Seizing Dreams

Chapter 152: medical records


Zhou Sheng said, "Want to go out?"

"No." Yu Hao said, "I want to find a door, a door leading to the next level of consciousness."

Zhou Sheng didn't interrupt, just looked at Yu Hao quietly.

Yu Hao suddenly turned his head and looked at the charcoal stove in the center of the room. At this moment, the communication of consciousness of the Golden Crow appeared! Yu Hao once again felt the hint of the Golden Crow Wheel!

"I see! I still need a key key!" Yu Hao immediately said, "Lighter! Do you have one?"

Zhou Sheng motioned to Yu Hao to spread out his hand. A little in the center of his palm, a lighter appeared in Yu Hao's hand. He stepped forward, bowed, and lit the charcoal stove.

The charcoal stove glows red, and the room begins to transform! At this moment, Yu Hao knew that he might have touched the truth...

The red light turned into a mist of light, Zhou Sheng looked at the charcoal stove vigilantly, the next moment, the charcoal stove suddenly went out, the surroundings began to distort, the room was deformed, and the walls showed a giant mouth like a monster, Zhou Sheng said: "Be careful!"

Yu Hao: "Wait!"

He walked forward slowly, raised his hand, and a silver light burst out from his hand. Under the silver-white light, the changes of the wall gradually subsided, and a door appeared.

Zhou Sheng: "Damn, what does this mean?"

Yu Hao turned his head and intertwined his fingers with Zhou Sheng. He was about to step forward to push the door, but Zhou Sheng was ahead of him and pressed on the doorknob.

"Open it and see?" Zhou Sheng said.

Yu Hao's breathing was about to stop, he nodded slowly.

Zhou Sheng pressed the doorknob and gently pushed it out.

A strange light came in, and then, a strange and distorted space appeared outside the door! The broken plane, the gorgeous colors, and the twisted city, this door opened in mid-air, the two of them stood at the door, looking in all directions, no matter which direction, they seemed endless!

Yu Hao: "The collective subconscious really has this place!"

Zhou Sheng closed the door, and Yu Hao said, "Wait, let me take another look! What did I see... the deepest place! Where does the light come from!"

"Stop." Zhou Sheng said, "I don't feel safe, and the Golden Crow reminded me not to step out."

Yu Hao: "But the Golden Black Wheel didn't tell me."

"Don't take risks," Zhou Sheng seemed a little angry, "It's not that you are not allowed to come, but come back after thinking about it. What does this mean to you?"

"Okay." Yu Hao said, "Let's stop here today and keep this room."

Zhou Sheng reminded: "You will have nightmares."

"No." Yu Hao insisted, "If you destroy it again, I'm afraid that everything here will be forgotten... Wait, have you destroyed it once?"

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao were silent for a moment, they looked at each other, Yu Hao said solemnly, "You erased this room from my memory?"

"Yes." Zhou Sheng said calmly.

Yu Hao said, "Did I ask for it?"

"Because you had a nightmare." Zhou Sheng asked nonchalantly.

"When?" Yu Hao asked again.

Zhou Sheng: "It's my first time to come to my house for Chinese New Year."

Yu Hao nodded, Zhou Sheng felt a little uneasy and asked, "Are you angry?"

"No." Yu Hao shook his head. At this time, he found that a door appeared in the cement room again, but it opened in another direction, in its original position.

Yu Hao opened the door, the sun shone in, and they returned to the surface world of memory.

"It's amazing." Yu Hao exclaimed.

"This memory has recovered," Zhou Sheng walked into the sunlight and said to Yu Hao, "So it appeared in the surface world, right where it used to be."

This is a ginkgo forest. It is in the back garden of the palace. There are no NPCs nearby. The whole scene is quiet and eerie. Yu Hao said, "So close to my totem?"

"There is such a place in the palace that is too incompatible." Zhou Sheng explained, "It's not that I don't respect you."

"Indeed." Yu Hao said, "It's me, I also want to move this thing away. That's it, I have to think about it again, late..."

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking, the dream world began to turmoil, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng woke up one by one.

"Yu Hao?" Fu Liqun's face appeared in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I don't think you guys are doing anything important." Chen Yekai said outside the door, "But it happened suddenly, I don't think it can be delayed any longer."

Zhou Sheng got up, Yu Hao glanced at his phone, Chen Yekai called him several times in the middle of the night, but he didn't get any calls on mute.

Ou Qihang said, "Are you in a dream? Why didn't you call us?"

Yu Hao said, "A little thing... what's wrong?"

Chen Yekai showed Yu Hao's phone, which was the message he sent in the middle of the night last night—[Huang Ting is missing].

Yu Hao suddenly woke up. At 5:30 in the morning, Chen Yekai had obviously arrived in a hurry and had not slept all night.

"Before Huang Ting disappeared, the last person I saw was you." Chen Yekai asked, "Did he say where to go?"

Yu Hao wasn't quite sober yet, so he shook his head with all his might. Zhou Sheng warmed up a few cups of milk in the microwave, put it on the table, and said, "I was just looking for you, but I just came back last night, so I didn't pay attention. Now that everyone is together, Let's exchange information by the way."

Yu Hao reluctantly drank some milk and said quickly, "This matter is very complicated... But I didn't expect, why did he disappear, and what to do with him?"

"Speak slowly," Ou Qihang said, "don't worry."

Yu Hao recalled from the afternoon of the day he met Huang Ting that Fu Liqun had just heard the inside story, and everyone was silent for a while when they heard that Huang Ting was sick.

"He asked me to help him contact the doctor." Chen Yekai said, "Is he so sick? Have you seen the medicine he took?"

Yu Hao spread his hands and repeated almost everything about Huang Ting and Jin Wulun. Everyone was silent for a moment. Zhou Sheng looked at Chen Yekai and said, "It's pretty much what we guessed."

Chen Yekai looked solemn, and Fu Liqun said, "Ask the doctor what disease he has."

Chen Yekai nodded, lowered his hair on WeChat, and Ou Qihang said, "He won't be locked up by his own boss, nor will he be Brother Sheng's boss..."

"Qin Guodong is very familiar with him." Zhou Sheng said, "He didn't even detain me, and he has no reason to arrest him."

"The only possibility is the one surnamed Zhao." Ou Qihang said, "I met him, not long after our incident."

Fu Liqun said, "I think something is wrong."

Ou Qihang said, "I think so too."

Yu Hao raised his hand and said, "Add one."

"You still add one?" Chen Yekai anxiously asked.

Yu Hao: "I felt there was a problem from the very beginning, it was so strange, since I left Nanlu, no one has come to the door again. In this matter, Ren Chong, Zhao Liang, and Qin Guodong are all very clear. , but no one came to find Zhou Sheng preemptively, there must be something wrong."

Ou Qihang said, "Is there any special conspiracy that may have alarmed us?"

Zhou Sheng: "Maybe, Kai Kai, have you sent the medical records?"

"How?" Fu Liqun asked.

"Aplastic anemia." Chen Yekai said, "Damn, that guy told me it was pneumonia!"

"Don't you have medical insurance?" Yu Hao said, "It should be able to be cured."

Chen Yekai chatted with the doctor for a few words, without raising his head, "I was waiting for a hospital bed after reading it for the first time. It is recommended to match the bone marrow. I got off the phone, chatted a few words, and said, "Yes, yes, I will find a way to find someone."

After hanging up the phone, everyone stared at Chen Yekai, Chen Yekai said, "Ren Chong."

Zhou Sheng: "Has Zhao Liang approached you?"

Chen Yekai was startled and said, "How do you know?"

The corners of Zhou Sheng's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Chen Yekai. Chen Yekai replied, "He came to our school in person during the day yesterday."

Everyone was shocked, Yu Hao said, "What did you say?"

Chen Yekai replied, "Invite me to have a cup of coffee. I was busy with class and didn't have time to pay attention to him, so I refused."

Yu Hao thought to himself that he really escaped the disaster. If Chen Yekai agreed to follow him, maybe he would be locked up just like Huang Ting. But this just shows that Zhao Liang has lost some energy and relationships in the system, and he dare not take people away and detain them in broad daylight.

"Going to find Huang Ting in a dream?" Chen Yekai asked Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng leaned against the chair, swayed and pondered.

Ou Qihang said: "It's easy to know where he is. From the fact that he didn't dare to take Uncle Kai directly, it can be seen that there should be no private use of public power."

Fu Liqun: "I'm afraid that in case he doesn't know where he is?"

"Why arrest him," Zhou Sheng said, "you have to think about this first."

"The reason for arresting him should be to get what I said out of his mouth." Yu Hao said, "But since you want to know, why don't you come and ask me directly? Do you have to go to great lengths to find a third party?"

Zhou Sheng said, "It's full of all kinds of ridiculous doubts." Then he raised his eyes and looked at Chen Yekai. Chen Yekai narrowed his eyes and said, "Perhaps because in addition to Yu Hao's news, I also want to know about Ren Chong's side. Inside story?"

Everyone was silent for a while, Zhou Sheng pondered for a moment, Yu Hao seemed to have a consonance in his heart, and subtly realized Zhou Sheng's thoughts.

Yu Hao: "Are you afraid there might be a trap that wants to lure us over? But what kind of trap could there be? I don't understand, if you want to trouble us, why don't you just start arresting people? We don't have power or power. How can you resist?" He said, spreading his hands.

Zhou Sheng was holding the Golden Crow Wheel, but he didn't make a decision for a long time, and everyone was waiting. Then, Zhou Sheng put away the Golden Crow and said, "Not for now."

Zhou Sheng glanced at Chen Yekai and said, "We will investigate separately first."

"Okay." Chen Yekai was very worried about Huang Ting, but he did not violate Zhou Sheng's decision.

"You are in charge of Zhao Liang." Zhou Sheng said, "I'm going to ask our boss, Yu Hao, you ask Lin Ze, didn't you already ask once last time?"

"There is no clear news." Yu Hao frowned, "I'll go and urge Aze."

"You two just..." Zhou Sheng thought for a while, but Ou Qihang said, "I went to the doctor last time to ask. I think the hypnotist is very familiar with Brother Ting, and maybe he can find some key clues."

"Then I'll go to another hospital." Fu Liqun said, "Inquire about his condition."

Zhou Sheng said: "Okay, let's go, everyone, wait for my notice."

The crowd dispersed, Yu Hao packed his bag and went to work. Situ Ye accompanied Jin Weicheng to the interview. Lin Ze was sitting in the office. As soon as he saw Yu Hao, he asked, "What? Did something happen?"

Yu Hao: "Is it obvious?"

"Your face is so ugly." Lin Ze said, "Didn't you read this morning's report?"

Yu Hao remembered that he forgot to read the news today, and Lin Ze handed him a newspaper.

"Is it in the newspaper?!" Yu Hao said in surprise, "So fast!"

The newspaper was on the topic of MLM interviewed by Yu Hao. Lin Ze said, "The scale of the reposts and social topics this time is bigger than the last time. Do your own analysis of the popularity."

Yu Hao didn't care about his topic now, he simply replied "Okay", but he was always worried about Huang Ting's safety. Lin Ze didn't ask much, the two of them sat quietly in the office, only listening to the sound of the keyboard for a while. Yu Hao wanted to ask him about Zhao Liang's matter last time, but he was worried that asking so rashly would be too direct.

"The editor in charge will come to report after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month," Lin Ze said. "You can relax at that time."

"That's great." Yu Hao forced a smile, and the two fell into silence for a while. Yu Hao and Lin Ze have worked together for nearly half a year, and he knows his style very well. As long as he doesn't ask for help, Lin Ze is always very helpful. Be patient and leave the opportunity to solve the problem to everyone, but once Yu Hao opens his mouth, Lin Ze will take care of this matter to the end.

He didn't want to drag Lin Ze into the water, and he didn't want him to be exposed to such bizarre cases.

"You need a day off, can you rest?" Lin Ze asked again.

"I just took a break, no problem." Yu Hao began to analyze the popularity of the topic. The reporters in the group were all looking for him to inquire about Nanlu's news. Every time the news came out, there would be a swarm of people who would immediately start exposing the bottom line. Sometimes Yu Hao thinks that China doesn't lack good reporters, but only a few front-runners. If they succeed in rushing into the position of public opinion, the army behind them will march forward in a mighty manner. It doesn't matter what melamine or pyramid schemes you jump off the building, once the army of reporters arrives, they will be divided Grind you to the ground in minutes.

"The Zhao Liang I asked about last time," Yu Hao said, "Is there any news?"

Lin Ze replied without raising his head while replying to WeChat, "What's your next issue?"

Yu Hao didn't answer, knowing that this conversation should be very cautious, Lin Ze said, "Sometimes, no news is a kind of news."

Yu Hao suddenly understood. He didn't get a reply for so long. It wasn't that Lin Ze didn't go to help him check, but after finding out the details, in order to protect his safety, he didn't want to tell him!

"Let's change the topic." Although Lin Ze didn't know what Yu Hao wanted to do, he had no doubts about Yu Hao's ability to do things.

"Is he a member of the Disciplinary Committee?"

"No." Lin Ze replied, "They have nothing special to do with the Disciplinary Committee."

"Wait..." Yu Hao said, "Isn't this a special investigation team under the jurisdiction of the central government?"

"Team?" Lin Ze raised his head and looked at Yu Hao.

Yu Hao said, "The first time I met was in Ying City."

"Go down to investigate Ou Weihong?" Lin Ze replied.

Yu Hao: "You know?"

Lin Ze: "Don't forget that I have read your resume. Are you sure you want to hear it? Yu Hao, I suggest you not to contact them."

Yu Hao: "I have a friend..."

"Is there a note from that day?" Lin Ze said again.

Yu Hao knew that nothing could be hidden from Lin Ze. If there was anyone he knew who could see through the nature and cause and effect of the incident at a glance, then one would be Huang Ting, and the other would definitely be Lin Ze. Zhou Shengsheng was much more cautious than them in his thinking, and would not make a decision without extrapolation.

"Yes." Yu Hao said, "I will definitely be very cautious, tell me."

"That's your friend," Lin Ze said, "what level of friend?"

"A person who is willing to believe me when I'm wronged." Yu Hao replied.

"Sometimes I don't necessarily trust you, I just trust their professional intuition." Lin Ze said, "But since that's the case, I can give you a rough overview of the news I got, and I asked you about it years ago... "

Zhou Sheng rode a shared bicycle, his suit jacket was flying, and he was carrying a black sports bag. He returned the car outside the alley, swiped the door to enter the unit, nodded to his colleagues, knocked on the door, and entered the office of the person in charge, Xiao Jian.

Xiao Jian was putting on lipstick in the mirror, without looking at Zhou Sheng, Qin Guodong was also present, Zhou Sheng pulled the swivel chair and said, "I think..."

"The boss has been waiting for you all morning." Xiao Jian said, "I'll go out."

Zhou Sheng looked at Xiao Jian, Xiao Jian smiled meaningfully at him, and went out past him. Qin Guodong was making tea at the desk, Zhou Sheng picked up the glass kettle and went to the side to get the boiling water.

"I'm talking about changing you to a regular position." Qin Guodong said in a calm and powerful voice, "It's been a while since I went to work. How do you feel about the unit?"

"Like a triad," Zhou Sheng said, "but I like it. President Qin, I think, waiting for me in the office for so long today shouldn't be talking to me about turning into a regular, right?"

Qin Guodong scooped out the tea leaves from the tea tin and said, "It seems that Xiao Huang is indeed your good friend. Can't wait for even a few words of greetings?"

Zhou Sheng pondered, Qin Guodong brewed tea seriously, as if nothing had happened.

"I thought he had a good relationship with you." Zhou Sheng said, "If you don't want to worry about it, I won't waste your time."

Qin Guodong said, "Xiao Huang's safety is more important than your own safety?"

Zhou Sheng said: "I will look at the actual situation. Do I look like a reckless person?"

Qin Guodong replied, "What about Yu Hao?"

Zhou Sheng stopped talking, Qin Guodong poured him tea, thought about it, and said, "I will remind you, I will remind you to take good care of your personal belongings. Unexpectedly, it was taken away by Lao Ren in the end. Zhou Sheng, I I feel like sometimes, you're not as smart as I thought. I knew..."

"Why don't you lock it in your safe," Zhou Sheng laughed, "isn't it?"

Qin Guodong said: "Give it to me, what's the use of me taking it? Zhou Sheng, haven't you figured out the key to some things? You can only take that thing in your own hands, whether it's Zhao Liang or Lao Ren, who is it? I don't dare to touch you, and I don't dare to touch people who are closely related to you. Xiao Huang was arrested, and you have to bear the blame. "

Zhou Sheng was silent, his brows furrowed.

Qin Guodong said: "I remember that in ancient Greece there was a son of a god named Antai. As long as he stood on the ground, he would get power from the ground without end. In the end, Hercules managed to get him off the ground and strangled him to death. he."

Zhou Sheng remained silent, Qin Guodong added, "Now that they have successfully taken away the most important source of power for you, it is only a matter of time before they will take you next."

Zhou Sheng finally said: "Even you can't stop them?"

"I can only do my best." Qin Guodong said, "I have a cooperative relationship with Lao Ren. With Zhao Liang, there is almost no room for negotiation."

"Don't you want to take it as your own?" Zhou Sheng said, "To be honest, boss, I didn't trust you at first."

Qin Guodong looked at Zhou Sheng and showed a faint smile.

"If I want a brain wave integrator, I will start it on the first day you come to Beijing, and will I wait until now?" Qin Guodong replied.

Zhou Sheng replied: "That's not necessarily true. After all, if I don't succeed in the first attempt, I just need to find a place where there is no one to hide. You can't help but sleep, right?"

Qin Guodong said, "You underestimate my professional ability too. Zhou Sheng, I really want to start. I have never failed in my life."

Zhou Sheng: "But it's useless if you take it, only I can turn it on. The best way is to catch me together, force me to turn it on, go to your dream, and take you to study, just this initiative As long as it is handed over to me, uncontrollable things will happen again.”

"That's true." Qin Guodong replied, "Ren Chong and Zhao Liang have been together for a long time, and I can't think of how to solve these strange tricks of yours, but I don't have the slightest desire for your treasure. ."

"I believe it now." Zhou Sheng thought about it and said, "Why don't you want it?"

"No reason." Qin Guodong said, "A gentleman does what he wants and what he doesn't do. When he sees someone else holding something good, he uses his own strength to grab it. What's the difference between him and a robber?"

"This really doesn't seem like the idea of someone who has been in the system for so long." Zhou Sheng sighed.

"So I left." Qin Guodong said.

Zhou Sheng: "…"

Yu Hao frowned and listened, Lin Ze scratched his head, obviously unable to draw a conclusion to the three.

Yu Hao: "So initially they were an information investigation agency."

Lin Ze nodded and said: "Yes, the full name is 'special investigation team'. It is a little like a secret agency, but it is an affiliated intelligence organization. They have a three-person team as the core, and they were initially responsible for monitoring some secret services. Order, inconvenient to intervene, and analyze and pass a small amount of information for other organizations. The model of the three-person team, you can guess who you learned from.”

"The former Soviet Union." Yu Hao said, "So they were established very early."

Lin Ze replied: "The first-generation leaders are naturally not them, but after the departmental reform proposal, this group is about to be abolished."

Yu Hao: "When?"

Lin Ze said: "Perhaps in recent years? Duplication of functions, redundancy, and various restructurings are normal. The special investigation team has great power, but it rarely intervenes in ordinary cases. The last time was the Ou Weihong case."

Yu Hao said, "Then what do they usually do?"

"Don't do anything," Lin Ze said, "maybe have done something, but according to my sources, I can't find it."

"Which department is assigned to?" Yu Hao said, "That's the most important thing."

Lin Ze hesitated, raised his eyebrows slightly towards Yu Hao, and said, "Anyway, you just need to know that this so-called 'special investigation team' is also influenced by higher-ups, that's all."

Yu Hao: "How many superiors are there?"

Lin Ze replied nonchalantly and said, "So I suggest you don't mess with Ren Chong, even if the other two leave, unless someone at the newspaper office is willing to come to protect you, it is very dangerous, but once it involves this level, it is not just news. It's that simple."

Yu Hao said, "Then let me ask another question. Why did you leave?"

"Is the concept inconsistent?" Lin Ze said, "Changed to vote? Or do not want to be involved more deeply. After the Ou Weihong case, Qin Guodong was said to go to sea to do business and do some government business. Zhao Liang, who you wanted to investigate, disappeared completely. But according to my inference, he did not go abroad. He once held this kind of work and will not let him leave China. The rest, Ren Chong, is still in the group."