Seizing Dreams

Chapter 114: Telephone


Yu Hao felt sad for a while, avoided Zhou Sheng's gaze, took a deep breath, and wanted to tell the truth to Zhou Sheng. However, seeing Zhou Sheng's self-entertaining and expectant eyes, he couldn't say anything.

Zhou Sheng thought that Yu Hao was moved, and asked with a smile, "Do you like it?"

Yu Hao nodded, with mixed feelings in his heart, he picked up the camera and took a picture of Zhou Sheng. Looking at the monitor, it was the second photo of this camera. The first one was Zhou Sheng's perspective from the balcony, taking Yu Hao in the downstairs community.

Zhou Sheng stretched out his hand, hugged Yu Hao in his arms, and the two took a selfie. These three photos, Yu Hao planned to keep in this Hasselblad camera forever.

"You have all found what to do." Zhou Sheng lay on the bed and said to himself, "I haven't thought about what to do yet."

"It's okay, I'll take care of you." Yu Hao smiled, "Just cook for me at home every day."

Zhou Sheng suddenly said, "Or open a small restaurant and serve lunch to the office?"

Yu Hao immediately rebuffed, "No way! I won't let others eat your food."

Zhou Sheng laughed, Yu Hao thought about it, and said, "I'll send you your resume tomorrow."

Zhou Sheng said: "Is it related to the catering service industry?"


Yu Hao took the camera to photograph him again. At this moment, he decided not to bother Zhou Sheng with his own affairs. After all, he couldn't solve it for himself, but it made him even more depressed. And Zhou Sheng himself was still bothering about where to go for an internship.

Yu Hao planned to send his internship resumes to Zhou Sheng first, but he really couldn't wait for Chen Yekai to come back and ask him again. If not, Xue Long still had an internship unit assigned, although it was either selling insurance or selling buildings.

Early the next morning, Fu Liqun held a meeting for three classmates in the living room.

The boys in the two sports classes are Xia Lei and Bian Qiang, and Fu Liqun and their roommate Li Yangming. After Fu Liqun got his first investment in his life, the execution efficiency was quite high, and he called his partners together at nine o'clock to discuss.

Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng were drinking porridge at the dining table, and they didn't make a single comment about Fu Liqun's meeting. Fu Liqun had obviously made a plan last night and discussed it with Xia Lei and others. Everyone was very optimistic about his gym and was willing to Work together.

Zhou Sheng yawned and sat at the dining table, looking at Yu Hao with a bored expression.

"Look at your own resume again," Yu Hao said to Zhou Sheng, "I'll make sure it's all right and I'll vote."

Zhou Sheng checked his resume. Yu Hao took a camera and took a group photo of Fu Liqun, who was in a serious meeting, and the future start-up members of "Aomori Gym". He was going to faithfully use the camera to record Aomori Gym from start-up to... to... success or... The whole process of bankruptcy and bankruptcy can be regarded as a memory.

This was the first time Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao saw the entrepreneurial team meeting in a serious manner, and they both thought it was very funny. As a bystander, Yu Hao felt that this group of people was not so much starting a business, but rather acting - everyone was working hard to play the role they should have, or the role they thought they should play now.

Like a group of students trying to learn how to be adults.

Of course, Yu Hao himself wasn't much better, at least the current Fu Liqun had found his future direction.

"No, you can't write it like this..." Zhou Sheng blushed after reading his resume, and said, "This is not a resume, it's a draft from the entertainment industry! It's still a fan filter, it's too much."

Yu Hao said, "That's how you are. You are a male god, so don't worry about it anymore, I'll vote."

"There's still a typo... Wait!" Zhou Sheng was about to stop Yu Hao, Yu Hao filled in the email addresses that he had sorted out a few days ago, and sent them all out. By the way, I also sent my resume to many media in Ying City.

One morning, Fu Liqun negotiated shares and responsibilities at his meeting. During the intermission, Zhou Sheng cooked a large pot of rice for six people to eat. Fu Liqun asked Yu Hao, "When will the young lady join the job?"

"Wait for the notice." Yu Hao said.

Li Yangming asked Zhou Sheng if he went to his father's company for an internship. The answer he got was unexpected. Zhou Sheng said, "No, I'll find a company myself."

"Either Young Master, you two should come too." Bian Qiang said, "Isn't it better to do a little business by yourself than to work outside?"

Zhou Sheng changed his words with a smile, Yu Hao said to Li Yangming, "Didn't you plan to become HR? Have you changed your mind?"

Li Yangming said: "I'll come over to give advice to my brother, it's not on the staff."

Yu Hao felt that Li Yangming's ideas were a little unreliable. The ideas were very novel, but their execution was not high. But since Fu Liqun believed him, Yu Hao didn't say anything. After all, the most difficult thing to deal with in the entrepreneurial team is the investor's finger-pointing. Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao have already discussed this point, and no one will give Fu Liqun any advice, so as not to overwhelm him.

In the afternoon, Li Yangming started to make contracts, and Fu Liqun, Bian Qiang and Xia Lei started brainstorming, how to develop the first batch of users and persuade their target groups to apply for card fitness. At present, they focus on private, high-end, and customized services. Yu Hao listened and began to change his opinion on Fu Liqun. Maybe they can really make money.

Zhou Sheng was also a little surprised, glanced at Yu Hao, smiled without saying a word, and nodded.

Xia Lei's family is engaged in intermediary loan business, which is somewhat related, and can be promoted through the help of parents, while Bian Qiang's family is a relocated household and has a little money. They can also contact the owner of the equipment and rent the equipment without deposit. Fu Liqun has worked in the gym for a few months, and he probably understands the operation process. He can also find his father who is a consultant in a biopharmaceutical company, and contact several companies that sell health care products, protein powder, and weight loss capsules. Click commission.

Yu Hao listened to it all day, and found that no matter how much they brainstormed, the storm would come and go, and in the end, they would slowly turn back to how to use the resources at home rationally and effectively. Moreover, Xia Lei and Fu Liqun's vision was completely different from that of the employees they knew from part-time jobs. Just like when they moved out, Zhou Sheng's first thought was to buy this two-bedroom apartment.

Maybe this is the difference between classes. Xia Lei also proposed to use a loan to buy a flat in the community for simple decoration and use it as the facade of the gym. In this case, if you lose money later, you can hang up the house and sell it, maybe it will be worth it. Earn money after cost.

Everyone was a little tempted at first, but in the end they got stuck on the ratio of the company's property to buy a house and the allocation of funds, and decided to rent temporarily.

The difference in vision was so great that Yu Hao hadn't thought about many things.

Zhou Sheng wore headphones and watched the afternoon football game at the dining table. Yu Hao then sat in on Fu Liqun's start-up meeting and learned a lot. He now feels more and more that Fu Liqun's project may really make money, and he is a little tempted, and he wants to persuade Zhou Sheng to join.

"Look at the mailbox?" Zhou Sheng asked Yu Hao.

"No news, let's wait for tomorrow." Yu Hao had submitted his resume countless times when he was looking for a part-time job, and knew that it was impossible to do so quickly. It was not until ten o'clock in the evening that Fu Liqun and others were exhausted and the meeting broke up, agreeing to continue at nine o'clock the next morning.

Aomori Gym's entrepreneurial team held meetings at home for three consecutive days. On the fourth day, Li Yangming went to the company to report to the company as an HR. Bian Qiang made an appointment to design a trademark. Fu Liqun and Xia Lei went to register the company. Yu Hao had nothing to do and stayed at home. Help the gym make flyers.

Day by day, Haitou's resume did not receive any reply. Yu Hao kept his and Zhou Sheng's mobile phones switched on at all times. He missed a few calls halfway through, and when they called back, they were either selling insurance or taking out a small loan. It made him quite depressed for a while.

"Aren't you waiting for Sister Junjun's notice?" Zhou Sheng began to sense something was wrong and said, "You also submitted your resume?"

Yu Hao didn't dare to say that Xiao Yujun's side was already yellow, and said, "There is nothing to do, I will vote with you."

Zhou Sheng waited for a reply and was a little irritable. He was immersed in his animation for a while. After chasing the drama, he felt empty and useless. He couldn't control the sound of chopping vegetables and throwing scoops when cooking for them. a little bigger. Yu Hao knew that he had been holding back his irritability for fear of arguing and raising the bar, so he had to try his best not to let him worry.

After Fu Liqun registered the company, he took the share contract and asked Zhou Sheng to sign it. Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao pushed around and finally Zhou Sheng signed it. When the contract was signed, Zhou Sheng was silent for a while. Yu Hao suddenly realized that he and Zhou Sheng had become the two most idle people in the family, like they were eating and waiting to die.

Zhou Sheng said: "Brother, maybe we have to rely on you to support us."

Fu Liqun laughed and said, "If I have a bite to eat, you will have a bite to eat."

Xia Lei was waiting at the door, and Fu Liqun went with him to talk about equipment rental.

Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng looked at each other, feeling a little helpless for a while.

"Is there any news today?" Zhou Sheng asked.

"No." Yu Hao said, "Let's make another wave on Sunday."

Zhou Sheng had to nod his head and said, "What are those HR thinking?"

Yu Hao thought for a while, and said, "Many units don't recruit interns. There will be corporate campus lectures and job fairs at the end of the year, so go take a look then?"

Chen Yekai's meeting lasted for more than a month, during which he specifically called Yu Hao and asked them if the internship unit had been set. If you can't find an internship, don't worry. In the name of the mentor's recommendation, he recommended the resumes of Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng.

"Don't be impetuous." Chen Yekai especially urged, "Looking for a job is like getting married. Haitou and interviews are blind dates. Don't make do with it. The first job is very important, and you must have a good attitude."

If it weren't for Chen Yekai, Yu Hao's mentality might have really collapsed.

"Actually, I want to go to this company and try their investment?" Zhou Sheng lay beside Yu Hao, watching Yu Hao search for the email addresses of various companies in the city.

"Your dad can buy it with just a little money." Yu Hao glanced at Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng laughed, like a child, and said, "When we have money, we will buy it."

Those who are recruiting interns do not recruit interns. Yu Hao's judgment is reliable, and he basically votes for Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng's grades in school are still very good, so why can't he find an internship unit? Because the sports major is not right

"There is an internship opportunity for a junior high school physical education teacher at Xue Long, do you want to go?" Yu Hao asked Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng: "If you don't go, there will be a lot of problem students in the school. Later, I can't help kicking the arrogant child a few times, and I will cry again."

Yu Hao: "It's my junior high school alma mater..."

Zhou Sheng: "…"

Zhou Sheng's resume can still be submitted, but Yu Hao has nowhere to go. He has submitted all the media in this city, but he has not responded to him.

"Why hasn't the call from Sister Junjun come yet?" Zhou Sheng asked Yu Hao, "It's not Huang, is it?"

Yu Hao didn't answer. While making Fu Liqun his gym flyer, he was thinking about where Zhou Sheng should go for an internship.

At this time, Zhou Sheng's cell phone received a call. Yu Hao's heart moved, but he hung up after seeing Zhou Sheng's answer, and said, "Let me call Sister Junjun?"

Yu Hao said, "Farewell, others are busy too."

"Tell me honestly," Zhou Sheng said, "is it yellow?"

"No." Yu Hao said, "Just let me wait..."

Zhou Sheng said, "I'll call her and ask."

"No one else is obliged to help me find an internship," Yu Hao said. "What did you ask her to say? It's love to help us, and it's reasonable to not help us, and she doesn't owe us anything."

"That is." Zhou Sheng said, "I am very grateful to her, but I have to find another way."

"What else do you think of?" Yu Hao said, "I'm not voting right now?"

"Is that so?" Zhou Sheng said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Yu Hao: "I don't want to say it! You are already annoying! Is it useful to say it?"

Zhou Sheng: "You think I'm annoying?"

Yu Hao: "I don't mean you are annoying, I mean you are very upset!"

They finally got into a fight. For the internship, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng had been trying to restrain themselves for the past few days, but they finally broke out. Just as Fu Liqun came back, panting like a husky suffering from heat stroke, he opened the refrigerator to grab a drink, while Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng sat and quarreled as if nothing else, when Fu Liqun suddenly said, "It's so hot outside that my tongue is going to fall off."

There was a sudden silence, Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao both smirked when they heard this, and finally Yu Hao laughed out loud. Zhou Sheng sighed helplessly.

"I was hammered." Zhou Sheng said suddenly.

Yu Hao: "It's hard to find a job..."

"You hammered it." Zhou Sheng said seriously, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Yu Hao said, "I just... well, it's my problem, I was wrong."

"I'm so tired." Fu Liqun sat on the ground in front of the refrigerator, with his long legs spread out, and said, "Young master, young grandma, I'm crazy for lack of people here, I'm seriously trying to recruit you for help. Send you a message. Is the salary okay?"

Yu Hao said, "Your flyer is ready, brother, you can do it."

Zhou Sheng stopped talking. At this time, Yu Hao knew that Zhou Sheng was seriously considering this proposal.

But in the end he still said: "No, everyone, don't be tied to a boat."

"Okay." Fu Liqun said a little dejectedly, "Tomorrow, I'll go to the street to hand out flyers..."

Yu Hao said, "I'll send it to you. Tomorrow Saturday, I'll be idle anyway."

Fu Liqun: "I'll pay you every day."

Zhou Sheng said: "Hey, I didn't promise you..." Just as he was talking, Zhou Sheng's phone rang again, Zhou Sheng answered it, and he still asked about the loan, Zhou Sheng said impatiently: "Come on, I have 3,000 gym leaflets here. , if you help me, I will find you a loan..."

After he hung up the phone, Fu Liqun said, "Can we change it here? The words should be bigger."

Yu Hao had no choice but to open PS again to Fu Liqun to change it. Fu Liqun said, "The bigger the word, the bigger..."

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "…"

"Are you satisfied with the first number?" Yu Hao asked.

"What the hell is this!" Zhou Sheng said, "Brother, are you sick? Can you read this flyer?"

Fu Liqun said: "To highlight the brand... Can this word be made into that colorful black?"

Yu Hao also exploded: "Will you make one for me to see?"

Fu Liqun: "That's it, black words can reflect light and reflect colorful..."

Yu Hao made this flyer so much that he vomited blood. Party A's request effectively eased the quarrel between the young couple, and they began to unanimously attack Fu Liqun's aesthetics. During that time, Zhou Sheng's cell phone rang countless times, and he savagely hung it up. Finally, Fu Liqun said, "Master, look at your mobile phone? Don't tell me for the interview."

Zhou Sheng took it and said, "Don't take a loan... Yu Hao? Why do you want Yu Hao to call my cell phone?"

Yu Hao instantly became vigilant and mouthed, "Who?"

It was an unfamiliar number, and Zhou Shengfen gave him an earphone with a man's voice in it.

"… phone number? Don't worry about how I know it." The man said, "Ask him if he has time at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon? I'll have a flight at six o'clock in the evening."

Zhou Sheng said, "Why are you looking for him?" He gave Yu Hao a look, meaning you know him? Yu Hao had never heard this voice before, so he shook his head, why didn't he call himself

Here Zhou Sheng was still talking with the man, but Fu Liqun picked up Yu Hao's phone and waved at him, the caller ID was "Old White-eyed Wolf".

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao's phone book communicated with Zhou Sheng, and Zhou Sheng entered Zhou Laichun's name. Yu Hao returned the earphone to Zhou Sheng and asked him to chat, and answered Zhou Laichun's call himself.

"Hey, Dad." Yu Hao said calmly.

Yu Hao now knew that Zhou Laichun was a rogue, and the only way to deal with the rogue was to be more rogue than him.

Zhou Laichun: "Yu Hao, let me ask you, did you use your own email address to send Zhou Sheng's internship resume to Tianjia?"

Yu Hao thought not, right, the news ran so fast? Zhou Sheng had finished chatting with the mysterious man over there, hung up the phone, looked at Yu Hao, Yu Hao turned on the speakerphone, Fu Liqun was not an outsider anyway.

"...Tianjia's boss just finished drinking tea with me, and the vice president knew that Zhou Sheng was my son." Zhou Laichun said, "I think so, you should let Zhou Sheng go to Yun Laichun for an internship, and don't invest any more. For a while, I thought that Zhou Laichun sent him to steal the trade secrets of competitors, but I couldn't tell."

Zhou Sheng interjected: "I will pay attention to avoid the catering industry. The catering service industry in this city will not go there, so as not to cause you trouble."

Fu Liqun wisely got up and avoided, Zhou Laichun said again, "Is it interesting?"

"None of your business." Zhou Sheng laughed.

Yu Hao motioned him to speak properly with his eyes. It was the same thing. Since the day he came out of the closet, this was the first phone call between Zhou Laichun and his son.

"You really want to be the master of your own life," Zhou Laichun said. "Just rely on your own ability to prove it. I've already said that, how do you want me to let it go? I'll send my resume to the chief financial officer. Anyone can come and report, you know where the company is, it's down."

The phone hangs up and silence falls at the table.

Just when Yu Hao was about to speak, Zhou Sheng said, "Originally, what I was thinking was that we should submit our resumes to Beijing, or Shanghai. Whoever finds an internship unit first will rent a room first, and then go there and find it slowly. Enough."

Yu Hao was startled, and Zhou Sheng said helplessly, "You said that Sister Junjun made arrangements for you, and I just thought that I would also stay in this city, where we are, where is home, isn't it? Why don't you help my brother? I'm busy, just for this, if the gym starts up, if you don't do well in this city and want to change cities, I can follow you anytime, right?"

Yu Hao remained silent, looking at the tablecloth on the dining table.

Zhou Sheng became less irritable, took a bottle of Coke, and opened the drawer. There was a pack of cigarettes in it, which Xia Lei brought over. He took a cigarette and said: "If you are not in this city, you will not be in this city. The world is so big, where do you want to go, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Shenzhen, can we still be stumped? Just pack and leave, As long as we're together, there's nothing we can't beat. Sister Junjun's side is yellow, you said earlier, send your resume and send it to other places! You're fucking mad at me!"

Zhou Sheng lit a cigarette, Fu Liqun changed his clothes and came out. Seeing that Zhou Sheng was training Yu Hao, he didn't dare to interrupt, and said, "I'm going to print the flyer, don't wait for me to eat tonight."

Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Hao, Yu Hao nodded, Zhou Sheng patted his thigh again, moved back a little, let the position in front of his birth, meaning to sit over, Fu Liqun left, Yu Hao moved over, Zhou Sheng hugged Yu Hao, the two started to surf the Internet to look at job postings from other places.

"That's right." Yu Hao suddenly remembered and asked, "What did that person say?"

"I said I knew you from a friend." Zhou Sheng said, "I'm working on a project, and I asked if you would like to chat."

"Okay." Yu Hao immediately said, "When is the appointment?"

"Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, Anvita Tea House." Zhou Sheng said, "If you want to go, he will leave until four o'clock without seeing anyone."

Yu Hao asked, "What project?"

Zhou Sheng spread his hands and said, "Don't go, you don't sound like a good person."

At first Yu Hao suspected that Xiao Yujun gave the call, but Xiao Yujun wouldn't call Zhou Sheng, right? That doesn't sound like a media...

"I'm going." Yu Hao said.

"You must be the opposite of me." Zhou Sheng was dumbfounded.

Yu Hao glanced at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng said, "What! Do you want to quarrel again?!"

Yu Hao leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Zhou Sheng's anger disappeared immediately, and he tried his best to control the corners of his mouth. He said, "Okay, let's go with you."

Yu Hao asked, "Then what about your internship?"

Zhou Sheng said: "Continue to vote, choose a place, just Beijing."

Yu Hao thought to himself, so he invested in more than ten companies in Beijing, including the new media and catering industries.

The next day, the house was full of flyers. Fu Liqun and Xia Lei were dividing up. Yu Hao took a stack of four hundred and said, "I'm in charge of Baiyang Road, you don't need to worry about it."

Fu Liqun's request to send flyers still needs to be introduced. It is best to leave a phone number for return visits. It was the first time Yu Hao sent such a difficult flyer. But insisted on going one by one.

"Be careful of heatstroke." Zhou Sheng said, "What are you doing so hard? Can you just let me go in and rest?"

"My own business!" Yu Hao said, "Money!"

"Others are stupid to leave you contact information!" Zhou Sheng said, "When my brother said that, I wanted to tell him that it was impossible!"

Yu Hao said, "Anyway, I'll try, don't scold me! I've been scolded by you for being stupid!"

Zhou Sheng said: "It's too hot! I feel sorry for you!"

The two almost quarreled again under the bright sun, when Yu Hao was standing depressed, a boy with a camera around his neck, wearing a T-shirt, five-point beach shorts, and AJ slippers, came over and said, "Don't make noise, baby. , my brother will leave you a contact information."

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "…"

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao looked at the boy together, Yu Hao sensed danger, fortunately Zhou Sheng didn't have a seizure, the boy left the phone, smiled mysteriously at Yu Hao, winked, and said, "Call me anytime. ?" Saying that, he made a "call" and pushed open the door of the tea house to enter.

"Is he the one who called yesterday?" Yu Hao asked.

"No!" Zhou Sheng said coldly, then turned around and left.

Yu Hao wondered if he had been teased just now. Seeing Zhou Sheng pushing the door and entering, he thought he was not fighting with that big boy. Fortunately, Zhou Sheng didn't sit next to him. He ordered an ice cream bucket and faced the floor glass Put it in front of the window.

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng held the spoon, and under Yu Hao's gaze, he dug out a large spoon and slowly picked it up.

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng raised his brows, as if he had changed into the male protagonist in an ice cream commercial. His eyes were full of expressions. He shook his head helplessly, closed his eyes, and started eating ice cream.

"Aren't you going to send out flyers?" Zhou Sheng said, "What about business? Don't you do it?"

Yu Hao was already sitting across from Zhou Sheng and said, "Take a rest... It's really hot."