Seized by the System

Chapter 1154: Sacrifice


Fang Ning didn't bother to argue with these people who didn't know the inside story, so he jumped on the roof and ran away.

"I seem to have forgotten something?" Fang Ning ran away quickly, and after running a few hundred meters, he suddenly asked in confusion.

At this time, a scream of "woof" came from the distance.

"That big golden retriever dog..." the system avatar responded promptly.

"Sorry, my survival instinct is too strong." Fang Ning said sarcastically, and then ran back.

At this time, the big golden retriever dog had been tied up by this group of primitive people and was being placed on a stone altar, apparently to be slaughtered in retaliation.

Fang Ning jumped down directly, then resisted the dog and left.

The big golden retriever originally thought he was dead, but he didn't expect that he had just recognized this old friend, and he turned out to be a loyal person. He ran back to save it even after he had run so far away.

If it were replaced, it would definitely be able to run as far as it takes.

It seems that the memory I regained is correct, this old acquaintance is quite nice.

Fang Ning asked about the system's incarnation while resisting the dog and running away.

"No. 2, what do you think is the difference between the reincarnation of a god and the god itself? I think the behavior of this dog is completely different from the previous God of Death."

"Searching for information..." the system incarnation replied emotionlessly, "The reincarnation of gods has its own consciousness. It does not really regard itself as a god itself. It just knows that it has this memory, which is similar to the feeling that our ancestors also experienced."

"I see. I said this dog's behavior is so wrong. How can I be aware of it?" Fang Ning felt relieved, then untied the golden retriever and put it on the ground.

The dog itself didn't run away, so it was obviously looking for him.

"Oh, you said it was hard to find a god, but you were scared to death by me. It's really unlucky." Fang Ning shook his head.

The big golden retriever looked like he didn't understand, and just shook his head and waggled his tail.

"Do you know any other gods?" Fang Ning asked unwillingly.

The golden retriever rolled his eyelids, sniffed around, suddenly became excited, and ran somewhere.

"This guy is pretty good. I feel like he's a bit of a god-sent dog." Fang Ning said subconsciously.

"It's a bit of a coincidence. According to the data, this kind of thing is often arranged by someone." The system incarnation returned blankly.

"Could it be?" Fang Ning thought of something bad.

But it’s not like he was discovered just after he came in, right

No, my face is the best label.

I regret it, I should have come in with a different face, but it’s useless, my temperament is there.

When the golden retriever took Fang Ning to find a pride of lions again, Fang Ning understood that yes, the saints were plotting against him again.

The male lion turned around and ran away when he saw him, leaving behind a group of lionesses and cubs who were stunned.

"Damn it, you are defeated after repeated battles," Fang Ning grabbed the golden retriever that was claiming credit and said to the system, "I won't look for it anymore. This bait is enough. Let's go home first."

Then there was no movement for a long time.

Fang Ning wondered: "What's going on? Don't you ask your system dad to teleport us back?"

"No, we are like meteorites falling into the earth. It is easy to get in and difficult to get out. If you want to escape from this primitive world, you have to gather enough energy, or launch into the starry sky like a rocket, or practice to become like an immortal and soar out. But It is probably impossible to become an immortal." The system incarnation said honestly.

"Fuck," Fang Ning was furious, "I finally understand. I was deceived by the saints again. No wonder they let the two of us in so easily! Do you want me to develop the world for them?"

"Their calculation ability is indeed unprecedented. Unless we take advantage of the asymmetry of information, we cannot calculate them under the same conditions." The system incarnation admitted honestly.

"This seems to be the truth," Fang Ning said angrily, "No, I have to make some trouble for them. Maybe they still retain a trace of heavenly authority, but they can't be saints. This world was born by the dragon of creation. .How could the True Dragon Clan give away the fruit for free?"

"How do you want to cause trouble?" The system incarnation interrupted Fang Ning's complaint.

"Let me think about it, it's a bit of a headache. I've never done anything bad before, so I don't have any experience." Fang Ning said angrily.

"It seems that they are taking advantage of this. After all, this world is your previous world, and you cannot engage in massacres or annihilation of creatures. That would violate the rules of the system." The system incarnation calmly analyzed.

"Hey, you are much smarter." Fang Ning said in surprise.

"It's all in the data." The system incarnation is very real.

"Hey, I have it." Fang Ning looked at the golden retriever, who was chasing a white butterfly.

"The saints want to destroy my world and kill my competitor, but I have no conflict with the creatures in this world. In fact, they don't have a good impression of the saints. Even the heaven of this world doesn't want to A saint was born. Otherwise, they would not use these roundabout methods to deal with me, just like before, I used my merits in the world of midwifery to scare them away."

Fang Ning analyzed carefully, and his mind became clearer than ever before.

When it comes to big issues of life and death, he can't be lazy.

"So we have to find a way to contact the Heavenly Dao of this world, work together to kill the saint, and then live in peace," Fang Ning analyzed. "Of course, we can't have any illusions about the last one. We must have strength to maintain it."

"Oh, there are tens of thousands of ways to contact Heaven. Which one do you want?" After Fang Ning made a strategic decision, the system incarnation immediately gave suggestions.

"Let's do something simple." Fang Ning ordered.

"Well, just kill a divine creature to sacrifice to the world." The system incarnation said slowly.

Fang Ning's eyes subconsciously turned to the golden retriever that was dancing happily...

The golden retriever only felt a chill on his body. He looked around and found nothing unusual, so he continued to chase the butterfly.

"No, I'm not as ruthless as the system master. I can't do anything. Let's find another one." Fang Ning gritted his teeth and refused.

"Then we need to organize people to perform sacrifices. Considering how thin the vitality of this world is, at least one million people must be involved in the sacrifices to communicate with the way of heaven in this world." The system incarnation gave the second suggestion.

"Well," Fang Ning subconsciously looked at Golden Retriever again, "Do you think it would be okay if we just let out some blood?"

"You can try it first, there is nothing to lose anyway." The system incarnation seriously suggested.

Fang Ning did as he was told, hugged the golden retriever, and then took out a lot of dried meat.

"Here, I'll give you a patch first."

"Woooo..." Golden Retriever seemed to sense that the atmosphere was not good and struggled desperately.

But this is a low-demon world, how can it compare with the strong vigilante armor

The opponent's body has been strengthened to the maximum allowed by the rules of the world.

… …

Half an hour later, a dying golden retriever was tied to a tree, looking ahead in pain.

Fang Ning was using some bricks and wood materials to build a simple altar.

Speaking of these materials, they are actually very close to golden retrievers.

Because these materials were all used by Black Cat Tom to build a temporary altar to worship the God of Death.

This is called the reincarnation of heaven. Who will be spared by heaven...

Then Fang Ning slowly poured the dog blood from a bottle onto the altar.

Finally, he muttered words and began to communicate with heaven and earth according to the prayers provided by the system incarnation.