Sect Leader Is Under Great Pressure

Chapter 51


From Ji Yun's point of view, no matter whether it is a company, a kingdom or a sect, it is impossible for him to manage it for the rest of his life.

When he designed the Kun-Lai system in the past, he originally wanted to be able to pass without the head. It can even be said that what he wants to inherit is a kind of thought, not the sect itself. There are so many peaks and so many sects. The way of reproduction is set, Kun-Lai said it is a pie, rather than a country.

Whether it's a monster or a human, how many of you can put your mind outside the sect after entering Kun-Lai

So the apprentice was obviously afraid that he would be angry and think too much.

How could he be angry with his apprentice

But what I said just now seemed to frighten my disciple, so I need to comfort him.

Just as Ji Yunlai was about to speak, he saw his apprentice nodded and said, "I understand, I won't let you down!"

Hey, what do you understand, Ji Yunlai doesn't understand, but it doesn't matter.

"Let's go Xiaoqing, I haven't finished shopping just now." He touched the pocket and felt that the material was good, but he still had a question, "Apprentice, why do you have so much paper dust in your pocket?"

Feng Qingxiu's handsome face turned red and coughed to cover up: "It's my fault, I'll change it for you."

He took out a piece of cloud brocade—as a benefit for the sect, every year the sect would distribute some fabrics that could be used as armor for them as new clothes, Feng Qingxiu cut off a large piece without any distress, and then the sword was as silk as a needle. It passed by with silk, and soon made a more delicate and beautiful bag, connected with a silk thread, and invited the master in again.

The pocket in which the paper ash was kept was carefully put away by him.

By the way, throw away the small house that you accidentally broke.

How could the house for Master be so simple? How can a small house that can't even be opened casually allow Master to enter

Feng Qingxiu was thinking secretly, when there is time to make a better and more real pavilion, the incense burners, futons, paintings, flower arrangements, tables, chairs, beds, quilt covers, bed pillows, and the best and best ones should be used. .

By the way, don't you want to go out for a walk now

Just the chance!

When she thought of building a house for the master by herself, Feng Qingxiu felt that a flame was burning slowly in her heart, igniting her infinite fighting spirit!

The master glanced at the apprentice inexplicably, and always felt that there seemed to be something wrong.


From the days of leaving Kun-Lai, more than four months have passed, and it is already early spring.

Yandu, also known as Haijing, is located in the south of Xizhou, and the seasons are not clear. When Xiaodu is in the middle of winter with heavy snow, the weather here is only slightly cold in early autumn.

The streets are prosperous and crowded, and there are sharks and octopuses selling all kinds of seafood along the waterfront.

Feng Qingxiu told Master the origin of Haijing's situation.

Originally, it was a place where the barrier was strong, uninhabitable, and suffered from various diseases. Those who fled here were also the rebels of Xiao who could not survive. When they were about to be wiped out, it was also their fate that they should go to sea to visit relatives. The returned Kun-Lai executives asked You Bazuo, the deputy peak master of Jianfeng, to save them in the spirit of letting the sect master see that I was a saint and squid. They thanked him like a face, and they regarded him as a sea god and wanted to set up a sculpture to thank him.

At this time, Peak Master You was just because the Kun-Lai people looked down on the monsters. Seeing this, he moved in his heart and put forward an idea: Since the people who choose the dragon and the phoenix can be from the Western Continent, why can't they establish a family that is close to the monsters the kingdom to change this view

The master of Octopus Peak is very capable of action. With his support, Qingdi Peak sent a small team to explore, and found that it was moist and watery, mosquitoes were rampant, and it was conducive to the spread of the plague. The medicine packs with local herbs carry deworming, and some martial arts methods to strengthen the body and build the body have been passed down. The training of the heart method requires a lot of food supplements. Blood in the urine, but this problem is not a big problem at the seaside. The people here all feed on fish, so if they can't become a master, they can still resist the disease.

Afterwards, Peak Master You personally went to several sea clans and found acquaintances, hoping that they could go to Haijing to do some transactions, and he could give subsidies.

With the help of a figure who was a big deal in the eyes of mortals, the refugees quickly settled down.

At this time, the Qingdi Peak team, who were ready to leave, found a piece of invaluable ambergris by the sea.

And introduced that this kind of fragrance can calm the mind and get rid of inner demons, and adding medicinal pills can increase the chance of becoming a pill. There is no problem in changing a box of Yuanying pills with such a piece!

Peak Master You, who was unfamiliar with medicinal herbs, picked up this incense curiously and took a look at it, and suddenly felt like a whale. Isn't this the shit of their squid's natural enemy, the big head whale

As soon as his answer came out, he was immediately sprayed with blood by the Qingdifeng team. How could such a good medicine be shit? You are ignorant.

Peak Master You sneered and took them to see the excrement of the big head whale, let them see if it was real, and took a lot of "ambergris" for them to bring back for identification. Yes - they couldn't find it easier in the sea anyway.

After the Qingdi Peak confirmed that this was the case, the three views shattered.

Then it was found that the effect of the newly discharged "ambergris" was almost nothing, and the longer the soaking in seawater, the better the effect, so it was determined that it was not completely shit, but that a certain part of it was in effect and extracted.

However, the new question is, to use or not to continue to use it

After a few days of discussion, Qingdi Peak unanimously decided to use it!

Why not? Compared with the cultivation of Chengdan's wounded heart demons, a small sacrifice is worthless, and this time the amount is a lot. If possible, let Peak Master You take more, and we can use as much as we have!

For a while, the door of You Fengzhu was almost broken, and he started his career of reselling seafood.

At this time, everyone began to react, is there a treasure that has been ignored

O sea!

The sea is so big, how many good things like ambergris are in it. We humans are not suitable to live in the sea, but it does not mean that the things in the sea cannot be used!

As a result, the upper and lower half of the Kun-Lai Mountains rushed to Haijing City in a mighty manner, and began a nearly 100-year-long career of scouring the sea.

The Kun-Lai aquarium is responsible for bringing various coral seagrass and mineral algae from the bottom of the sea.

The nearby sea clan are not stupid. All kinds of medicinal herbs and water plants on the land are also beneficial to them. What’s wrong with exchanging things that are usually useless for something good.

… In less than a hundred years since then, Haijing has become the largest city in the Western Continent, crushing other countries in the Western Continent all the way.

There was a time when there was a big human race in Nanzhou who wanted to go on an expedition to Haijing, but before halfway, they were fed the sea fish by the hurricane rolled up by all kinds of sea monsters.


Feng Qingxiu looked at a beautiful merman floating on the shore. There were hundreds of shells in front of him, each of which was exquisite and gorgeous, as beautiful as jewelry, and had a faint spiritual energy, so it was no problem to use it to engrave talismans.

"How do I buy these?" Feng Qingxiu made up a shell hut on the beach almost as soon as she saw it, imagining Shizun sitting on the shell bed, she felt like she was stunned.

"A piece of spiritual rice, there is a Buyuan Dan that can be taken away." The shark's ear wings, like fish fins, slightly flapped, and whispered, her voice was very beautiful.

Picking a dragon and choosing a phoenix is not only a major event for the human race, but also an opportunity for them from the sea clan. At this time, there will always be many generous human cultivators who come to buy these ordinary things in the sea that are the same as stones.

"Yours!" So cheap? Feng Qingxiu took out dozens of grains of rice and quickly replaced the shells.

"Thank you." I met a fat fish! The merman girl was also very satisfied, and gave him dozens of pearls before returning to the river.

Then Feng Qingxiu was surrounded by more than a dozen octopuses, lobsters, octopuses, sea snakes and sharks.

All kinds of coral sea stones have opened the buy-buy-buy mode, which is too cheap.

The aquariums are also very happy. This fat fish is very rich, and it can't be let go when it encounters it.

After a long while, the Shuizu who bought all of them did not leave him, and finally struggled away from the Shuizu.

Feng Qingxiu encountered the Terran shop again.

"This guest, you must not come to Haijing City often. Our Haiyou Building is the first floor of Xizhou Seafood. If you don't go once, you will come to Haijing in vain. Come on~" A lovable-looking boy Brother stopped him, "The most beautiful sea fish is cut and sliced, I guarantee you will never forget it..."

Feng Qingxiu walked in with the master. Although he had been here twelve years ago, he did not dare to enter such a place at that time, so he is not worried now.

He was taken to a private room facing the sea, and it was a real pleasure to watch the winding coast and the cascading waves from the high upstairs.

"Master, can you eat?" Sitting in the private room, Feng Qingxiu asked Master.

"No." He only had a little spiritual sense, so he definitely couldn't eat, but seeing the dismayed expression on his apprentice's face, he still walked up to the plates of delicate sea fish before raising his head and saying to his apprentice, "It tastes good, although I You can't eat it, but if you swipe it with your divine sense, you can know the taste."

Divine Sense can still be used like this? Feng Qingxiu stayed for a while. After all, he was still a cultivator and a freshman, and his spiritual sense usually swept around.

"Of course you can." Ji Yunlai explained with a smile, "Wait until Xiaoqing, you will become a master of your spiritual sense, and you will be able to connect to the world, let alone taste the taste of fish.

Suddenly, Feng Qingxiu blushed to the tip of her ears.