Seized by the System

Chapter 1157: Hosting World


Fang Ning focused on checking the school. Looking down from the sky, he saw that the effect was quite obvious.

The children who walked out of the school not only had hope on their faces, but many of them also had spirits that were completely different from those of the local aborigines. They seemed to have a kind of self-confidence in them.

This is the confidence that comes after mastering knowledge.

Wait, Fang Ning saw something strange.

I saw traces of black aura flashing across a few children.

By the way, this is a demonic thought. The method taught to the Prime Minister has not been implemented yet.

These saints are really sinister, they even set their sights on children.

The next moment, Fang Ning noticed a trace of black aura floating out from a child's body, slowly reaching into the sky.

Fang Ning drove Feizhou to follow quickly.

Soon the black aura came to the edge of the world, in front of the membrane of the world.

I didn't see any movement from it, it just slowly seeped out.

"Uncle, have you seen everything?" Fang Ning said solemnly.

"I saw it, is something wrong?" the uncle said confusedly.

"You are so stupid, why don't you destroy it?" Fang Ning scolded.

"It's a waste of energy to destroy it. This is just a test version of the world," the uncle said indifferently, "Didn't you say that you want the people to use the method of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth to destroy it? Then I won't take action."

"Well, let me tell you, we are in big trouble. These saints should not be underestimated. They have made two kinds of preparations." Fang Ning sighed.

"What two preparations?"

Fang Ning shook his head and said: "First, it disturbs people's hearts and leaves us with no one to use; second, it takes our path and leaves us with nowhere to go."

"Shameless! How can we call him a saint? He blatantly plagiarized us, despicable and despicable." The uncle was furious.

"Saints don't rejoice in things or feel sad about themselves. It's useless if you scold them. They will still copy what they should. I wonder why their world is still in the wilderness, a bunch of primitive people, but they haven't developed yet. Technology. They have planned for a long time. After the test of our world is completed, they will start to copy it!" Fang Ning said painfully.

"Then what should we do? Doesn't this mean that no matter what we do, we are all making wedding clothes for others?" the uncle said angrily.

"Yes, unless you can completely block the world, but this is difficult. After all, you have not reached the level of a saint and do not have the methods of a saint." Fang Ning said depressedly.

"Uh, in the end, is it my fault again?" the uncle said angrily.

"Oh, come on, I'm not blaming you. I'm just thinking about what the saints can't copy. They can copy technological means, they can copy civilization systems, they can also copy world backgrounds..." Fang Rather think hard and meditate.

"Even if you can steal it, I guess there are several little Fang Nings in the old world..." the uncle muttered.

"Look what you said," Fang Ning was speechless, and then he had an idea, "Yes, they will never copy you! You are the only being in this universe that cannot be copied."

"Why do you say that? Didn't you say before that I was created by the Divine Horse Realm and Heavenly Dao? Wouldn't it be over if they created a second one?" The uncle asked in surprise.

"No, after this creation, I discovered that weirdos like you can never be created, they can only be born." Fang Ning said seriously.

"Are you praising me, or are you secretly scolding me?" the uncle said angrily.

"That's what I originally meant. It's definitely to praise you." Fang Ning was about to ask for unity, but of course he couldn't admit it. "It's definitely not an extension. Don't over-interpret it. We have to think carefully about how to use you as the only one." Existence makes it impossible for them to catch up. You are the most important one in the plan."

"Well, I'm really sorry for what you said. I'm not that important. It's all under the guidance of the rich man." The uncle said sarcastically.

"No, excessive modesty is hypocrisy. Master, now is the time for you to muster up the courage and do your part!" Fang Ning encouraged, "Do you still remember? You once took care of the little Tiandao in the Blood River Secret Realm, and you did a great job. good?"

"What do you mean?" When the uncle heard this, he felt that something was wrong. It was not enough to co-host one host, but he also had to put the whole world on it

"You see, in the historical development of human civilization, as the level of civilization increases, the organizational power from top to bottom becomes stronger and stronger, such as from the tribal system to the concentration of power by military aristocrats, from the feudal system to the county. The county system has evolved from the imperial power not going to the countryside to vertical system management..." Fang Ning persuaded with earnest words.

"So what? They can do this too." The uncle wondered.

"What I mean is that the development of heaven and earth is the same. From unconsciousness to consciousness is just the first step. From letting creatures be free and unrestrained, to directed development; from entrusting the management of gods and saints to the management of heaven and earth personally. , and we directly evolved to the last level, system hosting." Fang Ning said proudly.

"It's interesting..." The uncle was moved, "It turns out that my role is really so great."

"Yes, yes, as long as you show the same energy as you used to trust me and keep the world in trust, they will never take it away." Fang Ning said seductively.

"Well, this is a very tiring system. You have to give me something real." The uncle suddenly said.

"Gouzi, you have changed. In the past, you never made any demands. You always put hardship first and enjoyment last." Fang Ning said angrily.

"That's because I was too naive before. Didn't I learn this from you?" the uncle said plausibly.

"Okay, from now on, you will get 60% of the world's output and I will get 40%." Fang Ning gritted his teeth.

"No, I want the equity." The uncle refused to give in.

"Equity is impossible. I've given you half of it. What else do you want?" Fang Ning shook his head repeatedly. "Besides, I'm doing this for your own good. If you don't do this, you will be blamed by the saint. Do you want to learn from history?" Those stupid guys at the end of the Ming Dynasty would rather fight together and die together than unite to fight off foreign enemies and then divide the cake? The Song Dynasty was so weak and they created the Southern Song Dynasty. How long did the Southern Ming Dynasty resist?"

"Oh, why can't I always defeat you..." The uncle said angrily, "Then let's do it. I take care of the overall situation and reluctantly learn to take charge of this world, but this world is different from the previous secret realm. The secret realm is small and the way of heaven is incomplete. It is two levels apart from the complexity of the entire world.”

"Don't worry, I will definitely train you well. If you have any problems, just come to me." Fang Ning quickly encouraged him and finally dragged this guy down into the pit again, but he couldn't let him climb up.

"That's more or less the same, but what do you think the first thing I should do after taking over the custody?" the uncle said confusedly.

"Well, you didn't ask this question when you took charge of me before." Fang Ning said in confusion.

"Compared to how poor you were back then, I can't do anything worse than you did back then," the uncle said plausibly, "Now the world has a certain foundation, and I can't mess around."

"Co-author, were you messing with me in the first place?" Fang Ning finally discovered the historical truth.

"Don't mention the past anymore, answer my current questions first."

"Let me think about it," Fang Ning said helplessly, "Let me continue my investigation and see what is missing in this world."

After Fang Ning made the decision, she continued to travel around the world.

This time, it is not limited to human society.

Since it is under the care of the uncle, he has to look at more places.

He had seen the natural world, the sky and the ocean, one by one, and he quickly knew it by heart.

One month later.

"Okay, the first thing you have to do is to train a rival for mankind." Fang Ning said seriously.

"Are you going to play so hard when you come up?" the uncle said in surprise.

"Of course, people are light and airy without pressure, but fighting externally will lead to internal friction. Since we are the creation gods, we cannot be limited to the standpoint of human beings, but from the standpoint of heaven and earth." Fang Ning said matter-of-factly.

"Okay, what you said makes sense, but which opponent is better?" The uncle wondered.

"This is not simple. Aren't the Twelve Claws still on the digitized earth? Get out its octopus family. You see how thoughtful I have been for you, even leaving out templates." Fang Ning said placidly.

"The rich man is wise."

The next moment, on the ocean surrounding the land of Kyushu, there was a group of octopuses that screamed "kaka".

"Hey, the sea water seems a bit salty today..." A little octopus wondered.

"Tch, didn't you realize that the big moon cake in the sky is gone?" Another old octopus said with disdain.

"Where is our king?" the little octopus continued to ask.

"Wait a minute, let's get in touch." The old octopus began to emit radio waves.