Seizing Dreams

Chapter 117: Busy


The driver took Zhou Laichun back to his residence first, and then Zhou Sheng. It was eleven o'clock when he got home, and Yu Hao and Fu Liqun both went to sleep. Zhou Sheng felt the darkness in the living room, poured a glass of water, and drank it with the hangover medicine. The feeling of tumbling in the stomach was a little better. Looking down at the phone, the text message with Yu Hao at six o'clock.

Yu Hao: [You should be called to dinner tonight. I cooked a dish myself and ate it with my brother.]

Zhou Sheng: [I'll be back after I finish eating, no more than eight o'clock.]

Yu Hao: [Don't worry, the first day at work will always be strange and busy, come on.]

Zhou Sheng went to take a shower, sorted out the minutes of today's meeting and sent them to the department manager. Until two in the middle of the night, he set the alarm clock for his morning run at 6:50, walked over lightly, and fell asleep with Yu Hao in his arms.

"Get up, Zhou Sheng." Yu Hao pushed Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng was shocked and woke up. It was ten past eight.

"Why didn't you call me?" Zhou Sheng yelled angrily.

Yu Hao said, "I see that you are a little tired, so I just want you to sleep more..."

Zhou Sheng wanted to go for a morning run in the morning to exercise, but he drank too much last night, and his head still hurts today after a hangover, Yu Hao hurriedly said, "It's too late, breakfast is ready..."

Zhou Sheng changed his clothes, quickly went out, grabbed breakfast, remembered, turned around and kissed Yu Hao.

"Good night." Zhou Sheng said, "Come back in the evening to talk, I will be back early today."

Yu Hao hadn't told him that he planned to join early, so he chased down to tie him a tie, took a picture of him by the way, and said, "Goodbye, come on today."

After seeing Zhou Sheng off, Yu Hao locked the door and went to the library. He borrowed a bunch of books on social work, reporters' interviews, news writing, etc., and started nibbling.

Zhou Sheng had been busy in the company for a full day. On Tuesday morning, the big business department held an internal meeting, and then the department manager sent a project report for him to sort out. I couldn't remember the minutes of yesterday's meeting in detail, and another assistant came over to teach him, including what not to remember, so as not to be caught... At noon, Zhou Sheng had just made the beginning and had to go down to eat. He didn't have time to sleep during the lunch break. When he opened the bag, Yu Hao filled him with a bottle of coffee and a packet of hangover medicine.

Zhou Sheng sent Yu Hao a WeChat message to ask him if he had eaten. Yu Hao ate sandwiches in the library and chatted a few times. In the afternoon, he began to solicit opinions on the project PPT. The opinion was that the entire PPT had to be redone, and next Tuesday, Zhou Sheng would be in charge of it. Start introducing the project.

Zhou Sheng: "…"

Zhou Sheng thought to himself that you guys are really playing me as an iron man, and you don't even think about whether I can do it or not.

[I feel that they are all fishing.] Zhou Sheng sent a message to Yu Hao, [It's just my mother who is working alone.]

Yu Hao: [Of course you can touch it as much as you can. Everyone is getting paid, as long as you don't go wrong in your work. It's your own business, you can't be lazy.]

Zhou Sheng: [What do you want to eat tonight? You buy it and wait for me to come back and do it.]

Yu Hao: [Come on, you are tired from working all day, and you definitely don't want to move when you come back.]

At this moment, the department manager came over and said to Zhou Sheng, "Zhou Sheng, let's go see someone together tonight. I'm going to dig him over and arrange him to be the deputy manager in the new store. Can you drink something?"

Zhou Sheng: "…"

The manager of this department is usually very cunning, and the employees hate him very much, but he treats Zhou Sheng very well. Of course, because Zhou Sheng is the prince, he teaches everything bit by bit, and even takes him to dig people.

Zhou Sheng said, "Where did you order it?"

The manager said: "I didn't think about it, what do you think?"

"Japanese food." Zhou Sheng replied, "I know that there is a Japanese food private room with a good atmosphere."

"Okay." The manager said cheerfully, "I'll listen to you when it comes to eating, drinking, and having fun."

Zhou Sheng was facing the PPT of the project, and was about to ask his assistant to order a restaurant when he suddenly remembered that he was the assistant, so he had to go to reserve a seat, hoping that there was still one in the private room... He couldn't finish the get off work before he got off work, which made him want to drop the computer. Go to Zhou Laichun's office.

At twelve o'clock in the night, Zhou Sheng returned home full of alcohol, and Yu Hao was still awake.

Yu Hao stretched out three fingers: "What is this?"

"I didn't drink much." Zhou Sheng couldn't help laughing and crying. "It's a little less than yesterday, and I drink a drop of it. Every time I drink sake, I feel like throwing up. I'm fucking stupid. Which grocery store should I choose?"

The supplier didn't know that he was Zhou Laichun's son, but he liked him very much. The department manager just asked him to accompany him for a few drinks to get to know him.

Yu Hao gave Zhou Sheng a cup of hot milk, Zhou Sheng was leaning on the sofa and gasping for breath, Yu Hao put a hot towel on him, tidy up his bag, put in the things that might be used tomorrow, and added two bottles of Huoxiangzhengqi water with a Snickers bar. Zhou Sheng gasped for a while and fell asleep on the sofa.

Yu Hao thought he was really tired, his fingerprint unlocked Zhou Sheng's phone, he saw the message from the department manager, and sent him a word, saying that his partner had a good impression on him today, praising him for his talent, and even intercepted a chat. Record it to Zhou Sheng. Then he specifically told him to remember to re-do the PPT as required, and a few colleagues at the small meeting tomorrow morning would help him go through it first.

At half past seven, Yu Hao kept kissing Zhou Sheng, who was lying beside him. Zhou Sheng was kissed and kissed. He opened his eyes, bounced up, and said, "What time is it?"

Yu Hao called him a little earlier today, kissed him, and said, "You have plenty of time, let's go take a shower?"

Zhou Sheng turned on the computer frantically in the car, thinking about redoing this PPT, it would take at least five or six hours, but found that Yu Hao had already done it for him, thank God.

"Tonight, let's go to visit a supplier together." After a morning meeting, the department manager said, "I won't drink tonight, the boss can't drink. But I like to drink tea, and I don't know much about tea. , Zhou Sheng, would you like to chat with him?"

Zhou Sheng had to say "yes", otherwise what else could he say? I thought that I don't know much about tea, okay, I made a lot of complaints with Yu Hao during my nap, and by the way, I quickly searched the Internet for some relevant knowledge. Yu Hao sent him an introduction to tea culture that I don't know where it came from. Zhou Sheng read it. Having to doze off, he slept on his stomach for a while.

As soon as he fell asleep, his colleague called him again and asked him to go to the floor of the general manager's office for a meeting. One and a half days a month, shareholders' representatives meet with the general manager. Starting at noon, Zhou Sheng had to sit next to his father as a nonvoting delegate. Still unable to sleep, Sosuke gently prepared a super strong coffee for him.

After visiting the supplier, he unexpectedly returned home after nine o'clock today. Fu Liqun was also at home unexpectedly, lying on the sofa and checking his mobile phone. The two exchanged glances. Zhou Sheng pointed inside, meaning that Yu Hao was asleep? Fu Liqun nodded and said, "I can see that he was busy enough to write until the morning."

"My project PPT." Zhou Sheng said helplessly, loosening his tie and sitting heavily on the sofa.

"Is it so hard?" Fu Liqun asked.

Zhou Sheng nodded and said, "It's okay. Actually, it's nothing. It's hypocritical to say hard work. Are you?"

Fu Liqun shook his head wearily, and Zhou Sheng said, "Is the gym open?"

Fu Liqun said, "Today's ribbon cutting, the young lady will go for you."

Zhou Sheng nodded. In the afternoon, he took advantage of the shareholders meeting break to send a message to Yu Hao. Yu Hao must have known that he couldn't leave.

"It's good luck to open." Zhou Sheng smiled.

"Oh, tired." Fu Liqun said.

Zhou Sheng said, "Just make money."

Fu Liqun compared his palm and said, "I've been busy for half a month, five members, and I received 17,000 yuan."

Zhou Sheng said: "Yo, not bad, how much is the commission?"

Fu Liqun said: "Three are acquaintances they brought in, and two are newly hired salespeople who went out to cheat. From tomorrow, I have to call one by one to urge them to exercise, and quickly sell the class."

Zhou Sheng said: "Not bad, I've been crawling like a dog for three days, and the old man hasn't said how much he will pay me."

"Is there a difference?" Fu Liqun laughed, "The company is yours."

Zhou Sheng didn't speak, and asked again after a while, "How many members can get back to the original?"

Fu Liqun said: "The first month is the hardest. You have to develop 20. For the rest of the month, you can maintain 5 to 10, and you will be able to take care of your own profits and losses."

"Yes." Zhou Sheng said, "It's easier than I thought."

Fu Liqun said: "I have to sell the classes and personally go to pull people, otherwise I think it will be over after they send out the flyers, and there will be no follow-up."

Zhou Sheng said, "You are already tanned in two shades."

Fu Liqun said, "Now I really envy you guys sitting in the office, it's cool."

Zhou Shengdao: "Don't mention it, today's shareholders meeting, do you know how I feel? Quarterly financial goals, gross profit, regional strategy, risk assessment... It's like listening to the gods, half of it can only be guessed. While listening, I took my phone, Baidu, and the fucking old man came down and told me not to play with my phone."

Fu Liqun burst into laughter, Zhou Sheng said, "It's like the experience of you owe a debt for ten years, and you have to pay it back in a month, understand? I really think I'm sitting there like a mentally handicapped child, and the old man doesn't speak, I feel that I'm ashamed, but fortunately no one asked my opinion."

Fu Liqun said: "It was like this at the beginning, and you will understand as you learn it."

Zhou Sheng said: "I have to buy a few management textbooks to read."

Fu Liqun said, "Do you like doing this job?"

"I don't like it." Zhou Sheng said without thinking, "But I don't know what I want to do, so I can only do it first."

Fu Liqun said, "Alas, money is hard to earn, and shit is hard to eat."

Zhou Sheng said: "Well, don't give me 3,000 at the end of this month, I'll just... I'll... go to the shareholders meeting, everyone, let's die together."

Fu Liqun couldn't help laughing. Yu Hao pushed open the door and came out, sleepily asking, "You're back?"

Zhou Sheng got up quickly and said with a smile, "Go to sleep and sleep with you."

In the room, Yu Hao woke up a little and asked, "Have you finished the PPT?"

Zhou Sheng said, "It's over, and everyone praises me for doing a good job."

Yu Hao was a little worried and asked, "Did it go well?"

Zhou Sheng replied, "It's much better than I thought, no problem."

This is the first serious communication between the two after Zhou Sheng went to work. Yu Hao asked again, "Are you tired?"

"I'm not tired." Zhou Sheng whistled to take a shower. After washing, he hugged Yu Hao and said, "From next week, I'll go home for dinner every day."

Zhou Sheng turned off the lights and the room was pitch dark. He hugged Yu Hao and made out in the dark for a while. Zhou Sheng couldn't help kissing him, as if he wanted to make up for the kisses that had been separated in the past few days. Yu Hao also hugged him very much. It was a kiss for a while.

"I want to go to work early." Yu Hao said, "Aze is short of people."

Zhou Sheng didn't hear it and was already asleep.

The next day, Zhou Sheng casually mentioned to the department manager that he was going to Beijing on the weekend, and the manager was a little surprised.

Zhou Sheng: "What?"

"I was planning to take you to a meeting in Guangdong." The manager said, "Can you reschedule here?"

Zhou Sheng replied, "I can't change the date."

The manager said, "What should we do? Then we have to think of a way."

Zhou Sheng looked inexplicable. He didn't expect to have something to do on weekends. Does this count as overtime? Many employees of Yun Laichun do work overtime in the company on Saturdays and Sundays, firstly to earn some performance; secondly, to save electricity bills for single dogs.

"I'm going to tell President Huang." The manager said, "He didn't agree with taking up your personal time..."

The vice president of the business department is not Zhou Laichun's "person". Zhou Sheng understood it immediately, and the manager winked.

Zhou Sheng was worried that Yu Hao would go to work in Beijing alone, and planned to buy a plane ticket to accompany him to settle down, but Yu Hao's phone call came.

"Are you going to drop me off this weekend?" Yu Hao asked.

Zhou Sheng was simply inexplicable: "How did you know?"

Yu Hao said, "Your dad called me and said you were going to Guangzhou..."

Zhou Sheng immediately exploded, and Yu Hao said, "Don't be angry, I didn't tell you to send me. I'll go by myself and buy a high-speed rail ticket. I'll be there the next morning. I've already bought it."

Zhou Sheng: "No!" Immediately, he noticed that everyone around him was looking at him, the office was relatively quiet, and Zhou Sheng had to go to the safe passage at the corner of the corridor to say. Yu Hao insisted on going by himself, and asked Zhou Sheng to fly over to see him after he was done. Zhou Sheng was a little irritable and almost quarreled again.

Zhou Sheng: "What kind of bullshit company is this, even the prince has to work overtime, even on weekends, just wait and see, when Laozi takes over..."

"Speak in a low voice!" Yu Hao said, "In the office? I left with a suitcase. Wouldn't it be the same if you came to see me in a week?"

Zhou Sheng heard the sound of the door closing on the safety passage, so he had to say, "Don't talk about it, I'll talk about it later when I get home at night."

Zhou Sheng returned to the office, and Zhou Laichun sent him another message.

[Can you find a place where no one can make a call? Several people from the director of the propaganda department were smoking at the stairs, and they all heard it.]

Zhou Sheng blocked his father and did not let him out until after get off work. No socializing today thank goodness, but the manager gave him a bunch of strategic plans and told him to make a new one by Friday.

Zhou Sheng was about to explode, but considering that the manager is also his father's person, he must have been hinted that he must make Zhou Sheng make some achievements as soon as possible, so he won't say anything more.

In the evening, Zhou Sheng came home with his work, turned on the computer, and sat at the dining table opposite Yu Hao. Yu Hao said, "I have booked the ticket, you can go to Guangzhou."

Zhou Sheng wanted to say something, but Yu Hao said, "You've already decided to go to work in Yun Laichun, so just put more effort into your work."

Zhou Sheng almost exploded, and Yu Hao immediately said, "I've also booked your air ticket for coming over next week. Did you see the text message on your phone?"

This sentence instantly made Zhou Sheng's anger half calm, and Yu Hao said again, "If you really plan to go, you can change your ticket, but I'm taking the high-speed train, so you might arrive earlier than me."

Zhou Sheng had to stop talking.

Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng with a smile. Zhou Sheng was still wearing a shirt and trousers, and his handsome face was black. Yu Hao said, "Mr. Zhou, when you are stern and angry, you are so handsome."

Zhou Sheng said, "So you're right to be angry with me."

Yu Hao looked at him with a smile, and said, "Although I shouldn't say that, but I think you're really more handsome than Teacher Chen when you wear formal clothes."

Zhou Sheng rolled up his sleeves and clicked the mouse. Hearing that, he took the plain glasses and put them on. He grabbed his hair with his five fingers and exposed his forehead. He stared at Yu Hao with a serious look. Yu Hao almost rolled off his chair, looking mad. I don't know what to say.

"Go to take a bath." Zhou Sheng pointed to the bathroom, and said coldly and restrainedly, "wait for me on the bed after washing."

At that moment, Yu Hao really had the feeling of being hit by an arrow in the heart. After two years with Zhou Sheng, they had become accustomed to each other, but since the day Zhou Sheng went to work, he seemed to have found his secret love for him again. That heart pounding feeling.

Yu Hao had always been indifferent to men in suits, and the "you don't manage your money and don't take care of you" from a blind date made him stay away.

But when it came to Zhou Sheng, the temperament of a mature professional man suddenly made his heart beat. The overbearing president is simply a treasure in the world! Yu Hao began to understand why romance novels like to prostitute CEOs! Who doesn't love this kind of president? !

"You absolutely can't make this kind of expression to the little girl in the office." Yu Hao said, "It's even more forbidden to look at anyone with this kind of look."

"I, just, want." Zhou Sheng said coldly, word by word, "What? Do you have an opinion?"

Yu Hao came to pounce on him, Zhou Sheng couldn't take it anymore because of his torment, hugged him in his arms, and said, "Don't make trouble! I still have to write a strategic plan..."

"I'll write it for you!" Yu Hao shouted, "President, I want to mate with you!"

Zhou Sheng picked up Yu Hao, carried him into the room, threw him on the bed, and leaned beside him, Yu Hao started to unbutton his shirt, Zhou Sheng took off his glasses, and sighed a little tiredly.

"I really can't worry about you going to Beijing alone." Zhou Sheng said, "Either you don't go, can you just stay at home as a young grandma?"

Yu Hao grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed it. The two hugged on the bed and kissed passionately. Zhou Sheng was still wearing trousers and black socks. A thought passed through Yu Hao's mind: Ah, the shirt is going to be wrinkled again. It's alright, I'll iron it...

Facts have proved that it was right for Yu Hao to be unrestrained once that night, because Zhou Sheng went to socialize for two consecutive days after that, and until the night before Yu Hao left, Zhou Sheng came back very late and didn't have much time to be gentle.

"If it's still like this in the second month," Zhou Sheng said seriously, "I'll quit."

Yu Hao said, "Until you finish learning what you need to learn, you will continue to live like this. It's normal. The adaptation period is the hardest. After the transition is over, it will be much easier, just like your dad."

Zhou Sheng is a little nervous. Even compared with all the employees in the company, his efforts can be rated at 80 points. He only regrets that he didn't study business and engineering management back then, so he has to spend twice as much time now. Learn all kinds of knowledge from practice.

"At most half a year." Yu Hao said, "I don't think it will be easy after the past."

Now the only one who can adjust the pressure for Zhou Sheng is Yu Hao. Yu Hao keeps comforting him. In fact, Yu Hao also thinks that Zhou Sheng is tired, but it saves the most painful thing for a newcomer in the workplace - being scolded by the supervisor.

No one in the entire company dared to find fault and scold Zhou Sheng, just begging him to work hard and learn things quickly, so that he could complete the tasks assigned by his father, and after he was familiar with the operation and business, he would be promoted to the top.

"The money is all on this card." Zhou Sheng took off his tie, sat on the bed and packed Yu Hao's wallet, and said, "Here is 26,000, and here is 5,000 in cash, you can take it with you..."

Yu Hao ironed Zhou Sheng's clothes, and he bought Zhou Sheng's shirts in advance, saying, "There are shirts in the cupboard, one every day. On Friday, pack up the dirty clothes and put them on the table, my brother will remember when he goes downstairs. Take it for you to wash and bring it back on Monday."

Zhou Sheng said: "I think it's okay to wear pants and slippers to go to work."

"Of course no one will tell you that you are the young master." Yu Hao said, "But you have to socialize occasionally, dress formally, and you will unconsciously enter the role."

Yu Hao was right, Zhou Sheng changed his formal attire, and he would be more serious, not like he used to feel like a condescending child.

Zhou Sheng checked Yu Hao's carry-on bag and looked at his camera. There was a metal heart-shaped music box in the middle of the bag. Zhou Sheng wound up the clockwork of the music box. ", Yu Hao was a little embarrassed, he ironed his clothes with a hanger, looked at him, and remembered the time they spent on the Ferris wheel two years ago.

"Don't be too busy." Zhou Sheng said, "Come and let me hug."

Yu Hao said, "You have to go to work in five hours. I want you to sleep a little longer. You're sleepless every day. You're too tired."

Zhou Sheng said, "I'm only a fucking senior! What the hell happened in my life?!"

Yu Hao hung up his clothes, came over with a smile, hugged Zhou Sheng together, and said, "I think our future will be fine."

Zhou Sheng said: "I also think, I hope this time will pass quickly."

In the evening of the next day, Chen Yekai's flight back to Ying City was delayed.

Fu Liqun was arguing with the property management in the community where the gym is located, and he didn't come.

Yu Hao pulled his suitcase to the high-speed rail station by himself, and waited for Zhou Sheng to look at his watch. In the evening, Zhou Sheng was stumped by the chief financial officer, and he asked a lot of questions. When he rushed out of the garage from the company, he was caught in a rush hour traffic jam.

Yu Hao couldn't help comforting Zhou Sheng and telling him not to worry, Zhou Sheng laughed angrily on WeChat.

"My patience with this company is being consumed little by little." Zhou Sheng said in his voice, "I am a vengeful person."

Yu Hao sent a message: [We will meet next week, it really doesn't matter.]

Zhou Sheng hadn't slept all night last night, and Yu Hao still managed to catch up on sleep. Zhou Sheng was on the verge of emotional breakdown, and he had to keep silent when he saw the traffic jam.

[This is the first time we have separated since we were together.]

Yu Hao lowered his head and edited a long list of messages on his phone.

[I have to get in the car soon, you are the general in my dream and the hero in my reality, I remember the day we were on the Ferris wheel, I was overwhelmed with happiness. To this day, I am still a little overwhelmed with happiness. Being with you is the luckiest and most terrifying thing in my life. I always feel that I am not as good as you think. I am just a very ordinary and useless person. How can I be so lucky and worthy of being so Are you radiant and like the sun?]

Zhou Sheng took the phone, typed a few words and then deleted them, sitting in the back seat of the car silently.

Yu Hao: [Every time I look at you, it's like watching the sunrise. No matter how much trouble I have, it will become happy and bright. You are the best, even if you often say that you are confused and useless, but in my eyes, you are the best and most perfect person in the world.]

Zhou Sheng sent a voice, Yu Hao took the phone and leaned to his ear to listen, Zhou Sheng shouted in the voice.

Zhou Sheng: "Wife! I'm fucking the high-speed train that never runs late! I'm fucking the goddamn Yun Laichun! Yu Hao! Stop posting it, I'm going crazy! Yu Hao! I fucking love you! I love you!"

Yu Hao laughed and stood in front of the high-speed train carriage, looking up at the heights.

[You are like my most reliable brother, the only family member, and my only lover. When I sent you to work that day, I just thought that during these days with you, I was always under your meticulous care. So let me do something for you and for our future. Leaving your protection is only temporary. I also want to become better so that I can stand side by side with you. It took almost all my resolve in my life, so... it's a good thing you didn't catch up, because when you came, I didn't want to leave.]

A whistle sounded from the platform, Yu Hao looked at the escalator, it was the last train to Beijing, Yu Hao had to get in the car and the door was closed. Zhou Sheng bought a ticket, entered the station, and regardless of the train schedule, he turned over the ticket gate, rushed down the stairs, and ran to the platform.

Zhou Sheng, dressed in a suit, ran quickly on the platform, looking for Yu Hao's carriage, shouting, "Wife! Wife!"

Yu Hao stood in the car door and immediately waved to Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng ran a few steps behind the high-speed rail, and the high-speed rail accelerated and drove away. Yu Hao blew a kiss at him from the car door, and pointed to the phone, Zhou Sheng ran out of breath, raised his left hand, and there was a golden black wheel on it.

Yu Hao: "!!!"

Zhou Sheng nodded, lowered his head to touch the phone, and answered Yu Hao's call.

"Life is like a suspenseful novel. I believe no one will know what the plot will be at the next moment. What's going on in the world..." Yu Hao's voice sang on the phone.

The high-speed train left Ying City, the lights shone into the carriage, and the Yuanchuan and the mountains all fell asleep, as if they had come to a colorful dream.

Zhou Sheng was helpless, exhausted from running, took a few steps, stood up straight, listened to Yu Hao's song for a while, and blew a kiss at the distant high-speed train.

"Love you." Zhou Sheng said, "Wait for me."