Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man

Chapter 67


The second-married wife of a wealthy old man 67

Meng Yang had to get the consent of Kay's parents before giving him aromatherapy, but Kay's parents didn't understand aromatherapy, so they didn't agree to treat Kay in this way, and Dweck was following They communicate.

"Doctor Dweck, we are not unwilling to believe your words, but you also know that Kay's physique is special, and the current situation is not very good, we really dare not take this risk." Kay's father said.

"Yeah, this kind of treatment sounds like oriental witchcraft, how can I let him use it on Kay?" Kay's mother said, "I hope you can understand our feelings as parents. "

"Aromatherapy is not witchcraft. Aromatherapy is a branch of ancient oriental medicine." Dweck patiently explained to them: "Ancient oriental medicine has been passed down for thousands of years. In ancient times, their medical technology And the use of drugs, which is much higher than ours, even now, is a very good form of treatment."

Kai's mother glanced at Meng Yang and said, "But he still looks like a child. He should be about the same age as Kai. How can we rest assured that he will treat Kai?"

Meng Yang thought to himself, sure enough, whether in the East or the West, age is the first reference condition for judging a person's ability, because age represents experience.

"Because he used aromatherapy to wake up a person who had been in a coma for more than a year in a car accident, so I specially invited him here to treat Kai. Don't you think I will use Kai's life Are you kidding, will you use your reputation as a doctor to make a joke?"

Kai's parents looked at each other and were gradually persuaded.

"You can go back and think about it carefully, but I have to remind you that the longer Kai is in a coma, the worse it will be for his body," Dweck said.

"How sure are you that you can make Kay wake up as soon as possible?" Kay's father looked at Meng Yang and asked. After hearing Dweck say that Meng Yang had experience in waking up people who had been in a coma for a year, My heart was already shaken.

"I can't give you any guarantees about how sure I can wake him up and how long it will take him to wake up." Meng Yang replied truthfully.

"Doctor Dweck..." Kay's father looked at Dweck again and said, "Is there really no other better way?"

"At present, I can't think of any other better way than this. There are too many medicines to be used casually on Kai. Even if it works, I can't make any guarantees to you. What we can do, Just do the best you can." Dweck said, "Or, just wait until he wakes up."

Kai's parents were silent, and Dweck asked them to go back and think about it again, and then took Meng Yang and the others out of the living room of the suite.

After two days of thinking, Kay's parents felt that even if they didn't trust Meng Yang, they should trust Dweck, so they agreed to let Meng Yang give Kay aromatherapy.

After the fifth aromatherapy session, Meng Yang left the hospital to go home. When he was walking to the parking lot of the hospital, he was stopped by a few people wearing black clothes and sunglasses. Although there were more bodyguards on Meng Yang's side, If there is a conflict, he still has to be very careful.

Among those people on the other side, one came out one by one, and said politely: "I'm sorry to disturb you, we don't mean any harm, my boss wants you to talk about Master Kai."

As the man spoke, he glanced at the car next to him.

Meng Yang followed his gaze and turned his head to look at the car, and then said: "No matter who your boss is, I will not get in any stranger's car. For aromatherapy, please go to the hospital to make an appointment in advance."

A tall man with a stern face got out of the car, walked up to Meng Yang and said, "I'm Kay's boyfriend, and I want to know something about Kay's treatment, why don't we find a coffee shop How about sitting down and talking?"

"Sorry, my husband doesn't allow me to agree to other men's invitations for any reason. If you want to know about Kay's situation, it's more appropriate to go to Dr. Dweck, who is Kay's attending doctor." Meng Yanglian He didn't know who he was, how could he go with him, even children knew not to leave with strangers casually, Cheng Cheng didn't show up these days, so he became more defensive in his heart.

Meng Yang got into the car under the protection of bodyguards, and then left directly.

Meng Yang returned to the villa, played with the children for a while, and then continued to read and study in the living room.

The helper said that Luo Xiu was back, and Meng Yang immediately got up and walked quickly to the door.

"Uncle Luo." Meng Yang hugged Luo Xiu's waist, looked up and waited for his kiss.

Luo Xiu hugged Meng Yang, kissed him on the mouth and said, "A guest is here."

"Guest?" Meng Yang turned his head to look behind Luo Xiu, and there were really two people coming in after him, and one of them was the man who claimed to be Kai's boyfriend at noon.

Luo Xiu introduced those two to Meng Yang. One of them was Luo Xiu's friend in this country and his business partner, and the person who claimed to be Kay's boyfriend was a friend of Luo Xiu's friend. It's called Frunsen, and Luo Xiu already knew that Frunsen called Meng Yang at noon.

Meng Yang felt that since he was a friend of Luo Xiu's friend, and Luo Xiu brought them home again, he naturally couldn't treat this person with the attitude of noon, otherwise it would be bad for Luo Xiu to offend people for nothing.

They sat down in the living room. The question Frenson wanted to ask was actually similar to Kay's parents' concerns. He just wanted to confirm with Meng Yang himself how sure he was that Kay would wake up. Yang can tell him the truth.

Meng Yang also answered him with the same words, he can't make any guarantees, all he can do is do his best.

"Actually, I believe and have confidence in your idea of aromatherapy, because I know that you woke up a person who had been in a coma for more than a year. I already wanted to ask you to treat Kay It just happened that Dr. Dweck sent you to treat Kay before me."

"I can prove that this is indeed the case." Luo Xiu's friend said.

Frenson looked at Meng Yang and continued: "The main purpose of my meeting with you this time is to hope that you can let me stay by his side when you are treating Kai."

Meng Yang froze for a moment and said, "You should tell Kai's parents about this, or talk to Dr. Dweck. I have no right to decide such things."

"I just want you to help me convince Dr. Dweck to agree." Frenson said, "I have a big conflict with Kay's parents. Kay ran out of the house secretly to see me. , and then I was accidentally injured, so Kay's parents are more resistant to me, they don't allow me to get close to Kay, but I know Kay needs me now, if I can be by his side, he will definitely Wake up faster."

"Then why don't you go directly to Dr. Dweck?" Meng Yang asked.

"I originally planned to talk to him, but after serious thinking, I think it would be more appropriate for you to talk to him than me to talk to him." Frenson said.

Meng Yang turned his head to look at Luo Xiu, and after a brief exchange of glances with Luo Xiu, he told Frensen that he needed to think about it and needed some time to understand the specific situation.

After sitting with Luo Xiu's friend for a while, Frenson left.

During the meal, Meng Yang asked Luo Xiu: "If I agree to help Frensen, will it be beneficial to you?"

Luo Xiu looked at Meng Yang and said: "If he can make him owe you this favor, it will definitely be beneficial to me, and it will also be very beneficial in blocking the way of the Cheng family. But if it violates the morality in your heart, you are completely You can refuse him, don't think about other things, I will naturally have other ways."

Meng Yang was thinking seriously while eating.

Luo Xiu put down his chopsticks, held Meng Yang's hand, looked at him and said, "You don't have to think too much, just do what you want, and trust me."

Meng Yang nodded.

The next day, Meng Yang went to the hospital again to give Kay aromatherapy.

Meng Yang took his assistant and went to the suite to make preparations. As soon as he entered, he saw Frenson sitting on the sofa. Meng Yang was just stunned for a moment, but he said nothing, and started to prepare directly.

Dweck walked in with Kay's parents, who immediately became emotional when they saw Frensen.

"What are you doing here?!" Kay's mother glared at Frenson and shouted, "Do you still have the face to come here?! It's all because of you, Kay, how dare you appear here?! "

"Please leave immediately, and don't appear in front of Kai in the future, we will never allow you to see Kai!" Kai's father also said seriously.

Frenson got up and said with a blank expression: "The person Kay needs most now is me. You are also responsible for this kind of thing. He is already like this now. Do you still want to control him because of your own selfishness? "

"If he hadn't sneaked out to meet you, he might have been seriously injured?!" Kay's mother shouted excitedly, "Why don't you let him go! You must kill him to let him go!" Are you desperate?!"

"Have you said enough?!" Dweck said seriously, "This is a hospital, a place to treat patients, not a place where you can quarrel and yell, you have to go back to your own home to quarrel! "

Dweck showed his majesty as a doctor, and both sides fell silent, because Kai's current problem is very serious. Although they are hostile to each other, they both really love Kai and hope that he can wake up soon.

Dweck looked at Kay's parents and said, "If I hear you arguing again, I'll apply for a patient protection order and you won't be allowed near Kay again."

Kay's parents immediately panicked. If they were not allowed to approach Kay, it would be tantamount to pushing Kay towards Frensen. They immediately assured Dweck that they would do their best to control their emotions and would not argue again. up.

"We are going to treat Kay now, you all go out and wait." Dweck simply drove them all out.

The three originally wanted to stay, but now that Dweck wants to drive them away, they can only leave.

Meng Yang glanced at them, thinking that under the protection of various laws and regulations, doctors in western countries are tough enough, although the main reason is that Dweck himself is tough enough.

Thinking of this, Meng Yang looked back at Frenson who was walking outside the door. He felt that Frenson deliberately wanted to anger Kai's parents and make them lose custody of Kay. No wonder he didn't talk to Dr. Dweck in the first place, saying he wanted to be by Kaye's side while he was healing, but let him go talk to Dr. Dweck. He wanted to pull Kay's parents into the same position as him first, and then let him persuade Dr. Dweck. His chances of winning are better than if he went to talk to Dr. Dweck at the beginning, and then was accepted by Kay. Yi's parents have a better chance of winning if they strongly refuse, and this person is really strong enough.

After Frensen saw Meng Yang's eyes, he also knew that Meng Yang had seen his thoughts, and thought that someone who could marry Luo Xiu was really unusual.

The author has something to say: The next update will be "Give birth to a wealthy heir and I am inflated (rebirth)" for collection.

Introduction to be revised.

Outline in progress.