Sect Master and Psycho

Chapter 20


I ran all the way, and I simply exerted the light power to the extreme. Lin Yue chased after me like a mad dog.

I intentionally introduced him into the woods, where the terrain is complicated and I will definitely be able to get rid of him.

Lin Yue scolded while chasing: "Han Qingyan, you little bastard, see if I won't cut you with a thousand swords!"

Hearing him say that makes me run faster. Why is this old bastard so unreasonable? It was clearly that he usurped my position, and now I'm mad at me!

In the beginning, it was very quiet and no one was around. I deliberately ran to the front of the mountain, and it didn't take long before I saw a few disciples of the righteous way who were fighting with the disciples of the demon sect.

When I saw them, it was like seeing a savior, and I hurried over there. When I got close, a familiar figure that was previously blocked by trees appeared in front of my eyes.

I hurriedly took a breath and swept towards him, shouting at the same time, "Brother Xiao, save me!"

I know Lin Yue's martial arts best. It's more than enough to beat me, but it's impossible to fight against a real master.

Xiao Zhongnan just turned a Demon Sect disciple when he heard my voice, just to support me who was exhausted after flying down.

He frowned and asked me in a deep voice, "Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to stay at the bottom of the mountain and not come up?"

I gasped, with a slightly disguised panic on my face: "I'll explain this to you later, I accidentally ran into a demon sect leader on the way, he thought you were attracted by me, and he was so angry that he would kill me for thousands of dollars. Dao Wancang, Brother Xiao, you must save me!"

At this time, Lin Yue had already caught up, and it only took a few breaths to reach us.

Xiao Zhongnan heard the words and looked behind me, then narrowed his eyes and reached out to block me.

"Back off."

When I heard that, I obediently retreated to the side, Xiao Zhongnan looked like ice, but his martial arts skills were very domineering. Without waiting for Lin Yue to come forward, he jumped up to meet him, and instantly fought with each other.

I felt a little relieved, just about to breathe a sigh of relief, but I didn't think that there would be someone behind Lin Yue.

Yang Shengqi stared at Xiao Zhongnan, who was fighting with Lin Yue, in shock. When his eyes swept over to me, there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

Naturally I knew what he was suspecting, so I gave him a color and asked him to come with me. He glanced at Lin Yue's direction again, hesitated for a moment and finally chose to believe me.

I used Qinggong to take him away from Xiao Zhongnan and the others. On the surface, it looked like Yang Shengqi was chasing me.

I found a safe and unattended place, and I gathered my inner strength and fell to the ground.

"Sect Master, what the hell is going on? It's been a year, why are you coming back now? We all thought you were dead." Yang Shengqi couldn't wait to ask me a question as soon as he stopped.

I know he must have many questions to ask me, but time is running out, so I can only keep it short.

"The day I was besieged by the martial arts, I accidentally fell off a cliff when I was injured and escaped. Fortunately, I was dead, and I didn't die if I fell..." I didn't tell him about the madman, but said he was a hunter in the mountains Saved me, "When I recovered my body and returned to the church, Lin Yue was already the new leader, and as soon as he saw me, he wanted to kill me. I was beaten by him and had to flee down the mountain. I didn't expect to meet the disciple of Yinjianmen who came to inquire about the news..." After that, I told him everything about how I was captured and how I was rescued by Xiao Zhongnan, only to hide the entanglements between us. .

Yang Shengqi's eyes widened as he heard it, with an incredible look.

"Then Lin Yue is so courageous that he dares to commit a crime?!" he said angrily.

I sighed lightly: "The whole church has been his people for a long time. When I was the leader, I was just a puppet in name only. It doesn't make much difference whether he commits it or not."

Like me, Yang Shengqi also grew up in Han Yijiao, but unlike me, he was thoroughly brainwashed by his master and was very loyal to Hanyijiao.

As soon as he heard my "puppet theory", he immediately looked indignant and clenched his fists: "Lin Yue, this fellow is damned! If he hadn't insisted that you are dead, how could we have let him succeed so easily! Now, I, Yang Shengqi, must only recognize you as a leader, everything else is bullshit!"

But he recognizes me but I dare not recognize him.

I waved my hand to him and persuaded: "Now the righteous martial arts are attacking us under the leadership of the martial arts leader, and it is only a matter of time before the Han Yi sect will be destroyed. This is God's will, neither Lin Yue nor I can reverse this. A situation that is bound to lose. You go quickly with those who are willing to go with you, don’t die here.”

His face was pale, and he seemed to have been hit a lot: "Is it really helpless?"

I persuaded again: "To live is to hope, and if the others are gone, it will be gone."

The other party's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he nodded hastily at me: "What you are saying is that you are alive, sect master, and you will definitely make a comeback when the sun is cold!"

I:"… "

What kind of play? I didn't mean that! Who wants to make a comeback! What are you up for? It's not bad enough to be beaten by the heroes of the right way, is it? !

I didn't want to argue with him any more, so I made a random answer, and told him to leave quickly, don't hesitate.

"Wait!" Just as he was about to leave, I stopped him, "You slap me or stab me with a sword, I'm good at dealing, otherwise people will be suspicious."

Yang Shengqi's face was still full of surprise when he heard the first half of the sentence, and when he heard all of my words, there was nothing but reverence left.

"It's still as thoughtful as the leader thought!"

I don't know why, but I clearly have no intention of being among the righteous people, but at this moment he has made me feel guilty.

If someone broke my true identity at this moment, it would be impossible for me to jump into the Yellow River.

In the end, I was stabbed by Yang Shengqi in the left shoulder, and the bright red blood soaked through the two layers of clothing in an instant. It looked very scary, but it didn't actually hurt the vital point.

"Okay, let's go!" I raised my chin to him while covering the wound.

Yang Shengqi's eyes were slightly red, and he clenched his fists at me: "The leader, take care of yourself!" After speaking, he turned and left.

When I saw him leave, I glanced at the bloody wound on my shoulder, stretched out two fingers to stop the bleeding, and then performed Qinggong to find the way back to when I came.

When I finally found Xiao Zhongnan and Lin Yue based on the traces of the fight, the two had already decided the winner.

Xiao Zhongnan, dressed in black, stood tall and straight in the woods with a long sword in his hand. The silver tip of the sword was still dripping blood, and at his feet lay a dead body, which was my Uncle Lin.

Needless to say, Lin Yue must have fought desperately to resist, and was finally killed by the sword of the big fortress Xiao who got his wish.

I stopped ten steps away from Xiao Zhongnan, and I was a little shocked by the chilling aura around him. That god blocking and killing gods and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddha almost made me think he was sick again.

"… Brother Xiao?" I tried to call him softly.

His thunder-like gaze casted on me accurately for a moment, and slammed into my heart, making me feel a little suffocated.

I can't tell what it feels like, but the look in his eyes at that moment was very unfamiliar, even... with murderous intent. But it only existed for a short time, and soon the feeling disappeared, like a hallucination of mine.

He pointed his sword to the ground and walked slowly towards me, expressionless on his face. I swallowed, not wanting to admit that I was terrified.

Did he know something? Is it Lin Yue? What did Lin Yue tell him

No, why am I panicking, and I haven't done anything to be sorry to him, why are you so afraid

Thinking of this, I stiffened my back, and no longer dodged my eyes on him.

"You're hurt." He walked up to me, looking at my wound.

I rubbed the blood between my fingers and smiled bitterly: "I was stabbed by that Lin Yue's subordinate just now, but I'm not a loss, he was not less injured than me."

He was silent for a while, and the hand holding the sword suddenly pulled a sword flower to wipe off the blood on the tip of the sword, and then put the sword back into the sheath.

"As soon as Lin Yue is eliminated, the demon sect is over. You go back down the mountain and wait. I'll come to you after I clean up the mess with the others."

I always thought he was a bit weird, but he just kept his words and deeds as usual, so I had to hold back the unease in my heart and promised: "Okay, then I'm leaving, be careful yourself."

He nodded and watched me leave.

During this period, I looked back and found that he was still standing there, looking in my direction from a distance. I couldn't make out his expression, but I could always feel a gaze following me.