Seizing Dreams

Chapter 115: interview


Zhou Sheng dug out ice cream for Yu Hao to eat. Yu Hao looked at the time and asked, "How did that person meet yesterday?"

Zhou Sheng spread his hands and said, "Ghost knows, leave after eating, don't talk."

Yu Hao turned his head to look at the boy by the window again. The boy was very pale and handsome. He looked like a graduate student. His eyes were clear and beautiful, and his hair was a little curly. The camera screen, deleted a few photos, picked up the camera again, and took pictures around. The city of Ying was as hot as a stove, and as soon as this boy appeared, it was like turning the surrounding environment into the Maldives.

"If he shoots us later," Zhou Sheng said, "I'll go and beat him up."

"Don't." Yu Hao said, "They didn't recruit you, they didn't mess with you."

"Gay is gay." Zhou Sheng mocked.

"Where did you learn it..." Yu Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This tea house is really expensive, and there are not many people at all. When it was nearly 3:30, Yu Hao didn't think anyone like the underground party came to meet. After eating the ice cream, Zhou Sheng ordered another family dress and said, "Continue to eat. .I see what time you have to eat…”

"One hundred and eighteen!" Yu Hao exclaimed, "It's too expensive!"

Zhou Sheng complained bitterly: "Wife, are you coming to auntie? These few days can't be with me alone..."

Suddenly the two stopped talking. A young man in a shirt and black trousers with a computer bag pushed the door and came in. With a ding-dong, the clerk said, "Welcome."

"It's him?" Yu Hao asked in surprise.

Zhou Sheng glanced at the man suspiciously, and then, the man in the shirt walked over to the man opposite the camera and sat down. The back of his shirt was soaked with sweat as if he had just been fished out of water.

Zhou Sheng said: "It should be, those two seem to be... um, like gay?"

"No way." Yu Hao was also observing, and always felt that this combination was a little strange, colleague? But it's not like a simple colleague relationship, is it a combination of a detective or a confidential investigator with a photographer

Five minutes later, Yu Hao should be able to confirm their relationship.

Because they started arguing shortly after they sat down. The reason was that the camera man scolded the shirt man and said he wanted to accompany him on vacation, but he didn't go anywhere in Ying City, so he came to this stupid tea house for tea and left in the afternoon. The man in the shirt started to coax him, he has a job and can't help it...

"Before you promise me something," the camera man said, "Shouldn't you arrange your own time first? Don't promise anything you can't do, this is the truth that even your nephew knows... You have to come out for a cup of tea. interview… "

"Don't be noisy, don't be noisy." Zhou Sheng's voice said, "Baby, brother, will you leave a contact information for you? Call me at night?"

Camera man: "… "

Shirt man: "… "

Zhou Sheng pulled over the chair and sat straddled. Yu Hao stood behind Zhou Sheng and looked at the two tentatively, his brows furrowed slightly.

"Hello." The man in the shirt just glanced at Zhou Sheng, then at Yu Hao, then nodded and said, "Let's put the table together, and have some food? I'll treat you."

Zhou Sheng stood up and casually pulled over the table. Yu Hao sat down. The first impression of the man in the shirt was that his aura was a bit like Chen Yekai.

The camera man said, "You guys can talk, I'll go out for a walk."

The man in the shirt said, "I'll change the ticket later and play with you for another day, okay?"

The camera man just changed his posture and sat down, facing them sideways, adjusting the camera, and began to photograph the pedestrians outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the tea house.

The man in the shirt took out some documents from his computer bag, opened it, and said to Zhou Sheng, "Hello, Zhou Sheng."

The document was printed out of Yu Hao's resume. Zhou Sheng's brows furrowed, Yu Hao muttered in his heart, could it be related to the Golden Crow...

"My name is Lin Ze." The man in the shirt first stretched out his hand towards Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng shook his hand, and Yu Hao also shook his hand. When shaking hands, he felt that the man was very firm and strong.

The last time I felt this kind of power was in the Ou Qihang incident, when I said goodbye to the three investigation team.

"His name is Situ Ye." Lin Ze introduced, "My love."

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao nodded together, Situ Ye turned his head and nodded towards them, and glanced out the floor-to-ceiling window again, his expression a little lonely.

Zhou Sheng was no longer so wary of him, and said, "Is there anything you want to do with us?"

"I got this resume from a junior sister," Lin Ze said. "There are two phone numbers on it, so I just picked one..."

Yu Hao: "Why don't you say it straight?"

Lin Zeyun said calmly: "Of course, you can't tell the resume from a friend on the phone. If she is discovered by the agency, she will be punished."

The internship resume that Yu Hao handed to Xiao Yujun did contain his phone number with Zhou Sheng. Because Xiao Yujun was familiar with them, Yu Hao was afraid that he would not receive it occasionally, so he listed Zhou Sheng as well. After a long time, it turned out that it was so.

Situ Ye glanced at the two of them: "You two are..."

"It's the same as you." After Zhou Sheng knew that it was the person Xiao Yujun introduced, he was relieved, as long as he didn't have any strange purpose.

Lin Ze said "En", Yu Hao said, "Are you a reporter?"

Lin Ze flipped through Yu Hao's information and seemed to be thinking.

Lin Ze said: "Recently yes."

Yu Hao said, "I didn't send you my resume, so I can't count it, and I don't even know your identity, so why don't you come to interview me?"

Situ Ye gave Yu Hao a thumbs up.

Lin Ze asked back, "Then what do you think I look like?"

Yu Hao didn't answer, but instead said, "I suggest we ask each other questions?"

Lin Ze laughed and said, "Yes."

Yu Hao said, "You're a reporter... um, you're not a local?"

Situ Ye glanced at the two of them with a smile, and sat across from Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng threw him a spoon and motioned him to eat ice cream.

Lin Ze said, "I attended a study class with Xiaojun before. It's my turn. In the Shi Ni case two years ago, how did you judge that Shi Ni's father had sexually assaulted her for a long time?"

Yu Hao: "..."

Lin Ze didn't even look at Yu Hao, and flipped through his resume again.

Yu Hao originally wanted to say that Zhou Sheng saw it, but when he thought about it, it was wrong. It should have been inferred by himself and Zhou Sheng. The source was Shi Ni's unpredictable crying.

"Cry." Yu Hao said, "Her behavior makes me feel irrational."

"En." Lin Ze pondered for a moment, then looked into Yu Hao's eyes, "Can you describe it in detail?"

"No." Yu Hao said, "I don't want to gossip too much about the victims, I hope you understand. It's my turn, do you want to recruit reporters?"

"Understood, yes." Lin Ze said, "I sifted through a lot of resumes, but I couldn't find one that was particularly satisfactory. I asked Xiaojun for a batch. I think you are very difficult here."

"If I get hired, where will I work? How much is it for a month?" This is what Yu Hao is most concerned about now.

Lin Ze said: "Not much, but I think you will be interested. Now it's my turn, how do you judge that Professor Liang Jinmin from your school has suffered from domestic violence by her husband Lin Xun for a long time?"

Yu Hao said, "This really doesn't have much to do with me..." However, he suddenly remembered that it was not entirely true.

"Sunglasses," Yu Hao said, "it's also a detail, you even know about it?"

"I also know that the two of you are chasing a laptop with evidence of crime with your bare hands." Lin Ze said, "It's not surprising that reporters always have news channels for reporters. It's your turn."

Yu Hao was immediately alert: "You transferred my file from the public security system? Who gave it to you?"

Lin Ze suddenly laughed.

Lin Ze: "It's your turn to ask."

Yu Hao: "That's my problem."

Lin Ze said: "A pennant of bravery and righteousness."

Yu Hao looked at Lin Ze suspiciously: "Have you found our counselor?"

Lin Ze nodded and said, "Of course, I pretended to be an internship unit and called your teacher Xue, and it came out in a few words."

Yu Hao: "Damn...he must have spoken ill of me a lot."

"It's bad for him," Lin Ze said. "It doesn't count for me. The only thing I'm not satisfied with is that your desire to destroy is not too strong."

Yu Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Do you still want to be a reporter?"

Lin Ze: "Occasionally, some unconventional measures must be taken..."

"I think you don't have to face me, Aze." Situ Ye said, "You both have a very similar aura."

Zhou Sheng also felt a little bit, the confidence that Yu Hao blurted out without hesitation when he was insulting someone was indeed similar to the person named Lin Ze.

"A kind of stalker, endless questioning, reporter's aura." Zhou Sheng said.

"Aze has the aura of a bastard." Situ Ye said, "Whether you want to say it or not, they must ask for the answer."

"Yes!" Zhou Sheng was about to give Situ Ye a high five. This so-called "bastard aura" is the most vivid description of some reporters.

Lin Ze: "..."

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao thought about it for a while, and said a little depressedly, "Actually, I really really want to be a reporter, because of the sailing thing..."

Lin Ze put away Yu Hao's resume, looked at his watch, and stopped asking Yu Hao. Instead, he said, "Let's introduce me and my team first. Originally, I worked in a neighboring city and was the general manager of a media. Editor. But starting from next year, Qinghua Times in Beijing needs to add a new department. Compared with the entire media system, this department has a certain degree of independence and autonomy. I will be the person in charge of this department in the name of secondment. A two-year term, forming a team.”

Yu Hao nodded and listened quietly.

"This team is only responsible for picking and editing." Lin Ze explained, "The manuscript is sent to the head office, and they decide whether to send it or not. The salary will not be too high, especially for interns, but you will learn a lot. "

Situ Ye added: "This department is likely to close at any time."

Yu Hao wondered if your boyfriend really won't beat you to death as a professional demolisher when he comes home later, but Lin Ze nodded seriously and said, "Yes, it depends on the wind direction to eat, and it may be shut down at any time."

Zhou Sheng said, "Then everyone was arrested together?"

"That's not true," Lin Ze said. "There is a government relationship above. We are a department directly under it, and there are people covering it."

Yu Hao asked, "How many people are in the team?"

"Two people." Lin Ze said, "I, Xiao Ye."

Yu Hao glanced at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng's eyes were very clear, this is the job you like, right

Yu Hao said, "I am not a media professional, and I have not received systematic interview training..."

"I'm not looking for professional reporters," Lin Ze said. "Those can be taught. What I need are 'investigative' reporters."

Zhou Sheng's expression changed immediately, Yu Hao vaguely remembered this profession, and now few people have done it. This group of people is the most savage and rogue people, and almost all of the interviews are against public power. Not only are they facing the danger of being cross-province, some are still abusing their power, and their reputation is quite bad.

Zhou Sheng said: "You let an intern who hasn't graduated yet to become an investigative reporter?"

Lin Ze nodded and said, "Yes."

Yu Hao asked, "Are there still live investigative reporters?"

Lin Ze nodded and said, "Yes, I am."

Yu Hao pondered for a long time and said, "What about my boyfriend?"

Lin Ze said to Zhou Sheng, "Considering your family background, I don't think it's suitable."

Zhou Sheng had to stop talking.

"Is someone taking me?" Yu Hao said, "I... I don't understand a lot of things at all."

"Of course." Lin Ze said, "there will be someone to take you. There are two journalist teachers, both from social work, who were later transferred to investigative reporters, and an editor-in-charge. If things go well, the team will be very strong."

Yu Hao: "Just make sure, work in Beijing?"

"Beijing goes to work." Lin Ze explained, "I travel frequently, and I run across the country."

Yu Hao said, "I have to think about it again."

Lin Ze said: "Don't worry, I have one last question. This question decides whether I want you or not. Please answer truthfully and say your truest thoughts, because if the values do not match, you are in this team, too. Soon."

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao looked at Lin Ze together.

Lin Ze said seriously: "Do you think journalists are reporting for the government or reporting the truth for the common people?"

Yu Hao thought to himself, the editor-in-chief, is it okay for you to ask that? Does this lead me to become a public official or something else? He couldn't help but think of the many arguments of the Southern Department, as if the louder and fiercer the quarrel with the public power, the more proof of their ability. Everyone who really wants to pursue this career, the answer is the same.

But what Lin Ze asked was "your most real thoughts", Yu Hao thought about it seriously, what were his real thoughts? According to his experience along the way, he vaguely has some answers in his heart.

"The government and the people should never be opposed to each other." Yu Hao said, "Many journalists always like to pit state power against public opinion. In fact, we should try to create opportunities for the two to understand each other in reality..."

"Okay." After hearing the beginning, Lin Ze took out his pen, wrote an address, and handed it to Yu Hao, "Register after the National Day, report at any time, and work at any time..."

"Are you really willing to come? This job will be a little hard for someone who just started work." Situ Ye asked Yu Hao.

"He will come," Lin Ze said, "I am confident. The internship period will give you 3,000 months. The teacher will give you a topic, and you will do a topic independently. If there are no problems with the two topics, you will be transferred to a regular school. The basic salary is 4,080. There is no compilation, and the author's salary is not much, which can be used as a living allowance, but it is only counted once, that is, the first release..."

Yu Hao took the note, thought about it, and said, "Let me finish... There are them, and there are us, everyone is part of the real society..."

Lin Ze said, "The world needs Mr. Zhao and the bastard. That's what it means. There's nothing wrong with it."

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "…"

Lin Ze finished Situ Ye's coffee and got up to say goodbye to them.

Zhou Sheng: "Will you solve the Beijing hukou?"

Lin Ze said: "Think, get, beautiful! There is a place? I've already asked for it myself!" After he went out to take a taxi, he left with Situ Ye, leaving Yu Hao holding the address slip and looking at Zhou Sheng.

Holding the note, Yu Hao walked out of the cafe with Zhou Sheng and stood in the atrium of the shopping mall.

I didn't expect to find an internship in this way.

"Go?" Yu Hao asked.

"Didn't you already have the answer in your heart?" Zhou Sheng replied with a smile.

Yu Hao sorted out the flyers and wanted to send them out in the atrium. The air-conditioned place was very cold, and Zhou Sheng said, "Go back and book a flight ticket for you? I'm going to Beijing to find a job. We have enough money to live on for a few months, but we don't have any money. Going to deliver food?"

Yu Hao suddenly said, "Zhou Sheng, husband."

The two held Fu Liqun's flyer, Zhou Sheng was silent for a moment, he knew what Yu Hao wanted to say. Ever since they were together, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng had a tacit understanding.

"Go." Yu Hao said, "Just like you want me to be a reporter, I also want you to study abroad."

"Don't go, did the old man tell you?" Zhou Sheng didn't care. Holding the flyer, he sat down with Yu Hao by the fountain in the shopping mall. On the opposite side was a large row of splendid luxury stores. Going in and out, two students sat by the pool looking at the flyers in their hands.

"Then, go to your father's company?" Yu Hao said.

Yu Hao looked sideways at Zhou Sheng, and then looked down at the note in his hand.

"You won't be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life." Yu Hao said seriously, "It's just an accident in your life to get admitted to our school..."

Zhou Sheng looked at the store not far away.

"... It's like practicing cycling in your class, running long distances, swimming... In the big test and small test, with your strength, you are all the first. Occasionally you don't perform well, and you run at the bottom." Yu Hao Say, "It's down for a while, but bottom isn't your real life..."

"Being at the bottom is to meet you." Zhou Sheng suddenly smiled sadly and said, "I am grateful for being at the bottom this time."

"I'm also grateful to be at the bottom this time." Yu Hao said with a smile, "But I also know that you are wholehearted, and it's time to run first. You can be the CEO, why do you want to deliver food? Not for anyone to see, Just to prove to yourself that you can do it."

These past few days, Yu Hao has been thinking about how to tell Zhou Sheng what he really thinks. Whenever he submits a resume for him, Yu Hao is extremely suspicious, even if these companies want Zhou Sheng to work in administration, logistics, and sales, To Zhou Sheng, how much significance does it have

He needs a place where he can let go of his hands and feet, to realize his value and to shine his light.

Zhou Sheng answered the phone.

"Okay, got it, ten thirty in the morning the day after tomorrow?" Zhou Sheng said, "Which company are you from?"

The internship call came at this time.

"Okay." Zhou Sheng hung up the phone.

Yu Hao asked, "Which one?"

"Real estate." Zhou Sheng said casually, "Selling second-hand houses."

Yu Hao couldn't remember investing in a second-hand real estate agency for Zhou Sheng. He smiled at Zhou Sheng and spread his hands: "Do you want to go? I don't think you want to."

At this time, a delivery boy was sweating profusely, walked through the atrium of the mall, and walked in quickly. Seeing that he couldn't take it anymore, he stood by the fountain for a while.

"Sit down for a while, buddy." Zhou Sheng said, "It's too hot outside."

Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng hurriedly got up and moved his seat. Zhou Sheng took out a bottle of mineral water that was intended for Yu Hao to drink, but had not been opened, and handed it to the delivery boy.

"Thank you." The little brother was very tanned and nodded gratefully to them.

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "…"

Zhou Sheng glanced at Yu Hao, Yu Hao was shocked, and then looked at Zhou Sheng again, it was Liu Pengxuan wearing an electric car helmet! There was an unbelievable look in Yu Hao's eyes, Liu Pengxuan was actually delivering food

Zhou Sheng had seen him in Yu Hao's dream, but Liu Pengxuan didn't recognize Yu Hao. He was tanned and thin. He should have completely quit drugs, but his body was very bad. The back of the T-shirt was soaking wet. He drank two sips of mineral water, stood in the atrium, looked up at the heights of the shopping mall, where there were so many takeaway shops, at a loss to identify which takeaway the customer ordered, then walked up quickly, ran up the escalator, and went up to the fourth floor. take meal.

"Why does it look like that who..." Zhou Sheng said.

"Pengxuan." Yu Hao said, "It seems to be him."

Zhou Sheng: "Yes, that's your ex-boyfriend."

"Not an ex-boyfriend!" Yu Hao said, "I liked it for a while when I was in junior high school."

Zhou Sheng raised his head and watched Liu Pengxuan go up to the fourth floor. He went to a barbecue restaurant to get takeout and said, "I'll help you catch up and beat him up?"

"Go ahead if you think it suits you." Yu Hao couldn't help laughing and crying, "I have no reason to call a takeaway boy, I don't mind if you can do it."

After he was with Zhou Sheng, he had completely and completely forgotten about this person. For a moment just now, Yu Hao couldn't even call out his name.

"It's actually him?" Yu Hao was still in shock, but he didn't calm down. He was actually delivering food... But it makes sense when you think about it... Liu Pengxuan didn't go to college after graduating from high school and wanted to support himself, this was the best choice... think Here, Yu Hao couldn't help expressing his heartfelt thanks. The supervisor who persuaded him to come to school was his benefactor.

"But why didn't he recognize me at all?" Yu Hao thought to himself that even if Zhou Sheng chased after him and beat him up, Liu Pengxuan would only be inexplicable, right

Zhou Sheng said, "You've become handsome."

Zhou Sheng took the phone and took a picture of himself and Yu Hao, Yu Hao doubted, "Is there any?"

Zhou Sheng showed Yu Hao the photos on the Tianqing Mountain three years ago, and compared the two... Yu Hao was wearing old clothes and pants, the words on the T-shirt were blurred, and his temperament was not good. Only the looks make sense. The group photo with Zhou Sheng now shows the two wearing custom T-shirts and trendy jeans, with bright and radiant eyebrows.

Yu Hao thought to himself that there was such a big change, and then looked at Zhou Sheng suspiciously.

"How on earth did you fall in love with me back then?" Yu Hao said, "It's just astonishing."

"The little earth cat also has the cuteness of the little earth cat." Zhou Sheng smiled to himself, looking at the previous photos of the two, and put one hand on Yu Hao's shoulder.

Liu Pengxuan came down with the takeaway, and looked back when he ran out of the mall.

He stopped and stared at Yu Hao from a distance for a few seconds. Yu Hao felt that he might have recognized him, but he was very unsure, and then he felt that it couldn't be the Yu Hao he used to be. Zhou Sheng waved at him freely, and Liu Pengxuan left.