Secret Princess: It's Not Bad to Marry A Prince

Chapter 68: His beautiful wife 3


Let’s go, Dugu Chuchen didn’t give him any chance to continue to rebel. Poor Han Xiu could only follow behind him all the time. With the warm sun shining on his head, lonely Chu Chen seemed to enjoy it. Just like sunshine, walking slowly on the street while Han Xiu was so hot to give up he had already cursed Dugu Chuchen hundreds of times. He didn't expect that Han Xiu would one day succumb to his most disdainful dignitaries. Especially Dugu Chuchen who couldn't catch his eyes from the beginning. Dugu Chuchen was always looking for a chance to talk to him along the way, but Han Xiu except oh is good, who wants to talk in such a hot day, he is still talking about it.

Hey, Dugu Chuchen is too hot, don't leave, okay? Han Xiu finally couldn't help but yelled out that what she hates most is sunshine.

Why, I think the sunshine today is just right.

What is just right? Did you come out of the ancient tomb and haven't seen the sun for ten years? I also feel that I will be dried out just right,

why not. There is indeed no sun to bask in the ancient tomb.

Han Xiu is simply speechless, and there is no sun in the ancient tomb? Really think of herself as a little dragon girl. She has lived in the ancient tomb without seeing the sun for ten years. I saw you as a neurotic.

Dugu Chuchen looked at Han Xiu, who was blushing and peeling. It seemed that he had forgotten. How could a little girl with delicate skin and tender flesh survive the hot sun? No wonder she was so angry. Big anger,

Okay, let's go to Wangjiang Tower to rest,

Today, Dugu Chuchen did not bring any entourage, including Baizhi, he didn’t know where he went as soon as he went to Wangjiang Tower. There was only Han Xiu, and her face was deeply dying. This hateful Dugu Chuchen touched herself. My little face, I am Yun Leng Dan, how can I go out if I let people know that I was exposed like this, let alone meet people

Little Young Master has a cup of tea, Xiao Er brought the coffee table in front of Han Xiu, Han Xiu often came to look at the Jiang Tower, so Xiao Er was out of Han Xiu at a glance. "Young Master Han Xiu, why are you here?"

Ah, I can recognize me like this. I’m so touched. It’s really the best for ordinary people. They have a lot of love, so they don’t want that lone lonely Chuchen to bully people because he is a little prince. As for the prince, I think it's the little overlord who is almost the same

Young Master Han Xiu, don't you have anything to do? The second one looked at Han Xiu and cried. It's strange that every time he saw Young Master Han Xiu, he was smiling and lively all day long, but today it is completely reversed, which makes him very uncomfortable with being bullied.

It’s not just that luck has not been very good these few days and has been haunted by only bad luck.

Unlucky ghost, Xiao Er was taken aback. Young Master Han Xiu is so scared of ghosts because of your poison skills

Poison art is very powerful, but that hapless ghost is not afraid of poison.

You have already become ghosts and you are afraid of any poison. You will be a little more careful in the future. I think you should invite a Taoist priest to hear that those ghosts are the most afraid of the Taoist priest.

Ah, looking at Xiao Eryi’s analysis to himself, Han Xiu listened for a moment, he was just a big brother metaphor, this young brother is too innocent, why is he so hateful, even so innocent. Little brother also cheated.

Listen, you must go to the Taoist priest to do the practice, Xiao Er was talking as he walked. If you want Dugu Chuchen to be a ghost, then you must go back to find a Taoist priest, but the key point is that Dugu Chuchen is not a ghost, and it is estimated that the Taoist priest will let him get some points/
