Seizing Dreams

Chapter 156: trap


"You..." Yu Hao looked at Chen Yekai in disbelief, Chen Yekai's handsome face was full of unease, and his figure was dragged for a long time, but at this moment, Yu Hao suddenly noticed something—

- The sun hasn't set yet? It's been almost three hours!

"Try shooting?" Zhou Sheng suddenly opened his eyes and said with a mischievous smile, "I bet there is no bullet in the gun."

When it was too late, it was too fast, the whole world collapsed with a bang, and the towering rainforests rose up from the ground. Zhao Liang was dazed, and his expression changed instantly.

"Here... it's still a dream?!" Zhao Liang muttered with horror on his face.

"A, yes, that's it!" Chen Yekai and Zhou Sheng shouted angrily at the same time, each drawing a weapon, Zhou Sheng swept away with a stick, and immediately swept Zhao Liang's car into the air. Yu Hao suddenly became stupid, he was in another dream! But not long ago, they were still fighting in Huang Ting's dream, why...

"Catch him!" Zhou Sheng shouted, "Don't let him run away this time! Look at you! Kaikai!"

Chen Yekai shot the flying knife, Zhao Liang avoided it sideways, just as he was about to escape, vines swept all around him, wrapping Zhao Liang tightly, Yu Hao flew forward, grabbed Zhao Liang's collar, and took Fly him into the air.

Yu Hao: "This reversal is too fast!"

Chen Yekai and Zhou Sheng each gave a whistle. The black dragon crossed the sun in the world of Chichen Itza. Zhou Sheng turned over and rode on the dragon's back. Chen Yekai's Feathered Serpent flew from afar and carried him to take off. . Yu Hao threw Zhao Liang to Chen Yekai, and Chen Yekai threw it to Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng's dragon claws caught Zhao Liang and flew towards the top of the pyramid.

"Your dreams are so realistic!" Yu Hao shouted.

Chen Yekai replied, "In my dream, I designed an area that is almost the same as the real environment, and I just had a great opportunity. With this guy, we went straight back to my dream from Huang Ting's dream."

Zhou Sheng said: "Next, after I wake up Huang Ting..."

Yu Hao: "You just came out of the labyrinth world!"

Zhou Sheng: "Yes—then I continued to sleep, returned to Kaikai's dream, and acted with him in this play. I pretended to be in a coma and asked Kaikai to inform Zhao Liang of my location, and he took him away... Fortunately, Huang Ting's memory contains the specific situation of the laboratory, otherwise your environment will not be established in the end."

"That's why I said that I have to meet him at least once," Chen Yekai said, "to get detailed details. Yu Hao also helped a lot."

Yu Hao said, "Why didn't you make it clear in advance? You lied to me for a long time!"

"I'm afraid you will realize that you are dreaming." Zhou Sheng said, "Once I am not with you, your dreams will start to become unstable. When you realize that you are in someone else's dream, it is too easy to wake up. As soon as you wake up, you will disappear from Kaikai's dream. This will make Zhao Liang suspicious."

Chen Yekai said: "Before entering the labyrinth, the last dream we stayed in was the world of Chichen Itza. I tried to suggest myself and constructed a dream that you were at home waiting for Zhou Sheng to come back, so... "

Yu Hao: "That's right! I'm still a little strange, why did I wake up after crossing the moon? It should go back to Teacher Chen's dream. You two are really..."

Yu Hao finally had a general understanding of the trap set by Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai... The interlocking links are really amazing!

Chen Yekai said, "This requires your cooperation to keep you swayed in the suspicion that I might betray you, but finally believed me. Otherwise, you wouldn't follow me out of the house in your dreams."

"But even if I believe you and have no doubts, I'll follow you, won't I?"

Zhou Sheng added: "If you don't have this suspicion, and you trust Kai Kai, then you can easily see that something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Yu Hao asked.

"It should be Zhou Sheng not me." Chen Yekai said, "When your subconscious convinces you of the fact that Zhou Sheng has been betrayed by me, at this time, the only person who will come to your door is Me." With that, Chen Yekai stood on the Feathered Serpent God, made a gesture toward Yu Hao, and explained, "Although this idea did not surface in your superficial consciousness, as long as the logic in your subconscious is not self-consistent, you will You'll feel strongly that it's unreasonable, question yourself further, and wake up suddenly."

Yu Hao understood and said, "How did you know that he would follow me back to Teacher Chen's dream?"

"We both designed the same scene in our dreams." Zhou Sheng said, "I guess he has the ability to interfere with the invasion of dreams. I discussed it with Kai Kai several times. I just wanted to trick him into my dream to clean up. Kai Kai insisted on a double insurance policy..."

"Look, it's okay to listen to me, right?" Chen Yekai said to Zhou Sheng.

"Well." Zhou Sheng said, "I originally thought, or promised to bring him into my dream, but..."

Zhou Sheng explained to Yu Hao for a long time, only then did Yu Hao know that Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai had targeted Zhao Liang before that and set up a complicated trap to deal with the "dreamland invasion". After all, as long as the Golden Crow Wheel is in Zhou Sheng's hands, he is almost invincible. Chen Yekai proposed to set up a scene that is almost identical to reality in the dream.

It's just that Huang Ting's dream exceeded their expectations. Zhao Liang's strength increased greatly due to the injection of stimulants. In the end, Zhou Sheng thought about it for a long time and managed to throw him into Chen Yekai's dream. Using this dream, he launched a fight against Zhao. Beam's countermeasures.

"Okay, dear Teacher Zhao."

Heilong and Feathered Serpent stopped on the platform, Zhao Liang was thrown in the center, tied up by vines, and an apple was stuffed in his mouth, unable to speak, he could only whimper.

"You don't seem to have figured it out," Zhou Sheng frowned at him and said casually, "Is the effect of the stimulant still there?"

Saying that Zhou Sheng stepped forward and kicked Zhao Liang fiercely, Yu Hao only felt that this scene was too absurd. A moment ago, Zhao Liang had beaten them so vigorously that they couldn't even fight back, but now the situation is like this. Abruptly reversed, was bound by five flowers into a dumpling

Chen Yekai said, "Don't beg for lip service, beware that he still has a backer, and hurry up to get things done."

"It's cheaper for you." Zhou Sheng replied, "Eat apples, eat, eat, eat them for me."

Yu Hao: "..."

Without knowing it, Yu Hao completed the perfect cooperation with them this time, and now he just felt exhausted and said, "I want to go out to take a shower, I don't want to play anymore."

"Okay." Zhou Sheng said to Yu Hao, Chen Yekai raised his hand, the vines took root on the ground, and lifted Zhao Liang up, Zhao Liang still whimpered, with pleading in his eyes, motioning for himself to explain.

Zhou Sheng ignored him, raised his hand, and forcibly pressed it on Zhao Liang's forehead.

Zhao Liang's eyes widened immediately, and he watched the memory screen flash back in despair. Yu Hao was stunned. Scene after scene flashed, Chen Yekai said, "Mr. Zhao is a very upright person."

From childhood to the time of college, Zhao Liang made a girlfriend, fell in love and started a family, and his wife and son went abroad. In this short moment, Yu Hao saw the middle-aged man who was nearly fifty years old for most of his life. He was misunderstood, criticized, and demoted. He used to be a martial arts instructor, but he wanted to change positions because of a mistake, but Qin Guodong asked him to come over and enter. investigation team.

Zhao Liang once solved several major cases with his own hands. He was personally picked up by Qin Guodong and targeted by Ren Chong. Zhou Sheng frowned deeply, and the three read Zhao Liang's life like this.

Until he started contact with STA and captured the head of the studio below STA, Chen Yekai said solemnly, "As expected, he was arrested."

Zhou Sheng said: "When you save Huang Ting, let's save people together."

Yu Hao said, "Can I watch this paragraph?"

Zhou Sheng swiped his finger and showed Yu Hao a group meeting of Qin Guodong, Ren Chong and Zhao Liang. There was no one else at the meeting. Zhao Liang and Ren Chong were arguing, and they were very excited. , and finally Qin Guodong got up and left first.

What they were discussing was whether to continue investigating the Golden Crow, and how to deal with Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao. In the end, Qin Guodong decided to resign, while Ren Chong verbally agreed that he would not attack Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng pointed out one of the scenes, which was the most secret thought in Zhao Liang's heart.

As long as he obtained the Golden Crow Wheel and possessed the ability to gallop dreams, Zhao Liang thought that he could change anyone's mind and tie it in one fell swoop. He was really fed up with the investigation team, and he was constrained by too many realities. factor, nothing can be done. The Golden Crow can put the whole system under its control, and it doesn't have to go to great lengths to convince others to accept its point of view, and from now on, it doesn't have to care about the constraints of doing anything.

"It's quite ideal," Chen Yekai commented, "I want to use this method to change the world."

"It's a bit crazy." Zhou Sheng also commented, "Qing Ben beautiful, how can you be a thief? Life and death are all in your hands. After you get the Golden Crow Wheel, once you let yourself go, it should be very scary. thing."

Zhao Liang looked at Zhou Sheng with unwillingness in his eyes.

"Even if you sit in that position, you can't do whatever you want." Chen Yekai commented.

Yu Hao said, "But according to his logic, as long as he gets the Golden Crow Wheel, he can indeed do whatever he wants."

"Yeah." Zhou Sheng replied nonchalantly, and began to read the research report on the Golden Crow Wheel in Zhao Liang's memory. All of a sudden, a large number of reports poured out through the scene screen.

Yu Hao saw the future in Zhao Liang's imagination - Zhou Sheng was sitting on one chair, Zhao Liang was sitting on another chair, and in the middle was an electrified Golden Crow Wheel, which flashed blue arcs.

"This is your 'cooperation'?" Zhou Sheng replied, "It doesn't seem so comfortable, you guys look at this."

Zhou Sheng recalled another piece of memory and presented it in front of Chen Yekai and Yu Hao. It was a discussion meeting about the Golden Crow Wheel. The researchers began to speculate and analyze the operation mechanism of the Golden Crow Wheel, and gave it some suggestions. The name is "brain wave integrated repeater", and their research is based on very limited basis, most of which revolve around the copy of the analysis report obtained by Chen Yekai when he handed the Golden Crow Wheel to STA last time. One of the speculations is that the Golden Black Wheel lacks enough energy to support its operation. Once there is enough energy, human dreams can be connected through the collective subconscious.

The meeting also confirmed another speculation by Yu Hao. In fact, even if the Golden Crow Wheel does not exist, people will enter the dream state, but the influence of the dream state without the Golden Crow Wheel is very unstable, and the "self-consciousness" felt in the dream is relatively speaking. more blurry. The Golden Black Wheel enhances and stabilizes the brain waves that generate dreams, which enables humans to control themselves and the conscious world in dreams.

At the end of the meeting, it was unanimously agreed that further research could only be carried out after obtaining the Golden Crow Wheel. But if you want to gain Zhou Sheng's control over the Golden Crow Wheel, you need to keep debugging - first connect Zhao Liang and Zhou Sheng's consciousness to each other, and then try to make Zhao Liang "devour" Zhou Sheng's totem. Assimilate their world of consciousness...

When Yu Hao saw this, his back suddenly became cold.

"How did you come up with this devouring method?" Yu Hao himself had never thought about it.

"Take away my totem?" Zhou Sheng muttered, "No wonder... there is such a way."

What followed was a long-winded discussion and analysis of "totems". One by one, ideas were proposed and refuted, constantly being overturned. Yu Hao was very confused, but Zhou Sheng looked at it very seriously.

At the end, there was a passage in the memory scene, which was said by a researcher.

"First of all, this 'totem' symbolizes the self. From the missing part of Ou Qihang's memory, what Zhou Sheng explained to him, we all agreed that it is one of the roots of the identity of the existence of 'I'. Why does getting the totem symbolize recapture We don't have a problem with our own sovereignty, right?"

Everyone in the audience replied, "Yes."

"Then let's think about it from another angle, the brain wave integrator may be directly connected with Zhou Sheng's totem. It indirectly gives Zhou Sheng the ability to play a role by acting on Zhou Sheng's 'self'."

"It's possible," Zhao Liang replied, "it's a reasonable guess."

In the end, the researcher said: "So as long as you get Zhou Sheng's 'totem', it is equivalent to controlling part of his self-awareness and establishing a connection with the integrated repeater. If you want to deceive the repeater's identity authentication , you can think of ways to do this.”

This time, the participants did not express obvious opposition. After a moment of silence, Zhao Liang said, "Yes, we will try in this direction."

Zhou Sheng snapped his fingers, the contents of his memory disappeared, and finally the whole process of Zhao Liang's use of Huang Ting's layout appeared, which was the same as their conjecture. In order to avoid disturbing Zhou Sheng, Zhao Liang took Huang Ting as a trap, and decided to observe Zhou Sheng's strength in his dream to understand the situation. Zhou Sheng caught it back.

Zhao Liang specifically found Chen Yekai and asked Chen Yekai to cooperate. Chen Yekai offered to exchange conditions - once Zhao Liang obtained the Golden Crow Wheel, let him find out the existence of Longsheng in his memory. If possible, Chen Yekai would like to pass. This way of consuming consciousness can be converted, so that the dead dragon can be reborn.

"We've negotiated, and we only said so in order to win Zhao Liang's trust." Zhou Sheng said to Yu Hao.

Yu Hao nodded and glanced at Chen Yekai. Chen Yekai smiled without explaining. Yu Hao thought to himself, this might also be some real wish of Chen Yekai. Although it is impossible to achieve - he may have thought so. .

"Okay." Zhou Sheng confirmed all the details, "Now that we have a good understanding of your plan, you don't have to worry about it, Mr. Zhao, as the saying goes, mental patients have broad ideas, and mentally handicapped children are much more joyful..."

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "Sometimes don't think so much, but live a simpler and happier life. Come, let me help you unload your burden."

Zhao Liang struggled violently, but Zhou Sheng ignored him and snapped his fingers again. All the memories of the Golden Crow Wheel burst into flames, turning into light spots, and Zhou Sheng pressed another hand on Zhao Liang's forehead, saying: " Good night."

On the Chichen Itza platform, a gust of light and wind blew, turning into countless intertwined light spots, Zhao Liang's memory of the Golden Crow Wheel disappeared completely with the sound of "good night".

The three stood quietly, Zhou Sheng scratched his head, was silent for a while, and said, "This time it's quite dangerous."

"I thought you would take him to your world." Chen Yekai said, "Looking at this plan to seize the totem, it is indeed very dangerous."

Yu Hao said, "Try to solve it in other people's dreams. It's really frightening to me."

Chen Yekai said: "Once you get your totem, you can control your consciousness... Is it feasible?"

Zhou Sheng said, "Let's go and have a look in my world."

Zhou Sheng took the two back to the sky platform in the dream world of Colossim, and the three looked up at the Golden Crow Wheel. The huge golden black wheel exudes a prominence-like flame.

Chen Yekai said, "I used to think that the golden black wheel in your dream is completely different from the one in other people's dreams."

Zhou Sheng nodded and said, "It can also be regarded as a part of my spiritual totem, but then again... It seems that we have never tried to take away the most important things in other people's hearts. From the beginning, no one has ever messed with them. A totem from another family?"

"Yes, once."

As soon as Yu Hao said it, Chen Yekai and Zhou Sheng suddenly woke up!

"I gave you my totem, but only part of it." Yu Hao said.

Zhou Sheng said: "So, I took your totem. So the Golden Crow thinks that you have become me..."

"No," Yu Hao said, "you became me."

Chen Yekai frowned: "Wait! Who became who? Zhao Liang's meeting guess is reasonable!"

Yu Hao understood in an instant, followed Chen Yekai's train of thought and guessed: "So, Jin Wu Lun thinks that part of my consciousness is controlled by Zhou Sheng! Just like Zhou Sheng's soul has a small piece in my body, So I also gained some of the abilities given by the Golden Crow Wheel!"

"Okay, it doesn't matter who gets whose totem," Zhou Sheng said immediately, "As long as this process happens directly, um, the Golden Crow will judge like this, so I also have the ability to... control your dreams."

Yu Hao said, "You can also transform my dream! You have the authority I have in my dream... and then, I also become the corrector of the Golden Crow Wheel, a second-level administrator!"

Now Yu Hao understands that although the totem can be forcibly taken by "taking" in addition to "giving" by the original owner of the dream, the plan is not yet clear, but grabbing Zhou Sheng's administrator rights is theoretically impossible. Above is doable!

Chen Yekai said, "Don't let anyone come here, Zhou Sheng. Otherwise, things will get out of control."

Zhou Sheng made an "um" and said, "It doesn't matter, they can't beat me in my dreams, and there is a more difficult one to deal with." Zhou Sheng gestured to the sea of clouds and said, "Anyway. You have to defeat the boss before you can get my totem, right? My boss can't even beat me."

"Okay." Yu Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he had to admit that with Zhou Sheng's temper in reality, whoever entered the dream world and wanted to snatch Zhou Sheng's totem might even fall into a big trouble in front of Satan first.

"Next, there are the researchers who know, but we have to look for them one by one slowly." Yu Hao thought for a while, then said, "There is no way to locate such a large group of people. Although Zhao Liang has lost his memory, as long as he starts from the When you wake up on the machine, won’t you ask the researchers about the specific process? Even if you clean up all at once, the computer for analysis is still there, and the data is saved, right?”

"Of course." Zhou Sheng said, "These people are not fools. After waking up, they must first learn about the situation from the people around them, right?"

Chen Yekai replied, "It's normal for the mind to be confused for a while, but this kind of confusion won't last for long. Then we need to hold a meeting to understand the whole thing and sort out the process..."

Yu Hao said, "So in the end, he will still find a way to find us again."

"No." With a smile in his eyes, Zhou Sheng shook his finger and explained, "He may not take the same actions as before. Next, we can go into his dreams and destroy them at any time. He is no longer our opponent."

Chen Yekai said, "You have to stand in his shoes and feel in his shoes. What will he think of Zhou Sheng now?"

Yu Hao was about to ask why, but suddenly thought that Zhao Liang's memory about the Golden Crow had suddenly disappeared, which meant that he had completely lost to Zhou Sheng. For him, this blow was obviously quite fatal—he wouldn't Knowing what Zhou Sheng did to him in Chen Yekai's dream would only give Zhou Sheng a powerful and mysterious impression, and maybe even give birth to a little fear.

"Yes, he has already forgotten all about it," Yu Hao said, "This will make him feel a little scared."

"This is a kind of deterrence," Chen Yekai reminded, "a kind of warning. As long as people who are interested in thinking clearly and thoroughly think about it, they will not continue. He is not Ou Qihang, he can clearly get the part of his amnesia. The exact content of the time, linking the cause and effect, it's quite shocking."

Zhou Sheng: "Zhao Liang will exert a fear effect on himself. With this effect, we are almost invincible in his dream."

Yu Hao said "En" and nodded. He imagined that Zhao Liang should now interrogate the people involved, as well as Huang Ting, but when will he let Huang Ting back

"Zhao Liang's question is put on hold for the time being, and the next target is Ren Chong, or Qin Guodong?" Zhou Sheng's golden hoop was turned into a coin, and he tossed it carelessly in his hand, saying, "Face Ren Chong, Qin Guodong on the back."

"I suggest Ren Chong." Chen Yekai said, "Once Zhao Liang loses his memory, Ren Chong will soon know that the Golden Black Wheel in his hand is a fake."

Zhou Sheng threw the coin to Chen Yekai and said, "But don't forget, Huang Ting hasn't been released yet. It's best to contact Ren Chong as soon as possible to save Huang Ting."

Yu Hao motioned Chen Yekai to throw it away, Zhou Sheng pondered for a moment, and said, "After waking up, for the sake of safety, let's live in another place."

Yu Hao said, "Back to Ying City?"

"Ying City is not very safe." Zhou Sheng replied, "Is everyone guessing that we will go home or go out for a walk? As long as this period of time passes... "

Chen Yekai tossed the coin, and the coin rolled in the air, drawing an arc. Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao raised their heads and watched the coin fall, but the moment the coin fell, Chen Yekai suddenly disappeared.