Seizing Dreams

Chapter 150: Yanqing


"It's really cold." Fu Liqun followed, wrapping his scarf around Yu Hao. This action instantly pulled Yu Hao away from the feeling of emptiness and loneliness. He smelled the warmth of the unfamiliar "other guy's boyfriend" on the scarf, which reminded him of Zhou Sheng. Know how Zhou Sheng's business trip is.

Yu Hao asked, "Are you hungry?"

Fu Liqun said, "Have some braised vegetables with Teacher Jin."

In Xiaoxueli, Fu Liqun was dragging the suitcase in one hand, carrying his own and Yu Hao's two bags on his shoulders, and holding an umbrella in the other hand, but Yu Hao didn't need to carry anything, he was walking on the quiet street, the street lights were shining yellow .

"Teacher Jin would actually tell you so much," Yu Hao said with emotion, "It's unbelievable."

Fu Liqun said blankly: "Ah? He seems to know me and what happened to Nanlu a few years ago. We chatted. I said that I played basketball, and he used to be the basketball captain of the factory, so we started chatting. He usually talks. Few?"

"A lot of talk," Yu Hao said, "but he never mentioned his past."

Fu Liqun said, "Occasionally, I want to talk about the past. I just happened to meet him."

Yu Hao's knowledge of Jin Weicheng's glorious history is limited to the rumors that he won an award and beat a certain leader of Qinghua Times. Today's facts are too complicated, and Yu Hao feels that he needs a day or two to sort out his thoughts and find some kind of truth hidden under this complicated matter.

But in any case, Fu Liqun's arrival made him very happy, and he could forget a little trouble for a while and talk about innocuous but interesting things. Fu Liqun retired the house in Yingshi and decided to enroll in a German language training course in Beijing, complete the exam, and apply for studying abroad. Zhou Sheng discussed with Yu Hao and decided to take him in for free, even if he was willing to pay some rent.

Fu Liqun naturally asked to share the rent, so Yu Hao's financial pressure was immediately relieved. The rent for this house was too expensive, and the problem of eating was just an extra pair of chopsticks.

"Wow, that's not bad." Fu Liqun said, "It's like the layout at home! Open the kitchen!"

"You can only sleep in the living room." Yu Hao said, "The sofa can be pulled out and used as a bed. Anyway, it's just over half a year, so I'll make do with it. If I'm on a business trip, you and Zhou Sheng will share the bed."

"Hey." Fu Liqun said, "I never pick the young ones. Can the young master crawl on your bed when he's not around?"

"Uh." Yu Hao said, "I don't want it anymore, I'm afraid I'll treat you like Zhou Sheng in a daze..."

Fu Liqun laughed, Yu Hao said angrily, "Sleeping together is nothing, it's just a matter of habit..."

"Can you hug people like Xiao Ou?" Fu Liqun said solemnly, "Xiao Ou only hugs people, not kicks them."

Yu Hao didn't understand what Fu Liqun meant and replied, "Oh, then what?"

"Why does Kaikai say that a person who doesn't kick someone while sleeping will kick someone?" Fu Liqun said solemnly.

"Brother, you are too gossip!" Yu Hao changed his mind, "But why? Let's hear it."

"Because Xiao Ou didn't kick him." Fu Liqun said, "I definitely hugged him accidentally when he fell asleep. Kai Kai was afraid that you would associate him, so he quickly said that he was kicked out of bed, so let's cover it up."

Yu Hao said: "There is something in your words, and life is too complicated!" After thinking about it, he said, "I'll make you a late-night snack. Zhou Sheng made a lot of dumplings before going out."

Fu Liqun shook off the tablecloth he brought from home and put it on it. Yu Hao found it himself. Before he knew it, his home in Beijing was more and more like his home in Yingshi.

Zhou Sheng finally called and asked him if he had come home. He explained the matter with Huang Ting in detail. Yu Hao opened a video to show Zhou Sheng the pot of dumplings and Fu Liqun. Fu Liqun was also in the video with Cen Shan, so Yu Hao made a video. Hao and Fu Liqun put the two cell phones facing each other and let them chat. Fu Liqun went to take a bath and Yu Hao went to cook dumplings.

"What the hell!" Zhou Sheng said in FaceTime, "How come it became a video of me and my sister-in-law? There are still two mobile phones away, where are you? Wife, are you kidding me?"

Cen Shan: "Nervous, I'm dead, go to bed early, it's almost twelve o'clock in China."

Yanqing, late at night.

Huang Ting was taken into the underground research center, Zhao Liang was walking in front, his assistant led the way, Huang Ting walked to a huge computer and stopped.

With his legs slightly apart, he stepped on the steel plate in front of the instrument.

"When was this instrument set up?" Huang Ting said solemnly.

Zhao Liang replied: "Two years ago, when I left the investigation team, only a few people knew about the cutting-edge technology borrowed from STA."

Huang Ting was wearing leather trousers and leather boots, and the down trench coat was still wrapped around him. Zhao Liang explained: "In the beginning, this instrument was used for brain wave analysis and research. There are only two in the world. The integrator is proposed. After using it, the STA side is very supportive and shipped the instrument here, hoping that we can get this epoch-making research result."

Huang Ting walked to the instrument, observed the two reclining chairs, then turned around and saw a small magnetic levitation table.

"As long as we take things," Zhao Liang said, "soon we can draw many conclusions, and these conclusions have special significance for China and even for all mankind."

Huang Ting glanced at the researcher who passed by, then looked at the console, the records displayed on the screen, there were five desks around, and in front of each desk was a complex small computer, which was doing data analysis.

Huang Ting said: "Mr. Ren didn't agree with your proposal at first, so I really can't help."

"Huang Ting." Zhao Liang said, "You can't be pedantic. You are a sensible person. These few days, you should stay here first and think about it."

Huang Ting's brows twitched, and Zhao Liang said, "By the way, I will treat you, and you must take good care of your own body." He patted Huang Ting on the shoulder and left.

After Fu Liqun and Yu Hao finished eating a pot of dumplings, Yu Hao felt that every time the three of them ate together, it was like feeding pigs, and the bowls and pots were large. After Fu Liqun finished eating, he consciously went to wash the dishes, mopped the floor, and tidy up the messy house. Yu Hao won't go to work tomorrow, but Fu Liqun had been tired all day, so he let him go to bed early, then he went to bed, turned on the computer, and started to read the documents downloaded today.

The collective subconscious, the deepest layer of the three-layer system in the personality structure. Surface consciousness, deep consciousness or subconscious, and the bottom layer of collective consciousness... The paper was written by a Polish psychologist, citing Jung's description. Jung compared the spiritual world of all people in the world to countless small islands. The islands on the sea are the surface consciousness of people. The inland area where the tide rises and falls is deep consciousness.

And deeper, there is a vast world submerged by sea water, whether human beings, animals, living beings with autonomous consciousness, and the spiritual world are all connected to each other under the sea.

This is really a very metaphysical theory. In Jung's psychology courses, there is no special mention of this paragraph. Most theories believe that the collective subconscious is innate, that is, a part of the historical experience of the ethnic group that is inscribed in the genes. It never acts directly on everyone, but plays an imperceptible role in many group behaviors, such as religion, art, culture, and more. Humans affirm their connection to the world through the collective subconscious.

is it possible? In the past, Yu Hao hurriedly watched it once, but he didn't take it to heart. After all, the exams didn't take these subjects. In the category of materialism, scholars obviously did not agree with Jung's point of view that was inclined to mysticism. But the deepest part of the dream world, the deepest part of the world of consciousness they once reached, isn't it a memory ruin

Could it be that under the ruins of memory, there is another world

Yu Hao thought carefully. The second page of the Golden Crow analysis report that he briefly saw at Huang Ting's house. Huang Ting was obviously restricted by his professionalism and did not realize the importance of the second page, but Yu Hao just glanced at it and knew it. This report is very important.

Although it has never provided an answer to the origin of the Golden Crow Device, it has put forward a possible guess about its operating mechanism, which coincides with an inference made by him, Zhou Sheng, and Chen Yekai. That is: the Golden Crow is an instrument that intervenes in the collective subconscious. Through the connection between each individual and the collective subconscious, another completely independent of reality is formed, and after being processed by real experience, it is transformed into a brand-new, dream-like new world.

The report used another metaphor to describe this situation, calling the dream a "giant tree". Everyone's dream is a leaf on this tree, and the dreams of people are linked together. In theory, as long as the right medium is found, everyone can go to any leaf through the branches and branches, and even the veins in the trunk.

This medium is the Golden Crow Wheel.

[Have you brought the Golden Crow Wheel with you?] Yu Hao sent Zhou Sheng a WeChat message.

Zhou Sheng sent a video, Yu Hao took it, and turned the bedside light up a little.

"You haven't slept yet?" Zhou Sheng smoked outside the Express Hotel.

"No." Yu Hao said, "I got some information from Huang Ting, maybe it's a little inspiration for me."

Zhou Sheng confirmed that Yu Hao was not being held hostage, and replied, "In the old place."

Yu Hao said "En", and Zhou Sheng asked again, "What did you find?"

Yu Hao originally wanted Zhou Sheng to do an experiment with him at night, but since the Golden Crow Wheel was kept at home, he had to wait until he came back. Yu Hao hung up the video and recalled the content of the report, which also mentioned the "spiritual channel". But that is for the individual. After crossing the subconscious world, at the farther end of the subconscious, it is part of the collective subconscious of mankind.

But in theory, no one can get there. The author of the paper combined Freud's dream theory for analysis. Leaping consciousness can only achieve a single-layer effect, just like when a person reaches a limit when diving, he cannot dive any further.

When awake, most people can only go beyond the superficial consciousness and touch the edge of the dream state, that is, rely on the method of "daydreaming" to let their thinking and be active in the world of consciousness.

During sleep, some people occasionally enter the subconscious world briefly. It is impossible to break through the boundaries of the subconscious and enter the collective subconscious of mankind. Jung, Freud, and a type of analyst have all tried to find the mystical passage into the deepest subconscious mind, but they have all failed.

It is not ruled out that some people in history have briefly arrived there, but due to the limitations of memory, impressions, and physical conditions, no one can tell what it is after waking up. Finally, it was modified by metaphysicists and put forward the metaphysical statement of "world consciousness"...

"Brother!" Yu Hao jumped out of bed, pushed open the door, and went out. Fu Liqun was lying on the sofa looking at his phone with his headphones on. He hadn't fallen asleep yet.

"What?" Fu Liqun took off his headphones and asked, "Can't you sleep alone?"

"I remember, you were in a coma for a while in Loulan's dream?" Yu Hao asked while sitting beside the bed.

Fu Liqun replied, "Yes, what?"

Yu Hao said, "What is the experience of being unconscious in a dream?"

Fu Liqun thought for a while, put down the phone, and looked puzzled.

"Forgot." Fu Liqun said.

Yu Hao: "Try to recall, is there still a dream in a dream? What kind of place is it? Have you met anyone?"

Yu Hao discussed with Zhou Sheng, and the original source of the discussion was "how to wake up a person who fell asleep in a dream", but he remembered that the concept of "dream in a dream" is not necessarily related to the layers of channels in the world of consciousness. After a person wakes up, he is still in the dream, and when he wakes up, he is still in the dream, layer by layer, and each dream has a unique scene.

"Dream in a dream?" Fu Liqun said a little confused, "It's not a dream in a dream, I have a dream in a dream, and the situation is different from that day."

"Where is the difference?" Yu Hao asked again.

Fu Liqun said, "I'm in a very empty place."

"Is there any light?" Yu Hao said, "Is it the seaside, the desert, or the fog?"

Fu Liqun recalled with difficulty and said, "Let me think about it, there was nothing there at the beginning, I didn't know who I was, and I couldn't even see myself... just... "

Yu Hao asked, "I can only feel the existence of 'I', but not the entity?"

"Yes." Fu Liqun said, "Although they are all from the first perspective, the difference can be felt, that is, the body can't be found, only the consciousness is floating around."

"What about when you come back?" Yu Hao asked.

"There was a golden flame in front." Fu Liqun remembered this clearly, "It was like opening a door and sucking me in."

"How did you get into this... comatose space?"

"Where did you find me?" Fu Liqun asked rhetorically.

Yu Hao described the details of the day he found Fu Liqun, and Fu Liqun replied, "That's it. I dreamed that I was in the gym, and I was thirsty and hungry that day. It was really bad. It was dark in the gym, so I searched everywhere. Exit, but no matter how you walk, you can't get out, the gym keeps sinking... The floor is split, like a monster, trying to eat me."

Yu Hao pondered for a moment, then Fu Liqun snapped his fingers and said, "Later I talked to Kai Kai about this feeling, and he said that he once had a dream: at the bottom of a well in Chichen Itza, there is his home. But no matter how much he ran, he couldn't get out."

"Hmm..." Yu Hao frowned and nodded.

Fu Liqun asked, "Have you found anything?"

Yu Hao shook his head and said, "Good night, brother."

When he returned to bed, many complicated dreams and documents were intertwined with his real thoughts. In the dimness, he always felt that there was a very crucial clue, but he couldn't capture it.

He turned off the light, put one hand under the pillow, touched the golden black wheel that Zhou Sheng had stuffed at the bottom of the pillowcase, and took a look. In the dark night, the Golden Black Wheel did not glow, and when it was not in Zhou Sheng's hands, it was almost no different from a handicraft. The only difference was that Yu Hao was the only one who could feel it was it. Neither Ou Qihang, Chen Yekai nor Fu Liqun could do it. Every time when Zhou Sheng handed over the Golden Crow Wheel to them, the friends didn't have Yu Hao's intuitive perception.

That is to say... He also established some kind of connection with the Golden Crow Wheel: an area between Zhou Sheng's direct activation of it and no perception of it.

"It's been undetectable for quite some time."

In the north of Yanqing, in the underground conference room, Zhao Liang held a meeting with several researchers.

Zhao Liang: "This time is not accurate. Before losing the signal, they activated the brain wave integrator at least once in Nanlu."

The researcher said: "Maybe it's too far away to catch it."

Zhao Liang looked at the report and said, "They were intercepted in the hotel, and they must still be using it that day, otherwise it is impossible to be caught."

The report shows that the last time the integrator was detected was in Beijing. Zhao Liang even sent someone to install a receiver while they were on a business trip. As long as Zhou Sheng used it at his residence in Beijing, the research center would get the signal immediately. . And for a while in the middle, the distance was too far, which caused great interference to the receiver.

In the end, I didn't expect Huang Ting to strike first, breaking the previous agreement.

"Let's all go out," Zhao Liang said. "Pay close attention to the receiver."

The researchers left the conference room one after another, leaving Zhao Liang and his assistant.

The assistant said: "The thing has now fallen into the hands of President Ren, and Huang Ting is unwilling to cooperate, and it is difficult to get it again."

Zhao Liang replied: "One person, one piece of equipment, the equipment was taken away, and the people are still there. Huang Ting is a stubborn guy. What about Zhou Sheng? How do you think you should talk to Zhou Sheng?"

"Mr. Qin takes him very seriously." The assistant replied, "It's hard to get in touch."

Zhao Liang thought for a moment, then shook his head: "We must find a breakthrough. If there is no opportunity, we must create opportunities."

The assistant flipped through the documents in his hand. The folder contained the files of Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao, and replied, "Yu Hao may communicate better than Zhou Sheng."

"His vigilance is higher than Zhou Sheng." Zhao Liang said, "We don't have much resources to use right now. If Yu Hao is unwilling to cooperate, it will be more troublesome."

The assistant said, "Where's Chen Yekai? Try to start with him?"

"He is very close to Huang Ting. I suspect that he has been bought by Lao Ren." Zhao Liang said, "However, you can give it a try."