Seizing Dreams

Chapter 144: oasis


The gatekeeper disappeared, and Fu Liqun put the halberd back on his back, faced the gate, and let out a long breath.

Zhou Sheng said, "Brother, think about it, don't open this door until you really think about it."

Fu Liqun did not look back.

Yu Hao remembered what Zhou Sheng had said to himself before pushing the door open for the first time.

The four came behind Fu Liqun, but Fu Liqun didn't look back. After a long silence, he slowly shook his head, turned his head, and said, "Did you ask yourself the same question before entering the last door?"

Ou Qihang looked sideways at Fu Liqun and replied, "I don't."

"I... um, yes." Chen Yekai thought for a while and replied, "But the problems I face are different from yours."

Yu Hao knew that Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun had a serious discussion the next morning when he returned home a year ago. Career, future, relationship with Cen Shan, and confusion about the future were still Fu Liqun's heart problems. Although Fu Liqun has already figured out the way for the future, in the face of challenges related to values, how people should live their whole lives has not been truly and thoroughly understood.

"What about you?" Fu Liqun asked Yu Hao.

"It's not the same." Yu Hao said, "I haven't faced the same anxiety as you in my life at that time."

Ou Qihang said, "You should be someone who is not very anxious about material things, Yu Hao."

"That's right." Yu Hao said with a smile, "Perhaps it was made by him since he was a child."

The five of them stood in front of the door like this and didn't go in. Fu Liqun looked up at the simple patterns on the door. Zhou Sheng suddenly said, "My wife guides my brother? It's up to you at this time."

Yu Hao: "I really don't know what to say."

Ou Qihang smiled and said, "Don't you have a set? You're better than Uncle Kai when you brainwash."

Chen Yekai said, "It's more powerful than pyramid schemes."

Yu Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, but Fu Liqun looked at the door seriously.

"Which path do you want to choose?" Yu Hao suddenly said, "Sometimes I think you and Zhou Sheng face many similar problems."

"Which way?" Fu Liqun murmured.

Yu Hao said, "Being a CEO, marrying a sister-in-law as a daughter-in-law, are you on the road to the pinnacle of life?"

Fu Liqun said, "If it's possible, who wouldn't want it? Who wouldn't want to succeed? The key is that I can't do it!"

"If you can do it," Yu Hao thought for a while, "will you step forward and push open the door? Brother, have you ever thought about what kind of success is the real success? Success in your eyes, or real success for you?"

This is what Yu Hao has always insisted on.

Yu Hao added, "Is there only one way to succeed in the world? In the eyes of the world, is that way of achieving great wealth the right way? I don't know about others, but I know in my heart that for me, I The choice is far more than one, I believe I am on the right path. And more importantly, I have never regretted choosing it.”

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao's hands tightened slightly.

Fu Liqun's eyes widened, the door was reflected in his clear pupils, and all the sights disappeared in an instant, and the surroundings turned into a vast expanse of white.

"No matter who is ahead, the last battle, I believe, will not be a game of material and material." Chen Yekai said, "If you want to defeat it, the most important thing is not to become richer than it is. You always believe in yourself."

"I have been fighting with the dragon for a long time," Ou Qihang said, "I will become a dragon myself. This is the wrong path I have taken, but I don't think you will."

Fu Liqun nodded slowly and said, "I figured it out."

"Then take your faith and push the door!" Zhou Sheng said, "Let's go together!"

Everyone stepped forward and bowed. Yu Hao never imagined that from the beginning a long time ago, until now, it has evolved into the door that the few of them pushed together in the depths of their comrades-in-arms!

The last door made a loud noise, and the hinges on the door spun open with a bang, and the gold and jewels radiated from the inside, stabbed them almost unable to open their eyes for a while. The light faded, revealing the huge hall inside.

Everyone held their breath for a while, gold coins and jewelry piled up into mountains, Yu Hao thought for a while that he had gone to the wrong set of life, and had crossed into a Western fantasy film. In the grand treasure house, the walls and pillars were all carved with golden statues.

Zhou Sheng said: "If only this were realistic..."

Yu Hao said, "Be careful."

Everyone held their weapons and approached slowly. On the mountain of jewels and gold coins in the treasury was a huge gray dragon! The gray giant dragon was sleeping, with an iron chain tied around its neck, and on the other end of the chain, a masked girl with a graceful figure and a long silk dress was tied!


For a while, it was Zhou Sheng, and he couldn't react.

That girl was Cen Shan in Fu Liqun's dream world. At this time, she was being guarded by the evil dragon, looking at Fu Liqun and the others with sadness in her eyes.

"Who is that dragon?" Ou Qihang looked at the evil dragon, its eyes squinted, its cracks rose slantingly, there were actually two eyebrows, and the outline of the nose and dragon head was vaguely human.

"That's your sister-in-law's father." Fu Liqun said embarrassedly.

Zhou Sheng couldn't help but burst into laughter. Facing this scene, everyone immediately laughed.

Chen Yekai whispered, "So, this is an ancient story of a knight saving the princess."

Yu Hao said, "But what about the totem?"

Zhou Sheng motioned Yu Hao to pay attention to Cen Shan, who had transformed into Princess Loulan, and Cen Shan's body was shimmering.

"Is she the totem?" Fu Liqun asked, "Can you become a human?"

"This is not the first time." Chen Yekai thought about it and said, "Go to her."

The crowd approached the center of the treasury very carefully. Fu Liqun walked first. The others held weapons and stared nervously at the black dragon. Yu Hao said, "I think this dragon will definitely wake up."

Zhou Sheng: "Not necessarily, whether the dragon is awake or not, it doesn't depend on whether we woke it up or not."

Chen Yekai said: "Well, it depends on whether the relationship between Liqun and Cen Shan is still happening under the eyes of the dragon guarding the totem... If he is confident that he will be with Cen Shan, the dragon will be with him. Wake up after regaining the totem."

"You're here." Princess Loulan stared at Fu Liqun blankly.

"I'm sorry." Fu Liqun, wearing a halberd and leather armor, said, "I've been running away for too long."

With a smile in her eyes, the princess whispered, "It's not too late, knight."

As she said that, she gently lifted the veil, and the veil flew in the air and fell, revealing Cen Shan's beautiful face.

"It's so beautiful..." Ou Qihang said, "It's even more beautiful than the day we met."

Chen Yekai said, "Indeed, those eyes are too beautiful."

Zhou Sheng: "My sister-in-law is really a beauty."

Yu Hao: "Why are the four gays here discussing whether other people's girlfriends are beautiful or not?"

"Everyone has a love for beauty." Zhou Sheng smiled and used a golden hoop to pick Yu Hao's chin, "Of course his wife is the best."

Yu Hao: "..."

At this moment, Fu Liqun made a move that surprised them. He didn't take Cen Shan's hand or cut off her shackles. Instead, he put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly to Cen Shan.

"I'm not a prince, I don't have a throne waiting to be inherited." Fu Liqun whispered, "I don't have endless wealth, I'm just a knight..."

Cen Shan looked at Fu Liqun with a sentimental smile on her face.

"I can't give you what your father asked for." Fu Liqun knelt down on one knee, put one hand on his knee, looked up at Cen Shan, and said slowly, "But I will give you what I can do, the best. , will work hard. In this world, some people are born princes, some people are born knights, I also have my mission, I don't know if you will choose me... "

"You already know the answer, don't you?" Cen Shan said softly, and stretched out her white fingers to Fu Liqun.

At that moment, everyone raised their hearts to their throats, and all their attention was focused on Grey Dragon's eyes! Fu Liqun knelt down on one knee, stretched out his hand, and touched Cen Shan's fingers.

Yu Hao clenched the dagger, Zhou Sheng took a fighting stance, Chen Yekai and Ou Qihang each held a weapon—

At the moment when the two fingers touched, Gray Dragon's closed eyelids were slightly lifted by a slit, revealing snake-like pupils, which suddenly shrunk into a vertical line!

"Do it!" Zhou Sheng shouted.

All of a sudden, the guns and guns swarmed and bombarded the gray dragon indiscriminately. Then, the gray dragon roared.

"A bunch of little beasts—"

Grey Dragon was furious, spread his wings, and stood up suddenly, Cen Shan was dragged away by the anklet, but Fu Liqun grabbed Cen Shan's wrist tightly and shouted, "What should I do now?!"

"Grab her!" Zhou Sheng shouted, "Leave the rest to us! You focus on retrieving the totem!"

"How to get it?!" Fu Liqun pulled Cen Shan and was taken up into the air in the hall in an instant. The gray dragon didn't even notice it, only four people remained in his eyes, and roared, "I don't know how thick the sky is!"

Yu Hao felt as if he had met Zhou Laichun. Could it be that the attitude of these rich people was the same? Chen Yekai rushed from the side and shouted, "Be careful!"

The grey dragon spewed out fiery flames and surrounded the hall, Yu Hao thought, why hasn't it risen yet

The hall shattered, as if time stood still, flying stones, rubble, gold coins, and jewels scattered in all directions in an instant, and began to spin like a storm!

Here's your chance! What Yu Hao was waiting for was this moment. When the owner touched the totem, all the dreams would collapse, leaving a platform to rise to the sky. Sure enough, it was the same in Fu Liqun's dream!

"Pillar!" Yu Hao shouted, "Zhou Sheng!"

"Hey!" Zhou Sheng held the golden hoop stick on his back and smashed all the gold and silver jewelry that rushed in front of him with a whirlwind stick. The golden column of the treasure house in the hall, flicked the golden hoop, resisted, and shouted: "It's heavy! Where to hit?"

Yu Hao jumped up and threw out the scattered hinges outside the gate. The storm came and the hall disintegrated. Under the blazing sun in the sky, Yu Hao fluttered his wings and flew by dragging the chain. The giant golden pillar flies around several times.

Chen Yekai shouted, "Next!"

Neither Chen Yekai nor Ou Qihang could fly. Chen Yekai threw out the other end of the hinge. Zhou Sheng immediately understood that he kicked the golden pillar in the air, took the hinge, and shouted, "Go!"

When the platform was rising, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng worked together to quickly wrap up the golden pillar. Zhou Sheng grabbed the other end of the hinge and rushed towards the gray dragon, suddenly wrapping the hinge.

When the gray dragon turned his head, he found Fu Liqun, opened the dragon's mouth, and gathered fierce flames in his mouth. Seeing that the dragon flames were about to erupt, the moment Fu Liqun was about to be burned to ashes—

All the buildings in all directions retreated, the sun was like a raging fire, shining on the earth, Fu Liqun hugged Cen Shan tightly, hugging each other tightly in this storm. Cen Shan opened her eyes, raised her head, and hugged Fu Liqun's neck.

As soon as the gray dragon spread its wings and took off, it was dragged by a huge golden column, and it sank involuntarily, and was taken to the platform again. The beam of light shoots into the sky.

With that strength, Cen Shan was suddenly pulled and pulled away from Fu Liqun's embrace. Fu Liqun chased her and fell from the air, clutching her wrist tightly. Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng flew away, and with a loud noise, the grey dragon slammed into the edge of the platform, and its wings kept flapping.

"There is a sun!" Zhou Sheng said, "Summon your mounts over!"

Chen Yekai, Ou Qihang, Zhou Sheng, and Yu Hao raised their weapons at the same time, facing a blazing sun in the center of the sky—Yu Hao's weapon light connected to Zhou Sheng, Chen Yekai's weapon light connected to Yu Hao, and Ou Qihang In his hand, a seal was formed, connecting the sun in Fu Liqun's dream world.

The gray dragon fell, and Fu Liqun fell with it, with a muffled sound, his head was covered in blood, and he struggled to get up. Cen Shan was tightly bound by the shackles, and crawled towards Fu Liqun, anxiously said, "Get up! Get up quickly!"

Fu Liqun leaned on the ground with a halberd, stood up with difficulty, staggered, and walked towards Cen Shan.

Fu Liqun: "I can't take her away! It's locked!"

"You can!" Yu Hao shouted.

Chen Yekai said, "I'm missing a key key! It's like my dream..."

Yu Hao suddenly remembered and shouted, "Zhou Sheng - catch it!"

Yu Hao pointed at the sky with one hand, and a light spot turned from his fingertips, waving it towards Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng: "???"

The spot of light fell between Zhou Sheng's fingers, Zhou Sheng squeezed it with his hand, and suddenly remembered that it was the earrings they accompanied Fu Liqun to choose three years ago! Zhou Sheng threw the earring into the air, hit it with a golden cudgel, and shouted.

"Brother! Catch it! The brothers helped you choose!"

The earring grew longer in the air and turned into a long silver needle. Fu Liqun woke up like a dream, holding the needle in one hand, inserted it into the shackles of Cen Shan's feet, and opened the shackles!

The gray dragon dragged the giant golden pillar under his belly, propped it up, pointed his claws at Fu Liqun, and slammed it down.

"Yo!" A Gundam robot landed with a loud noise and stepped on the gray dragon's head. The platform bricks flew in all directions, and the gray dragon's head was smashed to the high platform and buried in the bricks.

That round of scorching sun suddenly changed color, spraying almost white prominence, Ou Qihang's Gundam rushed to the battlefield first, Chen Yekai's Feathered Serpent passed through the two sun wheels and flew out!

Followed by Zhou Sheng's sharp-horned black dragon, it spread its wings and swooped, and one corner held against the gray dragon's ribs, pushing it out of the high platform!

In the end, it was the golden black wheel that spewed out countless meteorites raining down from the sky. Yu Hao held a long staff under the meteorite rain, pointed the head of the staff towards the gray dragon, and the meteor storm suddenly smashed towards the platform frantically!

The gray dragon was attacked again and again, and he was furious. With his wings together, Fu Liqun hugged Cen Shan tightly.

Fu Liqun hugged Cen Shan and backed away, wrapped his arms around her, and said in a low voice, "No."

Cen Shan closed her eyes, smiled, and raised her face. Fu Liqun lowered his head and kissed Cen Shan's lips.

The next moment, the gray dragon suddenly flicked its wings, and with a frantic roar, it erupted with dragon flames that could destroy the world. Feathered Serpent God and Zhou Sheng's black dragon were bounced off at the same time. The platform collapsed, and the gray dragon was taken to the ground! The smoke and dust covered the sky for a moment, and the world fell into darkness again, and the roar of the dragon came from a distance.

Then, in this desert wind and sand, faint wolves howled endlessly.

Zhou Sheng rode the black dragon and flew over with Yu Hao. Everyone landed one after another. Yu Hao said, "I can't see clearly!"

Looking at the earth from the sky, the sandstorm is getting higher and higher, covering the sky and the sun, and the dream world has entered a long night. Fu Liqun is standing in the raging sand and dust.

"Have you got the totem?" Zhou Sheng said.

Fu Liqun's hands glowed with golden light, then he raised his head and looked into the depths of the sand.

"The princess has been saved." Fu Liqun gasped, "the dragon still has to be killed."

Yu Hao shook out a ray of light, and Fu Liqun bathed in the ray of light, and his injuries healed. He suddenly shouted loudly, and the sandstorm immediately rolled back, clearing a grand and boundless battlefield. Yu Hao's army was uniform and assembled behind Fu Liqun. Ou Qihang's Gundam, Chen Yekai's Feathered Serpent God, and Zhou Sheng's Black Dragon hovered in the air.

"You are so innocent that you are almost stupid. When you enter society, it is like entering a pack of wolves. You can't even survive, how can you take care of my daughter?" The gray dragon's low voice came from the sandstorm, "This world is full of intrigues. , the weak eat the strong, you only have one fate, death!"

"I really don't want to see wolves again..." Zhou Sheng said, "Wolf, your mother!"

In an instant, millions of wolves rushed out of the sandstorm. Fu Liqun raised his halberd and shouted, "Charge with me!"

In the torrent of wolves, Fu Liqun took the soldiers and went upstream, while Gundam, Feather Serpent God and Black Dragon supported in the air, erupting fierce flames, releasing laser cannons and dragon flames. Yu Hao spread his wings, flew in the sandstorm, and shouted to Zhou Sheng, "There are too many wolves on the ground!"

"I can still fly!" Ou Qihang's voice came from Gundam.

Those wolves had two wings on their ribs, and they actually flew up while running. One or two was nothing to be afraid of. However, they formed a group and couldn't shake off their mounts. On the contrary, Yu Hao moved nimbly in the air without being entangled. live.

"Think of a way!" Zhou Sheng went down with a stick and swept the wolves, but the wolves rushing out of the fog covered the sky, more and more, and he couldn't kill them all.

"Brother!" Yu Hao shouted.

Fu Liqun led the army to charge, Zhou Sheng abandoned the black dragon, transformed into a suit of iron armor, and descended from the sky with a loud noise, causing the yellow sand to fly up.

Chen Yekai: "Go ahead and win!"

"Can't rush over!" Ou Qihang's voice came from Gundam, "Too many!"

"Brother!" Zhou Sheng relied on the iron armor to fend off the wolves that rushed forward, and used the handguard to hold the wolf that bit up, and threw it out fiercely!

Fu Liqun swept the halberd and shouted, "I don't know how to deal with it!"

"This is your dream!" Chen Yekai rode the Feathered Serpent God and rolled around in a high place, throwing off the pursuers, shouting, "Change your impression!"

Gundam rolled up from the ground, knelt down on one knee, and in the cockpit, Ou Qihang pressed his eyebrows to reveal a single-piece infrared sight, set hundreds of reticles, and the shotgun roared away overwhelmingly!

Fu Liqun took a deep breath, returned the halberd to his back, and closed his eyes. Yu Hao spun around in the air, dodging the flying wolves and shouting, "As long as you don't believe in any wolf nature, they will have nothing to do with you!"

More and more wolves surrounded Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun.

Fu Liqun suddenly opened his eyes.

"Profound Truth - White Wolf with Empty Gloves!" Fu Liqun roared, his hands swirled, recovered, and punched the ground again.

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng's mouth twitched: "What the hell? And this trick?!"

Immediately afterwards, a ring-shaped shock wave exploded, roaring towards the surrounding mountains and seas. Wherever the shock wave swept, the wolves on the ground suddenly evaporated like a flat ground, and all disappeared!

"Me too!" Yu Hao shouted.

“奥义!空手套白狼!”余皓扔开两把匕首,在天空中俯冲,提拳,一拳揍向虚空,拳面顿时如涌起一阵海啸,那空间顿时带着沙尘暴一起变形,朝Scroll back in the depths of the dust!

Chen Yekai: "Why are you too?"

Ou Qihang: "What is this?"

Yu Hao smiled and put away the dagger, Fu Liqun said, "Charge!"

The sandstorm rolled back and cleared, revealing the huge figure of the grey dragon. The grey dragon was forcibly tied to the golden pillar by Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng from the very beginning. No matter how much it flapped its wings, it couldn't fly, so it had to breathe fire everywhere. Under the leadership of Fu Liqun, Yu Hao spread his wings in the sky, Zhou Sheng took off the black dragon, Feather Serpent God and Gundam rushed towards the grey dragon together. And Fu Liqun led thousands of troops and rushed towards the gray dragon!

The gray dragon gathered Xeon's flames, just as it erupted.

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao flew over and landed on the black dragon's back. Zhou Sheng flicked the golden cudgel and turned it into a giant shield. He rode the black dragon and flew towards the pillar-like dragon flame with Yu Hao! The dragon flame was sprayed on the giant shield, and the flames shot in all directions. There was an explosion in the sandstorm, and at the moment when the soldiers met, Zhou Sheng suddenly carried the shield with both hands. As soon as he retracted it, he and Yu Hao grabbed the edge of the shield at the same time and stood up the shield. Sweeping away, a shield strike came towards the grey dragon's head.

"Just you can breathe fire?" Zhou Sheng said.

"Dang" the ground made a loud noise, the gray dragon seemed to have been slapped, and its head was turned 90 degrees. The black dragon grabbed the gray dragon's neck with its two claws, grabbed the reverse scales, rose into the air, and spurted out from its mouth. Blazing flames, the grey dragon whimpered and rolled.

Immediately after, Feathered Serpent swooped, Chen Yekai shot the grey dragon in the jaw, and the grey dragon rolled over and turned its head.

"Just you have money?" Chen Yekai said coldly.

Gundam fell from the sky and punched the dragon head, knocking it into a daze.

Ou Qihang: "You are not the bottom of society!"

Fu Liqun took the army and rushed forward. All the soldiers stopped at the same time, stepped back, and shot arrows in the sky. Fu Liqun held a halberd, like a lonely and brave knight, in the vast wind and sand, bravely rushed towards the gray dragon. .

The sandstorm stopped abruptly, and the gray dragon looked up and turned.

All the light between heaven and earth dimmed.

In Fu Liqun's battlefield, only the light from the halberd reflected his gentle face, forming a silhouette.

The next moment, Fu Liqun stabbed the scales under the throat of the gray dragon with a halberd, and the fire exploded, covering his whole body, spreading towards the whole world, rolling up, the sand in the sky stopped suddenly, and then turned into snowflakes. Spots of light fall.

"You can't live the way you want." Fu Liqun said solemnly, "I'm sorry, my father-in-law."

The gray dragon exploded, turned into light dust, and was swept away by the gentle wind in the desert.

"Watching the sunrise—" Zhou Sheng said.

Everyone flew away at the same time as if they had made an appointment. Zhou Sheng snapped his fingers and the black dragon disappeared. He rode somersaulting clouds and brought Yu Hao to a stop on the top of a Gobi mountain facing east. The two sat down side by side.

Chen Yekai and Ou Qihang flew to another hill. Ou Qihang sat down in front of the cliff and stepped on the edge of the cliff. Chen Yekai stood still and looked into the distance.

"It's snowing." Yu Hao said in surprise.

"It's snowing." Zhou Sheng raised his head and said.

In the night sky, a Milky Way crossed from the desert sky, and the morning star flashed in the sky.

The sand and dust strangely turned into fine snow in the sky.

Fu Liqun stood in the center of the ruined ancient city, and in front of him a light-like Cen Shan appeared. The two looked at each other. Cen Shan stretched out her hand and caught the gentle falling snow. in his palm.

Fu Liqun stood tall, holding Cen Shan in one hand and raising the other, facing the light of dawn on the east horizon.

The heavy snow turned the entire desert into a vast white plain, covering up the ruins of Loulan.

"It's so beautiful." Yu Hao said.

Zhou Sheng glanced at Yu Hao, and he looked into the distance, and said casually.

"If you don't see such a sun in the future, will you be disappointed?"

Yu Hao knew what Zhou Sheng meant. After all, now that the Golden Crow Wheel had attracted attention, perhaps the act of traveling through dreams would end one day.

"Of course not." Yu Hao looked sideways at Zhou Sheng and said, "I can look at you, you are the sun, shining brightly."

Zhou Sheng's handsome face turned red, and he said, "I'm so good at flirting. I'll cook something delicious for you at home."

Yu Hao laughed, and instantly a beam of light shot from the horizon, and the two turned their heads at the same time.

The sun has risen.

The sun shone on Cen Shan and Fu Liqun. They were facing the dawn, the snow on their hair melted, and the snow crystal in Fu Liqun's hand turned into water droplets, rolled down from the side of the palm, and dripped onto the ground.

In an instant, the speed of melting snow spread rapidly towards the whole world, and the snow and ice in the snow-covered desert melted and penetrated into the sand.

The sun rises, and the river is like a brocade under the sun, making a sound of water flowing, and a waterfall like Bailian falls in front of the Gobi, making a clattering sound. All things grow in the desert, full of greenery, and break through the ground from this long-lost water flow.

The sun rose, and around Fu Liqun and Cen Shan, the bricks and stones rose automatically under the yellow sand, the giant stones of ancient Loulan made a loud noise, and the stone bricks on the city wall automatically piled up layer by layer, the sand and dust flowed, and then all disappeared, appearing. Residents buried underneath.

The crowd buried in the gravel stretched, yawned, and walked out of the house, and the whole Loulan world resumed its hustle and bustle.

The sun rose, and under the gentle light, the oasis area spread out, boundless, spreading to the skyline, the desert turned into grassland, and the Gobi into pale green mountains.

The sun rose, the white jade walls of the Loulan Palace shone with the brilliance of the rising sun, and the sound of camel bells and sheng came from afar.

Fu Liqun took the glowing Cen Shan's hand and walked towards the Loulan Palace.

The sun rose, the dream world was reconstructed, and it turned into a bustling, bustling and beautiful ancient city. The platform in the palace rose, Fu Liqun and Cen Shan went up to the highest level, and Cen Shan came to the throne. In front of her, Cen Shan tilted her head gracefully and lazily. Fu Liqun gently lifted her long hair, put an ear stud on her right ear, and kissed her sideways.

Cen Shan turned into a spot of light and dissipated, rose into the air, and turned into a dream totem. Fu Liqun carried the halberd and walked to the platform on the top of the palace, towards the distance.

A round of morning sun was shining brightly, shining on Fu Liqun. Fu Liqun pressed his left fist on his right shoulder and bowed slightly to his friends on the Gobi Mountain in the distance.

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao raised their hands and swiped their brows in response.

Chen Yekai and Ou Qihang raised their hands and responded with one stroke.

"Good night." Zhou Sheng said, circling his fingers and gently tapping in the air, the fluctuations in the space were like ripples, spreading out overwhelmingly.

Everyone wakes up from their dreams.