Sect Master and Psycho

Chapter 18


Xiao Zhongnan is a taciturn man. Regarding my sudden temper, he will not use words to appease me, nor will he ask questions. This is very similar to a lunatic.

I was lying in front of the window with my chin in one hand, staring at the grass in the yard with a lot of thought.

I know that the lunatic is Xiao Zhongnan, and they are one person, but I always treat them as two individuals without realizing it.

If one day the memory of the madman comes back, I think Xiao Zhongnan will treat me no different from now. After all, the few months I spent with him in the cave were only a small part of the five years of memory he lost, and it wasn't good, and I left him alone in the end.

After thinking about it, there was a sound of people outside the courtyard gate, and then I saw several people walking in with a tree stump as thick as an adult's thigh.

"Hey, be careful, this is what the fortress ordered someone to find, so don't break it!" The chattering Cheng Xiaoyu came in with them.

I got up and opened the door and walked out: "What is this for? What are you carrying?"

Cheng Xiaoyu saw me, took a few steps forward and whispered in my ear mysteriously: "You have regained the holy favor! This is a wisteria vine specially dug for you by the fortress and said to be planted in the yard for you, It will bloom next year."

I slapped him on the head with a slap and said, "What is the most important thing, you have read too much drama, haven't you?" After a while, he stared at him incredulously and asked, "The wisteria dug by the castle lord for me?!"

I remembered what I told him that day. It was indeed said that there was a beautiful wisteria outside the sect master's residence, but I didn't expect him to remember it, and he actually found one for me!

I have never seen this wisteria in the south. It would take a lot of effort to find such a sturdy wisteria in the northern grasslands.

How could he care about me so much

Cheng Xiaoyu said to himself: "Yes, the owner of the castle also said that when the flowers bloom next year, he will let the kitchen make Ziluo cakes. My saliva is almost drooling. Big brother, have you ever eaten Ziluo cakes? Okay. eat?"

I didn't have the heart to answer him anymore, so I left a sentence: "I'm going to find him!" and left in a hurry.

In fact, I don't know why I am so happy, didn't you give me a wisteria after giving me a thousand miles of horses? Am I that easy to please? How can my requirements be so low? What if no one ever gave me anything? These may not matter to Xiao Zhongnan at all, why am I stupidly happy? I am stupid...

By the time I was outside Xiao Zhongnan's yard, the curvature of the corners of my mouth could not be calmed at all. I could only take a few deep breaths, restrain my smile, and then knock on the door of his study. I know that he is usually in the study at this time.

"Come in." His voice came from the door.

I pushed open the door and entered, and at a glance, I saw him standing at the table, where the goshawk was parked all the time, and what he was unfolding in his hand was obviously a letter that had just been removed from the goshawk's leg.

"Does it bother you?"

"No." He looked down a few times, then raised his head, "What's wrong?"

I turned my eyes away, not daring to look into his eyes: "I'm here to thank you for your wisteria, Brother Xiao has a heart, I like it very much."

More than just like it, from now on I am afraid that I will sit in front of the window every day and hope that it will sprout, climb and bloom early. When it blooms, it will be a hundred times more beautiful than the wisteria in Han Yijiao.

"Whatever you like, I will find it for you. You and I don't need to be so polite." He picked up a pen and wrote a few words on the paper, then re-rolled it and tied it to the goshawk's leg, then he pointed to the window , said to me, "Help me open the window."

"Oh, good!" I hurriedly ran over to open the window, and as soon as I turned around, I felt a breeze created by the feathers blowing in front of me. Looking at the sky, the goshawk had spread its wings, and it turned into a small dot in a blink of an eye. .

"What a beautiful bird of prey!" I complimented.

"That's the goshawk of the leader of the martial arts alliance. It was given to him by Black Eagle Castle many years ago." Xiao Zhongnan said, "If you like it, I can also give you one."

Why does he like to give me things so much now

I quickly waved my hand, not daring to accept his gift again: "No, no, I don't like it very much either!"

He heard me say this and didn't insist any longer: "I will go to a distant place in a few days, and the return date is uncertain. If you need anything, just tell Mo Bei or Cheng Shu directly, and let Xiao Yu go out with you when you are bored, you know. ?"

Instead of nodding my head, I asked him, "Where are you going?" Only after I asked did I feel that I had slipped.

Han Qingyan, Han Qingyan, are your tails up to the sky now? Ask what you should and shouldn't ask, who do you think you are!

I was doing self-examination, but Xiao Zhongnan answered my question without hesitation.

"At the previous martial arts conference, the leader of the alliance decided to cut down the demon sect again, saying that this time they must be cut down and rooted, and the letter just now asked me to go south to help him."

There was a huge shock in my heart, obviously I was already a "dead man" on the rivers and lakes, but when I heard him say this, it seemed like it was still me who was about to be attacked.

"But what about your illness?"

His expression remained unchanged, and he said, "I will take more people and let them tie me at night."

I frowned: "It's not as safe as the inside of the fort. If you are ambushed by a demon sect on the way, wouldn't you throw yourself into a snare if you tie it into a zongzi?"

He asked me, "Then what do you say?"

I rolled my eyes and said naturally: "Take me there, my martial arts are better than those of your guards! And I am familiar with the behavior of those people in the Demon Sect, and I will not let you follow their way!"

"No." He rejected me without thinking.


"too dangerous."

"Too dangerous..." What's the matter in my heart? I took a step back, "What danger am I afraid of as a man? Then I won't go up the mountain, I'll wait for your head office at the foot of the mountain, right?"

"You really want to go with me?"

"Yes." I said firmly.

He pondered for a moment: "Since you are determined to go, you will leave in two days, and you will pack up these days."

"Okay!" I was so happy that I was about to leave contentedly. Before I left, I thought of something. I turned around and told him, "Get me a horse this time, and I won't take a carriage."

He heard the words and smiled slightly: "Naturally."

Oh hey, this icy Lord Xiaobao looks pretty when he smiles, although lunatics used to laugh a lot, but he laughs in a silly way, unlike Xiao Zhongnan, who has a special… the taste of the beginning of the melting of ice and snow!

I must follow him, not as I said I am afraid that he will be ambushed by the demon sect halfway.

Xiao Zhongnan's madness, he gave up, but I still want to try again. I must find a way to steal the secret book from Han Yi's secret room this time. Fortunately, I know a small road from the back mountain to the teaching center. The right way martial arts attack the mountain. I am afraid that there are not many people in the Han Yijiao who will guard the rear, and this is a good time for me to sneak in!

If someone is nice to me, I will be nice to him too.

Xiao Zhongnan is very good to me now, so I should be good to him and cure his terrible problem.

I have already thought about it, after curing his illness, if he finds the one and only person he is one day, then the demon sect will also be destroyed, and I will leave Black Eagle Castle and travel the world with peace of mind.