Seized by the System

Chapter 1161: The monument reappears


Sure enough, when Fang Ning said this, the uncle's ruthless ridicule sounded in his mind.

"You are really becoming more and more naive. The competition for survival is the biggest driving force. Now you want them to negotiate self-restraint. How is that possible? Who doesn't want to eat more and take more? How is it possible that everyone will listen to you?"

"So we need to establish an alliance for unified management." Fang Ning argued forcefully.

"You are all talking nonsense. Your League of Justice is still fine as before. If you play too hard, it will only suppress competition. As a result, the world will lack the power to move forward and become a stagnant water. Vibrant ethnic groups will not be able to occupy more places. With more resources and progress, the backward ethnic groups will only live and enjoy themselves and cannot be eliminated in time. I will not agree with you doing this." The uncle said plausibly.

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say. He knew what the uncle said was right.

When we were on Earth before, it was aimed at humans, and the scope of its influence was not very large. It only acted as a fair regulator, and its scope of influence was small. Now it is amplified to the entire world, and its influence is very powerful.

After thinking about it, he said: "Well, didn't Heavenly Dao create a Heavenly Dao list in the past? You can also launch it in the same way. For the backward ethnic groups, you will reduce their reproductive capacity. This is also what you will do after your trusteeship. The benefits can affect this by changing the chances of conception."

"..." The uncle was stunned when he heard this, "Can you still play like this? Rich man, your actions are too arrogant."

"It's okay, this is much gentler." Fang Ning said proudly.

"Yes, for a backward person like you, you shouldn't have children, so as not to drag down the next generation." The uncle said smoothly.

"Holy shit..." Unexpectedly, Fang Ning turned around and came back, and the pot hit him on the head again.

"The more I think about it, the smarter the rich are. Look at those decadent classes who have never invented anything and are just parasites. I will let them die in one generation. Just like you often say that the gentry class in the Ming Dynasty oppressed the people. You can only bully one generation, and the next generation will be destitute, and your Ming Dynasty will not be destroyed." The uncle said excitedly.

"Well, your ability to associate is really getting stronger and stronger." Fang Ning said weakly. He shouldn't have opened the door and let the uncle discover a new world.

"This is the benefit of the refined management of Heavenly Dao. It can maximize the use of resources between heaven and earth, reduce waste, and produce more spiritual power. The self-regulation of intelligent creatures, like the market, is a lag adjustment, and I am Plan in advance. Rich man, you are indeed useful." The uncle praised.

"Then you just said you wouldn't let me have a baby?" Fang Ning shot back.

"Oh, having a child will only delay your genius. You can only be a dad 24 hours a day. I am doing this for your own good." The uncle said earnestly.

"Get lost!" Fang Ning was too lazy to talk nonsense with this bird system and took the treasure of the Book of Heaven out for inspection.

… …

"Xiao Wu, what do you think the society you want should be like in the future?" Fang Ning asked casually to his followers while walking on the streets of the capital city.

There was a golden book floating beside him, which made Xiao Wu awed. This must be another magic weapon of the immortal.

Hearing what the immortal said, he quickly replied: "The young one is just a slave. It's really not possible to deal with such a big problem."

"Then just talk about your ideals." Fang Ning encouraged.

"I want to live in a big house, then marry three or four wives, hire dozens of servants to serve me, and eat delicious food from the mountains and seas every day. It is best not to have to work every day." Xiao Wu said boldly.

He thought, if this is the immortal who wants to promote him, wouldn't it be a big loss if he doesn't say anything

"You are honest enough," Fang Ning said bitterly, "but if you live like this, you will be hated by heaven and you will have no future generations."

"If I can get this without descendants, I think it's worth it." Xiao Wu said sarcastically.

"Well, to be honest, you are an honest person and did not deceive me." Fang Ning nodded.

"Can the young master fulfill my wish..." Xiao Wu asked bravely.

"You think well, walk well." Fang Ning scolded.

"Yes, yes." Xiao Wu led the way with his head drooped.

Fang Ning thought to himself, even I, the Creator God, do not receive such treatment. It is simply unbearable that you still expect such treatment. It seems that what the uncle said makes sense. Without the pressure of survival, few people are willing to make progress and work hard.

"Go to the nearest market and have a look." Fang Ning ordered.

"Okay, sir, come this way with me."

Nanfang Wholesale Market.

This is a gathering place for handicraft factories, so it also forms a distribution center for goods.

Fang Ning walked slowly in the market. Wherever he went, the crowds avoided each other and rushed to kowtow to him. There were also many people who begged him to consecrate the store. It was simply unreasonable. What did they think of the God of Creation

I had briefly passed it from the sky before, but now I came down in person and realized that the materials here are indeed much richer.

Grains such as millet and wheat were piled up in mounds; various handicrafts, tables, chairs, benches, pots, bowls, spoons, cotton-padded clothes and quilts and other goods were dazzling.

There were also many smiles on the faces of people coming and going.

Only occasionally can you see some evil-looking government officials standing in front of some stores. When they see him coming, they look like they are in a dilemma.

It seems that they are not doing anything good except eating, drinking and extorting money from them.

"Well, after all, this is a feudal society. We can't force it to be better. I just hope that after the new law changes, this situation can change for the better." Fang Ning sighed.

"Why are you so pessimistic? When my Heavenly Ranking comes out, I will let them know what awe is." The uncle said not caring at all.

"Uh, you have to take care of such a small matter?" Fang Ning said in surprise.

"Isn't that what you said? We need to refine the management and clean up all the things that are holding us back. The evil deeds of these government officials are hindering the implementation of the new law." The uncle said plausibly.

"It always feels like playing a game with cheats. It's not like the normal world." Fang Ning said helplessly.

"Come on, you're really good at pretending, but you're the one who shows off the most." The uncle said with disdain.

"Give me some face, so be it. The new law educates children, upholds the law, and encourages invention. The original intention is good, but the executors need to stick to their true intentions. It is good to have the deterrent of the heavenly list." Fang Ning quickly agreed.

"By the way, you give me your Heaven Monument, and the Human Monument, which has never been born. You have to find a way to get it back. Only when the three Monuments of Heaven, Earth and Human are complete can the maximum effect be exerted. If there is a Human Monument, It will save me a lot of effort and improve management efficiency." The uncle suddenly reminded me.

"Well, it's okay to give the celestial monument to you, but the human monument is hard to fix. It's still hidden somewhere in the ancient world. I can't go there for the time being." Fang Ning declined.

"Don't worry, I will call you when it is born."

"Thank you for being so considerate." Fang Ning said dejectedly.

The next day, the Heavenly Monument appeared again, and it had countless clones. It was located on the top of the Tower of Heaven, shining in all directions.

At the beginning of the creation of the world, Fang Ning set the soul to be immortal, and also set up a game board for each person with an immortal soul. The whole world was like a game world.

However, after bug fixes, the setting of immortal soul was cancelled, and only big contributors can achieve it.

Now that this monument has been released, everyone can see the potential of each race, which invisibly increases a lot of pressure.

Of course, there are only two races on the list, one is human and the other is octopus.

This triggered a wave of publicity.