Second Marriage of a Wealthy Old Man

Chapter 71


The second-married wife of a wealthy old man 71

When the masters were already sleeping and resting, the helpers were quietly cleaning and tidying up the house. When they suddenly saw Meng Yang running down the stairs barefoot, and Luo Xiu chasing him, the helpers were all frightened I froze, not knowing what happened.

Meng Yang ran to the flower room, but before he could close the door, Luo Xiu hugged him.

"Let me go!" Meng Yang struggled to push Luo Xiu away.

Luo Xiu closed the door of the flower room, picked up Meng Yang and walked in. When he got to the side of the sofa bed, Luo Xiu threw Meng Yang on it and pressed him hard.

"Let me go!" Meng Yang still wanted to struggle, but Luo Xiu pressed on his body and pressed his hands, making him unable to move.

Luo Xiu looked at Meng Yang's tear-stained face, and kissed him vigorously.

Meng Yang's lips and tongue were hurt by him. It was the first time that Luo Xiu kissed him so violently, and he kissed and bit him at all. Meng Yang couldn't breathe normally, and he became confused due to lack of oxygen, and his body gradually weakened, unable to exert any strength.

Luo Xiu held him in his arms, lifted his nightgown, and slapped his butt three times vigorously, making a crisp sound.

"Are you still running?" Luo Xiu looked at Meng Yang with a straight face and asked.

Meng Yang was frightened into a daze. He felt the burning pain in the place where he was beaten. He looked at Luo Xiu and dared not speak. This was the first time he saw Luo Xiu treat him so fiercely. He felt a little scared in his heart. .

"Dare to make trouble after making a mistake, do you really think I won't teach you a lesson?!" Luo Xiu said angrily.

With tears in Meng Yang's eyes, he looked at Luo Xiu with an aggrieved look that wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry.

"Do you know how dangerous racing is? Do you know how many people were injured or even died because of racing?!" Luo Xiu sat up, asked Meng Yang to sit face to face with him, and continued to teach: "You know I saw You race with people in such a dangerous way, what kind of mood do I feel? If you get hurt, how uncomfortable will I feel? You must know this, you must know it in your heart, but you still did it, and you It was done secretly without telling me! If something happened to you without my knowledge, how would you let me live and what would my child do?!"

"I'm sorry." Meng Yang apologized with tears. He was indeed a little selfish. He only wanted to complete the things that he hadn't done in his previous life. He didn't think about how uncomfortable Luo Xiu would be if something happened to him or he was injured. When Luo Xiu was indifferent to him because of anger, he realized that he had indeed done something wrong, so he hoped that Luo Xiu would scold him and teach him a lesson, so that he would feel better in his heart. I felt scared, so in the end, Luo Xiu was the first to compromise.

Meng Yang straightened up on his knees, hugged Luo Xiu while sobbing and said: "I will never drive again, and I will never leave the bodyguards to do anything. I promise to do it. You can trust me this time. , if I do it again, you lock me up."

Luo Xiu hugged Meng Yang and sighed in his heart. He still felt scared in his heart. He really couldn't imagine how he would live if something happened to Meng Yang. This was the most unbearable thing in his life. The most unwilling if.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Luo Xiu asked.

"I know I was wrong." Meng Yang replied with sobs.

Luo Xiu never imagined before that such a docile and well-behaved person actually had a character like a little wild horse in his heart, and secretly went to practice and race cars behind his back, although he had to admit that Meng Yang's driving skills were indeed very good. Yes, compared to some of the pros, but the way he drove like he was dying, it really made him very angry and pissed off.

"This is not your first offense. It's just that I didn't find out until now. If I didn't find out, you probably planned to hide it from me for the rest of your life, right?!" Luo Xiu told Meng Yang to sit down and looked into his eyes Said.

Meng Yang lowered his head guiltily.

"In the future, unless you are at home, as long as you leave the house, you can't leave the sight of the bodyguards and assistants." Before that, Luo Xiu hoped to give Meng Yang as much private space as possible while ensuring his safety, instead of letting him Being watched all the time like a prisoner. But he really didn't expect that Meng Yang would use the space he gave him to leave bodyguards and assistants behind and do such a dangerous thing.

Meng Yang knew he was wrong, and he didn't dare to refute or say he didn't want to, so he could only obediently agree.

Looking at Meng Yang's well-behaved appearance, Luo Xiu felt helpless, angry, but also extremely in love, hugged him and kissed him tenderly.

The two fell on the sofa bed, Meng Yang hugged Luo Xiu's shoulders, raised his head and whispered, "There is no "raincoat" here."

"If you don't have it, then you don't have it." Luo Xiu thought to himself, it won't be such a coincidence that he will hit it once.


The next day, Meng Yang woke up on the big bed in his and Luo Xiu's bedroom. Luo Xiu went to the company early in the morning. He woke up late today because he cried and made noise last night.

After Meng Yang got up and washed, he asked the nanny to bring the child over. He touched his butt. The place where Luo Xiu had beaten him yesterday was still aching. He didn't want to go out today. He honestly rested at home, as if he had thought about it behind closed doors.

Lu Yunjing and Xiao Ke also specifically called to ask him if he had quarreled with Luo Xiu, Meng Yang only said that he had been scolded, how dare he say that he was spanked like a child when he was such an adult.

For the whole morning, Meng Yang also only drank a glass of milk and ate two bites of muffins. Because he blamed himself and felt uncomfortable, he couldn't eat anything. He wanted Luo Xiu to hug him. After much deliberation, he decided to take the child to Luo Xiu's company look for him.

After entering Luo Xiu's office, Meng Yang asked the nanny to carry the child to the lounge. He sat down opposite Luo Xiu, and then lay down on the desk.

"Isn't there class in the afternoon? Why didn't you go to school?" Luo Xiu asked.

"Butt hurts, I don't want to go to class." Meng Yang looked at him with pitiful eyes, wondering if he was still angry, anyway, let's pretend to be pitiful first.

Luo Xiu glanced at Meng Yang, and sighed helplessly in his heart. He originally thought that Meng Yang's heart was much more mature than those of his age, and he was not as impetuous, aggressive and rebellious as ordinary young people. It's just that he buried his rebellious heart so deeply that even he was deceived. But what can I do? Married someone who is old enough to be his son as his wife, and someone he loves deeply, sometimes he has to raise him as a son, pamper him when he should be pampered, and teach him a lesson when he should be taught, but After the lesson was over, it was himself who felt distressed.

"Come here and let me have a look." Luo Xiu said.

Meng Yang got up and walked around the desk to Luo Xiu's side, leaned into Luo Xiu's arms and hugged him tightly and asked, "Are you still angry?"

"Do you think I should be angry?" Luo Xiu asked while hugging him.

"You should be angry, but..." Meng Yang looked at him and said, "You can scold me, beat me, and teach me, but don't ignore me, I will be scared."

Luo Xiu said: "You are not allowed to do any dangerous things in the future, otherwise I will really lock you at home and not allow you to leave the main house."

"Hmm." Meng Yang replied in a low voice.

"Have you had lunch yet?" Luo Xiu asked, kissing his forehead.

"No..." Meng Yang whispered, "I don't want to eat, I have no appetite."

"Where's breakfast? Have you eaten yet?" Luo Xiu asked again.

"I drank milk and ate two bites of muffins." Meng Yang truthfully reported to Luo Xiuhui, and now he dared not lie in front of Luo Xiu at all.

Luo Xiu picked up the phone and asked the hotel manager to bring over a bowl of seafood porridge.

After the seafood porridge was delivered, Meng Yang refused to eat it, saying that he had no appetite and couldn't eat it. Luo Xiu coaxed him, and he only ate half a bowl.

Meng Yang just lay in Luo Xiu's arms and was unwilling to move. He knew that a person with Luo Xiu's personality was not easy to get angry, but once he got angry, he would definitely not calm down in a short time, but even if he knew that Luo Xiu would still When he was angry, he had to hug Luo Xiu to be at ease, otherwise he would feel scared.

Luo Xiu just hugged Meng Yang like this, while looking at the computer screen to deal with various things, while feeling the feeling of Meng Yang in his arms.

At night, Luo Xiu took Meng Yang and the child home, and after putting the child to sleep, Meng Yang sat on the bed and waited for Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu came out of the bathroom wearing a bath towel, and seeing Meng Yang sitting on the bed looking at him very well-behaved, Luo Xiu felt distressed and helpless, because he knew that Meng Yang was really scared.

Luo Xiu sat down in front of Meng Yang and gently stroked his face. He looked so small, he didn't look like someone who had given birth to a child at all.

Luo Xiu thought, he is still so young, he is prone to make mistakes impulsively, and does not consider the consequences of doing things. Because of the birth of a child, he has forgotten the fact that he himself is still a child, and at most he is only half mature. Not quite grown up yet.

Meng Yang straddled Luo Xiu's lap, put his arms around his neck and kissed him.

Luo Xiu thought to himself, that’s all. As a husband and parent, I have the responsibility and obligation to teach him well. If he is not sensible yet, then teach him to be sensible. Just being angry will not solve the problem. From now on, he will be good. Teach him what to do and what not to do.

When Meng Yang went to school the next day, the bodyguards and assistants were changed, and he obviously felt that the assistants were following him more closely, but who let him deceive himself first and lose his credibility

Cheng Cheng didn't tell others that it was Meng Yang who won the race car, because it was meaningless. No matter who won him, he was the loser. There was nothing worth promoting. If others found out that Meng Yang won him, he would On the contrary, he lost face even more, so he could only swallow the anger by himself.

He has now returned to the Cheng family, and is with his uncle, learning to manage the company's affairs under the guidance of his grandfather. He must rely on his own ability to get everything he wants, no matter what means he uses.

The reason why Cheng Sheng was able to return to the Cheng family was because Mr. Cheng felt that after all he had worked so hard to train him for so many years, it was a pity to just abandon him like this. No matter what, he should be allowed to contribute to the Cheng family. Moreover, Mr. Cheng's other grandsons are not as good as Cheng Cheng in all aspects, so Mr. Cheng thought that even if Cheng Cheng didn't have the right to inherit, he could continue to train him and help manage the company in the future.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: Tu Su Baili 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Meow a Mi 4 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!