Seized by the System

Chapter 1160: Peace of mind


system space.

Fang Ning was watching the newly added video of the octopus clan's activities on the big screen, and happened to see an octopus plotting for the throne of the Twelve Claws.

"Oh, I knew these guys were a dynamic organization, and they were thinking about land hegemony so quickly." He sighed with great emotion.

"No, in the previous world, those fish were unable to speak and were full of plastic. Now that these octopuses have learned a lesson, they will definitely not make the same mistakes again. You humans will be in misfortune this time." The uncle gloated.

"Stop talking nonsense, I am the God of Creation. I must uphold a neutral stance. As a qualified God of Creation, I must be ruthless and cruel, not take joy in things, not feel sorrow for myself, and have the heart of heaven and earth as my heart. , for the benefit of heaven and earth." Fang Ning pretended.

"In this case, your wife and her family don't need it anymore, just keep it as a photo." The uncle said thoughtfully.

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say.

"By the way, these octopuses are quite strange. In your world, aren't they famous for being nerdy fish? They get into the jar and never come out." The uncle skipped the topic and continued.

"There are two mistakes in what you said. First, they are not fish; second, otakus also have the ambition to dominate the world." Fang Ning took the opportunity to reprimand.

"I don't understand, but they are indeed quite useful. I calculated that the world's spiritual power increased by 20% month-on-month this month."

"Okay, you can calculate this." Fang Ning praised.

"Actually, I don't know what 'month-on-month growth rate' is. I just thought it was more advanced, so I used it. Didn't you tell me that we need refined management?" the uncle said plausibly.

"Damn it, if you don't understand, why can't you just search it? Use it wherever you want. What if you use it wrongly?" Fang Ning said helplessly.

"Look what you said, the earth is gone, how can there be any search engine? I'm just a martial arts system, how about you make me a search engine?" the uncle said contemptuously.

"Although I am a programmer, I can't do everything." Fang Ning said bitterly.

"Then you are a waste. Other people's programmers can even repair sewers." The uncle said without mercy.

Fang Ning hid in the corner and drew circles.

After a while, he suggested: "There is a computer center array at Tianshu Baby, which is used to manage the Justice League platform. It must have all functions. You can restore it first."

"Oh, that's fine, but the Dragon Mystery Realm is too small, and I can't put many things in it." The uncle said angrily.

Fang Ning said speechlessly: "Then find a place to temporarily store it in the beta world."

"Well, it's still inconvenient without the Internet." The uncle said seriously.

"Yes, yes, I haven't read any novels in years." Fang Ning said quietly.

"It will be for you to read in the future. I will ask the authors to write more cuckold novels for you to fully stimulate your mood swings and provide you with spiritual strength." The uncle said proudly.

"You don't care about this?" Fang Ning felt like he shot himself in the foot.

"Of course, this is what you said. All aspects of the world must be managed. Cultural products are directly related to the output speed of the world's spiritual power. I will definitely provide direction guidance." The uncle said with confidence.

"Fuck..." Fang Ning had nothing to say. He had done something wrong for himself and could not live. He said in frustration, "Call out my treasure from the Book of Heaven."

"Why are you looking for it? Now it is of no use as the chief minister. I want to fight it myself." The uncle retorted.

"Stop talking nonsense, do you know how to use search engines?" Fang Ning asked.

After a while, the shining golden book reappeared.

"Master, I haven't seen you for a long time." The pages of the book flickered and he threw himself into Fang Ning's arms.

"Well, I've been spending a lot of time practicing recently," Fang Ning said sarcastically.

"He sleeps every day, so he never has time to see you." The uncle added insult to injury.

"Stop talking nonsense," Fang Ning ignored the uncle's provocation and said, "Baby, let me ask you, what is the concept of this month-on-month growth rate?"

"Oh, that means that within a certain period, the difference between this data and the last data is compared with the value of the last data. It is usually used to visually display the relative growth or relative decrease of the two data." Tianshu quickly Give the answer.

"Uncle, do you understand?"

"I understand, I just made a mistake in my calculation. If I do the calculation again, no, the month-on-month growth rate of spiritual power in this world is actually a negative number, -20%." The uncle said in surprise.

"What's going on?" Fang Ning was also very surprised.

"Let me check and see where the loophole is."

"Oh, oh, sorry, I forgot that investing in new intelligent creatures consumes the spiritual power of heaven and earth in order to integrate them into this world. In a few years, as long as they develop, they can earn back." The uncle said sarcastically.

"Damn it, I remembered it. When you took charge of me, there were a lot of troubles. Now it's the turn of the world. You should be more careful. When things go wrong, it doesn't affect one household, it affects the entire world. The world." Fang Ning reminded.

"I know, I know. Stop being so verbose. Go in and start working quickly. By the way, take that old book with you. It will stay idle even if it is idle." The uncle urged.

Before Fang Ning could say anything, he was kicked out of the system space by the uncle and fell into the beta world...

… …

Prime Minister's Mansion.

Fang Ning returned here with the treasure of the Book of Heaven, and Xiao Wu continued to serve him respectfully at home.

Although he disappeared for more than a month, the other party had no doubts.

"Master, what should we do now?" Tianshu Baby asked.

"Well, your system dad will take care of other things. The old world is hard to come back from. What we have to do is to build a world full of love and justice. But world settings alone are not enough. Your system dad is a ruthless thing. , without the constraints of chivalrous rules, it would have turned into an evil god long ago, and there is no hope for it." Fang Ning said seriously.

"Master said it is." Tianshu Baobao always stood on Fang Ning's side.

As for why, it's because Fang Ning is soft-hearted and won't hit it even if he makes a mistake. The system master is not good enough. If he really dares to hit it, he will threaten it with reheating at every turn.

"Let me think about it, if we want to rebuild the League of Justice," Fang Ning continued, "we must first determine the principles of justice in the new world."

"Master, you speak and I listen."

"Baby, you're really obedient. First of all, it's the same thing. Intelligent creatures are born equal and all have the same right to survival and development. If there is not enough living space, everyone must negotiate to restrain their reproduction. It cannot be accomplished by killing the other party." Fang Ning said. Said.

"Hey, if this is implemented, not only the system father, but also many people will accuse the master of being the Holy Mother." Tianshu Baby said worriedly.

"Those fools, how do they know that only when there are more righteous people can the world be stable and reduce internal friction. I can feel at ease when I sleep... You really think I am the Holy Mother," Fang Ning muttered, "I just said However, there are too many people who misunderstand me. How can I continue to play in the main god space full of careerists? Only a world full of love and justice is the easiest place to stay."

"Master is right, there are too few people who understand you. But I support you." Tianshu Baby affirmed.

"Great, let's keep building this world."