Sect Master and Psycho

Chapter 25


Yang Shengqi and I left the location of Black Eagle Fort all the way to a small town not far from here. He told me that the rest of the Han Yi Sect were waiting for us there. As long as we meet with them, we can start rebuilding the Han Yi Sect and face the light. s future.

It was obviously a rat who was crossing the street shouting and beating, but he said it was very relaxed.

I was too lazy to fight his overly naive fantasies and smiled reluctantly. If possible, I would also like to help him realize his dream of "revitalizing the Demon Sect", but my body has begun to become more and more unresponsive, and I feel powerless to help him.

I've been thinking about how to tell him this cruel truth, and then one evening, when we were going to spend the night in the woods, I finally spit out blood in front of him, and all the problems were solved, Hufa Yang His expression was like seeing a ghost.

"Sect Master!" He held me in front of me with a pale face, and in a panic, he checked my pulse.

How it turned out I can guess without looking at his expression, I'm terminally ill, and I'm afraid I don't have much time left.

"Stop the diagnosis, I won't be able to live for long." I pulled back my hand weakly, "Shengqi, I can't be the leader of the Han Yi sect anymore, I think you are pretty good, if you want, I can take the leader of the sect. pass to you."

Anyway, whoever wants to take this thing, I don't want it anymore.

Yang Shengqi didn't respond to my words, obviously still in shock, and asked me in a hoarse voice, "How could this happen? Could it be that Xiao Zhongnan poisoned you? Otherwise, why would you suddenly fail, sect master?!"

It's really terrifying. Now I feel a colic in my heart just hearing the three words "Xiao Zhongnan", and I feel extremely sad.

I supported Hufa Yang's shoulders and staggered to stand up, then I bent down and patted the hem slowly: "What are you thinking? Xiao Zhongnan is not that kind of person. Besides, he can obviously slash me with a sword, Why do you want to do more poisoning?"

I straightened up, raised my neck and glanced at the darkening sky. There are no birds, the eyes are full of green, and the night wind blows, making people shiver.

I want to die for Xiao Zhongnan, although I am willing to do so, but when I think that no one else will know about this, I can't help feeling... sad!

So sad!

I glanced at Yang Shengqi, then found a stone and sat down, and said slowly, "Hufa Yang, my body is not harmed by others, but I practiced an evil cultivation method that resulted in total loss of internal strength, internal organs failure, and Xiao Hufa. Zhongnan doesn't have much to do with it."

Although Hufa Yang is a bit stubborn, it feels good to talk to him. Anyway, someone will finally know how and for whom I died.

He walked up to me in a few steps and asked anxiously, "What kind of exercises?"

I had no intention of concealing it, and told him directly that it was "The Secret Book of Youhua".

Unexpectedly, Yang Shengqi's expression changed when he heard the words: "The Secret Tome of Youhua?!"

Hearing his tone, he actually knew this technique, not only knew it, but also knew how powerful it was. However, his master is an old man in the teaching, and it is not an exaggeration to know some secrets. I am not surprised.

I clutched my chest and coughed twice, and said, "Yes, I've been practicing this technique for several months, and now it's impossible for a god to save me."

Yang Shengqi struggled and asked me hesitantly, "Is it... Xiao Zhongnan?"

I smiled: "You know a lot."

"I heard it all from my master." At this point, he suddenly seemed as if he had thought of something, "Since the leader can practice the "Secret Book of Youhua" for Xiao Zhongnan, he must be attached to him, so Saying that the subordinates stole the secret letter not only didn't help, but also caused a gap between the leader and Xiao Zhongnan? What can I do with this? The subordinates are really damned!" He had a hopeless expression on his face.

As soon as I waved my hand, I said weakly: "Don't talk about this now, I'm going to die, who cares if he will have a gap with me!"

Moreover, it has already happened. Even if Hufa Yang apologizes to death, he can't be saved, so I don't want to increase his sense of guilt.

"Don't Xiao Zhongnan know about this?" Hufa Yang asked me carefully.

I lifted the corners of my lips feebly: "These famous heroes, morality is more important than life, how could they know that and let me heal him?" Sighed, "Besides, I'm not as infatuated as you think. At first, I didn't know that practicing this kind of labor would kill me, but I won't die if I know it."

That said, but I know clearly in my heart that it doesn't really matter. As long as it's about Xiao Zhongnan's life and death, no matter how hesitant I am, I'll still come in person in the end.

This is really a fucking madman at first sight and mistaken for life...

Hufa Yang suddenly squatted down and clenched my hand: "Master, do you remember Elder Wen? He is still alive and escaped with me. He is the most skilled in medicine. As long as you join him, Master, your illness will definitely be cured. of!"

I have a little influence on Elder Wen. In my memory, he was a little old man with a white beard, white eyebrows, and white hair. He held his medical skills all day long, and he had no sense of existence in Han Yijiao. It's a miracle that his legs and feet were not caught by the righteous path and sacrificed to the sky!

"Okay, I'll go with you to see him, but..." I changed the topic, "If he can't cure me, I'll pass on the position of the leader to you, and how the Hanyi Cult develops in the future will be yours. It's okay, you have to fight for it."

Yang Shengqi's eyes were flushed, and he almost burst into tears.

"Okay!" He nodded heavily.

At this moment, a flock of birds suddenly started in the distance, and then came the sound of dense footsteps. Yang Shengqi stood up abruptly, looked around, his expression became abnormally dignified.

Although I lost my inner strength, I still had my keen intuition as a warrior, so I also stood up back to back with him to form a vigilant attitude.

Soon a large group of people came out of the woods, and surrounded me and Yang Shengqi. Two of them on horses were very familiar. I thought about it carefully, isn't the older one the head of Yinjianmen? ? There is also a bearded man who seems to have participated in the encirclement and suppression of me more than a year ago.

Being surrounded by these two sects, I can probably already guess what is going on.

It must be that the old head of Yinjianmen finally cured his dizzy eyes, and he hit it off with the North Gate Sect Master, who I saw more and more familiar with the last time the Second Expedition Demon Sect met, and came to an ambush.

The head of Yinjianmen held his beard and said with a smile: "Sect Master Han, let's meet again! The reception was not good last time, this time please give the old man a chance to make up for his faults, and treat the sect master and this little brother warmly. Follow us. Let's go together."

My face twitched, and I followed with a smile: "Senior is polite, the hospitality will be waived, I'm afraid I won't be blessed with it."

The old man snorted coldly: "Then you are forcing me to use hard?"

You don't want to use a soft posture!

"Since you know my identity, you should also know that I have a close relationship with Lord Xiaobao. It's not too far from Black Eagle Castle, so aren't you afraid that he will settle accounts with you?" His sleeve covered his fingers and wrote a few words in Yang Shengqi's palm.

- I'll cover, you go.

The body behind him shook, as if he wanted to turn around, but I grabbed my wrist and squeezed it hard, signaling him not to mess around.

"You are a demon sect that everyone gets and kills. If Xiao Zhongnan troubles us for you, it's not a good thing. At that time, I will definitely report to the Wulin Alliance Leader to let all the Wulins know that he Black Eagle Castle colluded with the demon sect. !" The North Gate Sect Master is a tall man with a long beard, and his face is full of flesh, and it seems that he is not a role that can be easily dismissed.

He looked arrogant: "You follow us obediently. If you answer whatever I ask, and you are obedient and calm, I might consider spare you a dog's life."

My brows twitched, and I almost couldn't help taking off the shoes on my feet and throwing them over to plug his stinky mouth.

Also the leader of the martial arts alliance, he and Xiao Zhongnan are in the same group, and only ghosts can help you!

Even though I was annoyed in my heart, on the surface I still nodded without any temper, and said, "Okay, I'll talk to you..." At the same time as I spoke, I rushed forward and shouted, "Go!!"

Dozens of people fought into a group at once. Although I lost my internal strength, I still have moves.

They seemed to want to keep me alive, and the swords were about to cut me several times, but they stopped, which brought me even greater convenience.

Fortunately, Yang Shengqi didn't lose his temper at this time, and cleverly expanded the battle circle. Finally, he hit the outer edge and flew away with a light energy. A disciple chased after him.

I was a little worried about whether Yang Shengqi would be able to escape, and whether he would be stupid enough to bring someone to save me and die after he escaped.

I have no infuriating body protection, and I have no internal strength in my moves, and I am gradually defeated.

After holding on for a while, I was crushed by several swords around my neck and I was half-kneeling to the ground. I was so tired from the action just now that I felt a slight tingling pain on my neck, I thought it was a cut to the skin.

"Master Han hasn't seen martial arts for a year, why didn't he advance but retreat?" The North Gate Sect Master, with his eyes narrowed, jumped off his horse and fell to the ground like a giant mountain.

He walked in front of me with a few strides, picked up my hair, and said sinisterly: "Isn't it because of some serious injury that caused him to lose his inner strength?"

Not to be outdone, I stared at him, showing a sneer: "Stop talking nonsense, you are taking a lot of trouble to catch me, don't you really want to treat me warmly? Sir, can you stop being so awkward? What's the matter? To put it bluntly, I will do what I can do, and say what I can say. If I can't do it, and I can't say it, even if I kill me, I can't do it. You can kill me as soon as possible, so you don't have to waste each other's time. "

So many people from the two factions were dispatched, but they didn't notify the martial arts alliance leader, and they didn't plan to rectify me on the spot. No matter how you think about it, it doesn't seem like it's for the sake of eliminating demons and guarding the road, plus the face of the unprofitable villain from the head of the Yinjianmen. , I speculated that they were probably trying to arrest me for some other purpose.

Sure enough, the Sect Master of the North Gate Sword Sect grinned with yellow teeth when he heard the words: "You are very smart," he pulled me to the front, and said word by word, "I want you to take me into the secret room of the magic sect!"