Seizing Dreams

Chapter 102: new home


Fu Liqun said, "Ask another housekeeper to come over and clean it every week, 100 yuan..."

"What kind of housekeeping?" Yu Hao said, "I'll do it!"

"Can you sit down?" Zhou Sheng said, "Don't run around. You're tired just looking at it. Are you so excited?"

The dining room was covered with checkered tablecloths, and the refrigerator was empty, save for a case of beer and a few bottles of Coke bought by Fu Liqun. Yu Hao went to move the pots and pans again, and his mood instantly improved, second only to the day Zhou Sheng confessed to him.

Zhou Sheng said, "I originally wanted to buy this house, but my brother told me not to buy it."

"Fortunately, I persuaded me to stop." Yu Hao was a little worried, "You're crazy!"

Zhou Shengdao: "The house price in Ying City will definitely go up. Although this is a town, the subway is close to the bottom. It's a good place. You don't have to worry about renting it out or selling it. If you buy it and live there for two or three years, then you can sell it. Maybe 20% more."

Yu Hao suddenly thought about it, and sometimes his vision was really not comparable to Zhou Sheng's.

Fu Liqun said, "It's safe to have money by your side. You don't lack that."

Zhou Sheng: "Are you a Husky! Yu Hao! Come here and sit! Stop pulling drawers everywhere!"

Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Hao with a smile. Yu Hao knew that Zhou Sheng was silent, so he must be very happy. He came over to sit by the fireplace and sat down with them, and looked around. Fu Liqun was bored, and he kept bleeding when he was with them.

"Sister-in-law?" Zhou Sheng asked again.

"Come here on the weekend." Fu Liqun felt a little better when he saw Cen Shan's reply, and said, "Cook and eat together then."

The doorbell rang and the food was delivered. Yu Hao was immersed in great joy, hugged the delivery boy, and shouted, "Hello! Thank you!"

Delivery boy: "???"

Zhou Sheng: "…"

"Or let's let Brother Yangming come and live there too?" Zhou Sheng said with satisfaction after the meal, "I think you both like people very much, either brother will be wronged?"

"I don't!" Fu Liqun immediately frantically said, apparently he and Zhou Sheng also discussed this issue.

Yu Hao said, "Stop talking, I was wrong!"

"Just let me do the bad guys, everyone is very kind." Zhou Sheng took a cigarette, picked up the trash, went downstairs and threw it away, then came up in three steps and said, "Go take a shower, winter is here. , hibernate!"

Yu Hao felt as if his life had entered a whole new stage. From moving to Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun's dormitory, to confirm their relationship, to now moving into a new home, although it was just renting a house, it made him more and more interested. feel like home.

They can stop worrying about the outside world, just close the door, stay in the room at night, and do whatever they want. Zhou Sheng took a shower and came out, wiped the water off his body, and lay down on the bed, then grabbed Yu Hao into his arms and rubbed it intimately, kissing and making love recklessly.

In this big bed, after the end, they can hug comfortably and sleep all night, the mountains are silent at night, and the warmth of each other's bodies makes the winter nights of this year no longer cold. When the sun was shining in the early morning, Yu Hao woke up and saw Zhou Sheng holding him in his arms, looking at him seriously.

Yu Hao found out that it was really hard to get out of bed when he came out to rent a room, unlike in the dormitory, where the nights were much more lingering, and when he woke up during the day, his whole body seemed to fall apart, especially when the two of them were hugging in the same bed and wanted to do something else in the morning.

"What day is it today?" Yu Hao groaned.

"Three or four festivals." Zhou Sheng kissed Yu Hao and said, "Are you still doing it?"

Yu Hao said, "Let me rest for a while... This time is a bit too much."

"Okay." Zhou Sheng smiled, "I took a shower and went for a run."

Zhou Sheng whistled to take a bath, Yu Hao sat like a child, glanced at Zhou Sheng when he came out, Zhou Sheng flipped over his T-shirt and asked himself, "How does it feel to come out to rent a house?"

Yu Hao replied, "Happiness is a bit unreal." He looked up at him.

Zhou Sheng smiled again, sat down and put on his socks, and said, "This is not a real home, let's buy a house after graduation. It wasn't my brother who said yesterday, I really want to buy it."

Yu Hao said, "We are together, it's home."

Zhou Sheng put on his shoes and came over to kiss Yu Hao.

"That's what I said." Zhou Sheng replied, "I still want you to live a carefree life... Let's go." After that, he closed the door and went to school.

Yu Hao sat blankly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Fu Liqun was sleepy, seeing Yu Hao eating fried dough sticks, drinking soy milk, reading a book in the restaurant, and sending Zhou Sheng a WeChat message full of love and love emojis, Fu Liqun let out an "ah-" like a zombie.

"Sleeping alone, it's really cold at night."

"Sister-in-law will be here in a few days. Just stick with it and have breakfast."

Fu Liqun looked at Yu Hao's book, "No class in the morning?"

"Starting today," Yu Hao said seriously, "I must study hard!"

Fu Liqun: "..."

Yu Hao felt that his relationship with Zhou Sheng seemed to have transitioned to a whole new stage with this rented house. If it was a period of love before, now it has entered a newly married life. But this time, Yu Hao didn't insist too much on renting a house. He felt that he could live in the dormitory.

But Zhou Sheng's move to rent a house no matter what, made him feel that Zhou Sheng has been working hard to live with him for a lifetime.

Strange to say, as soon as they moved to the new house, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng almost stopped quarreling. Every day they went to class and eat as usual. When they got home, they would sit together affectionately, read books together, or Zhou Sheng would watch dramas and play games. Hao did his homework and asked Zhou Sheng in confusion.

It seems that as soon as the desire is released, Zhou Sheng's irritability disappears without a trace. Now Zhou Sheng does the most action every day. I want to come again, I can't help but want it again in the morning, and come again at night. Yu Hao couldn't take it anymore. He could only make three appointments with him once a day, no more than that.

When Fu Liqun was at school, he tried to call Li Yangming as much as possible, and Zhou Sheng's attitude towards him also improved.

Yu Hao often felt that this guy's temper development line was: when they were not together, Zhou Sheng was very manic - after being together for a short period of time they were sweet for a while - and then he became manic because he forcibly suppressed his desires - until now, he has finally recovered. A friendly and upright young man.

Yu Hao was in Chen Yekai's class that day, and suddenly there was a low-pitched discussion in the class. There was a constant buzzing. Chen Yekai stopped lecturing, frowning slightly, and the class fell silent again.

Chen Yekai's class allows you to sleep, study on your own, play with your mobile phone or do anything, as long as you can answer the questions, but you are not allowed to disturb the order of the class and affect those who want to attend the class. Yu Hao has learned this class very well, except that he is occasionally sleepy and needs to catch up on sleep. Most of the time, he listens very carefully. Today's small-scale commotion seems to be coincidental, which makes him feel very strange.

Has something happened at school? Yu Hao looked at the class group, there was no news, it was quiet.

Zhou Sheng was sweating, bowed in from the back door, and sat down beside Yu Hao.

Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng, and Zhou Sheng opened the phone for Yu Hao to look at.

Yu Hao: "!!!"

The news is out! Many officials in Ying City have been sacked one after another! The online media and local portals all exploded at once. Yu Hao immediately flipped through his mobile phone to open the official account, and saw a temporary anti-corruption topic on Xiao Yujun.

Shuanggui's name, Yu Hao, was almost unknown to him. After class, the cafeteria was all discussing this matter. Yu Hao said, "Tear out so much?"

"There are seven in total." Zhou Sheng replied, "I've heard of all of them, and I'm still investigating."

Yu Hao hadn't heard of it, but there was no Huang Baiguang on it, so it should be fine, Zhou Sheng said, "Would you like to call that kid and congratulate him?"

Yu Hao pondered for a moment, then called Ou Qihang outside the cafeteria.

He picked it up over there, and Zhou Sheng wore one earphone and said, "Congratulations, we didn't even think about this result."

"Thank you." Ou Qihang laughed and replied, "Without you, this result would not have happened."

Yu Hao said, "It's really not easy, set sail."

"Well." Ou Qihang replied.

Yu Hao's heart was up and down for a while, he had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start.

After a moment of silence, Ou Qihang said, "I just got out of class and I'm going to the cafeteria."

"Study hard." Yu Hao replied, "Is it okay?"

Ou Qihang said, "I have won Sister Junjun's understanding, and I should be given a suspended sentence. Is Teacher Chen's hand better?"

Yu Hao laughed and said, "Why don't you call him yourself when you're worried?"

Ou Qihang said, "I called, but he didn't answer. Brother Ting asked him for me. He said it was a trivial matter..." As he was talking, Chen Yekai came and saw Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng were on the phone, so he pointed In the cafeteria, do you want to have lunch together? Zhou Sheng handed him a pair of earphones, which Chen Yekai put on with a questioning face.

"... He asked me to study hard." Ou Qihang said, "I dreamed of him coming last night."

"Stop." Seeing that Zhou Sheng was doing something bad again, Yu Hao immediately stopped Ou Qihang's words, so as not to say any embarrassing words, "His hand has completely recovered, and there is no problem."

Chen Yekai smiled and returned the earphones to Zhou Sheng, feeling a little helpless.

Zhou Sheng thought for a while, and suddenly asked, "In your dream, there should be no zombies, right?"

"I don't know." Ou Qihang said, "Maybe? I haven't dreamed of the end for a long time."

Zhou Shengdao: "Use your imagination, if you were asked to solve this dream, what would you summon? Your father never left you behind, can you defeat the power of adversity?"

Yu Hao was startled, while Zhou Sheng quietly and patiently waited for Ou Qihang's answer.

"Is there?" Ou Qihang was a little surprised and asked, "Why do you ask that?"

"Okay." Zhou Sheng replied, "Bring your strength and go to bed early at night."

Ou Qihang immediately said, "Wait! Zhou Sheng!"

Zhou Sheng casually hung up the phone and smiled at Yu Hao, Yu Hao was shocked.

"You want to pull that kid?" Chen Yekai heard the conversation, and Zhou Sheng replied with an "um", "Anyway, he already knows."

After the three of them had a meal, Yu Hao still couldn't believe it, and said, "Zhou Sheng, you are so willing to help him?"

Zhou Sheng said, "I actually admire him, what's wrong? I'm jealous? Don't go when I'm jealous."

Yu Hao hurriedly said no, he wasn't jealous at all, but Zhou Sheng's decision made Yu Hao understand Zhou Sheng a little more. Zhou Sheng thought about it and said, "He taught me something."

Chen Yekai said, "Is it about justice?"

"No." Zhou Sheng said, "This is a small favor."

Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng suspiciously, Zhou Sheng winked narrowly at Yu Hao, Yu Hao's head was full of question marks, Zhou Sheng had to answer, "Why are you so stupid? This kid is our catalyst. "

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao remembered that if Ou Qihang hadn't chased him back then, maybe Zhou Sheng would have wanted to delay until he had won Medusa before confessing to himself. For a while, he didn't know how to comment, so he had to bow his head to eat with a blushing face, while Chen Yekai didn't know how much blood he lost, so he pretended not to hear.

"Call me if you need it." Chen Yekai said.

Zhou Sheng said: "If you can't come, it's useless to call."

Chen Yekai said, "If you really need it, there is always a way."

Zhou Sheng: "You just want to go by yourself, right?"

Chen Yekai said, "I really don't, I just wondered if I could help you guys, Zhou Sheng, you've broken down with Huang Ting!"

Zhou Sheng: "Okay, I know all your thoughts. I'll find a way for you, Kaikai, don't worry."

Chen Yekai: "You're so annoying Zhou Sheng, and I'll deduct Yu Hao's usual points."

Yu Hao: "..."


"Do you have a good relationship with Teacher Chen?" Li Yangming asked Yu Hao.

Yu Hao: "Not good."

Li Yangming: "But I saw that you were sitting together for lunch. I took a secret photo today and printed it out. Can you help me get him to sign this photo?"

Yu Hao: "I will be deducted from my usual points by him, don't think about it."

Li Yangming: "Let me ask another question, is it true that he and Zhou Sheng are chasing you together?"

Yu Hao: "..."

Li Yangming: "Did Zhou Sheng break his hand?"

Yu Hao put one hand on his forehead and asked, "Is it all spread like this outside?"

Li Yangming laughed, Yu Hao said patiently, "Do you think if Zhou Sheng interrupted Teacher Chen's hand, would we still have a table at noon today?"

Li Yangming said, "It's hard to say."

Yu Hao found that Li Yangming really had the talent to talk to death. Li Yangming said again, "Mr. Chen is so good, you actually chose Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng must feel very happy."

Yu Hao looked at Li Yangming. This was the first time that someone could evaluate Zhou Sheng so indirectly, which made him feel quite complicated.

"Zhou Sheng is very good," Yu Hao said seriously, "He is the best person I've ever met. You haven't seen him shine. I don't want to compare them, but I admire Zhou Sheng very much. You didn't notice that. Everyone who befriends him admires him from the bottom of his heart, who can do that?"

Li Yangming said: "I think he is too fierce, but it is true to hear your words, only you can persuade him."

"And Teacher Chen doesn't like me." Yu Hao said, "Don't listen to the nonsense of the class."

Li Yangming said, "It's understandable that a lover sees Xi Shi. You didn't notice that when Mr. Chen was in class, he would always pay attention to whether you were here or not, and then he would start calling when he found you."

"He's just afraid that I'll fall asleep." Yu Hao thought to himself that Chen Yekai was just worried about something unexpected, but thinking about it this way, it seemed that Chen Yekai still cared about them.

After nightfall, Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao raised their heads in their dreams and looked at the Golden Crow Wheel.

"Do you want to call him?" Zhou Sheng asked.

Yu Hao replied, "How do you call him? He didn't give any of us the totem. He can't come to us."

Zhou Sheng was wearing a suit of armor today. He answered the question, thought about it, and said, "I stole something from him, so I have to find a way to match it, right?"

Yu Hao: "What did you steal from him?"

"You." Zhou Sheng laughed.

Yu Hao suddenly understood: "Why do you keep mentioning this, I already said no! No! Even if you say that, I'm going to be angry. Don't say no, even if it is, it's my own choice."

Zhou Sheng hurriedly said: "Okay, don't be angry, I was wrong, I won't mention it again."

Yu Hao frowned at him, but Zhou Sheng motioned him to look at the Golden Crow Wheel and said, "Kakai dreamed of you."

A lush tropical rain forest appeared in the scene in the Golden Crow Wheel. Yu Hao glanced at it, but Zhou Sheng took his hand and said, "Let's go."

Yu Hao: "Wait..."

Zhou Sheng held Yu Hao, the two stepped over the golden black wheel and fell from the sun in Chen Yekai's dream. Yu Hao hugged Zhou Sheng subconsciously, Zhou Sheng whistled, somersaulting clouds flew over, carrying the golden hoop The stick, took Yu Hao and flew to the top of Chichen Itza.

Chen Yekai sat on the throne a little desolately, raised his eyes to look at the sky, and fired a shot with a silver pistol in his hand. Somersaulting clouds came and stopped. Chen Yekai, dressed in the costume of a great chief, said, "I knew that you would come tonight."

Zhou Sheng got off the somersault cloud, while Yu Hao went to the top side of Chichen Itza. Since leaving this dream, he has not had a good look at Chen Yekai's spiritual world. There is an open room next to the platform at the top of the pyramid. , it was arranged to be the home he and Long Sheng used to have.

The last time he entered the "afterlife" in the well, the only feeling Yu Hao felt was warmth and warmth, knowing that it was the common memory of Long Sheng and Chen Yekai. However, it wasn't until he and Zhou Sheng started renting a house off-campus that Yu Hao completely understood what such a home meant.

That is to stay together until old age, to hold the vision and commitment of a lifetime.

The dining table is just a dining table, and the dining room is just a place to eat. Sofas, game consoles, TVs, a bed, furnishings, everything seems ordinary, and there are thousands of layouts of one room, one living room, or two rooms and two living rooms. There is no difference, but once it becomes a "home", it seems to have a wonderful magical enchantment, which makes all life flourish within this enchantment.

Yu Hao sat down at the dining table in the open room, boiled water to make coffee, and looked into the distance in a trance. Sitting here, he happened to be able to see the small church on the Tianqing Mountain.

"It seems that you are bored even dreaming." Zhou Sheng said.

Chen Yekai got up and said, "Life is boring, not as vibrant as you. Great Sage Monkey King, are you going to take your brother out to have fun tonight?"

Zhou Sheng said, "It's fine to have fun, but I suddenly remembered that the memory hasn't been wiped for you."

"Farewell." Chen Yekai said, "Can't you just raise your hand?"

Yu Hao: "..."

"Just kidding." Zhou Sheng said, "Why are you so nervous?"

"You really need to wipe the child's memory." Chen Yekai said, "If it is told, it's not a joke."

"I'm measured." Zhou Sheng said casually, "Remember that last time with Teacher Liang?"

Chen Yekai said, "I remember, but Ou Qihang won't necessarily dream of me."

"Try again?" Zhou Sheng said casually.

Yu Hao looked at the two of them curiously, and went into Liang Jinmin's subconscious before, proving that Chen Yekai and Zhou Sheng had discovered a certain pattern of the Golden Crow Wheel, but neither of them ever told him. In the future, if you want to unlock the secret of the Golden Crow, Chen Yekai may be a very useful help.

Yu Hao didn't say a word and watched them operate.

"I always thought that only I could manipulate it. Later, Yu Hao also gained its approval. Maybe... um."

"Guessing from the development track of the ancient Shu civilization, there are two priests who use the Golden Crow Wheel. There should be no mistake in this, but in the process of using the Golden Crow Wheel, can the power of the participants be used? This still needs to be explored, after all, you have also seen the array and movements during the sacrifice..."

Chen Yekai walked to the edge of the platform at the top of the pyramid and said, "But I'm not familiar with him. Unlike Teacher Liang, I don't have the most crucial 'token'."

"There is a Rubik's Cube," Zhou Sheng said, "he gave it to Yu Hao."

"That's useless." Chen Yekai said, "Yu Hao can use the 'token' to get in, but I can't, but since he liked Yu Hao, maybe Yu Hao was already qualified to enter his dream."

Yu Hao said, "We've already entered once. Wait, what do you mean by 'token'?"

"It's equivalent to giving Zhou Sheng the totem." Chen Yekai said, "Having obtained the qualification to travel through each other's dreams. 'Token' is the connection in the soul, of course, there should be very few situations like yours. When I was studying with Teacher Liang, I obtained a copy of her personal notes, in addition to the content of the academic investigation, there are also some memories of her girlhood... "

Yu Hao said, "A faint resonance from the soul."

"Yes." Chen Yekai said, "This also means 'I opened my heart to you', which is a kind of sustenance for my soul. In my dream, I summoned a notebook and took Zhou Sheng to enter. The subconscious of Mr. Liang, but this Ou Qihang... um, it's hard to do, I've only seen it once."

Zhou Sheng said to Yu Hao: "Wife, look, Kai Kai's analysis is like a whole set of things. I always feel that the Golden Crow Wheel should be given to him, maybe he can do more things."

When Yu Hao was about to comment, Chen Yekai glanced at Zhou Sheng and replied, "It chose you, there must be a reason for it."

The next question became, how to bring Chen Yekai into Ou Qihang's dream. This might not be that important, but Yu Hao felt that through Chen Yekai and Zhou Sheng's analysis and thinking, perhaps many mysteries about the Golden Crow Wheel would be gradually unraveled.

"Um… "


Chen Yekai and Zhou Sheng thought about each other, Yu Hao said, "Come over and have coffee." The two of them came over and sat on both sides of the dining table, silently watching Yu Hao make coffee by hand.

"Either you guys go first." Chen Yekai said, "I'll think about it."

"Wait." Zhou Sheng took the coffee from Yu Hao and seemed to think of something, "Ou Qihang asked Huang Ting to give us something? A seal!"

Chen Yekai got up immediately, and quickly walked to the platform, Yu Hao said, "Is it useful? This means that he took the totem..."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yekai stood on the edge of the platform and made a strange movement.

A shiny wooden seal was suspended in his hand. Then, the seal turned into a flickering point of light and was stretched. Chen Yekai made a virtual ring with his hands in front of him. When making a Sanxingdui bronze sacrifice, he held ivory in his back. posture.

The next moment, in his hands, countless light spots flew towards the scorching sun in the sky! A strange connection was made!