Seizing Dreams

Chapter 112: negotiation


Fu Liqun said: "I don't want to be an administrator, and I can't be. Yang Ming's family found him an internship, and he went to be an HR. If he studied psychology, it was a little bit of a counterpart. I think, either..."

Fu Liqun was silent for a long time, and Zhou Sheng frowned slightly.

"...What do the three of us do together?" Fu Liqun drew a circle with expectation, and circled himself, Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao, with a little sincerity in his eyes.

Yu Hao understood what Fu Liqun meant, but neither he nor Zhou Sheng answered. Although Yu Hao had a career he liked, he always listened to Zhou Sheng when it came to important matters in his life. Zhou Sheng nodded his head.

So he looked at Zhou Sheng and signaled that it was handed over to you, as long as you agreed.

Zhou Sheng did not answer. In the silence, Fu Liqun was a little uneasy, and after a while he added: "Your sister-in-law said, wait for me for three years. Counting this year of internship, I have four years, what if I come to me? , I have to make some appearances in these four years..."

"... Of course, we can't earn an annual salary of one million as soon as we graduate." Fu Liqun explained again, "As long as her father, my parents, your father... prove that we are 'motivated'. After all, age is here, and we must It's impossible to be a CEO..."

Yu Hao could see that Fu Liqun was a little nervous, especially when he kept adding to his intentions. In fact, this was also a problem for Zhou Sheng, maybe he could really plan well.

"Zhou Sheng, let me tell you something you don't like to hear," Fu Liqun said, "No matter how much you struggle, you will eventually go home and pick up your dad's company. It's not necessary to be angry, isn't that the truth? I know this is also true. You often think that as long as you prove to your dad that you can take over his company, it doesn't matter who you want to be with..."

"What do you want to do, brother?" Zhou Sheng interrupted, "Selling milk tea at the school gate?"

Fu Liqun spread his hands and looked at Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng was lost in thought again. He would never agree to anything he didn't think clearly about, but since he didn't refuse, Fu Liqun knew that Zhou Sheng was seriously considering it.

"Let me think for a few days." Zhou Sheng said.

"Young mistress hasn't said what she wants to do yet." Fu Liqun asked.

Zhou Sheng said: "He listens to what I say, he has no opinion."

Yu Hao laughed and went to the table to make milk tea for them.

"Young Mistress," Fu Liqun was a little puzzled, "Can you tell me what you are thinking about all day? I think you are more and more like your sister-in-law now. Look at us, do you think we are both naive?"

Yu Hao said seriously, "Really not."

Fu Liqun said, "Then tell me, where do you want to go for the internship?"

The aroma of black tea filled the living room, Yu Hao added a little milk and took the sugar cube off the shelf. A rope was pulled down from the shelf where the bottles and jars were stored in the restaurant, and a few photos were clipped on the rope.

Zhou Sheng stuck his tongue out in the Tianqingshan restaurant, and Yu Hao took a selfie in the background;

Shi Ni's smile in the playground;

The breakfast plate taken by Yu Hao after Chen Yekai woke up from Chichen Itza;

The photo of Zhou Sheng holding up his mobile phone in Liang Jinmin's late-night class;

In the cold winter, Ou Qihang smiled and said "yes" to Yu Hao;

As well as the backstage of the Academy Celebration Show, Zhou Sheng is domineering sitting in the middle of the sofa, and the six super handsome guys are like magazine covers, taking a group photo under the background lights.

"I want to be a reporter." Yu Hao said to Fu Liqun, "Poke out all the bastards in this world."

"WOW!" Zhou Sheng immediately applauded vigorously.

Fu Liqun nodded helplessly and said, "Then you can be a reporter. You are really suitable. I won't drag you into the water."

After nightfall, Yu Hao sat cross-legged on the bed, and Zhou Sheng lay down looking at him like two children.

"What are you looking at?" Yu Hao tried his best to get the water out of his ears when he was taking a shower. It had been there all night.

"Beautiful girl," Zhou Sheng said, "you're even more handsome than when we first met."

Yu Hao used to be hungry. After following Zhou Sheng, he ate well, his skin was good, and he didn't bask in the sun very much. He skated on a skateboard every evening. When a carefree sports man goes out, he is like a beautiful puppet cat walking a wolf dog. He is often photographed on the street and easily approached by girls. Fortunately, Zhou Sheng, who was protecting his food, kept away from strangers at first sight. He was ready to bark and bite at any time, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Zhou Sheng took a cotton swab and dipped the water out of Yu Hao's ear. Yu Hao obediently tilted his head and didn't dare to move, and said, "Do you want to sell milk tea with your brother?"

Zhou Sheng smiled and said, "Do you want to go to the stage?"

Yu Hao: "Hahaha..."

Zhou Sheng: "Don't laugh."

Yu Hao: "You make me laugh first!"

"Okay." Zhou Sheng had a handsome smile. After they were together, whenever they were alone, Zhou Sheng would look at Yu Hao and laugh. Yu Hao laughed at him at first, but later he got used to smiling at him. , The two smiled and looked at each other, and they could look at each other for a day.

"One hundred entrepreneurs, ninety-nine die." Zhou Sheng threw the cotton swab, lay down and said, "I don't want to hit my brother, I don't think it's realistic. You can work hard to get into the pad."

Yu Hao wanted to laugh as soon as he heard Zhou Sheng's skit, and said, "Let's go to a newspaper office for an intern together."

"I'll think about it again." Zhou Sheng said in a trance.

The next day, Zhou Sheng went out with Fu Liqun to "go for a walk", and Yu Hao knew that Zhou Sheng was a little bit tempted - the two left home and went to the downtown area for a casual stroll, which was an inspection. Before, they took Li Yangming, a dormitory person out to play, occasionally holding hot and sour noodles outside the snack street, discussing how much a bowl of hot and sour noodles would make for rent, how many bowls could be sold every day... and so on.

When Yu Hao was the poorest, he had worked almost every job, so he naturally knew how the industry worked, from the opening of a milk tea shop to negotiating and arguing with the landlord, buying milk tea powder to squeeze labor costs for employees, and registering hot and sour powder. How to prevent cashier embezzlement in cafes and restaurants, the cost of doll machines, the operation of tutoring and training centers... When it comes to the bottom of the society and the industry, he knows everything. Zhou Sheng is right. If only Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun start a business, then They will definitely lose money.

But with Yu Hao there, they might be able to save it and let their project linger for a while.

The summer vacation was coming to an end. The heat made the whole campus seem to be on fire. There was no wind in the mountains. Yu Hao walked in the shade and went back to the school to pick up his internship table with Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun. Xue Long was talking rhetorically on the phone, counted out three sheets and threw them to Yu Hao, Yu Hao posted a photo, and handed it over to the internship unit after the semester started, and then brought it back to the college after the three-month internship.

At the end of the junior year and entering the senior year, the whole college was born with a feeling of being unlovable, like the end of the world. The first half of the semester courses were all gone, the school became a hostel, and the students all became passers-by, everyone is not Playing games every day is like waiting for a holiday. In this year, the student class finally had a clear differentiation. The hurdle of employment and work has easily removed everyone's disguise and let them show their true colors.

The students who are related are drunk every day, but they are arranged at home anyway; the poor students who are not related are trying to hide the anxiety on their faces.

Yu Hao stood panting while waiting for the bus, hot like a polite Satsuma, a luxury car stopped in front of him.

The car window rolled open, and inside was the driver of Zhou Sheng's family.

Yu Hao thought that it was finally here. He always had a hunch that in the year before graduation, Zhou Laichun would definitely find him in private.

He had imitated this scene with Chen Yekai hahaha before, imagining Zhou Laichun asking the classic "How much do you want to leave my son", what Chen Yekai finally taught him was: "I want 100 million from him. , plus 7% of the shares, I will run it for you, raise financing and leverage, and in turn acquire other companies."

At that time, Yu Hao was about to be laughed at by Chen Yekai. After a year and a half of coming out of the closet, Zhou Laichun was finally ready to negotiate with him.

"Yu… sir?" the driver said.

"My name is Young Mistress." Yu Hao became more and more sturdy.

driver:"… "

Yu Hao didn't wait for him to ask, he opened the car door by himself, the driver hurriedly came down and closed the door, Yu Hao sat in the back seat and said, "Let's go."

The driver couldn't stop looking at Yu Hao from the rear mirror. Obviously, Zhou Laichun's words didn't work. Yu Hao was so witty, which was a big surprise.

"Concentrate on driving." Yu Hao said patiently.

Yu Hao's tone was very similar to Zhou Sheng's, and the driver immediately paid attention to the front. The luxury car drove to the foot of Genting Mountain and stopped in front of the small fry shop.

Yu Hao casually slammed the car door, but his mood was very complicated. Zhou Laichun chose this place to meet him? what does that mean

The small stir-fry shop is old and small, but the air conditioner is fully on. With his back to the door, Zhou Laichun eats a plate of roasted liver tip and pickled rabbit meat by himself, with a bottle of beer and two disposable plastic cups by his hand. Yu Hao had eaten here countless times, but he would never get tired of it. He felt hungry when he smelled the aroma of the boss cooking in it.

Yu Hao pulled over the chair, sat opposite Zhou Laichun, took the chopsticks, and said, "Who asked?"

Zhou Laichun replied, "I ask, I haven't had a good meal with you since the last time."

Yu Hao opened his chopsticks, Zhou Laichun poured him beer again, Yu Hao said, "I'm not good at drinking."

Zhou Laichun replied, "I'm not good at drinking either. Drink some, it's fine."

Zhou Sheng sent Yu Hao a WeChat message, asking him to go to the city center to find him and Fu Liqun for dinner. Yu Hao glanced at him and didn't reply, Zhou Laichun saw it too, and in the pop-up message reminder, Zhou Sheng called Yu Hao "wife" ".

"After so many years, I still remember the day of the divorce." Zhou Laichun said, "I went out of the house, got the divorce certificate with his mother, went home, picked up a schoolbag, packed a pair of underwear, and left. "

Yu Hao didn't interrupt him, he just listened to Zhou Laichun quietly.

Zhou Laichun said: "She stood by the door of the room and looked at me that day. It was just that big." As he spoke, he made a gesture: "I said, 'Come here, Dad has something to tell you', and he came and I I was about to tell him that Dad would be back, but he slapped me, hahahahaha!"

Zhou Laichun's face flushed and he couldn't stop laughing. He looked at Yu Hao and said to himself, "That was really a slap in the face, it almost made my brain bloodshot. I will never forget my son's slap in the face for the rest of my life. That slap on my face. Must have been fucking taught."

Yu Hao took a sip of beer, thought about it, and said, "What were you thinking at the time?"

Zhou Laichun said: "I think, when I make money, I will come back to pick you up and let you buy whatever you want, and live your life as you want."

Yu Hao fell silent, and Zhou Laichun asked again, "You two have been living together for a while, are you fighting?"

"Never fight." Yu Hao replied.

Zhou Laichun said: "When I saw you yelling at him about Ou Weihong, he calmed down and thought to himself, someone can finally let him down. At that time, I vaguely felt that something was wrong, but I didn't think about it. Later, your counselor told me…”

The boss brought over a plate of twice-cooked pork and a bowl of tomato egg drop soup, put them on the table, wiped his hands with his apron, and went in to watch TV.

"You believe it." Yu Hao said.

"Believe." Zhou Laichun said, "Why don't you believe me? My son, I know it best. I just didn't expect him to be so courageous. Don't be afraid of me and don't be afraid of his mother."

"Didn't you find something?" Yu Hao said suddenly.

Zhou Laichun's brows furrowed, Yu Hao thought for a while, and said, "You all want to control him, control your only son, and show your strength to each other through your control over him. But even though Auntie misses him, Once you can't understand, just let him go, this is also a kind of respect, she is not like you, she will not give up unless she achieves her goal."

Yu Hao had already discovered this problem through contact with Zhou Sheng's parents. Zhou Sheng's mother scolded and scolded him, and her words were ugly, but once she found that it didn't make sense, she would only end it with hatred and only mentally attack him, but would not use a series of other means to press Zhou Sheng, She had to meet her expectations.

Just like she once urged Zhou Sheng to find a girlfriend, Zhou Sheng didn't want to, she would only scold him, but would not arrange blind dates for him; she definitely didn't want her son to be gay, because it would make her laugh at relatives, She wouldn't stop at nothing to break them up.

Zhou Laichun said, "You're not me, you don't understand my feelings for him. Yu Hao, I want to give him the best."

Yu Hao once heard Zhou Sheng say the same thing, and thought that your father and son do have innate similarities in character.

Zhou Laichun added: "Did you know that for so many years, every time I went to bed with various women, I would remember to wear a condom?"

Yu Hao looked at Zhou Laichun. The last time he saw him, although Zhou Laichun was in his fifties, he was still very personable and energetic. After more than a year, Zhou Laichun seemed to be much older, with more gray hair and a dazed expression. With a little dejection.

"After I divorced his mother, I have no son or daughter anymore." Zhou Laichun said sincerely, "Do you know why?"

Yu Hao replied, "You want to leave everything you own, your money, and your property to Zhou Sheng."

"Yes." Zhou Laichun folded his palms together and said politely to Yu Hao, "Please raise your hand high, okay, Yu Hao? I know you are a good boy."

Yu Hao stared at him silently without answering.

"I want to nurture him well." Zhou Laichun said, "Until he went to high school, I used to get up early in the dark to exchange my life for money, and he didn't let me visit him. I wanted to wait until he went to college, and he gradually understood. .I want to send him abroad for a business degree…”

Yu Hao finally understood Zhou Sheng's reaction and attitude when he mentioned business.

"He won't go," Zhou Laichun said, "and he didn't even ask me for any conditions. I thought you would never let him refuse..."

"That's right." Yu Hao said, "He didn't tell me at all, but if he did, I definitely let him go. It's nothing, it's just two or three years, we won't be separated by different places. I'm confident, Any test will do."

Now it was Zhou Laichun's turn to not speak. He stared at Yu Hao silently, Yu Hao said, "So what do you want me to do for you? Tell me."

Zhou Laichun said, "Although I know that you are not such a person, I can't help but ask, how much do you want?"

Yu Hao thought to himself that it was finally here.

"One hundred million plus 7% of Yun Laichun's shares." Yu Hao politely said to Zhou Laichun according to Chen Yekai's instructions.

Yu Hao originally thought that Zhou Laichun's expression would be very exciting, and he was ready to appreciate it, but Zhou Laichun said, "The shares are not good, uncle will give you 30 million."

Yu Hao: "!!!"

Yu Hao thought so dangerous! Zhou Laichun was actually willing to pay 30 million in order to break them up

"Then don't talk about it." Yu Hao smiled.

Zhou Laichun said seriously: "Forty-five million? Another company for you? I have a company in Shanghai..."

Yu Hao had a bad premonition, and changed his words: "I'm just kidding, uncle, I know now that you love him very much."

Zhou Laichun still didn't give up and said, "The shares of Yun Laichun are for my son. Other than that, it's easy to say, you..."

Yu Hao said, "I'm really just joking. Uncle, I don't want a penny, and I don't want your shares. I love him."

Zhou Laichun smiled and said, "Everything in the world has a price. Even human life has a price, so don't say this in front of your uncle."

"Okay." Yu Hao said, "Everyone has different values, so we won't discuss it."

Zhou Laichun opened his handbag and took something, Yu Hao thought for a while, and then said, "Our relationship is much deeper than you think. When I gave up everything, he saved my life, so the only person in the world who can Only his own will let me go, in other words..."

"...There is only one reason that prompted us to break up, that one day he doesn't love me anymore." Yu Hao added, "Other than that, I won't break up with him."

"Okay, okay." Zhou Laichun sighed and said, "I see, I thought I loved Zhou Sheng's mother very much back then..."

Yu Hao didn't want to say any more. Then, Zhou Laichun took out the bank card that was returned more than a year ago.

"Zhou Sheng's internship hasn't been found yet, right?" Zhou Laichun said, "Give me the internship form for the three of you, and I'll stamp it."

Yu Hao said, "No need now, let's find a way first."

Zhou Laichun and Yu Hao looked at each other, Zhou Laichun didn't insist any longer, and put the card on the practice sheet. Yu Hao shook the practice sheet a few times, trying to shake the card off. Zhou Laichun's expression seemed to be a little angry, and he tried his best to control it. Own.

"Take the flowers first." Zhou Laichun said, "If you don't care, let him come to Yunlaichun. After a lot of things, his mood may change..."

"I have a question I want to ask." Yu Hao suddenly said, "Uncle, I'm just curious to ask, how much money do I want to give you before you let me stay with your son?"

Zhou Laichun stared at Yu Hao and said after a while, "If you are willing to change your personality, it's not that you can't consider it... But you can't marry him."

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Laichun is very tired. Now that he has taken the word out, he simply said: "But since Zhou Sheng likes men, it is useless for you to have sex reassignment surgery. I mean, he must marry a girl. The child needs to help his career and life, not like me and his mother. After marriage, how he wants to talk is his business, as long as the family can coax well... "

Yu Hao said in a low voice and mysterious voice, "You want him to find a powerful wife who can help him. How can a girl like this allow him to cheat on the marriage while being a male mistress outside?"

"Yes." Zhou Laichun said earnestly, "So, you know my difficulty."

"You are too shameless." Yu Hao said from the bottom of his heart, "Uncle. I admire you a little bit."

Zhou Laichun said: "I can't do it so shamelessly, how can I climb to where I am today? Yu Hao, you guys won't last long. Why don't you keep this memory for a lifetime as the best memory? On the day we quarreled with firewood, rice, oil, and salt, the quarrel was so blushing that all that was left was nausea. Yu Hao, think about it again..."

Zhou Laichun filled the wine glasses of the two and said patiently, "Fifty million in cash, Yu Hao, it will arrive in one week, no more. Go back and think about it, if you really want to refuse, one day in the future, you will definitely will regret it."