Seizing Dreams

Chapter 146: Snow night


"Sister-in-law's father's success is like his brother's failure." Zhou Sheng suddenly said, "There are many factors of fate in it."

"Huh?" Yu Hao didn't know why Zhou Sheng suddenly mentioned this. He thought about it seriously and said, "Well... In addition to his own efforts, there is a certain element to it, right?"

In the past, Yu Hao would not comment on Cen Yongchang and his achievements. For him, Cen Yongchang and Zhou Laichun were both very distant people, who belonged to another world.

But after working in the newspaper for half a year, he gradually got a concept of wealth, and he also generally knew that many rich people are not as reckless as they seem. For billions of people, once the capital chain breaks, it is also said to be bankrupt.

"Uncle Cen chose the real estate industry at the right time. If it weren't for the reform and opening up, the money printed by the state for more than ten years would have nowhere to go, so it could only go to real estate... I think... um..." Yu Hao said, With a gesture of spreading his hands, "Otherwise, he is not qualified to teach his brother, right?"

"Success or not is always defined by them." Zhou Sheng said nonchalantly, "A person who is rich, has social status, and can call the wind and the rain can be successful. My dad recognized this."

"But we can also choose not to be defined by them." Yu Hao said, "Brother thinks clearly, that's fine."

"En." Zhou Sheng finished drinking the hot drink, took Yu Hao's hand and said, "It's really cold enough, let's go. Let's see what the old man has to say."

The driver took them to Yunding Mountain. At dusk, Yu Hao suddenly felt a little sleepy, so he leaned on Zhou Sheng's shoulder and fell asleep for a while. Zhou Sheng only held Yu Hao's hand, intertwined his fingers with him, and looked out the car window.

Yu Hao originally thought he was going to let them go to Chunxiao in the empty mountain, but he didn't expect the car to take a detour, passing by the newspaper office and the park area, and the car came to the foot of the mountain, which was the small fried shop they were most familiar with.

It became colder at night at the foot of the mountain. The sky filled with stars and rivers covered the night sky. Zhou Sheng opened the door and closed the plastic curtain, and it suddenly became a lot warmer inside. Zhou Laichun was sitting alone, with a small hot pot cooked on an alcohol stove in front of him. There were six dishes on the table, lotus root sliced tofu vermicelli, crispy meat carp, hand-cut beef and chopped three-yellow chicken.

"Changed to hot pot?" Zhou Sheng asked in surprise.

The boss was still the same boss. He looked out and asked, "What's more?"

Zhou Sheng said: "Just bring some fresh ones."

"Sit down." Zhou Laichun took the plate and handed it to Yu Hao. Yu Hao poured soy sauce into it, added some Thai pepper, and knew how to adjust it for Zhou Sheng first, then make it for himself.

Zhou Laichun: "Sesame sauce with fat beef and sheep rolls, Chongqing hot pot must have oil dishes, beef balls in big bone soup with sand tea sauce, clear soup with boiling water, it must be served with sweet soy sauce and Thai pepper."

"Yeah." Yu Hao said casually, "The kitchen has the north and the south, the hot pot has the north and the south, and the ingredients also have the north and the south. Only the food lovers do not distinguish between the north and the south."

"What kind of dipping sauce goes with what kind of pot." Zhou Laichun said casually, "Following Zhou Sheng these days, he must have learned what to eat and how to eat."

Zhou Sheng took the wine bottle and poured himself some white wine. Looking at Yu Hao, Yu Hao waved his hand to signal not to drink.

"If I don't call you during the New Year, you won't look for me?" Zhou Laichun said, "I'm still thinking about that."

Yu Hao felt that there might be ghosts today, but the deliciousness of the food made him have no time to think. This boss is really awesome. This is the only meal he has ever eaten, the only one that can taste better than Zhou Sheng's. The owner's cooking skills, sometimes Yu Hao couldn't help but want to go back to live in the mayor of Ying.

Zhou Sheng said sincerely: "Eat it well, don't let down such a delicious hot pot."

Zhou Laichun picked up the cup and motioned for Zhou Sheng to clink the cup. Zhou Sheng ignored him, and Zhou Laichun took the cup and touched Zhou Sheng symbolically.

Zhou Sheng drank it, and Zhou Laichun drank it too.

"In the past year, my sense of taste has deteriorated." Zhou Laichun said, "Although it does not mean that I have no taste in eating anything, I do eat something, and it is too dull. Drinking tea is all bitter. Eating spicy food is also bitter. , Now eating this pot, there is also a bitter taste."

"Have you seen a doctor?" Yu Hao asked, "I know someone from Xiehe in Beijing. I asked someone to make an account and go take a look?"

Zhou Laichun: "..."

In recent years, Yu Hao actually had his social connections, and he couldn't help but feel rather smug.

"The teacher who asked you to help find the patient last time?" Zhou Sheng asked.

"Yes." Yu Hao did an interview at the beginning of the year. There happened to be a patient who came to Xiehe to see a doctor. He couldn't pay the medical bill, so half of the treatment was gone. The doctor in charge was looking for someone everywhere, and Yu Hao asked Zhou Sheng to use his reasoning ability. , and finally found the person at the train station.

Zhou Laichun said: "Xiehe should not be able to cure it either."

"See a doctor if you are sick." Yu Hao said, "You can't avoid the doctor."

Zhou Laichun was blocked by Yu Hao again. After thinking about it, he said, "Your aunt Xiaoqin has found a doctor for me. Let's take a look in Yingshi first."

Zhou Sheng scooped the crispy meat carp for Yu Hao, Yu Hao was eating, and said casually, "Oh."

But Zhou Laichun's words "Auntie Xiaoqin" revealed important information, and Yu Hao knew that it meant that Zhou Laichun admitted him in a certain sense, so there should be no quarrel today.

"How was your life in Beijing?" Zhou Laichun asked again.

Yu Hao felt that Zhou Laichun's temper today was the best since they met.

"It's okay." Zhou Sheng also calmed down, Yu Hao began to suspect again, Zhou Laichun might be going to throw a huge bomb later, but what else could he threaten them with

"Be a private detective." Zhou Sheng said.

"This is your ideal?" Zhou Laichun smiled helplessly, "I can still understand the reporter."

"Of course not." Zhou Sheng said inexplicably, "I'm still taking the postgraduate entrance examination. I'm going to be a graduate student next year."

Zhou Laichun didn't expect Zhou Sheng to be willing to study, and said, "What major should I take?"

"Don't worry about that." Zhou Sheng didn't say anything, lest Zhou Laichun think he studied business in order to go home and take over the company.

Yu Hao started to eat fans. He was almost full. After he was full, he was in a good mood. Looking back, he saw that the snow had piled up thickly outside. With such beautiful scenery, he would just go out with Zhou Sheng and take a walk in the snow.

"Eat well and drink well," Zhou Sheng said, "Let's get down to business. The winter nights are long, and after talking, go home and hug your wives to sleep, you say, okay?"

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Laichun looked at Zhou Sheng quietly, thought for a long time, and smiled helplessly.

"Xiaoqin is pregnant." Zhou Laichun said.

Zhou Sheng said: "Why do you think it's a problem, wait for me to say congratulations?"

Yu Hao thought to himself that it was this, and smiled, "Congratulations."

"Boy." Zhou Laichun replied.

"Are you sure you want to give birth?" Zhou Sheng looked at Zhou Laichun and said, "Okay, you are still young, but you are tired."

Zhou Laichun was twenty-two years old when he first got married, and he is not yet fifty years old now, but if a middle-aged person in his forties or fifties raises children from scratch, as a father, his energy is certain.

Zhou Laichun said: "I can get her pregnant by accident, but I don't think you will come back, so I plan to give birth, but in the end I have some unrealistic hopes, so I still ask you."

Hearing this, Yu Hao didn't want to hear this kind of shit anymore, so he got up and left.

"Why do you ask me?" Zhou Sheng couldn't understand Zhou Laichun's brain circuit, and said, "You should ask the kid himself if he wants to be knocked out!"

Zhou Laichun: "I'm tired, I don't want to quarrel anymore, Zhou Sheng, let's all be considerate to each other. Your mother and I have been arguing for less than ten years. What about you? We've been arguing for more than twenty years? Don't you have to wait until the day I die before you stop arguing?"

Zhou Sheng sometimes really didn't know how to communicate with his father, and said, "Ask Xiaoqin, if you want a child, just give birth, if you don't want it, don't, why are you asking me? I didn't let her. pregnant!"

Zhou Laichun said impatiently, "You don't understand what I mean?"

Zhou Sheng's face was full of anger, looking at Zhou Laichun without speaking.

Zhou Laichun said: "If you are willing to go home and take over Yun Laichun, I don't want this child. If you don't want to come back, I will give birth to him, and he will manage the business in the future."

"My God." Zhou Sheng wiped his face, thought about it, and said, "Dad, when will you learn to respect people? Respect those who have different views from yours?"

Zhou Laichun sometimes felt unable to communicate with his son.

"Okay, I understand." Zhou Laichun said, "Don't talk about it, you just need to tell me your wishes. This is your last chance."

Yu Hao walked quietly in the snow, looking at the red lanterns and the twinkling little lanterns on the trees and on the railings in the distance. At this moment, in the snow, the sky and the earth were so lonely and far away, the whole world was so quiet and within easy reach. The noisy world was so far away from him.

He remembered a joke Ou Qihang told them once. In Tsinghua, the difference between people and people is sometimes bigger than that between people and dogs.

On this night, the absurd words from Zhou Laichun's mouth made him feel especially so, the sentence "If you are willing to go home and take over the family business, I will beat your stepmother's child", like two species The communication between them really made him laugh and laugh.

And what's more sturdy is that this is very consistent with Zhou Laichun's logic.

"What chance?" Zhou Sheng said, "A chance for success?"

Zhou Laichun was drunk, looking at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng said, "The success you think is different from the success I think. Dad, do you understand? Our differences have always been here."

"The society doesn't teach you how to be a human being?" Zhou Laichun said, "You have to be like a dog. After a few more years, you will understand. Is it necessary? I have given you the bottom line, what else do you want? ?"

Zhou Sheng said sternly: "Success in the worldly sense is success? Maybe? But for me, I don't need it. A person who wants to drink water and eat bread, if you give him a piece of gold, he won't, can, want. , because that's not what he wanted!"

"You can buy gold." Zhou Laichun said, "buy everything you want."

Zhou Sheng said: "You don't understand what I mean... Forget it, I can't understand you... "

Zhou Laichun said: "Whatever you want, you can buy it with money!"

"Love is okay too?" Zhou Sheng finally couldn't hold back, "Family is okay too?! If you can buy it with money, how would you live like this?!"

Zhou Laichun also roared: "What qualifications do you have to teach me?"

"You think I don't know that you still like my mother?!" Zhou Sheng yelled, and Zhou Laichun's eyes widened.

Yu Hao bowed and held the snow in the snow. Looking back, he heard father and son roaring at each other, thinking that this is really cool.

Zhou Laichun stopped talking, and Zhou Sheng mocked: "You pretend to be stupid, don't you just want to prove yourself? To prove yourself, you don't want to be ridiculed, ridiculed, and hurt by her constantly, otherwise why would you be with her all the time? Showing off your stinky money in front of you? Didn't you just get hit and want to go back and get the game back? What happened?"

"What's the result?" Zhou Sheng sighed, "She doesn't want to betray you at all, and she forgot about you all the time. Others live happily ever after!"

With a crisp slap, Zhou Laichun raised his hand and finally slapped Zhou Sheng again after so many years.

Zhou Sheng took that blow, instead of getting angry, he laughed.

"You hit me on the day of your divorce. You've been thinking about it all these years, and you finally found a chance to pay me back?" Zhou Sheng took a wet towel, wiped his face, and smiled, "It's interesting, okay, let's two clear."

Zhou Laichun just sat panting, closing his eyes and trembling.

"Dad." Zhou Sheng said seriously, "Do you think telling me the news today will hit me or something? Really not, well, I did feel a little bit lost just now, but it wasn't for money. Think about it again. , this is also very good, at least you won't come to arrange my life for a long time."

"Okay." Zhou Laichun said, "at least you can remember it for me, you chose this path yourself, don't hate me in the future, say I didn't give you anything, I just want you to know that no one is unique in this world. , irreplaceable. Even if you are my son... "

Zhou Sheng said: "Drinking the bar, stop talking, you are too weak today." Then he poured the last bit of residual wine to Zhou Laichun.

Zhou Laichun looked at Zhou Sheng in disbelief, Zhou Sheng pondered for a moment, and then said: "Dad, be a cook like your brother, open a shop, and be the best in your own business. Like you, being a big boss, It's tough, and you throw money at anyone who doesn't look good to the eye, who do you think is more powerful?"

Zhou Sheng looked back at the kitchen and said, "Migrant workers eat here, students eat here, and people who go to get off work and work eat here when they pass by. He has no fame or money." He smiled at his father. Laugh: "But in my eyes, he lives a lot better than you. I know I can't convince you, and neither of us can convince anyone. Let time tell."

Zhou Laichun said: "Over the years, I have been thinking about a problem."

Zhou Sheng frowned and looked at Zhou Laichun.

Zhou Laichun: "I don't know what I did wrong, son, let me ask you seriously, where did Dad feel sorry for you?"

"You're drunk." Zhou Sheng said, "Go back, stop talking."

Zhou Laichun raised his hand, made a gesture, and said, "Your future brother, I will definitely teach you well, I can't repeat the mistakes I made on you again..."

"You really want me to tell?" Zhou Sheng smiled wryly, "I'm telling the truth."

Zhou Laichun looked at Zhou Sheng, drunkenly, Zhou Sheng said seriously: "His birth was a mistake, because you only gave birth to him for a certain purpose. I don't know what he will become in the future, but You have to understand one thing, me, my mother, Xiaoqin, and the unborn child, I don't care what he was born with... We are your family, your relatives. "

Zhou Sheng looked at Zhou Laichun and said a little sadly: "We are not your employees, not your pets, nor your company's waiters. Although waiters shouldn't be treated like this, but forget it, tell you, you Can't understand."

Zhou Laichun backhanded, pressed his eyebrows, and only lowered his head and gasped. Zhou Sheng called the driver and asked him to come and take Zhou Laichun away.

"Don't talk about it." Zhou Laichun said, "It's really destined, that day Yu Hao asked me for fifty million..."

"He's teasing you." Zhou Sheng said, "You give him the entire Yun Laichun, and he won't leave me."

Zhou Laichun's voice was unsteady, and he said slowly: "I will leave you 50 million yuan and set up a fund to keep you from starving to death. You can rely on yourself for the rest. If you are willing in the future, Yun Laichun will leave you a fund. Location… "

"When you're old." Zhou Sheng said, "If no one cares about you one day, I will care about you. But you should keep the money. You gave me two million, I I didn't spend a penny, just eating the interest of financial management is enough, from this point, I have to thank you for helping us a lot."

"I admit that money is very important." Zhou Sheng whistled towards the driver who came in, and helped him to fight Zhou Laichun, and said, "Without money, it is impossible to move an inch. But money is not the purpose of my life, it is just a means. I wanted to say , I'll pay you back slowly in the future..."

Zhou Laichun stood up with difficulty and looked at Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng said: "I think you and my mother have spent a lot of money on me for so many years since I was a child. The relationship is not over, and the relationship between family members can't be broken. On the point, Yu Hao did teach me a lot. But think about it, if I have a child in the future, I will respect him more than you, and I will still spend money for him."

"Isn't this how people are? It's passed down from generation to generation." Zhou Sheng patted Zhou Laichun's shoulder with a smile, and said, "I'll take the money I owe you and give it back to my future children, walk slowly, Dad."

Zhou Laichun looked at Zhou Sheng, gasping for breath, as if he wanted to say something, but Zhou Sheng returned to his seat, sat down, and the driver led Zhou Laichun away.

"Pay the bill." Zhou Sheng watched them leave.

The boss put on his glasses, took off the bill, came to the table, and settled the account for Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng glanced at the boss, and the boss also glanced at Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng paid the money, and the boss received the money. Quiet.

"You are his son." The boss said, "I said."

Zhou Sheng replied, "Well, you just know."

The boss nodded and said, "Hmm." Then he took out two red envelopes from his apron and gave them to Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng hurriedly said, "I can't accept them, I'm an adult."

"You can pay before you go to work," the boss said.

Zhou Sheng: "I'm at work."

Boss: "You can take it before you get married."

"I have a daughter-in-law." Zhou Sheng hurriedly said, "Hey? Where's the daughter-in-law? Where is the daughter-in-law going?"

"Zhou Sheng! Come out quickly!" Yu Hao shouted outside.

"My wife called me." Zhou Sheng said, "Thank you boss."

The boss shoved it to Zhou Sheng and said, "Go to work well."

Zhou Sheng couldn't resist it, but he finally took it. He took the red envelope and came out.

Zhou Sheng took the scarf and looked around for someone, Yu Hao shouted from the open space in the park, "Here! Come here!"

Zhou Sheng: "I want to pee under the tree..."

Yu Hao: "Isn't there a toilet in the store? You're a dog! You even urinate under trees."

Zhou Sheng hurried back and came out after going to the bathroom. Yu Hao stood on the side of the open space, Zhou Sheng flew over the railing, stepped on the snow with his long legs, and came to look for Yu Hao.


Yu Hao leaned his back against the railing on the other side, put his phone on the concrete railing, and said, "Turn around."

Zhou Sheng: "???"

Zhou Sheng turned around, and Yu Hao pressed a light switch under the railing. He had seen several switches here when he was skateboarding nearby.

The switch flicked, and the entire open space in the park instantly lit up!

The lanterns illuminated the center of the snow, a large area of snow was emptied, and two piles of snow were piled up, which were piled into Angry Birds snowmen, one round and one triangular, and eyebrows were made of leaves.

Zhou Sheng suddenly laughed and said, "What are you doing?"

"You." Yu Hao put down the switch and walked with Zhou Sheng to the snowman in the open space. Zhou Sheng pointed to the round one, looked at Yu Hao, then looked at the snowman, and said, "This is me, right? The triangle is just a you?"

Yu Hao smiled and said, "Yes."

"Why don't you give me a kiss?" Zhou Sheng asked.

"It's too difficult!" Yu Hao said.

"What are these little birds?" Zhou Sheng noticed that there were still several little birds on the ground that were pinched into the size of snowballs and had sticks as their noses.

"Our future child." Yu Hao said happily, "If there is one."

"Will there be?" Zhou Sheng's eyes were a little wet, and he turned to look at Yu Hao.

"I don't know." Yu Hao said innocently, "It depends on whether you want it or not, but it's still too early to say?"

"Maybe there will be." Zhou Sheng replied, "This is really like our family, um... and a dog."

Yu Hao observed Zhou Sheng with a smile. Countless tiny lights illuminated them, reflecting the sky and the Milky Way. The open space was bright and spacious. Zhou Sheng took out his mobile phone, played a song, and said to Yu Hao, "Come and dance? "

"I haven't learned yet."

"Just jump around?"

Zhou Sheng took Yu Hao's hand, and the music on his cell phone played. Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng's handsome face and couldn't tell for a while whether his eyes were red because of drinking, or because he quarreled with Zhou Laichun.

Yu Hao: "Are you feeling down? I guess you were quite disappointed for a while when you heard the news."

"It's alright." Zhou Sheng replied, "It's really a little bit, knowing that I'm no longer unique to him, is it a little tangled? But it'll be fine in a while, people, you can't want everything. It's not a spare tire. , and let the whole Yun Laichun wait?"

Yu Hao laughed and said, "Just suddenly, will it be so hard to let go?"

"Yes." Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Hao, held him in a circle in the music, and said, "You know me best."

"You decide?" Yu Hao said.

"What to decide?" Zhou Sheng stopped, put his arms around Yu Hao, raised his eyebrows, and asked.

"Decide how to go in the future." Yu Hao said, he felt that Zhou Sheng at this moment was the softest side of him they had seen since they met.

Zhou Sheng replied, "The old man has his home, and I have mine too. We are all married... Don't always mix together unwillingly."

After saying this, the two of them were so happy that they turned their heads to look at the big and small snowmen that Yu Hao had piled up. The music sang:

"In this lifetime, this time is too little... not enough to prove the affection of melting ice and snow..."

"On one day, you suddenly appeared, you were clear and mysterious—"

“On the shores of Lake Baikal…”

Yu Hao was dazed by the flickering lights on the tree and railing, but Zhou Sheng hugged him tightly, turned his face around, and lowered his head to kiss him on the lips.

"By the way, what exactly is the White Wolf with Empty Gloves?" Zhou Sheng asked in confusion, "I've been wondering for a long time, where did you learn it?"

Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng and said with a smile, "Maybe my brother thinks that you and sister-in-law were both brought back with empty gloves."

Zhou Sheng: "…"

—Volume IV·Loulan·End-

Volume 5 The Tree of the World