Sect Master and Psycho

Chapter 3


It's getting hotter today.

Although the cave is cool, there will always be a wisp of hot wind blowing in. After a day, my body is sticky, but I can't move, so I can only cover it.

After finally waiting until the lunatic returned at noon, I immediately expressed my desire to take a bath to him.

"If you don't wash it, it will stink."

It has been more than half a month since I fell, and the clothes on my body are dirty, torn and full of blood stains, which is beyond the limit I can tolerate.

When the madman heard me say this, he lay down beside me like a wolf dog and sniffed it at the base of his ear, and said in a blunt tone, "It doesn't stink."

I avoided him awkwardly, not knowing what to say to him, so I laughed and scolded: "Is your nose scratched by a bear?"

When he saw me smiling, he didn't care what I said, and followed with a silly smirk.

"Stop laughing, take me to a bath!" I urged him.

I know there are water sources such as creeks or ponds around here, because every two days a lunatic will go out with a big tank hewn out of the rock on his back, fill it with water and come back. The stone jar weighed thousands of pounds, but he was able to carry it freely, which showed his amazing strength.

He stood up and looked down at me for a moment, as if thinking about how to get my paralyzed man out.

"You turn around and squat down, I..." Before I could finish speaking, he had already bent down and picked me up by the waist.

He held it firmly, didn't give me a jolt, and at the same time moved very gently, taking great care to avoid my injuries from start to finish.

Since I woke up from the cave, this is my first time out of the cave. It would be a lie to say that I am not excited, but I am now disabled, and I have no choice but to rely on a lunatic, and I can only temporarily restrain my mood.

After I came out of the cave and walked for about a stick of incense, I heard the gurgling sound of water in my ears. As I got closer to the sound, the appearance of the stream gradually appeared in front of my eyes.

It was a stream three feet wide, and it was impossible to see where the source was and where it was flowing.

I originally wanted him to take my clothes off and put them in the stream to wash them. Even if I couldn't wash them completely, I would smooth out my hair that was about to clump. Unexpectedly, the madman put me in front of a huge rock beside the stream, and let me lean on it, with a huge leaf under it, and then without a word, I took off my clothes and jumped into the knee-deep stream.

I leaned naked against the stone, stared, and began to wonder if he had misunderstood me.

Could this lunatic not even be able to tell the difference between bathing and washing clothes? ! !

Fortunately, I didn't get angry for a long time, and the madman went ashore with all my belongings wet in my hands.

He came to me, touched my face with a big hand, then picked up my underwear and started wiping me.

The water in the stream was cold, and it didn't catch the scorching heat in the valley at all.

He stopped immediately: "Cold?"

I shook my head: "It's not cold, it's very comfortable."

He grinned at me, and the two rows of white teeth made me dizzy.

The inner shirt is very soft and comfortable to rub on the body, but it is not as enjoyable as scrubbing directly into the water.

I frowned and asked him, "Why don't you just put me in the water?"

He wiped his hands for a while, and said five big words confidently: "The water is cold, and my stomach hurts."

Well, I almost forgot that I was a fragile "pregnant man".

I communicated with him patiently: "Then what should I do with my hair? If I don't wash it, it will clump together. I'm not so... The child is not so delicate, so if I wash it for a while, will my stomach hurt."

He stared at me for a long time and didn't speak, and I felt a drum in my heart, but his eyes were very deep and unpredictable.

Finally, he stood up.

"Noh, wait for me." He put the wet clothes on my stomach, left this sentence and walked away.

I'm completely at a loss as to what he's doing: "Alas! Where are you going? Hey! Wait!"

I couldn't move my whole body except my right leg and a head. I could only lean on a rock and wait. The sun is hot, but fortunately, I am from the back, otherwise I will faint from the sun.

I don't know how long it took, when I heard a slight footstep behind me, and immediately became alert: "Who?"

The sound of footsteps got closer and closer, and finally came to me, and I put my heart back, as expected, I was a lunatic.

"Nah!" He smiled and put the thing in his arms on the ground, and came up to wipe the nonexistent sweat on my forehead.

I avoided it in disgust, glanced at the object on the ground, and found that it turned out to be a small pot made of wood.

"You're going to do this?"

Although the wooden basin is small, the work is very good. It is a great skill to make a basin in this deep mountain and old forest. He even made the wall and bottom of the basin extremely smooth. This inner strength is really terrifyingly deep.

I scrutinized the lunatic, thinking about which mountain's god this person is, and why I didn't know there was such a person on the rivers and lakes.

He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand: "Nan, wait... I can wash it soon." After that, he took the basin and went to the stream.

These days he talks to me more and more smoothly, and after a while, he may be able to communicate without obstacles.

After a while, he came back the same way, the basin in his arms was filled with water, and it splashed all the way with his movements.

I couldn't move, and of course he washed my hair, but my hair was stuck together with blood and dust and couldn't get it out for a while.

"Tear off the knot where it stays!" I said to the lunatic, "Otherwise, how long will it take to get rid of it a little bit?"

He pretended not to hear what I said, but he still washed my hair patiently, and carefully unwrapped the knots, which was more careful than a needlework woman.

My body was warm, and it felt very comfortable to gently pull my hair. Before I knew it, I fell asleep, and when I woke up again, my hair was half dry.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was still confused and couldn't see the truth. When I saw a moving shadow on the ground, I struggled to look up and found a person standing on a big rock behind me. Looking at the long strip swaying under his animal skin skirt of Liao Yuwu, my eyes hurt and my neck hurts.

He seemed to sense that I was awake and jumped off the stone with a pile of dried clothes in his hands.


What a carefree lunatic...

Maybe it was because I felt refreshed in body and mind after taking a bath. I rarely gave him a faint smile: "I'm hungry, let's go back."

He looked at me blankly, and when I couldn't help frowning, he suddenly leaned in and kissed my face.

The good mood I had accumulated in front of me was immediately gone, and I glared at him angrily: "You!" Seeing his ignorant look, I suddenly felt powerless, "Forget it, let's go!"

Soon, he put on my clothes for me and carried me back as he had come.