng Yang's childish and happy look, Luo Xiu felt extremely stable and happy in his heart and felt happy.

Because the child is still a little meat dumpling, you can do all kinds of intimate behaviors with him, such as kissing his little face, taking a bath with him, rubbing his body and doing exercises, and holding him in your arms to sleep. When he grows up a little bit, after he is a few years old, he will not be able to do these things, so Meng Yang cherishes this short time very much.

When it was time to take a nap, the three of them were only wearing underwear. Meng Yang turned his back to Luo Xiu, and was held sideways by him in his arms. The two of them were covered with thin quilts, and the child was sleeping in Meng Yang's bed with a small blanket on his body. in front of you.


After the family of three arrived, they rested in a villa in the city for a day, and then started their own busy work. Just like in China, whoever is convenient can bring the children.

The branch and Keerqi have reached an agreement, Meng Yang will study with Keerqi, and Keerqi will also arrange students to learn aromatherapy in the branch. The time is tentatively set for one month, and the time and number of people for the next study will be negotiated.

After adjusting the formula, the fragrant medicine that Meng Yang prepared for Su Di will be mass-produced. As for going to the Food and Drug Administration for filing, and finding an agent to produce a pharmaceutical factory, these troublesome and trivial things, Meng Yang Don't worry about it, Luo Xiu will let people do it naturally. Meng Yang directly gave the formula to Luo Xiu, and Luo Xiu signed all kinds of contracts on his behalf. One of Luo Xiu's best friends, his family has opened a pharmaceutical factory for many years, so it is natural to feel relieved to cooperate. Speaking of pharmaceutical factories, Meng Yang remembered that the Cheng family's most important business now was the business of pharmaceutical factories.

There are various psychological problems and spiritual problems, and the causes are also various. Now there are some patients who know that they have a disease that is difficult to cure. Even if there is still hope that it can be cured, they first treat it I was so frightened that my mentality broke down and my condition became more serious. Many people frightened themselves to death, so many people went to see a psychiatrist because of their illness.

When Meng Yang followed Ke Qi to the hospital, he met Xu Minhua unexpectedly, and Xu Minhua was also surprised to see Meng Yang. Meng Yang was about to leave directly, but Xu Minhua stopped him, saying that he wanted to chat with him. Meng Yang agreed after a little consideration, because he also wanted to say something to Xu Minhua, but he didn't have time today, so the two agreed to meet the next day.

Meng Yang stood outside the ward and looked in through the small glass window on the door. Inside was an advanced single ward that was decorated like a bedroom. The person sitting on the bed looked haggard, but still looked Gentle and refined, Xu Minhua was sitting by the bed talking to him. As far as Meng Yang knew, this man was a university professor with a good manner. Xu Minhua has a fiery temper and a strong desire to control. In the past few years, because of his persuasion, the relationship between Luo Xiu and Xu Minhua has eased a lot. It's just that his nature is hard to change, Xu Minhua finally made Luo Xiu feel completely chilled and severed ties with her.

The next day, Meng Yang and Xu Minhua met in a coffee shop.

Xu Minhua took a sip of coffee and asked, "Is the child okay?"

"It's pretty good. I can eat and sleep, and I'm strong." Meng Yang looked at Xu Minhua and said, "I heard that you don't seem to be doing very well recently. Your lover is seriously ill again, and you've already started selling the house."

The treatment cost of Xu Minhua's lover is very high, and Luo Xiu said before that he would not give her another penny, and he did what he said.

"It's not that bad, but it's not as good as before." Xu Minhua said.

"Do you feel regretful? But it's useless to regret, Luo Xiu will not reconcile with you." Meng Yang said: "If you can care and understand Luo Xiu a little bit, the result will not be like this now gone."

"You think I don't care about Luo Xiu?" Xu Minhua looked at Meng Yang: "I'm his mother, so I don't care about him?"

"I'm not talking about caring about how much money he makes and where he spends it." Meng Yang looked at her and said, "What I'm talking about is really understanding him and respecting him." Him. Did you know that he has a headache? He almost drove down the mountain because of a headache attack, you know?"

Xu Minhua's hands trembled slightly, and she folded her arms and said, "Since I forced him to marry Cheng Fangfei, he has been very indifferent to me, and never took the initiative to tell me anything about him."

Meng Yang sneered angrily, looked at Xu Minhua and said, "Luo Xiu has always tried his best to understand and respect you. His father passed away, and you have a lover. He thinks you can have someone to accompany you through the rest of your life. Very good, he respects and understands your choice, spends money to support you and your lover, you feel that he is indifferent to you, because you have never really understood him, all you want is to be obedient and let go The son you control."

Xu Minhua took a deep breath and turned to look outside at the street.

"In this world, how many people are as lucky as you?" Meng Yang said: "When you were young, you were loved by your parents, and when you were young, you were loved by your husband. There is no mother-in-law, and your father-in-law died It's early. After getting old, I have a capable son who is filial. Most of my life has been smooth and smooth. I have never suffered or suffered, and I have never been willing to think about problems from the perspective of others. I know, you must have For Luo Xiu's good thoughts, but what you call for his good is to consider from your own point of view, not from his point of view."

Xu Minhua remained silent. She had never been taught such a lesson before, but she didn't come to quarrel with Meng Yang today, and she really had nothing to refute.

"As the first batch of women in the new era, you are receiving education in new ideas and new morals. You enjoy the freedom of love and marriage, but you demand your son with feudal moral thoughts. Your double standards are due to your Is it the selfishness of your heart? Or is it your self-righteousness and self-righteousness?"

Xu Minhua closed her eyes. Instead of answering Meng Yang's words, she took out a wooden box from her bag and pushed it in front of Meng Yang, saying, "This is a gift for the child. It was given to Luo Xiu by Luo Xiu's father. My most precious and meaningful gift, you can keep it for the child temporarily."

Meng Yang took a look at the wooden box. There was a long lock on it, and the key was hanging beside the lock.

Xu Minhua got up and looked at Meng Yang and said, "It's for the child, not for you. Don't just throw it away for me. When the child grows up, let him decide whether he wants it or not."

Xu Minhua put on his sunglasses and walked out of the coffee shop quickly.

Meng Yang put his hand on the box, opened it to have a look, but then thought, since it was for the child, let him open it himself when the child grows up. Meng Yang thought to himself, at least she now knows that she has made progress by letting the child choose by herself.

In a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible for Luo Xiu to reconcile with Xu Minhua, and Meng Yang will not do anything to make them reconcile. He came to meet Xu Minhua today just to teach Xu Minhua a lesson and tell Luo Xiu about his Words not spoken. It was Xu Minhua who did the hurtful thing, and it was Luo Xiu who was hurt. He couldn't forgive Luo Xiu, let alone make up for Xu Minhua.