Seizing Dreams

Chapter 134: storm


The sandstorm was overwhelming, Yu Hao remembered what he saw in the Golden Crow Wheel, the entire desert was covered by a huge air mass. Yu Hao walked a few steps and his whole body was almost covered in sand and dust. He had no wings and couldn't fly, so he had to walk forward with a deep foot and a shallow foot.

Yu Hao ate the sand with one mouth and couldn't shout out, so he had to take off his basketball vest and put it on his face to block his nose and mouth. The sand was scratching his bare skin.

After falling into a dream many times, Yu Hao became more and more vigilant about the surrounding environment. He was always on the lookout for danger in the sandstorm. One of Fu Liqun's favorite dramas in the dormitory was "The Walking Dead", but there must be no zombies... When he was on the verge of panic, he heard a gunshot in the distance, and the distance was much closer.

At the same time, something seemed to be flying past in the dust storm.

Yu Hao immediately stopped, spread out his hands, and showed a dagger, great, the weapon can be summoned! It seems that in Fu Liqun's dream, he still has a certain fighting power!

As if something was passing from behind, Yu Hao turned back suddenly, only to see a hazy shadow.

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao felt that he was about to be surrounded by the enemy hidden in the sandstorm, but he had not seen the true face of the enemy. There was only a continuous "humming" sound, like someone holding a high-voltage electrical transformer, slowly moving from all directions. come around.

The reporter's intuition reminded him that the danger was approaching, and another shot was fired in the distance. Yu Hao immediately began to run fast in response to the sound of the gunshot, and suddenly a strange thing rushed up from behind!

Yu Hao shouted, his back was in severe pain, as if he had been stabbed by a needle, he turned around abruptly, and saw the pitch-black wings fanned directly to his face! Yu Hao took a leap, turned around in the air, swung out his dagger, and screamed sharply, his wings were broken, and he suddenly saw a strange figure—

—It was a strange human face, but the eyes were exaggeratedly protruding like insects, forming compound eyes, and the mouth was a sharp steel pipe. Mao, can't tell male and female, and there are bat wings on the back.

Yu Hao was suddenly disgusted and shouted, "Go away!"

Yu Hao swung his dagger and cut off the mouthparts of the "Flying Mosquito Man". Black mucus was sprayed on his shoulders and neck. Yu Hao grabbed the sand and rubbed it a few times while running. Mosquito Man pounced, Yu Hao shouted and ran towards the sound of gunfire!

The sound of "buzz" got closer and closer, Yu Hao stomped his foot and rolled down the sand slope. The gunshots rang out ten meters away, and Yu Hao shouted, "It's me!"

"Bang bang" Counted the gunshots, the beam of light broke through the sandstorm, and the pursuers behind Yu Hao were splattered with mucus. Chen Yekai shouted in the storm, "Get down!"

Yu Hao covered his head with both hands, and rolled down the sand slope. The sand slope was full of hard rocks, and his shoulders and back were hurting so badly. One hand immediately grabbed his wrist and supported him. Chen Yekai His voice said, "It's all right!" As he said that, he took Yu Hao and ran quickly along the ground under the sand slope.

Yu Hao shouted, "What is that?"

"I'm still asking you!" Chen Yekai replied loudly, he pushed Yu Hao in front of him and told him to run quickly. Behind him, the ground was full of rocks, and the storm was a little smaller. Chen Yekai was the rear of Yu Hao. The two started running along the rocky beach.

"Where's Zhou Sheng?!"

"I don't know!" Chen Yekai said, "It's too dangerous here! The sound of gunfire has drawn all the enemies here! Find a safe place!"

Yu Hao realized that there were sand slopes on both sides, so he had to escape along the low ground at the bottom. Chen Yekai packed up a few monsters, ran to Yu Hao, the rocks crossed, there was a gap at the bottom, Chen Yekai said, "Get in!"

Yu Hao was bowing and digging in, but a flying mosquito man appeared beside him. He suddenly grabbed Chen Yekai's ankle. Chen Yekai slammed into Yu Hao's back, and was dragged to fly. It was too late to speak. At that time, Yu Hao didn't care to hide any longer, and stepped onto the rock.

The flying mosquito figures in all directions seemed to have received the signal and took off almost at the same time, rushing towards Chen Yekai! Yu Hao swirled the daggers in both hands between his fingers, and with a wave, the daggers flew out of his hands.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yekai was surrounded by flying mosquitoes, and the disgusting monsters were wrapped into a big ball. Yu Hao's dagger chopped it off, turning back and forth several times.

Yu Hao: "!!!"

Yu Hao didn't expect that his dagger could turn in the air at will, which he had never noticed before. The big ball formed by the flying mosquitoes suddenly collapsed as the dagger flew in all directions, and Chen Yekai fell down again!

Yu Hao strode to hug, Chen Yekai fell heavily on Yu Hao, now Yu Hao dragged him and shouted, "Go!"

Chen Yekai stumbled, was dragged by Yu Hao, and rushed into the cave. Yu Hao picked up Chen Yekai's gun, fired two shots out, and pushed him to bow in. The storm's voice dropped in an instant. Chen Yekai leaned against the rock wall, gasping for breath. Yu Hao handed the gun into his hand and recalled the dagger. Just as he was about to speak, Chen Yekai said again, "Be careful!" Yu Hao fired several shots from behind.

The Flying Mosquito Man squeezed in, Yu Hao felt a hand grabbing him from behind, and immediately rushed forward, Chen Yekai grabbed his arm, and moved away from him, shot with a gun, hitting the rock above the cave, The rock fell down, crushing a floater who was half-drilled and pressing its body underneath.

The surroundings were silent, and there was only the sound of Yu Hao and Chen Yekai's breathing in the cave.

"Can you get some light out?" Chen Yekai said in silence.

Yu Hao just remembered that he was holding a dagger, and the dagger emitted a warm light, illuminating the cave. Chen Yekai's face turned pale from the light, and Yu Hao looked where he came from. The flying mosquito had been crushed to death, and a huge pool of mucus had flowed out.

"What the hell?" Yu Hao asked with lingering fears.

Chen Yekai shook his head, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Come on."

Chen Yekai no longer had the image of the great chief in Chichen Itza. Instead, he was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, just like a college student. neck, pulling its entire head off.

Yu Hao suddenly exploded and shouted, "Don't bring it here!"

Chen Yekai laughed for a while: "You're actually afraid of bugs? I thought you weren't afraid of anything."

Yu Hao really wasn't afraid of anything, the key point was that this thing was really disgusting! There are still insect blood vessels and mucus on his neck, his head is like a fly and a mosquito, his mouthparts are extremely sharp, and his face is full of barbed hairs.

"You have to figure out what the enemy is." Chen Yekai said, "Look, it's a bit like a mosquito that has been magnified many times, and it looks like a fly."

"Stop talking..." Yu Hao said, "It's disgusting."

"Look at the wound on my back." Chen Yekai said to Yu Hao.

"Are you all right?" Yu Hao said worriedly, holding the dagger lightly in his hand, the dagger floated like a small lamp in a cave, illuminating the surroundings of him and Chen Yekai. Chen Yekai turned his back to Yu Hao and asked: "Are you poisoned?"

"No." Yu Hao checked Chen Yekai's body for the bite wound. The mouthparts of the flyer were very sharp. With a single hole, Chen Yekai's shirt was pierced in many places. Every wound was slightly pierced. whitened. Chen Yekai unbuttoned his shirt and took off his shirt to show him his shoulders, revealing his fair and beautiful back muscles.

Every time Yu Hao saw Chen Yekai's image in his dream, he thought he had a good figure, but after all, Zhou Sheng's figure was his favorite, so he didn't drool very much at Chen Yekai, not to mention Chen Yekai's wife. Seriously, for Yu Hao, watching him shirtless was like watching his family, and he wouldn't have many impulses.

Yu Hao put on his basketball vest and tried to release his abilities. Chen Yekai's wounds gradually healed without a trace.

"In my brother's dream, I have the ability to heal." Yu Hao said.

"Yeah." Chen Yekai's shoulders rose and fell slowly with his breathing. Holding his shirt in one hand, he said, "It's much better. They sucked a lot of my blood just now."

"I'll look in front of me." Yu Hao said.

Chen Yekai replied, "It's fine in front, and it's fine on my legs."

Yu Hao took the shirt in his hand, shook it away, and let Chen Yekai put it on. Chen Yekai buttoned up against the darkness and said, "This means that Fu Liqun thinks you can be cured."

"Yes." Yu Hao nodded and was about to explain it to Chen Yekai, but Chen Yekai said, "Zhou Sheng told me a lot about the principles of the dream world, and I can generally understand it. Let's go, don't delay here for too long."

The "humming" sound disappeared, and the mosquitoes outside had dispersed. Yu Hao leaned over to the rock to look out, and the sand was still pouring in with the wind. He looked up and looked around, thinking about where this place was. However, Chen Yekai understood his expression and took the initiative to explain: "This is an inland river that has dried up. Walking along the rock bed, there is another exit."

There is a slight wind in the cave.

"We have to find Zhou Sheng as soon as possible." Yu Hao said, "Zhou Sheng still doesn't know where he is."

Chen Yekai said, "Can you wake yourself up? Go and ask Zhou Sheng in reality?"

Yu Hao said, "I'm afraid not." Zhou Sheng never taught him how to wake up himself, Yu Hao would only wake up others. He added, "But I can wake you up."

"You wake me up, I'll call Zhou Sheng." Chen Yekai said, "Ask him where he is."

Yu Hao mentally simulated the scene in Liang Jinmin's dream last time, drew a silver-white aperture, passed his hand through the aperture, and pressed it on Chen Yekai's forehead. Chen Yekai turned into a spot of light and disappeared.

Yu Hao sat down beside him, thinking about what to do next, but there was a shock all around him, and he woke up in bed.

At four o'clock in the morning, Zhou Sheng answered the vibrating phone, turned on the speakerphone, shook Yu Hao awake, and talked with Chen Yekai.

"I appeared in his safe haven," Zhou Sheng said. "His safe haven form is our shared apartment, but there is no one in it, I am very sure."

Yu Hao yawned and got out of bed to pee. Chen Yekai had already explained everything on the phone. Zhou Sheng said, "It was all wind and sand when we came out, but we could see the gate of a city. Let's find a way to gather there."

Chen Yekai said: "Okay, I don't think Liqun will sleep for too long. If we get up at seven in the morning, we will have at most three hours."

Zhou Sheng said, "If you don't find anyone in the morning, go to Nanlu first."

Chen Yekai hung up the phone and sent a simple map with an approximate direction marked on it, which was very scribbled. Yu Hao drank water and looked at Zhou Sheng. Yu Hao handed the water glass to Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng drank it, patted the bed, motioned him to come up, and hugged Yu Hao from behind.

Yu Hao said, "You'll wake up as soon as I move."

Zhou Sheng said, "Then some vampire monsters always come from behind you. It's safer to hold you from behind, and it's not easy to be attacked..." He put his hand on Yu Hao's forehead and said in his ear, "Good night. "

The light flashed, and Yu Hao returned to the dark rock cave. Chen Yekai had not come yet. He was obviously trying to sleep. After waiting for a long time, the light around him began to gather in a certain position, which constituted Chen Yekai's Body.

This was the first time Yu Hao saw the consciousness of a person being summoned into a dream. He watched curiously for a while, until the light flashed again and Chen Yekai appeared.

"You fell asleep really fast." Yu Hao said, "If it wasn't for Zhou Sheng's good night, I wouldn't be able to sleep at all."

Chen Yekai replied, "I haven't slept very much lately, but I fell asleep quickly. Let's go."

After the two confirmed that Zhou Sheng was fine, Yu Hao directed the dagger to fly forward to illuminate the passage. Chen Yekai headed and looked down at his sleeve, but his watch didn't exist, and he couldn't confirm the time in his dream.

"We still have less than three hours." Chen Yekai turned his head and said to Yu Hao, "I hope he doesn't wake up too quickly. The plane tickets have already been bought for you. For the eight-twenty flight, let's go to Anlu together."

Yu Hao looked at Chen Yekai sideways and asked, "Why did you look like this in your brother's dream?"

Chen Yekai looked small in a white shirt and black trousers. He shrugged and said, "Maybe he thinks I'm a 'senior'?"

Yu Hao nodded, he really had this impression, and then said, "My weapon seems to have acquired a new ability, you see, it can be maneuvered."

The dagger followed Yu Hao's hand and began to spin in the cave, like two never-ending boomerangs.

"That's because my flying knife was taken away by you." Chen Yekai said seriously, "So your dagger has the ability to be controlled by consciousness."

"Ah!" Yu Hao remembered, he hadn't returned the flying knife to Chen Yekai, he just kept holding it, and he forgot to return it before entering Fu Liqun's dream.

"Then what should I do?" Yu Hao was suddenly dumbfounded. This flying knife became his own dagger? But there are still two daggers, not more. Is it fusion

"Nothing to do." Chen Yekai said casually, "You can take it and use it." Then he looked up at the exit of the cave passage, took a stance and stood firm, put his hands in front of him, and said, "Come on."

Yu Hao had no choice but to step on Chen Yekai's hand, and he was sent to the height of the exit, and then he got down and pulled Chen Yekai up.

At the top of the stone mountain, it was already night in the desert, and Yu Hao didn't eat another mouthful of sand as he thought. The strange thing was that the sandstorm had stopped, and instead there was a peaceful desert, like a dead city, and shining lights appeared in the sky. Milky Way.

Under the starry sky, an ancient city appeared in the distance. There seemed to be many buildings in all directions, but they had long been buried by gravel, leaving only a few ruins. A dry riverbed appeared under the Gobi, meandering from the city, passing through the rocky mountain where they were, and then twisting away.

"The storm has stopped." Yu Hao said.

"In his impression, maybe he can only get inner peace at night. You see, the monster has disappeared." Chen Yekai said, "This means that he is tortured during the day, and he is only safe when he sleeps at night. , if nothing else, the night in the desert will not last too long, let's hurry up."

Yu Hao found out that Chen Yekai was here, and analyzing the dream seemed to have nothing to do with him.

The two jumped off the stone mountain, Yu Hao put away the dagger and followed behind Chen Yekai, thinking about how to separate his flying knife, while Chen Yekai was alert to the movement around him.

"Wait for me for a while." Yu Hao said uncomfortable walking.

In the silent desert, Yu Hao sat down on the spot, took off his basketball shoes, poured out the sand, and Chen Yekai watched. Yu Hao suddenly felt that it seemed that after coming to Beijing, Chen Yekai's words became less frequent, or in other words, after the Ou Qihang incident, Chen Yekai's attitude changed in a subtle and peculiar way.

"Your team uniforms during the basketball game." Chen Yekai said, "At that time, Huang Ting hadn't been transferred to Beijing, and everyone was still together, like it was yesterday."

"Time flies so fast." Yu Hao smiled sadly, not knowing why he suddenly started chatting with Chen Yekai about this. But he really misses the college life. At that time, everyone was still there, carefree, and could get together with a phone call at any time to eat delicious stir-fry under the Genting Mountain.

"Okay, let's go... Teacher Chen." Yu Haofu followed behind Chen Yekai again and asked, "Is the flying knife also part of your totem?"

"Perhaps? Do you want to ask, what does it mean when I handed you the totem?" Chen Yekai turned his head to look at Yu Hao, two lines of footprints continued in the silk-like desert. The night was beautiful, but Yu Hao endured it. I couldn't help thinking of Ou Qihang's phrase "embarrassment is good".

"I have to figure out how to pay you back." Yu Hao said.

"It's not for you." Chen Yekai said, "To be exact, it was 'forcibly taken' by you."

Yu Hao replied, "Well... So, I don't really want this."

Chen Yekai said: "The scalpel symbolizes my courage. It belongs to me as well as you. You took my courage and gave it back to me. In a sense, you are the source of my courage. , occasionally let it protect you, there is nothing bad, you don't have to mind."

Yu Hao always felt that there was nothing between him and Chen Yekai, but Zhou Sheng always said that Situ Ye occasionally said that, which made him a little suspicious. Yu Hao himself had been fed up with the pain that the other party didn't like him, but if there was any pain in hanging him carelessly, if he knew he didn't like him, he had to clearly reject it. This would be a good thing for both parties. But Chen Yekai had never formally discussed these issues with him. The only thing he had was the care he had received from Zhou Sheng before, so how could Yu Hao speak

"I think you seem to have changed since you came to Beijing." Yu Hao said.

Chen Yekai said, "Do you think I'm avoiding you?"

"Not yet." Yu Hao said, "You're also very busy, right?"

"Want to hear the truth?"

Yu Hao: "Think."

The two of them walked slowly in the desert. The ancient city in the distance looked very close, but when they walked, it was very far away. The sky was gradually turning white.

"To be honest, I'm not busy. I wanted to see you very much at one time." Chen Yekai walked a little slower, letting Yu Hao follow, and the two kept side by side, "But I know that a long-distance relationship is difficult to endure. Yes, especially when there are too many distractions. If I show you too much concern, I'm afraid that your relationship will face more tests."

Yu Hao laughed and said, "No, sometimes you really think a lot."

Chen Yekai said: "Well, I also think I often think too much."

Having said that, Yu Hao suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling.

"Do you like setting sail?" Yu Hao asked suddenly.

Chen Yekai seemed to expect that he would definitely ask this question, and replied, "Do you really want us to be together?"

Yu Hao laughed, if it wasn't for Ou Qihang's baptism, he would have felt that the conversation in his dream today was too embarrassing.

Chen Yekai said: "I am often asked out by him because I want to find a chance to figure out one thing."

"What's the matter?" Yu Hao frowned.

Chen Yekai thought about it and explained, "After Zhou Sheng erased his memory last time, what will Huang Ting do?"

"Is there a follow-up?" Yu Hao said in surprise, "It's been so long, it's not like that!"

"You don't know Huang Ting." Chen Yekai said sternly, "As long as there is one place in the case that is illogical, he will remember it clearly, and he will raise his doubts at the right opportunity."

Yu Hao frowned deeply and remained silent.

Chen Yekai added: "After Xiaoou came to Beijing, Huang Ting approached him three times. Last year twice, this year once, and the last time, during your internship."

Yu Hao said, "He couldn't ask anything, Qihang has already forgotten all about it."

Chen Yekai said: "If only Huang Ting was analyzing the inside story, he might not get any clues. But you have forgotten the most important point, and Xiao Ou is also wondering about this matter. With his character, he A memory in his life is broken, and he will never let it go."

Yu Hao began to feel a little dangerous.

Chen Yekai made a gesture with both hands and said, "So this is equivalent to that the client, Xiao Ou, and Huang Ting, who is a criminal police officer, are working together to track down a lost memory. Now that I think about it, the most regretful thing is to send the Golden Crow Wheel. I came to STA for an appraisal..."

"But you said that the information has been destroyed." Yu Hao said.

"Yes." Chen Yekai said solemnly, "but there are still people who know of its existence. I have been to the laboratory twice, and my junior and junior brothers are still there. Everything is as usual. I want to erase his memory, but contact Zhou Sheng. Later, I found that he had never dreamed of me, so he could not enter his dream."

Yu Hao comforted: "Don't be too nervous, if you want to leak it, it will already be leaked."

Chen Yekai smiled, looked at Yu Hao, and said, "Yu Hao, let me ask you a question."

The sun rose slowly.

Chen Yekai said, "Do you believe me?"

Yu Hao said, "Of course I believe you, you are an honest person."

"It's not too honest." Chen Yekai thought about it, and then said, "I also have cowardice, selfishness, and a dark side... Did Zhou Sheng tell you why he didn't erase my memory?"

"Ah?" Yu Hao said blankly, "No..."

Now it's Chen Yekai's turn to be a little surprised: "He didn't tell you, what did he see when he was going to erase my memory?"

Yu Hao: "???"

Yu Hao tentatively looked at Chen Yekai, shook his head and said, "No, what's the matter?"

Chen Yekai nodded and said, "Then... Do you suspect that I have ever thought of taking the Golden Crow Wheel as my own?"

Yu Hao said, "You won't want something that doesn't belong to you. There's no reason."

"There are many reasons." Chen Yekai said, "For example, I can't forget my former lover, and I hope to have the ability to dream at any time, so that Long Sheng can be with me. Bring my lost love back to life in some sense?"

Yu Hao said without thinking, "You won't."

On Chen Yekai's handsome face, with a handsome temperament that is half-smiling but not smiling, he said, "Why?"

Yu Hao couldn't tell the reason, but he felt that Chen Yekai would never do this. He wasn't the kind of person who would hurt people, no matter how hard the reason was.

"It's because of your courage." Yu Hao patted the dagger on his waist.

Chen Yekai laughed, nodded, and said, "Then remember this, and trust me at any time."

Yu Hao also nodded, but was a little worried about Huang Ting and Ou Qihang's suspicions, and finally said, "What measures will Huang Ting take?"

"It's hard to say right now," Chen Yekai replied, "but he has always been suspicious of you. Fortunately, he did not list me and Liqun as suspects. I hope this doubt will become an unsolved case in his career."

The sandstorm blew up again, immediately obscuring the blood-red morning sun, Chen Yekai said to Yu Hao, "Hide behind me, we will reach the ancient city soon!"

The sandstorm was coming, and Yu Hao couldn't open his eyes in an instant. Chen Yekai pulled up the collar of his shirt and lowered his head to cover the rushing gravel, revealing his naked back. Yu Hao followed Chen Yekai closely, hiding behind him. Behind him, the two walked with difficulty in the sand.

Suddenly, Chen Yekai stopped, put down his shirt, and looked at the scene in front of him.

"What's wrong!" Yu Hao couldn't open his eyes due to the wind.

Chen Yekai immediately turned around, hugged Yu Hao tightly, and threw himself to the side. The next moment, a huge black dragon roared and slammed into the sand! Immediately afterwards, the overwhelming number of flying mosquitoes chased up.

"Zhou Sheng's dragon!" Yu Hao saw the dragon flying over the sandstorm and rushing into the gravel. Following Zhou Sheng's cry from nowhere, the flying mosquitoes piled up into a mountain and swarmed.

But the next moment, the black dragon disappeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye!

Yu Hao: "Zhou Sheng?!"

Chen Yekai grabbed Yu Hao and climbed out of the sand pile. The giant dragon appeared without warning at an altitude of nearly 20 meters. Zhou Sheng shouted, "Give me death!"

Zhou Sheng, who was wearing iron armor, was constantly hit by the flying mosquitoes, making a clanging sound. Chen Yekai shot into the sky, and the gunshot rang. Zhou Sheng was driving the black dragon, but the black dragon flickered erratically, like a video game. Got the virus, flashed a few times, and disappeared again in the air!

The monster that was entangled in Zhou Sheng was blasted away by Chen Yekai's precise shots. The Iron Man fell to the ground with a "bang". Yu Hao rushed forward and pulled up the heavy Zhou Sheng. , the next moment, the sand sea outside the ancient city rolled up in a weird way!

Chen Yekai said, "Run!"

"Where's the dragon?!" Yu Hao shouted.

Zhou Sheng handed the golden cudgel to Yu Hao, took off his helmet, his face was covered in blood, and shouted, "Shield!"

Yu Hao flicked the golden cudgel and turned it towards the sky. The golden cudgel turned into a giant shield in an instant. The shield came from his totem. Now that he and Zhou Sheng were entrusted with their lives, with the mentality of giving it a try, sure enough, the shield could feel his influence. Mind, blocked the crowd of floating mosquitoes that hit like a torrential rain.

There were thousands of flying mosquitoes, all of them slammed into the shield frantically. Yu Hao blocked the impact with the shield, and the sand sea behind him set off a huge wave of up to ten meters, which slammed down on the head!

Chen Yekai turned to look and shouted, "Run!"

Yu Hao supported Zhou Sheng, rolled to the side, the sand sea lifted up under his feet, sent them high into the sky, and then slammed down!

Three seconds later, Yu Hao stepped on the huge shield and used the shield as a skateboard. Like a surf, he led Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai down from the peak of the sand waves!

The flying mosquitoes formed a team and chased after each other. Zhou Sheng shouted, "It's up to you!"

"Catch me!" Yu Hao shouted, and immediately reduced the shield to just three people standing. He accidentally glanced at the sea of sand, and Zhou Sheng's dragon appeared again, still flickering a few times like a holographic scene before disappearing.

"What the hell happened to it?!"

Zhou Sheng: "I don't know! I'm exhausted!"