Seizing Dreams

Chapter 153: maze


"So what do they plan to use after they get the Golden Crow Wheel?" Zhou Sheng said solemnly, staring at the half-floating and half-submerged tea leaves in the glass, some floated to the top, while others sank to the bottom.

Qin Guodong did not answer.

"Let's ask another way," Zhou Sheng thought for a while, and then said, "Is Ren Chong ready to hand it in after he gets it? Hand over it layer by layer, and put it in the place where the country collects important treasures?"

"There must be a conclusion when handing in." Qin Guodong laughed and explained, "It's not that you pick up something and take it to the State Council, and others will believe you and take it down. If you want the leaders to believe it, you need to Combined with the physical object, there is a detailed research report, and a demonstration if necessary.”

Zhou Sheng suddenly realized Qin Guodong's deepest true intention hidden under layers of camouflage.

"At the beginning, they discussed many ways." Qin Guodong said, "Zhao Liang used his personal relationship to establish a small research laboratory, but soon after, Ren Chong discovered his real purpose, perhaps to take it as his own. … So they had some disputes, and the investigation team decided to temporarily disband.”

Zhou Sheng thought about it and said, "Ren Chong wants to protect me and it temporarily, waiting for the opportunity to communicate with me and conduct an investigation. Zhao Liang can't wait to start. But in the final analysis, if there is no cooperation from me, get the The Golden Crow Wheel is useless."

Qin Guodong said: "This is the initial agreement after negotiating with the old Ren when I left."

Zhou Sheng: "Let me hold the Golden Crow Wheel, and no one will attack. Whoever strikes first will lose. But do you know me so well? Can't tell."

Qin Guodong glanced at his watch and replied, "This is what Huang Ting proposed, and the actual plan is very complicated. Lao Ren's opinion is 'it can be considered', provided you have the power to protect this treasure, so as not to cause further leaks. "

"The actual plan is complicated?" Zhou Sheng asked in surprise.

"Research on the plan of the Golden Black Wheel." Qin Guodong said, "I still remember the day when we first saw Huang Ting's report, everyone thought it was very incredible."

Zhou Sheng said: "When I got the Golden Crow Wheel for the first time, I also thought it was very incredible, I even wondered if it had any task for me to complete. After the task is over, everyone associated with it will forget about it. All about it…”

"No." Qin Guodong shook his head and said, "The existence of the 'Golden Black Wheel' is not strange. People have seen things that are more peculiar than it and cannot be explained by current scientific principles. What I mean by incredible is that Because it chose you."

Qin Guodong spread his hands, Zhou Sheng smiled and said, "So what?"

Qin Guodong looked meaningfully into Zhou Sheng's eyes and said, "What do you plan to do next?"

Zhou Sheng replied: "When they come to the door, it will be ten days at most, at least half a month, and when someone can't hold back, they will always find me and let me cooperate with the research. The real world is their territory, dream This is my site, he must not have left Beijing too far, maybe he is hiding somewhere in this city, do you know the address of his research lab?"

Qin Guodong said: "No one knows, in the last period, Zhao Liang didn't reveal his plan to us at all, maybe because of this, Lao Ren couldn't save Huang Ting, there must be his own reasons, don't interfere now. The struggle between them. Huang Ting will be rescued, this is no longer something you can handle."

"Okay." Zhou Sheng sighed, pondered for a moment, and then got up.

Qin Guodong said: "If I were you, the only thing I have to do now is to protect myself and stop provoking Zhao Liang. I promised to cooperate with him on the bright side. As you said, once you fall into a dream, you can do whatever you want. ."

"Zhao Liang is not a fool," Zhou Sheng said casually, "I will definitely understand the principle of the dream before letting me into his dream. It is hard to say whether I can defeat the boss in his heart. Gotta keep going."

Inside the newspaper office, Yu Hao sorted out today's manuscript and said, "I'm going to be a blood bank for the next topic."

"Okay." Lin Ze said, "Is there a problem with donating blood and using blood? It's been a long time since I've seen them unpleasant, and the society will fully support you, in the March issue."

Yu Hao said again, "Is April ok? I need more time to prepare, and I still have a graduation thesis to write."

Lin Ze checked the table and readily agreed. Yu Hao didn't make an appointment for an interview today. He was going to find an informant for afternoon tea. As soon as he left the newspaper office, Zhou Sheng's call came.

"Zhao Liang's base is one of Yanqing and Huairou," Zhou Sheng said on the phone. "Can you find the relevant personnel there and ask?"

Yu Hao: "He won't hang a 'Golden Crow Research Institute' card outside the base, don't think about it."

Zhou Sheng: "There will be traces of personnel transfer and garrison."

"Even if you find the exact address," Yu Hao said on the phone, "you can't go in and save Huang Ting alone, right? Ren Chong will definitely take action. If I were him, I would only rent a place in a residential area. Three rooms and one living room…”

"Listen to me," Zhou Sheng kept an eye on the environment. After leaving the alley, a car stopped by the roadside. Zhou Sheng stepped forward and opened the car door. Chen Yekai sat in the driver's seat. Turning on the bluetooth, he said to Yu Hao, "Zhao Liang's place has a set of research equipment. He didn't know where to get it before the three-man group went home, so it may not be in a hidden place like a residential building."

Chen Yekai added, "I've seen STA's computer for analysis. To study the data, the size should not be too small."

Yu Hao said on the phone, "The defense will also be very strict."

"So, we still need Huang Ting's cooperation." Zhou Sheng said patiently, "What news did Kai Kai get?"

Chen Yekai said, "According to your request, I made an appointment to meet him. What he asked for was three days later."

"We must get Huang Ting out as soon as possible." Zhou Sheng said.

"Ren Chong can't ignore him," Yu Hao said, "He is Ren Chong's student."

Zhou Sheng replied, "It has been forty-eight hours since Huang Ting disappeared."

Chen Yekai nodded and said, "Yes, if you want to save people, you've already gone."

Chen Yekai was driving aimlessly on the road, and Zhou Sheng added, "Qin Guodong, Ren Chong, Zhao Liang, two of these three must be secretly together, but I just don't know who is with whom. "

"Your boss probably won't," Yu Hao said on the phone, "If you want to do it, you should do it sooner."

"Now I don't think so," Zhou Sheng said. "One of them is hard and the other is soft."

"Your boss knows very well that the Golden Crow Wheel can't function without you." Chen Yekai drove the car intently and said casually, "Maybe everyone wants the Golden Crow Wheel, but the means are different. Now, it seems that Qin Guodong is obviously better. At least he has won your initial trust. Zhou Sheng, I have something to say... "

"Huh?" Zhou Sheng was playing with the Golden Crow Wheel in his hand and pondered for a moment.

"I know that Huang Ting has an average relationship with you, because you don't like him very much because of taking the Golden Crow Wheel." Chen Yekai stopped at the red light, sighed, and said, "But he is mine. Friend, he means a lot to me and I can't do anything about it myself, I can only hope for you."

"I didn't say I wouldn't save him. Look at what you said, do I look like such a cold-blooded person?" Zhou Sheng stopped to think, said with a smile, and then ordered to the phone, "Yu Hao, you go home."

Yu Hao knew what Zhou Sheng meant and asked, "Okay, I pushed the informant from the afternoon appointment, do you want to call Qihang and brother?"

"No, just the three of us." Zhou Sheng said, "Leave a message for my brother and tell him to come back. Don't wake you, Kaikai, find a hotel and open a room."

Zhou Sheng hung up the phone and glanced sideways at Chen Yekai, who immediately nodded and didn't speak any further.

When Yu Hao returned home, he woke up very early today, and was sleepy before noon. After lunch, his tiredness surged even more, as if he had drained all his strength.

"I want a bed." Yu Hao said, "I feel so sleepy even in my dreams."

"It'll be fine later." Chen Yekai said, "The reason you feel sleepy in your dreams is because of insufficient blood supply to your brain."

In the world of Chichen Itza, Yu Hao, Zhou Sheng, and Chen Yekai were watching the scene inside the Golden Crow Wheel. It was noon, and most people didn't take a nap. It looks very messy.

Zhou Sheng said: "Let's exchange information first, what would Aze say?"

The two simply exchanged the information they had inquired. Chen Yekai stared at the center of the pyramid, the scene in the golden black wheel, and Zhou Sheng's dragon appeared behind them. Different from other dreams, most of the time the Golden Crow Wheel stayed this time, it showed a dark labyrinth, with storms and thunder and lightning flashes inside.

"It's strange," Yu Hao said. "The only one who is sleeping now is this one. Is that him?"

Zhou Sheng murmured: "It's definitely him, there can be no one else, a person who is facing death, and dreaming of you, who else can be except Huang Ting? Go!"

Zhou Sheng walked towards the Golden Crow Wheel, the Black Dragon wanted to follow, but Zhou Sheng turned back and made a "stop" motion, extending his hand towards Yu Hao, the two fell into the Golden Crow Wheel, and Chen Yekai immediately jumped in.

Just like before, he was separated from Zhou Sheng in the gust of wind as soon as he entered. While he was busy, Yu Hao looked back and saw a full moon in the sky!

This time it was shot from the moon!

With a loud bang of thunder and lightning, Yu Hao instantly sank into the clouds, and then the storm poured down, pouring on his head and covering his face and soaking his whole body.

"Ah—" Yu Hao shouted loudly. The moment he fell from the sky, his adrenaline surged wildly. For some reason, this dream was much more realistic than all the dreams he had ever entered. Approaching earth!

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao turned his head and shouted, the ground was getting closer and closer, he tried to shake his wings, the wings worked! He didn't have time to think about it, he beat his wings violently, but the strong wind kept turning, and he was blown into the air with a little beat. He couldn't control the direction, he could only spread his wings and glide with the wind.

Looking down at the earth from the air, Yu Hao found that the entire earth has only one vast maze area. The maze is backed by a huge wall of infinite height, extending into the depths. He can't estimate the specific area of the maze based on his height, but looking at it this way Come on, it is obviously much smaller than Loulan. The periphery of the labyrinth was submerged in the surging black mist, and the black fog was constantly swallowing the area of the labyrinth.

The maze's high wall was nearly ten meters long. When Yu Hao fell, he hit his head on the masonry, but he was already prepared. Sliding down the wall.

The maze was full of water flowing everywhere, Yu Hao stood in the water below his ankles and felt a chill. Could it be that the quilt was not covering your feet before going to bed? But he didn't plan to get up and cover up again. He still remembered that in the middle of the entire labyrinth looking down from the air, there was a building like a pool and a temple.

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao shouted while touching the wall of the maze, wading forward.

He tried to spread his wings, but the road in the labyrinth for people to pass through was only three meters wide, so he couldn't use his strength to fly over the top of the wall to observe and find Zhou Sheng. And where did Zhou Sheng go? Where is the master of the dream world

"They really entered Huang Ting's dream."

"Mr. Zhao, you can use this device for peripheral docking."

"Don't worry." Zhao Liang stood with his hands behind his back and stood in front of the big screen. He watched the signal analysis on the screen thoughtfully. Huang Ting was fixed on a chair and injected with a sedative. Sweat, especially the blood vessels in the arms.

The surrounding high walls were dripping with rainwater, Yu Hao walked halfway and suddenly stopped. In an instant, the wall flipped over, and a huge guillotine appeared, cutting across it!

Yu Hao shouted, and immediately turned sideways to avoid it. After the guillotine was activated, it cut once within a few seconds, and the sharp edge sank into the opposite high wall. If he didn't stop just now, he would be cut in half by this mechanism in an instant!

Why is there such a strange mechanism in Huang Ting's dream? ! Yu Hao felt like he was playing a maze game, he might be crushed to death or cut open at any time, his heart was beating wildly, he seized the opportunity, started running, took a string of spray, and rushed across the ramp area.

Suddenly I heard a peculiar sound mixed with the storm and thunder, like gunshots! He tried his best to identify for a while, and said to himself, "Mr. Chen?!" Then he ran quickly and turned around the corner of the labyrinth. The gunshots became more and more loud and loud, and Yu Hao shouted from under the high wall: "Teacher Chen!"

"It's me!" Zhou Sheng's voice shouted.

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao heard the sound of bullets hitting the shield. It became more and more intense. Zhou Sheng shouted, "Face me! Run to your left! Watch out for the organs!"

Yu Hao immediately turned around and started running, shouting, "What agency?"

However, the next moment, countless sharp blades suddenly rose from the ground, Yu Hao shouted, and Zhou Sheng shouted, "Jump!"

Yu Hao jumped up in the air, jumped over the sharp knife trap, and leaped to an open space. This open space happened to be a break in the end of a wall in the labyrinth. As soon as Yu Hao turned around, Zhou Sheng charged at him with his shield on his back, and stretched out his hand to grab Yu Hao. Hao Yi pulled, Yu Hao jumped on the ground, fluttered his wings, hugged Zhou Sheng and rolled around in the limited space.

Several machine guns turned out from the wall and shot at them. Zhou Shengren held his shield in the air to block it. Yu Hao shouted, "Watch out for your back!"

Zhou Sheng turned his head and saw a huge square stone rushing towards them along the end of the corridor with a bang. If the two of them were hit like this, they would be knocked out immediately. At the last moment, Zhou Sheng held Yu Hao in one hand, turned the shield into a golden cudgel, and pushed it towards the ground. The golden cudgel suddenly stretched out, and with a "swoosh" he led the two of them straight up!

The surrounding maze immediately seemed to sense that Zhou Sheng was planning to escape, the high wall began to rise at the same speed, Yu Hao said, "I can't rush out!"

Zhou Sheng rose to the top of the high wall, but could not break through any further, shouted, "Hold me tight!"

Immediately, Fang Shi collided with the golden hoop, and Zhou Sheng suddenly suffered severe wrist pain and almost broke it. The golden hoop was knocked out and the two of them rolled in the air. Zhou Sheng grabbed the edge of the square stone and turned over with Yu Hao to the top of the trap stone!

The top was flush with the top of the maze wall, Fang Shi led the two of them back quickly, preparing for the next attack, Yu Hao shouted, "Jump!"

The two jumped to the top of the wall, Zhou Sheng stretched out his hand to call back the golden hoop, Yu Hao almost fell to the other side of the wall, but was pulled in time by Zhou Sheng, and the two of them barely stood on the top of the maze wall.

Yu Hao couldn't help gasping for breath and said, "The walls of this labyrinth will grow taller."

Zhou Sheng said: "You can't go over it too much. It should be the limit in Huang Ting's dream. It's okay to walk along the wall. Be careful to slide down."

Yu Hao looked into the distance, a beam of light flashed and shot into the sky from another corner of the maze.

The high wall of the maze is about two meters wide. Standing on the top of the wall, you can see the general twists and turns, but you can't see the full picture of the maze. Zhou Sheng said: "Huang Ting should be near the edge of the subconscious, just like you did last time. , go to Kaikai by the way."

Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng walked along the wall towards the mist in the distance. He tried to spread his wings and wanted to fly, but the high wall under his feet continued to rise with his movements.

"Don't be in vain," Zhou Sheng said, "it's useless, let's go."

Yu Hao looked down, every time they walked a certain distance, they would trigger dense traps, and spherical boulders rolled past. Fortunately, they were on the wall of the maze, otherwise they would be crushed into meat patties even if they had a shield. .

"Are you injured?" Yu Hao said, "Let me see."

Zhou Sheng had gunshot wounds on his shoulders and arms, still bleeding. He stroked his wet hair on top of his head, while Yu Hao released his strength beside him to heal him. Zhou Sheng looked around the maze and seemed to be judging where Huang Ting might be.

"Why did you come out of the moon?" Zhou Sheng said, "I appeared in the maze after I came in."

"I don't know." Yu Hao said, "Okay, let's go. Maybe it's because Huang Ting thinks that I have the ability to light up his dark night? Then again, what do you think the boss in this dream will be?"

Zhou Sheng made a "hmm" and didn't answer. After Yu Hao healed his wounds, the wound on his skin recovered, but the torn clothes did not recover. Zhou Sheng took off his soaked shirt and tied it around his waist, and beat him. Shirtless to facilitate movement.

"Here are all the bullets, swords and fires that he has handled over the years." Zhou Sheng said, "Be careful, don't fall."

Yu Hao guessed that Huang Ting was a special detective. Maybe when he was handling the case, the impression formed in his mental world was that of navigating through a maze. There were countless puzzles in front of him, and he had to beware of dangers that appeared at any time. organ.

"Kaikai is a little anxious today." Zhou Sheng walked in front and turned to Yu Hao.

"Huang Ting is his good friend. It's normal to be anxious." Yu Hao said.

"No, I just think it's a little abnormal for him to be anxious." Zhou Sheng replied, "He was too anxious to urge us to come to Huang Ting's dream. What do you think he said to Zhao Liang that day?"

Yu Hao pondered for a moment and said, "Since he didn't trick you into getting into the car and drove to Zhao Liang's base, there should be no problem."

"He has only himself, not my opponent." Zhou Sheng said again.

Yu Hao said, "But he can also have people ambushed in the car or in the hotel."

"Well." Zhou Sheng said, "so you trust him."

"If you don't believe him, you won't let him in." Yu Hao said.

Zhou Sheng replied, "I want to see what Zhao Liang is thinking about."