Seizing Dreams

Chapter 154: fear


Both Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng were soaked and soaked, Zhou Sheng was shirtless, water dripped from his thin muscles, and Yu Hao's shirt was attached to his body, showing his body lines. Zhou Sheng held Yu Hao's hand tightly, and when the two walls were separated and there was no way to go, Zhou Sheng hugged Yu Hao, shook off the golden hoop, and jumped to the other wall like a pole jump.

Another flash of light lit up, it was the gun held by Chen Yekai, there was continuous gunfire at the end of the corner, as if they were fighting, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng immediately quickened their pace.

There was a maze passage leading to the end of the black mist. Chen Yekai and Huang Ting each held guns. A roaring monster appeared in the mist, and there were traps everywhere. Chen Yekai shouted: "Where is the trap! Can it be removed? ?"

Huang Ting put one arm on Chen Yekai's shoulder and replied, "I don't know! My dream is like this! I..."

"Be careful!" Chen Yekai pressed Huang Ting and rolled towards the corner, the flywheel shot out of the wall in front of him, swiping the top of their heads. The flywheel flew along the corridor, and immediately cut the rotten monster behind it in half, black blood splashed, and then disappeared and dispersed as smoke.

"Run!" Chen Yekai kept panting, pulling up Huang Ting again, half-carrying and half-holding, staggering away.

Huang Ting's left leg was broken, dragged in a strange posture, turned back to face the approaching black mist, and more powerful monsters loomed in the black mist.

"What will happen if I get caught?" Huang Ting said.

Chen Yekai said: "Fall into the subconscious and lose all consciousness."

Huang Ting slowly shook his head and said, "You really shouldn't come to save me."

The black fog approached again, and it was about to engulf the two of them. There was a mad hiss in the fog, and dozens of black shadows shot out like random arrows!

"How could I not save you?!" Zhou Sheng's voice was like a thunderbolt bursting above his head, saying it was too late, he and Yu Hao descended from the sky together! Yu Hao shouted, "Get out of the way!" Chen Yekai and Huang Ting dodged, Zhou Sheng played with a stick flower, and immediately beat the monsters out of the mist. .

In an instant, the strong light seemed to have transformed into a real entity, and it shone towards the mist. The black mist rolled again, and kept retreating under the dazzling moonlight. Some monster in the mist let out a low roar, evaded in a panic, and retreated to the periphery of the maze. .

Chen Yekai said tiredly, "Fortunately, I caught up."

Zhou Shengdao: "Is there a safe haven? Where is the safe haven?"

"What is a safe haven?" Huang Ting leaned on the wall with one hand and barely stood up, Yu Hao said, "It's not safe here, go deeper."

"I'll carry you, come." Chen Yekai turned around, put away his gun, carried Huang Ting on his back, and Zhou Sheng opened the way ahead. Fortunately, there were not many obstacles in this section of the road.

"I lost so much weight." Chen Yekai said with Huang Ting on his back.

"In reality, I always feel that I have lost weight because of my illness," Huang Ting said. "Even the impression of myself has become weaker, but it is not so exaggerated."

Zhou Sheng started, Yu Hao was in the back, Chen Yekai was carrying Huang Ting in the middle, Yu Hao heard Chen Yekai say again:

"What's the matter? Can't you think about it?"

"When you encounter something, you are the same," Huang Ting replied, "Don't laugh at a hundred steps with fifty steps."

Chen Yekai said, "You will be fine."

When Yu Hao heard this conversation, he was suddenly moved. When Huang Ting had an accident, Chen Yekai was really anxious, and even urged Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao to come and save him as soon as possible. However, the relationship between himself and Zhou Sheng and Huang Ting was not that deep after all. Most of the time, they were thinking about their own safety.

For some reason, Yu Hao couldn't get close to Huang Ting, maybe because of the Golden Crow, maybe because as a policeman, he was too easy to understand people's hearts. As a result, when Yu Hao was in front of him, he didn't want to say anything, so as not to be found out. But Chen Yekai and Huang Ting are indeed very good friends, even if they hide a lot of things from each other - just like Huang Ting would not tell Chen Yekai that when he was disheartened and left Yingshi, he bought it Argentina's plane ticket was ready to intercept him in advance.

Chen Yekai wouldn't tell Huang Ting how anxious he was when he heard the news of his disappearance. Yu Hao had no doubt that if Zhou Sheng rejected Mengmeng's proposal to come to Huang Ting, Chen Yekai would ask him.

After leaving the edge of the black mist, at the corner of a maze, Chen Yekai put Huang Ting down, Yu Hao checked his injuries and said, "Why did you break your leg?"

Chen Yekai said: "He was almost dragged into the subconscious, and a tentacle wrapped around him. When fighting, his leg was twisted by the tentacle."

Zhou Sheng suddenly said, "Look, the rain is getting lighter."

After finding Huang Ting, the thunder stopped, the dark clouds in the sky retreated a little, a hole appeared, and a faint moonlight appeared in the shadow of the clouds.

Yu Hao felt that his strength seemed to have grown stronger under this moonlight, and said, "He needs to straighten his calf to heal the injury. Zhou Sheng, give me a hand. Teacher Chen, hold him."

"It's still so troublesome in a dream." Zhou Sheng glanced at Huang Ting and said, "Your belief in the rules is too rigid."

Chen Yekai hugged Huang Ting's upper body, Zhou Sheng pressed Huang Ting's knee and straightened his left calf, Huang Ting groaned, and tightened his grip on Yu Hao's hand like an iron hoop. Yu Hao released his mana, and the bruises and bruises from the fractures slowly subsided under the rays of light. Huang Ting took a deep breath, patted Chen Yekai on the shoulder, stood up slowly, turned his head to glance into the depths of the maze, looked at them again, his lips moved, and his expression was a little dazed.

"You shouldn't come." Huang Ting said.

Zhou Sheng made a gesture and replied, "Don't say anything."

Huang Ting had doubts in his eyes, but Zhou Sheng said, "I'm sorry, Huang Ting, take offense."

As he said that, Zhou Sheng put his hand on Huang Ting's forehead. In the darkness, countless memory pictures flew around Huang Ting's body, just like when Ou Qihang's memory was erased in the past, the scene slowly revolved.

The light of other memories faded, only Huang Ting's first-person perspective when he was caught and pressed into the chair device was presented in front of them.

After Zhou Sheng read it, he pointed out a few scenes with his fingers, swiped across them, and threw the scenes to Chen Yekai.

Zhou Sheng's hand left Huang Ting's forehead, and all his memories disappeared immediately.

The moment he saw Huang Ting's memory, Yu Hao was shocked. Zhao Liang still had a way to monitor the Golden Crow Wheel? But when he looked at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng didn't respond, as if he already knew. How did Zhou Sheng know? Yu Hao suddenly remembered the flash of Zhou Sheng's dragon in the desert! Has the existence of the Golden Crow Wheel been monitored and interfered with since that time? In other words, does the instrument in Zhao Liang's hand really work on the Golden Crow Wheel

Yu Hao wanted to ask, but Zhou Sheng made a "shush" gesture and said, "Go ahead and help Huang Ting regain the totem first."

Zhou Sheng put the golden hoop stick on the ground, hugged Yu Hao in one hand, and climbed to the top of the high wall of the labyrinth. The two of them climbed the wall. The wind and rain eased, Yu Hao spread his wings, and now he should be able to fly without being disturbed by the strong wind. But this labyrinth wall is too weird, so I don't think about flying for the time being.

Zhou Sheng brought Huang Ting and Chen Yekai up again. The four of them stood on the wall and looked at the central area of the labyrinth in the distance.

Yu Hao was always worried, if Zhao Liang could monitor the operation of the Golden Crow Wheel through the analysis and restoration of brain waves, would he also be able to eavesdrop on their conversations in dreams? Judging from the fact that Zhou Sheng didn't say anything, maybe that was the case. But since he saw this scene, he must have begun to have a way to deal with it.

Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng worriedly, but Zhou Sheng said, "Shh, don't be afraid."

Yu Hao nodded and looked back at the high wall, where Huang Ting and Chen Yekai were walking slowly.

Huang Ting said: "Nicky, listen to me, you all go back, while there is still time, I can adjust the rest by myself."

Chen Yekai replied, "It doesn't matter."

Yu Hao said, "Now that you finally get a chance, how do you feel?"

"To be honest," Huang Ting replied, "It's not quite the same as my guess. It's too real. I've never had such a real experience in my dreams."

"Under the influence of the Golden Crow Wheel, dreams will become more real." Zhou Sheng walked across the golden hoop on a narrow wall, walking like juggling, "Usually you don't dream about details, but once you are caught by the Golden Crow The chakra interferes, and you can clearly feel what you've been through."

Yu Hao: "So that means, everyone can actually travel through their own dreams, but they can't have a high degree of conscious self-control like they do now?"

Zhou Sheng said: "Of course, before the Golden Crow Wheel, did you stop dreaming? Do you still do it? The Golden Crow Wheel just gives us the ability to control our dreams."

Huang Ting said: "Now the situation is not as simple as you think, Zhou Sheng, take them away, you are a smart person."

Chen Yekai: "Impossible! Huang Ting, let go of your thoughts, you will put everyone in danger if you think so!"

Huang Ting said, "There's no need to put the three of you in danger just for me! Zhou Sheng! You don't care about Yu Hao's safety?"

Yu Hao: "I'm fine, you don't need to worry, you should worry about yourself."

Huang Ting stopped, stood on the high wall, and said earnestly, "Where do you want to go now? Help me take back the totem? If I don't cooperate, you can't go. Go now, now!"

"Hey." Zhou Sheng laughed instead, carrying the golden cudgel and looking at Huang Ting provocatively.

"Rush to save me, who is about to die," Huang Ting said. "What's the point? To tell you the truth..."

"Aplastic anemia," Chen Yekai said, "acute, we already know."

Huang Ting fell silent, Yu Hao said, "Can't it be regarded as hospice care? And you're not necessarily dead, you're waiting for a bone marrow match, right?"

Huang Ting wanted to persist, but Zhou Sheng said, "What's in the middle of the maze? Let me guess?"

"You guessed it right." Huang Ting said, "the fear of death."

Yu Hao said, "Keep walking, don't stop. The longer you delay, the more dangerous it will be. I really want to face your fears for our own good and take back your totem."

Zhou Sheng laughed: "That's right, Huang Ting, I don't want to experience a second time when I was caught half-sleeping."

"Will we be woken up suddenly?" Yu Hao asked.

Zhou Sheng said: "That's not necessarily true. I don't know what Zhao Liang wants to do now."

Yu Hao was also guessing, although he deduced that Zhou Sheng must know—perhaps Zhao Liang wanted to observe and analyze the entire process of their entry into Huang Ting's dream, obtain detailed information, and even try to crack the secret of the Golden Crow. But no matter what, Zhao Liang has already discovered the fact that the Golden Crow Wheel is still in Zhou Sheng's hands, and since he hasn't come to wake him now, perhaps letting them deal with Huang Ting's dream is also one of the means to achieve the goal.

"Let's go," Chen Yekai said, "Listen to them, at this time, your business is the most important thing, don't go over and over again about the issue of the wheel."

The gust of wind gradually subsided, Huang Ting had to lead the way, Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao followed, Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng with questioning eyes, but Zhou Sheng showed a narrow smile and winked mysteriously at Yu Hao. .

Yu Hao: "?"

Huang Ting said before: "Nicky, remember, we discussed how we would die in the future, and what kind of place would we die in?"

"Remember." Chen Yekai said, "Three days after Long Sheng's death, you heard the news and made a long-distance call across the ocean."

"I thought I might die under the gunshots of gangsters, in a car accident chasing wanted criminals..." Huang Ting raised his head, looked at the thick dark clouds in the night sky, and said, "I never thought that I would die in such a way. ."

Chen Yekai said: "I said, you may not die, I can pay for you how much money you need, as long as you can live well."

"I don't believe in luck," Huang Ting said. "Waiting for donations is like buying a lottery ticket, Nicky, we all have to learn to face reality."

"I'm never willing to face reality!" Chen Yekai said suddenly, then grabbed Huang Ting's collar, twisted his head, and rudely made him look down the high wall, "If this world is really like you It's so realistic that we will meet in a dream? Would you have a chance to ask such a question?"

Yu Hao wanted to go up to separate them, but was blocked by Zhou Sheng. Chen Yekai pushed Huang Ting, almost pushing him down from the ten-meter-high wall. He made him look at the ground and said, "Speak! Speak!"

Huang Ting did not answer, Zhou Sheng held the golden hoop stick, indicating that they could separate.

Chen Yekai dragged Huang Ting over a little more, pressed him forward, and said, "There is no essential difference between eating a gun or dying in a hospital bed. It's the same if you die sooner or later."

Huang Ting said: "Just now, when I saw you, what I thought was not that I was saved, but... use the gun you are wearing, give me a shot, and that's it."

Huang Ting took Chen Yekai's hand and let him hold the gun against his forehead.

Chen Yekai said, "Don't do this!"

Huang Ting laughed and said, "In the dream, there is no torment and fear at all."

Yu Hao said, "Because in the spiritual world, most of the emotions are embodied and separated from each other. Only when you touch the boss will fear appear. Now you should be very calm."

"Why not take advantage of the peace and end all this?" Huang Ting said, "Only at this time, I will not be afraid of death."

Chen Yekai said, "Even if I shoot, you won't die in reality."

Zhou Sheng explained: "The whole dream will collapse and collapse to the subconscious, your consciousness will dissolve and merge with the entire subconscious world, and you in reality..."

"Will you become a vegetative person?" Huang Ting said, "like Liang Jinmin."

"Yes." Chen Yekai spread his hands and said, "It's more troublesome."

"No trouble." Huang Ting said, "There is no need to extend my life. At that time, I will not feel the pain of organ failure. Is it euthanasia in another sense? I would rather leave without knowing it. The world doesn't want to suffer."

"The suffering is given to myself." Yu Hao said, "As long as you are not afraid, there will be no suffering."

Huang Ting: "You have never experienced this feeling."

"I have." Yu Hao replied, "Why not?"

Huang Ting suddenly remembered that he couldn't refute Yu Hao for a while, he was silent for a long time, and then said, "Your mood was different from mine at that time."

"It's very similar." Yu Hao said, "I understand your mood at this time. At this time, our souls have a faint resonance, but Huang Ting, we can continue to move forward until the moment when you take back the totem. , if you still insist after you find yourself, I will respect your choice."

Huang Ting was silent again, and finally nodded: "Okay, let's go then."

The four avoided almost all the traps and reached the deepest part of the labyrinth, but on the high wall enclosed at the end, there was a colorful phantom light that enveloped the most central courtyard like a barrier. The pool, with a white mist spreading over the pool, is surrounded by grass.

They couldn't cross the barrier to enter the deepest part of the labyrinth. They could only get down from the wall. In front of them was a huge iron gate. Yu Hao tried it out, but the iron gate didn't move.

"Take a break." Zhou Sheng said.

Chen Yekai also stepped forward and tried it, but the iron door did not open.

"It must be in person?" Chen Yekai said.

"Yes." Zhou Sheng said, "Otherwise, no matter how strong the power is, it will be useless. Well, Huang Ting..."

Zhou Sheng looked at Huang Ting and seemed to be thinking about how to get him to open the door.

Yu Hao said to Huang Ting, "Your current state of mind is very dangerous. Can someone who doesn't even want to challenge Totem himself regain this dream?"

"He can." Chen Yekai said, "Huang Ting, think about it, you shouldn't be in the current state of mind."

Huang Ting said: "What can I do? What can I do?"

The crowd did not answer for a while.

"Many times, I dreamed that I was running around in this labyrinth." Huang Ting said solemnly, "I can't find the exit, and there is no end to the sword, light and sword."

"I thought you liked your major quite a bit." Yu Hao said, "Isn't there a time when you're happy?"

"Yes." Huang Ting looked up at the door and said, "But when the inspection report came out, everything was unimportant to me. Sometimes I always wonder, what is the significance of what I have done? Zhou Sheng , I always owe you an apology."

"It's okay," Zhou Sheng replied casually, "I forgive you."

Yu Hao said, "I thought you were the one who should figure out what you want the most, but I didn't expect..."

Huang Ting shook his head and replied: "You ask me this question now, and I have absolutely no way to answer you. I can't defeat the unknown in the face of death, and I can't open the door in the deepest part of my heart. Come on, Zhou Sheng, see you next time. I promise you, I will untie this knot in my heart."

Zhou Sheng just stood there, with Yu Hao's familiar sullenness in his eyes, and looked at Huang Ting. Yu Hao had seen this expression too many times.

"Okay." Zhou Sheng finally said, "We will come to rescue you soon."

Huang Ting's expression changed: "Don't come! As soon as you come, you will fall for their trick!"

Suddenly, Yu Hao heard the voice and turned his head towards the door deep in Huang Ting's labyrinth. Without Huang Ting pushing the door, the door opened automatically! Everyone suddenly stopped talking, looked at the giant iron gate together, and slowly stepped back, Huang Ting showed a puzzled expression.

"What's going on?" Chen Yekai asked, "This door will open by itself?"

It was also the first time that Yu Hao encountered the door in his heart that automatically opened in front of them. Zhou Sheng immediately protected Yu Hao behind him, raised one hand, and a golden light appeared in his hand, ready to wake them up at any time.

The door opened inward, and the inside was empty, as if waiting for this moment, waiting for Huang Ting's arrival.

"Damn." Zhou Sheng murmured, "I opened the door myself? Is there such a thing? Is there a safe haven, and the door where the totem is located has opened by itself?"

"There is no safe haven for criminal police." Huang Ting replied, "What do you mean by opening the door yourself?"

Everyone didn't know why for a while. Standing outside the door, Huang Ting said, "I can only go in now?"

"Welcome, welcome," said a voice. "What an amazing experience, come in?"

Yu Hao: "..."

That voice was exactly one of the three members of the investigation team! And the only possibility is-

"Zhao Liang?" Huang Ting could hardly believe what he saw.

In the underground research room, Zhao Liang was sitting on a chair. He had put on a brain wave sensor helmet. He closed his eyes, connected a syringe to his wrist, and was given a sedative. The data cable on the helmet was fed into the central computer. On the other chair sat Huang Ting, who was soaked with sweat.

"All indexes are normal," said the researcher, "Mr. Zhao has already entered."

Another researcher said: "It seems that it is feasible for the consciousness of two people to directly interfere and communicate with each other through the machine."

A group of researchers stood in front of Zhao Liang and observed with admiration, and various data were displayed on the large central screen.

"There has to be an integrated repeater," another said, "otherwise there's very little interference between them, and it would be nice if the repeater could be brought here."

"Push the stimulant."

"Into the eye movement period, the neuron activity is intense... "