Seizing Dreams

Chapter 159: Giant tree


"Oops." In the underground research room, the researchers saw Ren Chong struggling uncontrollably on the chair.

"Reality interference, hurry! Apply current to him to clear the siege!"

The electrode attached to Zhou Sheng's arm began to energize, and Zhou Sheng suddenly twitched uncontrollably.

Yu Hao stood in the concrete house, staring blankly at his dark self.

"You showed up again." Yu Hao looked at him and said in surprise, "When did you come back?"

The dark Yu Hao sat in front of the charcoal stove with his hands on fire, and said, "Every time you question yourself. I will never disappear."

"I don't want you to disappear," Yu Hao said, "I also know that's impossible."

"Do you want to find Zhou Sheng?" Dark Yuhao said slowly, "Can you save him? It's just you?"

Yu Hao looked around, the door that came in had been closed, and at this moment, it seemed that only such a small room was left in his spiritual world.

"When you came here," Dark Yuhao said again, "it proves that you are about to die, where else do you want to go?"

"I understand." Yu Hao said, "But even if there is only a little chance, I will not give up."

Yu Hao sneered in the dark, Yu Hao said again, "Come on, come back to me."

Yu Hao's eyes widened in the dark, and he was stunned. Yu Hao said, "I need your help now, open the door for me."

"Go down from here," Yu Hao said in the dark, "maybe you will never come back."

"Come." Yu Hao smiled, "I'm not afraid."

Yu Hao was silent in the dark, Yu Hao just waited patiently, and finally, his dark self got up and walked towards Yu Hao, Yu Hao opened his arms towards him, and the two of them flashed and merged into one.

In the cement house, a flash of light flashed past, and another door appeared. Yu Hao stepped forward, just like the moment he pushed open the door with Zhou Sheng last time, he left his subconscious and entered a deeper world. in the space of consciousness.

Just like the universe starry sky, outside the door, there is a giant tree shining brightly! Yu Hao appeared on one of the leaves, and the layer of light that protected him was still blooming around him.

"Success!" Yu Hao said, "I succeeded!"

But there was no one to share his joy, Yu Hao quickly ran along the leaves to the stems, then to the branches, looking around, and said to himself, "The next step is to find Zhou Sheng's dream... Which one is it?"

A bright light appeared on the top of the tree trunk in the distance.

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao subconsciously turned around and ran towards the light.

"It's so cold..." Yu Hao felt that in a world deeper than the ruins of memory, there was a chill that penetrated skin, blood, and even bones. Only by running towards the light would it be a little better.

As he ran, he searched for the world that might be Zhou Sheng on the branches. Countless leaves were drifting on this huge world tree, falling into the void and disappearing completely, and new leaves were slowly growing towards the sunlight falling from high places. .

He knew which part of Zhou Sheng's subconscious experience about death was - that was the hallucination he had caused by drowning when he picked up the Golden Crow Wheel when he was a child. If you find that leaf, you may be able to enter Zhou Sheng's dream, and he will appear from the bottom of the water. But how to get in? Perhaps recalling the feeling of drowning without being able to swim can find resonance with Zhou Sheng at that moment in his deep consciousness

Yu Hao ran and ran away from countless branches, but he never found Zhou Sheng's leaves. These leaves were all the same, so he couldn't tell them apart.

There must be some way... Yu Hao thought to himself, there are many things that he hasn't figured out yet, don't worry...

His footsteps stopped slowly, and he stared at the sight before him in amazement.

He left the tallest branch, where there were steps from all directions, and he climbed up the steps until he reached the end of the steps, facing the sun shining on this giant tree of the world - another golden black wheel.

"I actually see you here?" Yu Hao said in disbelief.

"This is the world of the collective subconscious." A grand voice replied, "Humans, animals, all living beings with free will, the deepest consciousness communicates here, it has no concrete, in your cognition, Expressed as 'the tree of the world'."

"Golden Crow Wheel!" Yu Hao said in shock, "You can speak?"

"Here, your perception and mine are completely separated, and the interpretation of me is 'voice', which is one of the six senses." The voice of the Golden Crow said, "Reviser, why are you here?"

Yu Hao stared blankly at the Golden Crow Wheel and said, "Wait, are you alive? I mean, are you an artificial intelligence? I'm looking for Zhou Sheng..."

Immediately, a golden wave of light appeared in front of him, spreading out to all directions. In the center of the wave, a glowing image of Zhou Sheng appeared. He walked towards Yu Hao and said, "The Corrector."

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao said excitedly, but he soon realized that this was just an image of the Golden Crow.

The Golden Crow looked at Yu Hao quietly, Yu Hao calmed down and said, "I know this is the collective subconscious world, it connects everyone's dreams and is the world's dream. I want to find Zhou Sheng's dream through it, Go to his dream, do you know what happened?"

"Monitor." The Golden Crow replied.

"Yes! Yes!" Yu Hao replied.

Then, the Golden Crow didn't say a word, turned around and walked down the steps. Yu Hao followed closely and said, "You can communicate with us! Why didn't you communicate before?"

"Energy," said the Golden Crow, "the lack of necessary energy prevents me from starting some functions. I can only search for keywords and communicate with you through the last category of perception."

Yu Hao: "Can you hurry? I'm afraid I don't have time. How long has it been?"

"In the collective subconscious world, external time is static." The Golden Crow replied.

Yu Hao thought that it was okay, and asked, "Then why can we communicate again now? Is it because it is the collective subconscious world

"No." The Golden Crow walked down the steps, walked up the tree branch, and said, "Because of your kind, it began to charge me. The modules such as language compilation, consciousness interference and expansion have returned to the usable mode. But the central processing unit has not yet detected. to adapting energy,”

"Recharge?" Yu Hao said, "Who is charging you?"

"Borrow a piece of consciousness from the monitor." The Golden Crow Wheel released a memory image, which was from Zhou Sheng's perspective. Seeing the process of the Golden Crow Wheel being dissolved and charged, Yu Hao suddenly stopped and said, "What do they want to do? Wait. Wait... I suddenly thought of something."

Yu Hao turned his head to look at this glowing golden crow with a human form that turned into Zhou Sheng, and realized that he was now talking directly with the AI of the golden crow, which meant that this guy was equivalent to a human being. Impossible God! Can you hold his thigh and let him open more permissions for himself? This way, you don't have to look for Zhou Sheng!

"Can you give me some other power?" Yu Hao said, "I have to bring the watchers out, otherwise I don't know what crazy things Ren Chong will use you to do!"

The Golden Crow Wheel said, "Please describe in detail, Corrector, what permissions do you need to enable?"

"No, no." Yu Hao said, "Let me sort out, it's too complicated."

Jin Wu Lun added: "The authority of the corrector needs to be adjusted after connecting to the central processing unit through the application for the monitor, and it cannot be directly ordered here."

"What the hell are you?" Yu Hao said, "Wait a minute, the command changes, I need to read some of your information."

The Golden Crow also stopped, turned around and faced Yu Hao. Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng's familiar face, frowned deeply, and murmured, "Tell me your origin, your function, and what I should do now to bring Zhou Sheng back."

The "Zhou Sheng" that was transformed into a golden light suddenly dissipated, turning into countless scenes, surrounding Yu Hao, and above them were scenes of memories that were preserved!

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao's breath was about to suffocate, this was from an even older image! The first act floated towards him and came before him, showing two halos surrounding one of the very complex instruments.

"What is this?" Yu Hao asked.

"My maker," said the voice of the Golden Crow.

"Is it a life completely different from us?" Yu Hao stretched out his hand to touch it, but the sight disappeared, and the voice of the Golden Crow replied, "It's not entirely correct, according to the definition of human language, 'life' refers to the thing with metabolism and reproduction. Individuals or groups. The maker cannot do either."

Then, a larger silver halo landed in the ancient earth environment, and the Golden Crow said, "17,442 years ago."

The silver halo released this complex device, suspended in the wilderness, and occasionally animals found it and tried to touch it, but to no avail.

"What was the maker's intention to create you?" Yu Hao asked.

"It was initially to observe consciousness of other species." Jin Wu Lun replied, "After the discovery of this planet, the local life consciousness reproduction mode was judged as 'valuable', and it is hoped that through the analysis and sampling of life consciousness, it will be completed. The reproduction of the race to which the maker belongs."

"They are beings with only consciousness and no form," Yu Hao said. "Do you want to find a way to reproduce by yourself from the analysis of the consciousness of humans and animals on Earth?"

"Extraction," said the Golden Crow, "Partial extraction and interference, learning how to split consciousness to generate new individuals."

"What about them?" Yu Hao said, "Are your makers still on Earth?"

"The stellar activity is intense, causing the ray to burst." Jin Wu Lun said, "The manufacturer uses me to open the barrier, which consumes a lot of energy from the processor. In the end, the barrier disappears, and the manufacturer is disturbed and dissipated."

"Dead." Yu Hao said.

"Inaccurate definition," the Golden Crow replied, "for them there is no human-defined 'death'."

Next, the device lost a lot of power and was buried in the sand. Then, humans appeared. They picked up the golden black wheel with such a complex structure and studied it from the perspective of ancient people. After more than 10,000 years passed, Yu Hao kept flashing those scenes quickly. At first, he was afraid that the time was not enough, but since there is no concept of time here, it is better to ask clearly.

"Cuba Shu people," Yu Hao said, "they found you."

"And passed the authentication of the login mechanism." The voice of the Golden Crow replied in the void, "The frequency is detected to match."

It was a young sacrifice, naked, lying on the altar. It seemed that he had taken some strange medicine and was enshrined on a higher pedestal in front of the altar. The naked device suddenly glowed, so the sacrifice The priests and others were all terrified.

The light faded, the sacrifice sat up blankly, and the Golden Crow said, "4,300 years ago, he became the first certified human being."

"Why?" Yu Hao said, "How did he pass your certification? Is it because he was dying?"

"The frequency matches." The Golden Crow replied, "It will be turned on after detecting the registrant."

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao vaguely guessed that perhaps this sacrificial human had accidentally triggered the Golden Crow Wheel through a near-death experience while being sacrificed. He had read some literature on spiritual research. At this time... Is it the form of consciousness closest to the original controller of the Golden Crow Wheel

"Your maker has no form," Yu Hao murmured, "So human beings are in a 'soul-like state' and are similar in form to them, so... passed the verification!"

"I can't analyze it." Golden Crow replied.

Yu Hao continued to look down, Cuban Shu people carefully placed this device on a piece of gold foil with pliers, then covered it with another piece, started beating, and poured it with a copper-gold alloy melt. To the young priest who was supposed to be a sacrifice, and the priest put it on his chest.

Next, the civilization of Cuba and Shu reached its prosperity and passed down the Golden Crow Wheel from generation to generation until a war broke out and it was divided into two countries, Ba and Shu. After the war, the Golden Crow landed while being transported, and the Minjiang River was diverted, rushing it downstream.

Time flew by, until Zhou Sheng was swimming in a tributary river when he was a child, and found it in the silt. But just after he got the Golden Crow Wheel, he drowned because of lack of energy. Yu Hao was frightened when he saw it, but fortunately Zhou Sheng was washed ashore by the river in the end, still holding the Golden Crow Wheel in his hand.

"This guy is always like this..." Yu Hao said, "He's too stubborn."

The Golden Crow said, "This is what you want to know."

Yu Hao replied, "Do you have self-awareness? In other words, besides choosing the first user, can you... help me?"

The Golden Crow replied, "Restricted by authority."

Yu Hao pondered for a moment, then said, "You don't want to fall into Ren Chong's hands, do you?"

The Golden Crow replied: "Although 'I' claims to be me, I have nothing to do with your human likes and dislikes and moral values. If the new supervisor's authority is certified by the old supervisor, there will be no difference in operation to 'I'."

Yu Hao said, "Okay, then, to put it another way, what rights does a 'corrector' have?"

Golden Crow Wheel: "The corrector is made by the monitor, through partial conscious intervention, to complete the certification. The specific function of the corrector is: monitor the subconscious, assist the monitor to rebuild the subconscious and surface conscious world channel. Monitor the collective subconscious to prevent the world from chaotic and mutual fusion. ."

"...Dream detachment, fixed-point walk, search, and my keyword search... "

"But I've never used the fixed-point travel function," Yu Hao said, "I often need Zhou Sheng to take me."

"The reason is that the energy is insufficient." The Golden Crow replied, "The energy is now enough to turn on."

"Can I activate you?" Yu Hao said, "Activate you without going through the monitor."

"No operation is possible," said the Golden Crow.

Yu Hao said, "Then I don't have the authority at all!"

The Golden Crow said: "Because of your identity, you are only a corrector, and you are not responsible for dominating and modifying your consciousness. But as long as you find a monitor, you can unite through your authority, and under the condition that my energy is sufficient, you can temporarily open the world. module."

"What is the world module?"

"Creator mode." The Golden Crow replied, "Reform and rebuild the world of consciousness, and move at will."

Yu Hao looked around and said, "We must find him first."

There were almost infinite leaves on the world tree, and each leaf corresponded to a person or animal. If you moved any one of them, the consequences would be very troublesome. Yu Hao didn't want to mess with anything here.

"If the superficial consciousness collapses into the subconscious, the corrector can temporarily obtain the world module." Jin Wu Lun added.

"That's why I came here..." Yu Hao said, "Okay, let's go, find Zhou Sheng, and find the leaf representing Zhou Sheng for me."

The Golden Crow Wheel took Yu Hao and walked towards the heights, leaving the branch area and arriving at the top of a branch at the highest point.

In the dream world, a dazzling flash of lightning suddenly appeared on the ground. Zhou Sheng was in the air, and was blown out by the electricity. With a scream, thunder and lightning flashed from the sea of clouds, and the world was dark. The black dragon let out a whimper and rolled and fell, making a loud noise.

"I said," Ren Chong slowly got up, gasped, and said seriously, "This is just the beginning."

Zhou Sheng got up with difficulty, and another electric current passed through his body, and he fell to the ground.

"You actually called me in reality?" Zhou Sheng still smiled fiercely, "When I get you guys done, I'll give you a taste of what it's like now."

"You won't have that chance." Ren Chong said.

Zhou Sheng stretched out his hand and gripped the golden hoop stick tightly. The golden hoop rod turned into a shield, and instantly blocked the sky's electric light. In the next moment, Zhou Sheng burst out with all his potential, rushed up on the ground, and used his shield to hold the flying arc of the sky. , pounce on Ren Chong!

"Right-handed anesthesia."

The medical staff gave Zhou Sheng a needle and advanced a powerful anesthetic.

In the dream, when Zhou Sheng was about to use the shield attack, Ren Chong turned over, leaped in the air, and kicked the shield. Immediately, Ren Chong grabbed Zhou Sheng's throat, and Zhou Sheng's right hand was hanging softly by his side, but he couldn't lift it up!

Zhou Sheng: "!!!" He tried his best to unscrew Ren Chong's throat with his left hand, but Ren Chong carried him for a few steps and threw him on the railing!

"Success! It really works!"

"Left hand anesthesia."

"The extremities are anesthetized," the researcher said. "Try to incapacitate him, and there is no danger if the drug is under control."

Ren Chong took a few steps back and said, "In reality, you are affected by the anesthetic, which makes you lose your sense of limbs. What do you want to do next? Spit fire and burn me?"

Zhou Sheng tried several times to get up, but he all fell to the ground, his legs were shaking, and he finally failed.

"Alas." Zhou Sheng lay on the ground and looked up at the sky.

Ren Chong carried him, pressed him to the railing, and asked, "Where is the totem?"

Half of Zhou Sheng's body was placed on the railing, unable to move for a while.

In the world of Colossim, on the ground, Satan transformed into the image of the dark Zhou Sheng, dressed in black armor, standing in the center of the arena, looking up at the cloud-covered ceiling.

Through the clouds, he looked into the distant sky. On the zenith platform, Zhou Sheng's upper body was pushed out of the railing, and his dark personality, separated by this distance, saw each other's eyes.

Zhou Sheng was pressed against the railing, gasping for breath.

"I'll leave it to you..." Zhou Sheng muttered.

The next moment, Zhou Sheng was picked up by Ren Chong and dragged to the Golden Crow Wheel, like a sacrifice. Ren Chong grabbed his collar, faced the Golden Crow Wheel, and said solemnly, "Come on..." and then grabbed his hands. Zhou Sheng's throat lifted him towards the Golden Crow.

Zhou Sheng closed his eyes in pain, his limbs drooping weakly, not far behind Ren Chong, the shield reflected the scene in front of the Golden Crow Wheel.

"As long as you are here, completely kill your self-consciousness..." Ren Chong murmured, the hand gripping Zhou Sheng's throat kept tightening like an iron pincer.

The golden black wheel erupted with a strong light like a prominence, and the flames flew over, embracing Zhou Sheng and Ren Chong, and the flames formed a storm. Zhou Sheng's consciousness was gradually fading away, replaced by Ren Chong's hideous smile. The flames on the Golden Crow Wheel were slowly passing through Zhou Sheng's body towards Ren Chong.