Seizing Dreams

Chapter 104: Infect


Yu Hao approached Ou Qihang carefully, and as soon as his hand touched his forearm, Ou Qihang raised his head and woke up.

"Which section is it?" Ou Qihang said, and immediately realized something, "Oh, it's in a dream."

"You fell asleep in a dream?"

At this time, Zhou Sheng's surprise was not on the matter of Ou Qihang's injury, but when he asked him about sleeping in a dream, which seemed very puzzled.

"Hmm..." Ou Qihang wasn't in a good mood, Yu Hao took the initiative to sit beside him and unfastened the bandage, there were deep tooth marks on it.

Chen Yekai said: "Qihang was bitten to protect me."

"Nothing." Ou Qihang said tiredly.

"I want to kick you." Zhou Sheng said, "Why can't you wait for a while?"

Yu Hao glanced at Zhou Sheng, and Ou Qihang said, "I thought you were already here, but you were trapped outside and didn't enter my safe haven. I came out to find you out of fear of an accident."

Ou Qihang has a bare white chest, wide shoulders and narrow waist. Obviously, he exercises regularly on weekdays. He has the figure of a sports student, thin but not exaggerated. Yu Hao thought to himself that Xiao Yujun often teased him as a puppy, and Ou Qihang was a puppy.

Zhou Sheng: "What do you dream of when you fall asleep in a dream?"

Ou Qihang was very at a loss: "I can't tell. I dreamed of Dunhuang frescoes. Many impressions started to appear very clear, and then gradually turned into lines..."

"Zhou Sheng." Yu Hao reminded, meaning now is not the time to mention this.

Zhou Sheng went to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look out. Outside the flower room coffee was crowded with zombies, which were blocked by the glass on the outer wall and stuck to the glass with a hideous face. Instead, they looked very funny.

Chen Yekai said: "When I entered his dream, I appeared in the hospital. After I came out, I ran into him not long after walking. I ran into a very big one with a hammer. Its head was cut off, and Qihang helped me guard my back, and it was bitten."

Chen Yekai's tone was very calm, but Ou Qihang said, "I was careless myself."

Zhou Sheng stared at the mountains of zombies outside, Yu Hao gathered his strength beside him, his hands glowed silver-white, and pressed down on Ou Qihang's wound, looking at him seriously.

The wound began to heal, but Ou Qihang's face did not improve. In a short while, the black shoulder and back that showed bruises returned to normal, and the complexion returned to white.

Yu Hao tried his forehead - Ou Qihang had a fever and his forehead was hot.

"I can heal his wounds." Yu Hao said, "But after being bitten by a zombie, his wounds are still there. Set sail, you have to change your inner impression..."

Ou Qihang shook his head with all his might, and said, "I'm feeling better, should I go now?"

Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai and said, "Once he turns into a zombie, what will happen?"

Zhou Sheng did not answer, while Chen Yekai looked solemn.

Yu Hao didn't think too much of it at first. In fact, since he entered Ou Qihang's dream and followed Zhou Sheng, he has always regarded it as a game. After all, Zhou Sheng is really good at playing, and he went all the way to the flower room. Coffee, I didn't expect such a serious problem to happen.

If Yu Hao, Zhou Sheng, or even Chen Yekai were bitten, they could still delay the situation by sending out a dream. But now the person infected by zombies is Ou Qihang, the owner of the dream.

In other words, even if the three of them got away now, Ou Qihang would still stay in the dream and continue to be infected... At this moment, a hint of the Golden Crow appeared in Yu Hao's mind.

What will happen if Ou Qihang is let go

It will be infected by psychological hints and lose control over the spiritual world, causing the surface consciousness to collapse and gradually fall into the subconscious.

This impression was like a question and answer in Yu Hao's heart, and he keenly grasped the word "psychological suggestion".

He immediately set sail to Europe and said, "Have you ever thought that one day, you will become one of them too?"

Ou Qihang's eyes were a little blank, Yu Hao said, "This is your psychological suggestion to yourself."

"Yes." Ou Qihang admitted it cheerfully, and replied, "I really thought about whether I would become the same person as them after I stepped into society."

Yu Hao explained to Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai again: "The psychological suggestion has already been formed. The result of being bitten by a zombie is doomed. It is the vague 'hope' in his heart."

"What will be the result?" Chen Yekai asked.

"When he turns into a zombie," Yu Hao said, "the dream will be destroyed. Like Teacher Liang, it will enter the subconscious. But as long as the totem is taken back, everything will return to its original state. We have to do it as soon as possible."

Zhou Sheng said, "Did the Golden Crow Wheel tell you?"

Yu Hao nodded, he didn't know why he got a hint from the Golden Crow at this time.

Zhou Sheng said, "Hurry up and go."

Ou Qihang said, "I can still hold on for a while."

Zhou Sheng threw the gun to Yu Hao, and the two separated the weapons. Chen Yekai took out the silver pistol and twirled it between his fingers, indicating that his weapon was the gun. When he was about to help, Ou Qihang cheered up and got up by himself. .

"I'm fine, you see, it's alright." Ou Qihang put on his coat and picked up the firearm, "I'll clear the way for you."

Chen Yekai: "Follow behind! Stop being impulsive!"

Chen Yekai's tone was full of majesty, and Ou Qihang immediately said, "Okay, teacher."

The atmosphere instantly relaxed, and Yu Hao couldn't help being laughed at. Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao were in front, and Chen Yekai was behind, Ou Qihang suddenly said, "Brother Ting didn't come."

"He doesn't know." Yu Hao explained.

Chen Yekai said again, "Don't ask, be more disciplined."

Ou Qihang had to follow behind Yu Hao honestly, Yu Hao turned his head, glanced at Ou Qihang, smiled, everyone was like a student in front of Chen Yekai, and he couldn't accept it.

There was no way to go outside. The shopping plaza was full of zombies. Zhou Sheng entered the basement from the first floor of the mall, took off the emergency flashlight on the platform, and observed the subway line. Ou Qihang said: "My home is in a community next to the subway station, just walk along this line."

Yu Hao said, "Do you take the subway track?"

Zhou Sheng took a photo at the end of the dark track and said, "Don't be afraid, there should be no zombies here."

The surroundings were terrifyingly silent, and Zhou Sheng headed first and walked in the tunnel. Yu Hao was still thinking. This was the first time he could clearly feel the hint from the Golden Crow Wheel. He had only had a hazy impression in the past. Why did you specifically remind yourself, not Zhou Sheng

"What are you thinking about?" Zhou Sheng said, "Sing a song to listen to it?"

Yu Hao said, "Don't make trouble, I'm thinking about the exchange of consciousness of the Golden Crow Wheel."

Zhou Sheng said: "Sometimes it will suddenly appear, prompt me, and then suddenly disappear."

Yu Hao frowned deeply and said, "Maybe it's because of authority? Once the sailing is not cured, it will fall into the subconscious. According to Kaikai's analysis, the subconscious world is my management area..."

"Hmm." Zhou Sheng replied, "Just like the ruins in the deepest part of Teacher Liang's consciousness, Kaikai and I are helpless, only your spirit is not affected, you have become the only luminous celestial body in the absolute darkness area, that is, the moon ."

Binary star system, refers to the sun and the moon? The more Yu Hao thought about it, the more he felt that the truth seemed to be vaguely emerging from the water, but he couldn't see it clearly.

"I asked him if he was dreaming in a dream," Zhou Sheng said. "It is also for this reason that very few people usually fall asleep in a dream. Once they leave the superficial dream consciousness, they can go further down..." Zhou Sheng said, pointing to Pointing to his feet, he explained: "It is possible to get close to the subconscious."

Yu Hao wanted to say that he had also had a dream in a dream, but in fact, the world of a dream in a dream still exists, it's not that when you start a dream in a dream, you will fall directly into the subconscious. It is also mentioned that there are many layers of dreams, and the last layer is the subconscious world.

But if you think about it carefully, the superficial dream is the clearest, the easiest to remember after waking up, and the easiest to control the world of self-consciousness. Once you re-enter the dream in the superficial dream, the consciousness will become more and more blurred, the world will become more and more blurred. More abstract and messier.

In this way, the birth of dreams in dreams is indeed the establishment of channels approaching the subconscious area layer by layer.

Yu Hao held a flashlight, Zhou Sheng was wearing infrared goggles, and walked at the forefront, Zhou Sheng said casually, "So if we master the skills, we can also enter the subconscious world without breaking the superficial dream state?"

Yu Hao thought to himself that this might be a solution... But dreaming in a dream might be more difficult.

Chen Yekai walked at the end, keeping an eye on Ou Qihang's movements at all times. Ou Qihang was a little out of breath, Chen Yekai said, "If the situation is not right, speak up, don't hold on."

Ou Qihang replied, "I'm fine."

There was a long silence in the tunnel, and there were footsteps and Yu Hao Zhou Sheng talking in a low voice from the front.

"What are we going to do now?" Ou Qihang asked Chen Yekai, "Save my own dream world?"

"Retrieve your totem, something you once held on to, but thought you had lost." Chen Yekai asked back, "Didn't Zhou Sheng tell you?"

Ou Qihang was a little dazed, and along with his heavy breathing, his footsteps were always a little staggering.

"What would that be?" Ou Qihang asked again.

Chen Yekai spread his hands a little: "You have to ask yourself."

These words should have been said by Zhou Sheng to Ou Qihang, but for some unknown reason, Zhou Sheng rarely communicated with Ou Qihang about the details of the dream world. Perhaps there are too many people who know about this now.

Ou Qihang couldn't help but said, "Are you guys real, or are you the image in my dream?"

Chen Yekai said, "I thought you already had the answer."

Ou Qihang said: "I don't know why, I feel more and more that all this is unreal."

"If you believe that all this is true, then it is true." Chen Yekai said casually, "and vice versa, sometimes even the memories that we believe are true may not necessarily be true."

"Yes, yes!" Ou Qihang was refreshed again and said to Chen Yekai, "I have seen it in many science fiction novels... Sometimes I even feel that the whole world is fake, and everyone is just part of my imagination... They all exist because of me..."

"It also includes me standing here." Chen Yekai said, "So, this is the key to everything."

Ou Qihang stopped and looked at Chen Yekai inexplicably. Chen Yekai stopped not far in front of him. At the end of the dark tunnel, a little light appeared, and the light reflected his back.

He turned his head slightly, like the handsome Lyra bard Orpheus who extradited the deceased Eulidai from the underworld, but he still didn't look at Ou Qihang.

"Since the whole world was born for you and perished because of you," Chen Yekai said, "then it should be what you want, why should you still submit?"

Ou Qihang stood straight. At this moment, a gunshot was heard in the distance, and the two of them ran at the same time to the end of the tunnel.

Yu Hao held the gun, Zhou Sheng said, "You are too nervous! This is just a cat! You murdered your husband!"

"How did I know!" Yu Hao said frantically, "It suddenly jumped from the roof of the car just now! I'm afraid you'll be caught!"

There were two subway cars parked in front of them, Zhou Sheng was about to climb up, but a cat fell on the roof. Yu Hao was already very nervous, and when he saw something black, he immediately shot him in the head, which scared Zhou Sheng. Jump.

Chen Yekai said, "Let's go from the side, and if something happens to the side, take out the gun."

There are two parallel tracks in this tunnel, and the narrow space can only allow one person to pass through. Zhou Sheng wanted to walk along the roof, but it couldn't be carried out. Passing between the two cars is the best choice.

Zhou Sheng pondered for a moment, and finally nodded, Chen Yekai said, "I'll come to the rear of the palace."

One after another, they walked into the gap between the two subways, and after walking a few steps, Yu Hao glanced at the door when he saw that the subway lights were on. There was a pale light in the carriage, and what I saw in the tunnel before was the faint light cast from the carriage.

"Don't shoot." Zhou Sheng urged, "Put the gun away."

Yu Hao put away the gun, Zhou Sheng carried the golden cudgel and walked forward with Yu Hao in one hand, and Ou Qihang walked behind Yu Hao.

The surroundings were terrifyingly silent.

Yu Hao said in a low voice, "Look ahead and leave the surroundings to me."

Zhou Sheng said, "Just pay attention to the top of your head."

Behind him, Ou Qihang and Chen Yekai didn't speak. Yu Hao turned his head to see Ou Qihang's situation, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a severed hand hanging in the air, grabbing the iron rod.

Yu Hao: "..."

The next moment, a zombie slammed into the subway window!

Yu Hao's heart almost stopped beating, Ou Qihang turned his head sharply, controlled himself not to yell, his back slammed against the door of another car, Chen Yekai said, "There are also behind! Don't come near!"

Zhou Sheng immediately said, "Calm down! They won't come out! Speed up!"

Hundreds of zombies in the carriage were all frying pans, rushing towards them from both sides, dragging their rotting bodies, and the windows of the car were stained with blood plasma and yellow-white unknown liquid. Zhou Sheng opened the way first, but Chen Yekai said, "Don't be nervous! Keep going!"

Ou Qihang couldn't breathe, Yu Hao immediately locked his wrist and dragged him to follow Zhou Sheng to speed up his pace. Chen Yekai couldn't help but turn his head while running, and drew out his pistol.

The next moment, the window glass shattered with a bang, and hundreds of zombies squeezed out of the window, chasing them in the gap between the two subway cars, Chen Yekai said, "Hurry up!"

"Shoot!" Zhou Sheng ordered.

The gunshot rang, Chen Yekai's gun was like a laser, and one shot could explode the heads of four or five zombies. Ou Qihang turned around and wanted to help, but was dragged by Yu Hao, Zhou Sheng ran at full speed, and Yu Hao said to Ou Qihang, "You are a dream. Master! You must go first!"

Yu Hao successfully pushed Ou Qihang out, Chen Yekai was entangled by zombies, Yu Hao pulled out two daggers and shouted, "Bow your head!"

Chen Yekai jerked backwards, the dagger flew over his side face, Zhou Sheng shouted again, "You two get down!"

Immediately afterwards, Yu Hao held Chen Yekai's arm and pressed him to the ground. The golden hoop stretched out, and pierced through dozens of zombies with one stick, piercing them like a candied haws. Yu Hao carried Chen Yekai out of the gap in the subway, Ou Qihang threw a grenade inside, and everyone jumped onto the platform and ran quickly to the subway station exit.

There was an explosion from below, the front of the subway was blown out of shape, Zhou Sheng knocked on the first fire gate with a stick, the iron door slammed down, and the four sat on the steps gasping for breath.

Chen Yekai's left hand was bitten by the zombies and blood dripped, Yu Hao immediately knelt down on one knee, his hands glowed and healed his wounds.

Zhou Sheng said: "The next two are infected."

"It doesn't matter." Chen Yekai said, "We still have time, but it really doesn't work. It's up to you to kick me out of my dream. How about you? How is the situation?"

Yu Hao checked Chen Yekai, he was more injured than Ou Qihang, Ou Qihang's forehead was full of sweat, and his breathing became heavier.

Ou Qihang nodded, Yu Hao checked his pupils, there was a slight sign of dilation.

"Let's go." Chen Yekai said, "It's almost the end."

Zhou Sheng looked up at the exit and said, "I don't know if it's the end."

Zhou Sheng originally asked if Ou Qihang's father had left him the key to "defeating himself", like Yu Hao's set of chess that turned into a soldier or a shield that sealed his heart. Ou Qihang thought that maybe that existed in his home. Then it means that the totem and the boss are waiting at his house.

Yu Hao stood at the exit and said, "I think this is the end."

Not far from the exit of the subway station, in the dark night, a community is covered with viscous biological tissues. There is a twisted high-rise building in the middle. The top of the building is suspended with black strange runes. The whole sky.

"Come on." A deep voice said.

Ou Qihang had fallen into a state of unconsciousness, and instantly woke up when he heard the sound.


"Come on." Ou Weihong's voice echoed in the sky, "Qihang, you said you would like to listen to Dad."

The remaining three listened quietly, and Ou Qihang said in a trembling voice, "No, no."

Chen Yekai said, "Remember what I said."

Ou Qihang suddenly recalled and panted, "This is my world, Dad."

Zhou Sheng filled the magazine and looked up at the sky. There were dark clouds and it was raining. Yu Hao stretched out his hand to catch the rain, the rain was scarlet.

In front of the castle where Ou Qihang lived, a strange, shining flower appeared.

"What is that?" Zhou Sheng asked.

"It's where my dad jumped off the building and fell to the ground." Ou Qihang said, "When I got home that day, his blood was all downstairs."

This huge flower took root in the earth and spread the zombie virus to the entire Ying City. Chen Yekai said, "Let's start, Zhou Sheng."

"Without the sun, it's a bit difficult to fight." Zhou Sheng murmured, but still whistled, somersaulting clouds appeared, Yu Hao spread his wings, and the two flew to the top platform of the castle with Ou Qihang and Chen Yekai. .

A door appeared at the end of the platform, and the door was wide open.

"There is no gatekeeper?" Yu Hao asked.

Zhou Sheng pulled the gun safety lock and said, "The gatekeeper has already been killed in reality. After entering, Ou Qihang will summon the totem, let's entangle him."

Yu Hao instantly understood why Ou Qihang's father was waiting here! Just because the officials have been sacked one after another not long ago, Ou Qihang's first knot has been solved in a sense. But the death of his father was still a shadow of his life that was difficult to face.

This psychological shadow does not lie in the father's bribery, but in the fact that Ou Qihang always believed that Ou Weihong accepted the money for his only son!

Zhou Sheng: "Let's entangle the boss, Kaikai protects the sailing and captures the totem! Let's do it!"