Seized by the System

Chapter 1166: The finale


Ten years later.

The ancient world.

Fang Ning was walking in a market, followed by a young man in a long gown, followed by a black dog, and carrying a gold book on his back, panting heavily.

"Xiao Gu, I really didn't expect you guys to be alive until now," Fang Ning said casually, "I thought you were all dead."

The young man in the long gown smiled slightly: "It's all thanks to the blessing of Master Tuo and the ambassador."

"Well, as long as you always uphold the principle of benevolence and don't engage in those tricks of the weak and the strong, you will naturally have endless good luck." Fang Ning said pretendingly.

"That's what the ambassador taught me," Gu Buwei said.

Fang Ning didn't take it seriously. Whether the other party listened or didn't listen, it would have nothing to do with him in the future.

"Are you sure the whereabouts of the human monument is here?" Fang Ning pointed to a square in front of the crowd. A faint ray of light could be seen shining through the crowd.

"According to Master's calculation, it should be here." Gu Buwei said with certainty.

"It seems that the popularity is really high, let's go and have a look." Fang Ning felt happy, the task given by the uncle has been completed.

Fang Ning stepped forward and the crowd dispersed.

"The Immortal is here. Make way for the Immortal."

"This baby finally has an owner."

"Other than the Immortal, who else has the virtue to own this treasure."

At this time, a ray of light appeared in front of Fang Ning's eyes.

The source of the light is not a stone tablet, but an exquisite jade figure, which is full of light, making it difficult to see the appearance.

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed in fine cloth bowed his hands and said to Fang Ning: "Immortal, this stone statue is very powerful. It knows astronomy and geography. It also said that whoever can answer its question There were hundreds of questions about who it would follow home, and we tried and found that we couldn’t answer even one.”

"Hey, I'll just give it a try." Fang Ning pretended.

"That's it, that's it. Besides the Immortal Chief, who can take it into his pocket?" Everyone replied one after another.

Fang Ning stood confidently in front of the other party.

Then he called the uncle in his heart. This is the authority of being a world ambassador, and he can call across the world.

"What's the matter? If you don't work hard at work, don't fish." The uncle said impatiently. Obviously, hosting the world is not an easy job.

"I have found your human monument, right in front of me."

"Then take it back quickly."

"It said it would have to answer 100 questions before it would go home with people."

"The bitch is just being hypocritical. It means whatever it says. Its Heavenly Father still owes me tens of thousands of merit notes, so I can use it to offset the debt. Just take it away and I'll make it up when I get back." Be confident and confident.

"It makes sense." Fang Ning suddenly realized.

Sometimes it's like this. A wise person will fall into a fixed mindset. It's not as easy as a stupid guy to go straight and break the situation easily.

So Fang Ning didn't bother to speak anymore, and sent a message to the stone statue with his spiritual message, then waved his hand and asked the black dog to come forward.

The next moment, the black dog bit the stone statue's leg and took it away effortlessly.

Everyone was stunned.

"Everyone, Pindao will go back right now and answer this precious question slowly. Walk slowly and don't send me away."

"It's easy to go, immortal."

"It's the Immortal Chief after all. We have spent so much effort and we still can't get even half close."

"That fairy dog is so strong that even Master Zhao hired hundreds of people and couldn't pull it."

… …

system space.

Fang Ning looked at the jade figure. He looked left and right. The figure had lost its light. If he looked carefully, he saw that it was just an average-looking human face.

"Uncle, what do you think this thing is used for?"

"Ask it, don't ask me."

Fang Ning then asked.

"Although you paid me off from Tiandao, but you haven't answered 100 questions, I won't help you, let alone answer any of your questions." The jade figure said calmly.

"Uh..." Fang Ning was speechless.

"Let me go." The uncle said impatiently.

"Wait, let me find someone to persuade it. After all, it is still a child." Fang Ning stopped the uncle.

After a while, the green-skinned frog of the Sky Monument and the Macaw of the Earth Monument appeared in front of the jade figure. As soon as they saw the figure, they immediately surrounded it.

"Lao San, you finally fell into the clutches of the devil..."

"This, how can you talk about this?" the uncle said angrily.

"Don't be impatient, they are just telling the truth." Fang Ning reassured.

"I think they just need to be beaten."

"No, why won't you be punished by the rules for saying this?" Fang Ning suddenly said in surprise.

"This shows that the rules support my educating them in this way. The sages said it well, a stick will produce a filial son, and spoiling a son is like killing a son. I am doing this for their own good." The uncle said plausibly.

After a while, the man monument finally lowered his head and said: "Okay, my function is to know people in the world. I can answer questions that everyone knows."

"Isn't this very useful? Big caterpillars can do it too." The uncle said unsatisfied.

"I can also show everyone's past experiences..." Renbi quickly added.

"This is not bad. After all, the cost of feeding Daqing is still very high," the uncle became happy. "I will give you a central advisor position in the future. I will ask them to find you for reconnaissance matters in the lower realm."

Fang Ning hurriedly said: "My mission has been completed. Now I can reunite my whole family."

"Of course, I have always promised you a lot of money, and I will let you appear in your family photo right away." The system uncle immediately agreed.

"..." Fang Ning was so shocked that he almost fell to the ground. He quickly said, "Stop talking nonsense to me. If you dare to digitize me, be careful of your system crashing."

"I'm just joking with you. As for being so scared? I'm not from the evil god system." The uncle said sarcastically.

"Stop joking like this. I want to live for a few more years." Fang Ning was really shocked. If he was turned into a photo and hung up, he would be in charge until death...

"Go away, your wife and her family are waiting for you in the Dragon Mystery Realm. Remember to come back from visiting relatives and continue working."


Fang Ning drawled his voice and then got into the mysterious dragon realm.

(Complete the book.)

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