Sect Master and Psycho

Chapter 9


Although the Demon Sect is a Demon Sect, it also has a name, and it is still a very shabby name. I wasn't rich in the first place, so I wanted to call it "Han Yijiao".

It is not known what the original intention of Han Yi Sect was when it was first founded, but by my time, it is indeed a traditional demon sect that has done all the bad things in the mouths of others and has wolf ambitions.

I have always felt that the Demon Sect is actually no different from the martial arts of the Right Way, but there are actually differences.

I want to go back to the Demon Sect and take over the overall situation, and now I think it's naive. I'm a cheap leader who has only been in office for a year. I don't have enough prestige, I don't have extraordinary wisdom, and martial arts are just the same. Even my appearance is... ordinary, and I don't have the evil charm and madness that a demon leader should have.

Let me ask, with just such a person, why does he convince the congregation

Now that I have fallen off the cliff and my life and death are uncertain, I should continue to be a "dead man", why should I come back to make trouble? This made the new leader see it, and thought I was going to fight him for the leader's seat, how could it make me feel better.

That's right, in the more than three months since I fell off the cliff, the Han Yi Sect has elected a new leader. That person was not a disciple of the old sect master, but a highly respected and prestigious elder in the sect. Strictly speaking, I should call him Uncle Shi.

"You shouldn't come back." My uncle, Lin Yue, was an elegant-looking man in his forties. He is the younger brother of the old sect master, and he has been serving in the church since he became an adult. After the death of the old sect master, he became an elder in the church. In the eyes of others, he is a person who is devoted to teaching and indifferent to fame and fortune.

I used to think so too, but now, I just want to laugh out loud!

"You took my position as the leader, and now you still want to kill me?" I looked at him coldly, "I'm stupid, I used to think you were a good person, but how can there be a good person in the Demon Cult? Good people have long since died. Your age."

In vain, I still want to come back like a fool to be the backbone of the demon sect, leading the sect to kill tomorrow, just fucking! If it weren't for such a heavy sense of responsibility, I'm afraid I'd be happy now.

Tsk, I really am not suitable for this place of intrigue of the Demon Cult.

He glared at me and said lightly, "You are very stupid. You are the stupidest among so many children, so I chose you. Your brothers and sisters are too good to be the leader I want."

I was stunned, and suddenly I understood everything.

In the days when I was still the leader of the school, I often listened to this uncle in teaching affairs, both big and small. I would do whatever he said, and I sincerely treated him as an elder. Unexpectedly, I took him as an elder, but he took me as a puppet.

I was so annoyed that I didn't want to start with him before the internal injury was completely healed. I knew in my heart that he would not let me go easily today.

I went out of the same school with him, but he was older than me, and his internal strength was too much higher. I was hit on the left chest by his palm in only fifty strokes, and immediately vomited a mouthful of blood.

I worked hard to return to Han Yijiao, and was beaten by him for almost three months, and then again fled overnight in embarrassment.

As the saying goes, if you are unlucky, you will get stuck between your teeth when you drink saliva. I was beaten back to its original shape as soon as I was healed, and I could only escape from Lin Yue's pursuit while vomiting blood. And just when I was about to escape from the sphere of influence of the First Han Sect, it was such a coincidence that I ran into two righteous disciples who came to the First Han Sect to inquire about the truth for no reason.

The swords on them looked familiar to me, and I wondered if it was one of the sects that encircled and suppressed me on the cliff.

I was at the end of the fight, and when I saw them, my eyes turned dark. I felt that my death was coming, and I immediately lay on the ground and fainted.

When I woke up again, my hands and feet were bound by the gang and I was thrown on a scooter.

I pretended to be dizzy all the way, and heard some doorway.

They are disciples of a sect called "Hidden Sword Sect". This time, they went to the martial arts conference with the headmaster. When they passed by the magic sect, they wanted to inquire about the situation on the outside so that they could go to the leader to claim credit. Teach the demon to send it to the door in vain.

But they didn't know my true identity, they just thought that I was a disciple of some demon sect. I didn't know what mistake I made and was severely injured, so they wanted to escape from the demon sect.

After a long time, I saw that it was no longer the same, so I woke up faintly.

"Master, he's awake!" one of the disciples in charge of guarding me shouted.

After a while, an old man surrounded by him came and asked me, twisting his beard, "What's your name? What's your relationship with the Demon Sect?"

"Master, spare your life!" I told them that I was a disciple of the Demon Sect. One day, I suddenly realized that I wanted to go back to the right side, so I planned to apostate. I didn't expect to be discovered, so I was injured and escaped all the way. They all know that too.

Even though what I said was affectionate, it was very moving, but maybe they were all small characters who could not pay attention, and they were dubious about what I said.

... Uncle's, isn't it all finished when you see that alliance leader

The head of the Hidden Sword Sect was so dazzled that he didn't recognize me, but I had a head-to-head confrontation with him. !

I made up my mind to slip halfway and find a chance to escape.

Although this Hidden Sword Sect is a small sect, the quality of its disciples is also uneven. There are two tortoise sons who specifically target me. As long as these two people guard me, I will always have nothing to eat.

What's even more annoying is that although it's a small sect, they are so many people that they keep me tied up and detained all day long. .

The martial arts conference is a major event, and along the way, I gradually met many people from other sects.

But Yinjianmen was probably afraid of being robbed of the credit by others, so he never said who I was, but only said that I was a little thief I met on the road. I am a dignified former demon sect leader who was called a thief who stole things, and I was also in a complicated mood.

When the group approached the town where the martial arts conference was held, I really saw a few familiar guys. Fortunately, I didn't take care of my body these days, and it was so dirty that they naturally didn't recognize me.

"Senior brother, look, what a beautiful horse!" Suddenly a disciple of the Hidden Sword Sect exclaimed.

I followed the opponent's line of sight, and a group of people who were decidedly different from the others appeared in the town with an extremely eye-catching posture.

All of them rode a black horse with a tall head. The horse's fur was smooth and smooth, and its mane was woven into a beautiful braid. At first glance, it was different from the rough people around. What is even more eye-catching is that one of the men whistled towards the sky, and after a while, two mighty goshawks flew down, one stopped firmly on his armguard, and the other stopped. Riding on the shoulders of the man in front of him.

"Such a beautiful horse and eagle, could it be 'Black Eagle Castle'?"

"They haven't appeared for many years, why are they here this time?"

"Is the one in the lead Xiao Zhongnan? Didn't you say he disappeared?"

"The second one I know is Xiao Mobei, the second fortress of Black Eagle Fort! Is Xiao Zhongnan really back??"

There were a lot of mixed voices talking around, but I kept my eyes on that "Xiao Zhongnan" who was drifting away. I always felt that... his back was very familiar. And this familiarity was explained after Yinjianmen and Black Eagle Castle stayed in the same inn.

The town where the martial arts conference is held this time is very remote. It took more than a month to travel all the way from the Partridge Mountain where the Han Yijiao is located. A dozen people slept in the firewood room. Only a dozen people came to Yinjianmen to get a room, but I heard the Yinjianmen disciples whispering in the side of the Black Eagle Fort, saying that they have a separate courtyard, and the sour tone was written on his face. "It's amazing to be rich" are the words.

After the disciples of Black Eagle Fort had cleaned the inn room, the two fort masters in charge, Shi Shiran, walked into this small inn that didn't quite match their identities. And Yinjianmen, still waiting for the boss to vacate the room for them.

"Brother, the room has been taken care of, you have just recovered, rest early!"


I was squatting on the side in a daze, and when I heard this "um", my whole body froze in place as if struck by lightning.

I turned my head in disbelief to look at the man who was said to be the lord of Black Eagle Castle. The other party is tall and tall, as tall as a lunatic. The difference is that he is neatly dressed and stylish, and there is no bushy beard on his face. But his eyes, deep and quiet, were as dark as the night sky, and I recognized them just at a glance.

- That's a lunatic!

There is such a coincidence in this world.