Sect Master and Psycho

Chapter 17


After that day, although I moved out of the original courtyard, it was strange that I did not become more estranged from Xiao Zhongnan because of this. Somehow, he now often invites me to go out together, sometimes to patrol the paddock, sometimes to visit their friends' house with him and Xiao Mobei. He would also introduce to others that I was his adopted brother, as if he really regarded me as a younger brother.

Let's talk about Xiao Mobei. I used to think I seduced his brother with flirtatious methods. When he sees me all day long, he either rolls his eyes or just ignores me. Now he will take the initiative to talk to me, and there is even a smile on his face.

I was wary of him at first, but slowly I came to understand. After all, I was the one who was forced to be fucked to death. How could he think that I had seduced his brother!

Today is the time to inspect the paddock again. I actually like this job. The paddock of Black Eagle Fort is very big. You can ride a horse and run freely. When the breeze blows on your cheeks, it feels very special. For the sake of oneness, carefree and free.

The horses in Black Eagle Fort are all military horses, which means that they will go to the battlefield sooner or later, and the horses that can go to the battlefield will naturally not be bad.

I don't study horses, nor am I obsessed, but I still remember the first time I saw the Blackhawk team, how much of a shock that tall, fit black horse gave me. Everyone has the love of beauty, even if they know that they can't have it, it is good to be able to feast their eyes.

Xiao Zhongnan's favorite horse is a black horse with four hooves on the snow. He named it "Xiao Wuxian" because it looks like the Wuxian of Chu Bawang. I laughed for a long time after hearing that, I really don't know whether to say he is informal or lazy.

Xiao Zhongnan didn't like to bring too many people when he was patrolling the paddock, so he and I were the two of us who rode the horses in the paddock to check the condition of the horses.

When we were walking beside the horses, he suddenly pointed at one of the white foals next to the mare with the whip in his hand and said to me: "That is the son of Little Wu, whose mother is the paddock. The best mare in the world."

Xiao Wu's son? I took a closer look and smiled: "Xiao Wu's son doesn't look like it, he doesn't have a single stray hair, it's snow-white."

Xiao Zhongnan retorted me seriously: "Why doesn't it look like that? Xiao Wu's four hooves are all white."

When I heard the words, I immediately laughed back and forth, which caused the man to frown and stop, telling me to be careful not to fall.

"Do you like it?" he asked after seeing me laugh enough.

I laughed until tears came out, rubbed the corners of my eyes, nodded and said, "I like it, it must be a majestic peerless horse when it grows up, how beautiful it is!"

"Just like it." I wonder if my exaggerated laughter infected him, making him no longer as cold as he used to be, and the corners of his eyes and brows softened, "I will send you when I grow up."

I was stunned for a moment, the smile hadn't completely faded from my face, and I stared at him blankly: "Send me?"

Since Xiao Wuxian can be the mount for the Lord of Black Eagle Castle, he is naturally worth a lot. Although his son is still young, he can already see his style when he grows up from his parents. Such a good horse, he is going to send me off with a single word

He didn't seem to notice my mistake, and said, "It's yours from today on, you can give it a name."

That casual tone was like giving me an irrelevant club!

But that's not a club, it's a priceless Maxima, something I wouldn't even dare to think about even when I was the leader!

My heart beat faster, and I couldn't believe it: "Are you really sending me?"

He looked at me with a half-smile, "Could it be that I lied to you?"

I also thought about it, he is a dignified Black Eagle Castle Lord, what is he doing to deceive me with this

The voice couldn't help being a little excited: "Just call it..." I thought of Xiao Zhongnan's naming style, and laughed, "Let's call it 'Xiao Baiyi'!"

The old man is called "Xiao Wuxian" and the son is called "Xiao Baiyi", what are these names, hahahahaha! !

Xiao Zhongnan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "One of the Eight Horses?"


Legend has it that the eight horses that were driven by King Mu of Zhou had the ability to travel thousands of miles at night and ride clouds and fog.

He had no objection to my name at all, and said, "Very good." It seemed that he really thought it was a good idea for me to get a name.

After checking the horse herd, we were just hanging out on the grassland. Maybe I was suffocated in the fort a few months ago, and everything I saw was very novel, and I wanted to roll countless times on the grass. Then Xiao Zhongnan said that he was going to take me to a place. I was very curious, so I followed him obediently.

We rode on horseback for about a stick of incense when a huge lake suddenly appeared in front of us. It is so clear, so pure, I was completely stunned by the magnificent water and sky in front of me, and I could only sigh in admiration.

"It's beautiful here!"

Xiao Zhongnan may have been accustomed to seeing such beautiful scenery for a long time, and said with a calm face: "How about compared to the Demon Sect?"

I froze in my heart and looked at him calmly. Seeing that he was looking straight ahead, his expression was indifferent, not like he was trying to talk to me, so I thoughtfully said: "The Demon Cult is located in the Partridge Mountain, and there are many ancient trees on the mountain. I remember the residence of the Cult Master. There is a wisteria outside, which is said to have survived for more than 500 years. It has climbed all over the walls and roofs. Every spring, it will bloom bunches of purple flowers like grapes. , freedom here, prison there."

My words are not compliments, but they are sincere. Demon religion is like a shackle that binds my hands and feet, and there is nothing else but to obliterate my dreams.

He turned his head, stared at me intently, and said, "I should have brought you here earlier."

His words were so sweet that I felt my face burn. I quickly jumped off my horse and walked to the lake.

The lake surface is like a clear mirror, reflecting the color of the sky, which is breathtakingly beautiful. If I want to say that let me die here, it is also a kind of supreme enjoyment.

I sat on the ground by the lake, holding my chin and staring at the lake in a daze, and my heart was peaceful and peaceful.

Footsteps sounded behind me, and Xiao Zhongnan sat down beside me after a while.

Feeling a little weird in the atmosphere, I randomly searched for topics: "How is your illness?"

"I've searched for famous doctors, but they're all helpless." The man's voice was as calm as a well, as if he wasn't talking about himself.

I frowned when I heard it: "Is there no way?"

He still has a great life, which is a pity.

"This is not an ordinary headache and madness. Even if Bian Que is alive, I am afraid it will not be possible. In fact, it is already very good now, before I..." The voice stopped after saying this, and it took a while to pick up, "because my wife and children suddenly The reason for my death was stimulated, which led to my true qi going backwards and going crazy for a long time. It has been five years since I woke up. I have no memory for the past five years, and I have lived like a savage. Now I can maintain my sense and live like an ordinary person. Fortunately, as long as it doesn’t get worse, it will be like this for a lifetime.”

"I've been like this all my life?" I looked at him, "Is your wife willing to tell you that the dignified Black Eagle Fort Lord is a half-crazy person who must tie a rope at night?"

He said coldly: "Then marry someone who doesn't dislike me."

"You treat everyone like me..." I reacted halfway through, and suddenly stopped, my face became hot in an instant, and I hurriedly turned to the side, "You treat everyone as beautiful as you think, dreaming!"

Fortunately, it is fast, otherwise he will definitely think that I am too shameless to imply something to him.

The voice of the other party came from behind: "There is no need for everyone, as long as there is one."

My heart was sore and swollen, and I stood up suddenly: "Then I wish Big Brother Xiao you'll find that unique one soon!" After saying that, I turned around to lead the horse that was grazing leisurely on the shore, and turned over neatly, without waiting for him. He left first.