Seizing Dreams

Chapter 162: Air roots


In front of him was the black devil wolf who could not kill him, and behind him was a tidal wave of reinforcements. The screams of killing were so loud that they actually started a war with the World Tree.

"This… "

"Consciousness is about to be invaded," Satan said. "Instinct will resist, and his attention will be on the Wall."

Sure enough, at the highest point of the World Tree, more mist was released and flew towards the Great Wall. The mist hit the reinforcements summoned by Satan like missiles.

"I'm going to save people." Yu Hao said.

Satan stared into the distance and replied, "Archangel, are you sure you want to go over alone?"

Yu Hao stopped and Satan said, "I don't want to see you come back alive."

"I can understand that this is your appeal to your friends for help?" Yu Hao said.

Satan didn't answer, just smiled: "They may also be swallowed up by the subconscious. When looking for someone, be careful... kiss one?"

Yu Hao blocked Satan, released the power of the totem with his left hand, forming a silver golden crow wheel, bombarded with his right hand, and a silver flame erupted, opened a portal, retracted his wings, and plunged in.

The dream world that was covered by fog and controlled by Qigen has changed its appearance, like a ruin, turned into a barren land.

In Chichen Itza, all the vegetation withered, and a huge pillar took root on the side of the pyramid. In the dream, the light spots swirled around the air root and were continuously sucked towards the World Tree. Qigen released a surging mist, constantly swallowing this dream world. Ren Chong, bathed in black flames, appeared in the fog, and said solemnly, "Everything you're looking for is just a ridiculous idea..."

Chen Yekai held a flying knife and was fighting against Ren Chong. In the sky and on the ground, Ren Chong transformed into a number of flying clones, dragging black flames, knocking Chen Yekai to the ground.

Chen Yekai couldn't hold his breath and stood up with difficulty. At this moment, Yu Hao grabbed Chen Yekai's wrist with one hand and dragged him behind the pyramid!

"Yu Hao?" Chen Yekai said in disbelief.

Ren Chong's many clones gathered again, swirling and gathered into a vortex of black fire, bombarding Chen Yekai's hiding place, Yu Hao said, "Go in! Go to the pyramid!"

The two ran into the pyramid, the world shook, and Ren Chong began to bombard the main entrance.

"This will be your eternal grave!"

Chen Yekai said to Yu Hao, "What happened? I suddenly fell into a dream and found that there was this guy in my dream, too strong! Not his opponent! I have to find a way to get out of here!"

Taking advantage of this time, Yu Hao dragged Chen Yekai to the terrace of the pyramid atrium, and the two of them looked out together.

"No! Cut off that pillar." Yu Hao said to Chen Yekai, "He is drawing energy from your dream. As long as you stop Ren Chong's forcible invasion, you can drive him out."

Chen Yekai put the flying knife in Yu Hao's hand and asked, "The Feathered Serpent God has disappeared, I can't do anything, I can only draw his attention to you, can you still fly?"

Yu Hao shook his head and said, "My power comes from your impression of me. Now this dream has been invaded by Ren Chong's will, and so do I. All power has disappeared."

Ren Chong flew in the air, released black flames, and began to bombard the pyramid. The bricks on top kept collapsing. The two avoided the falling stones. Chen Yekai stared at Yu Hao in a daze, and Yu Hao was still looking out.

"The only way is to pick up or awaken your impression of me." Yu Hao turned his head and said to Chen Yekai, "You have to trust me."

Chen Yekai stared at Yu Hao, and finally nodded.

"Just a short while is enough." Yu Hao said, "Cut off the root of qi and you will be able to recover."

Chen Yekai closed his eyes and said, "I will try my best."

Yu Hao ran up to the terrace, Chen Yekai turned around and walked towards the main entrance of Chichen Itza, the air root was not far from the terrace, Yu Hao shook off the dagger, looked back, and saw Chen Yekai's back.

"Trust me, Teacher Chen." Yu Hao said seriously, "Recalling our shared past, give me the strength to fight for you in your conscious world..."

Chen Yekai didn't look back, but made a gesture. The main entrance of Chichen Itza slammed open, and a black-robed Ren Chong appeared outside the door.

"Finally give up resistance, and I'll be captured?" Ren Chong's voice resounded through the sky, Chen Yekai just closed his eyes, as if he had given up his resistance, spread out his hands amid Ren Chong's arrogant laughter, was killed on the steps, rolled down .

Ren Chong stretched out his hand, and a monstrous black fire burst out from his hand, sweeping through Chen Yekai's whole body. Chen Yekai was burned in the black fire, suddenly opened his eyes, and shouted, "Now!"

Yu Hao jumped out of the terrace of Chichen Itza and leaped towards Qigen!

In an instant, countless scenes erupted around Chen Yekai, spinning rapidly around Chichen Itza! Many memories reappear like revolving lanterns—

On the night of the academy celebration, Chen Yekai kept his head up and silently looked at Yu Hao who was singing on the stage.

The snowy night passed, and the sun was shining brightly in the morning. Chen Yekai woke up from a hangover and stared at Yu Hao, who was curled up on the sofa.

"There used to be a saying here. Hmm... Forget it. Anyway, I remember some allusions about the suspension bridge."

"Forgot what you said?"

In the cold winter, Chen Yekai stood outside the glass wall of the cafe, looking at the profile of Yu Hao who lowered his head to prepare coffee.

In the dark night, Chen Yekai was short of breath.

"Give it to me, teacher." Yu Hao said nervously.

Chen Yekai finally let go of the handle of the scalpel, and Ren Yuhao took it away and watched him leave. After a long time, he chased after a few steps and left the dormitory building. However, on the playground, Zhou Sheng Found Yu Hao.

Chen Yekai then stepped back and sighed wearily.

"Bless you all." Chen Yekai stood in the dark and whispered.

In midsummer, Chen Yekai stood outside Yu Hao's dormitory, straightening his hair, looking down at himself in his sportswear, pulling out his cell phone, and pondering for a moment, finally raised his hand, knocked on the door, and laughed.

"I suggest you forget about it."

On the top platform of Chichen Itza, Zhou Sheng looked at Chen Yekai's memory scene.

"Alright." Chen Yekai said, "Hazy feelings, even if they are not spoken, will cause a lot of trouble to the parties involved."

Zhou Sheng was silent for a moment, but still didn't snap his fingers and released the golden fire.

"Do you like him?" Zhou Sheng said.

"Maybe." Chen Yekai said, "Actually, these memories are nothing if they don't burn. Over time, they gradually fade away."

Zhou Sheng didn't say any more, and finally put down his hand and said, "Brother, although I agree that you have to come out, I really can't help you..."

Chen Yekai smiled, Zhou Sheng shook his head helplessly, turned and jumped out of Chichen Itza, set foot on somersaulting clouds, and flew towards the blazing sun in the sky.

The next moment, all the memory scenes were shattered, bursting into light spots, chasing Yu Hao in the distance! Yu Hao suddenly widened his eyes, his wings spread out behind his back, spread straight, the silver light was so dazzling that he couldn't look directly, it illuminated the dark night of Chichen Itza like a celestial body—

He raised his hand, raised his flying knife, and shouted, "Go away!"

It was too late and it was too fast, the flying knife glowed with white light, drew a crescent-shaped knife qi, and roared up, cutting the qi root connecting the heaven and the earth into two pieces!

The giant root broke, and Ren Chong exploded in an instant, turning into a billowing black fire and dissipating in the sky.

In the world of Chichen Itza, the moon has reappeared, and the leaves of countless rainforests are refracted with silver light, surging like a tide. In the sea of consciousness shrouded in fog, the first isolated island appeared, and a beam of light shot out from the top of Chichen Itza, like a lighthouse in the occupied area, illuminating a small area.

Yu Hao glided back and hung in the air in front of Chen Yekai. Chen Yekai returned to his costume as a chief, and the two looked at each other in silence.

Yu Hao raised his hand and threw the flying knife back to Chen Yekai. Chen Yekai raised his hand to catch it, summoned Feathered Serpent God, turned over and jumped up, and said only two words: "Let's go."

Yu Hao stood on Feathered Serpent's back, the moonlight barrier enveloped Chen Yekai and Feathered Serpent, and Feathered Serpent broke through the fog and moved forward.

"Where is Zhou Sheng?" After leaving Chichen Itza, Chen Yekai finally opened a topic.

"Under the big tree." Yu Hao said, "His dark personality is guarding the Great Wall. My strength alone is not enough."

"Dark personality." Chen Yekai laughed, "I've never seen him before, is he as small and bad as him?"

"Well... a little bit." Yu Hao thought for a while, and explained to Chen Yekai the details that the Golden Crow Wheel told him. Chen Yekai murmured, "Ren Chong wants to invade everyone's consciousness, we have to do it as soon as possible."

Yu Hao said "En", and Chen Yekai said again, "I thought you would go straight into the tree and save him regardless of everything."

"I'm really anxious. I might have done it before." Yu Hao replied, "But Qihang said something, which made me start thinking about some things again... He needs you and everyone."

Feathered Serpent God dropped in height and flew into the depths of the mist, revealing a sky garden covered by subconsciousness. Huang Ting was wearing an archmage robe, holding a magic book in his left hand, the pages of the book were flying, and he was walking with Ren Chong who was dragging the black fire. Fighting, the two sides are not giving in at all!

Ren Chong's consciousness has not completely controlled Huang Ting? ! Yu Hao realized that Huang Ting should not be afraid of him!

"Huang Ting!" Yu Hao shouted.

Huang Ting released a fireball that filled the sky and shot at Ren Chong who was flying like a meteor, shouting, "Cut down that bastard pillar for me!"

Chen Yekai and Yu Hao separated in the air in an instant, Yu Hao shook off the dagger, the moon arc flashed on the dagger, and swung the dagger away, the Feather Serpent God grabbed Ren Chong from the air, and pressed him to the ground. Immediately afterwards, Huang Ting released a black gravity field, Ren Chong whimpered and wanted to fly away, but was sucked in by the black hole, and disappeared with the black fire.

Huang Ting was panting in the air, and when he turned his head to look, Yu Hao had cut off the root of his breath, and the half connected from the ceiling was taken away, and the roots left in Huang Ting's dream world turned into black smoke and dispersed.

Huang Ting: "Where is Zhou Sheng?"

Yu Hao said, "Go to Qihang and brother first, and then explain it together at the end. I really don't want to explain the same thing back and forth four times."

Chen Yekai said, "How long can the Great Wall last?"

"You have to ask Satan." Yu Hao replied, "I don't know..."

In the distance, the Great Wall is brightly lit and radiant, and the mist is still climbing and rising. In another camp far away from the Great Wall, in the golden black wheel in the state of solar eclipse, the outer ring is erupting with prominences, and the inner black disc is emitting prominences. An endless stream of dark monsters flew out, submerged in the mist, and headed towards the Great Wall.

"Look." Huang Ting motioned to the two of them. In the distance, a lonely island was shining brightly, driving away the fog.

"This is... Loulan?" Yu Hao said, "Brother has already succeeded!"

Yu Hao never imagined that Fu Liqun could break free from Ren Chong's control by his own strength alone! This is something that even Huang Ting can't do!

Chen Yekai: "Where is Liqun?"

"I saw him!" Yu Hao said, "Brother!"

A figure riding a Pegasus appeared in the sky. Chen Yekai immediately fired a shot in that direction. Fu Liqun noticed it. He was dressed in silver armor and flew over on a Pegasus.

"It's freezing me!" Fu Liqun wailed, "Why did you come here?"

"Can you break free from Ren Chong?" Yu Hao couldn't believe it.

Fu Liqun said, "I dreamed that a pillar was inserted into my world, and Ren Chong ran out and asked me for a totem..."

Huang Ting: "You're not afraid of him at all?"

Fu Liqun: "Of course I'm not afraid, I'm going abroad soon, I'm afraid of Mao!"

Yu Hao: "Can you defeat him?"

Fu Liqun spread his hands: "Don't mention it, I don't have any skills at all, so I had to start fooling him and brainwashing him. I successfully tricked him into that bankrupt gym, locked the door, asked the banshee to smack him, and then put the pillar I chopped it off, it seems that everything is normal at once, and the mounts can be summoned, so I want to find you, is that the Great Wall? What happened?"

Yu Hao: "..."

Chen Yekai: "..."

Huang Ting: "You can really fool yourself."

Fu Liqun: "That's right, the MLM classes are not for nothing... Where's the young master? Where did Xiao Ou go? What happened? Can we still wake up?"

Yu Hao turned back and said, "Find the sailing first, hurry up!"

One by one, the companions returned to the team, and Yu Hao's lost power seemed to be gradually coming back. Fu Liqun rode his Pegasus to break through the fog, followed by Feather Snake, entering his last dream. There were many high-rise buildings in Ying City, and fog shrouded the area under the high-rise buildings. , Ou Qihang stood at the top of the rooftop.

"Set sail!" Yu Hao shouted.

Ou Qihang was kneeling at the top of the high-rise building, Ren Chong was suspended in the air, as if he was being judged, and black flames erupted from his hands, entangling Ou Qihang's whole body. When he heard the shout, Ou Qihang suddenly raised his head.

As soon as the four of them entered the dreamland, the Feathered Serpent God disappeared and fell from the sky. Ou Qihang suddenly shouted, "Yu Hao!" He continued to struggle and rushed to the edge of the rooftop. Huang Ting grabbed a lightning rod and swung it away in the air. Flip over and fly towards Ou Qihang, shouting, "Don't jump!"

But Ou Qihang had already jumped out of the tall building, and Fu Liqun said angrily, "Don't jump!" He rushed towards Ou Qihang, hugged his waist, and led him to smash the glass and fell into an office building.

The glass flew away, and the next moment Chen Yekai crashed in, followed by Huang Ting, and finally Yu Hao.

Ou Qihang was covered in blood, stood up blankly, and looked at the four of them.

"Ren Chong is here!" Huang Ting said.

Everyone immediately took their places, protecting Ou Qihang, facing out of the glass wall, Ren Chong slowly descended.

"Does he know that we are gathering?" Huang Ting said.

"It's hard to judge." Yu Hao said, "His attention is now on the Great Wall, maybe not."

Fu Liqun said, "This guy has so many dreams under his control, isn't his attention a little bit behind? Look how silly you feel."

Chen Yekai: "..."

As soon as Fu Liqun said it, everyone found it too, Yu Hao said, "It should be us humans, and we are different from the original users of the Golden Crow Wheel. It is somewhat difficult to distract so much attention."

If Yu Hao wanted to do two things at the same time, he would not be able to do it. A smart person like Zhou Sheng could at most use two or even three things. Ren Chong used his will to control thousands of dreams, and he was not too busy. Happening.

These words suddenly angered Ren Chong, and countless black flame bombs poured out, bombarding the glass wall frantically, shaking the sky for a while, and the outer wall of the building could not stop collapsing. Huang Ting said immediately: "Run first and then talk about it!"

Ou Qihang said, "It's okay if my Gundam doesn't work! Why are you all so weak?"

"I want to ask you!" Fu Liqun exclaimed, "Your pot!"

The five people ran down the safe passage. Behind Huang Ting Hall, Ren Chong's will launched a frantic bombardment at the glass building. Ashes kept falling from the safe passage. Ou Qihang shouted, "Where can we run?!"

"Can the safe haven still be used?" Yu Hao asked.

"I can't get in!" Ou Qihang said.

The fifth floor and below was full of fog, the environment became icy cold, and all the remaining power was taken away. Yu Hao opened the barrier to protect everyone. Everyone looked down at the corner of the stairwell, and the subconscious fog spread. , on top of it was the collapsing concrete and gravel.

"Go outside." Huang Ting looked up and observed, "This place is about to collapse."

Yu Hao suddenly had an idea: "It won't collapse, at least it won't collapse now!"

Ou Qihang looked at Yu Hao blankly. Yu Hao saw that the building had been crumbling for a long time, but it had not had a destructive collapse effect. It was related to the change of will to the dream, and he suddenly thought of a certain crucial point.

"Because we're here," Yu Hao said to the crowd, "Qihang feels that there will be a turnaround, and there is still hope. Until we come up with a solution, this building will protect us."

Ou Qihang said, "But how do we defeat him?"

Yu Hao's words inspired Chen Yekai. Chen Yekai immediately grabbed Ou Qihang's arm and said patiently, "Listen, Xiao Ou."

Ou Qihang and Chen Yekai looked at each other, Chen Yekai took a deep breath, and said to him seriously, "Ren Chong is not as invincible as he imagined."

Ou Qihang was upset and said: "I know, I understand the truth, but I just can't convince myself."

Chen Yekai said, "I remember you mentioned that, if possible, you would like to participate in the study of the Golden Black Wheel?"

Yu Hao: "!!!"

Yu Hao had never heard Ou Qihang mention this wish. He thought it was Ou Qihang who said it to Chen Yekai in private. Ou Qihang's expression changed slightly, he was silent for a moment, then glanced at Yu Hao and said, "I just thought, if the Golden Crow Wheel is handed over to me, maybe more mysteries can be solved..."

Chen Yekai pointed at Yu Hao and motioned for Ou Qihang to talk to Yu Hao himself.

Yu Hao said, "Do you think it can play a better role in your hands than in Zhou Sheng's hands?"

Ou Qihang thought about it and replied, "It's not quite like this. I think... Could you let me borrow it for a while when the time is right... "

"Like Ren Chong?" Yu Hao replied.

"Of course not." Ou Qihang laughed and replied, "I won't use it to do evil, I just want to use it to study dreams."

The building shook violently, and Yu Hao suddenly said, "I will try to convince Zhou Sheng to lend it to you after the matter is over."

Ou Qihang was surprised: "Really?"

Yu Hao nodded and looked at Chen Yekai. Chen Yekai said, "You have to believe that we can take it back, otherwise there will be no chance."

Ren Chong transformed into more than ten clones, surrounding the glass building, each gathering strength, releasing black firelight to connect with each other, firmly locking the building, and closing like a chain. With a loud bang, the chain was twisted around the building, instantly shattering the skyscraper! Bricks and tiles flew flying, the building was cut off by the middle, and the top half of the weight was severely pressed on the base in an instant, collapsing layer by layer.

At the next moment, a flash of light bloomed from the bottom of the building, Gundam broke through the ruins, and flew straight towards Ren Chong!

"That's my thing!" Gundam roared, "I have promised to lend it to me! Ren Chong! Give it back!"

Gundam RX-78-2 swung out a weapon and swept past, Ren Chong was instantly smashed, turning into a whirlwind of black fire, Chen Yekai, Huang Ting and Fu Liqun flew out at the same time, each holding weapons in the air, slashing at Ren Chong's All avatars!

Yu Hao spread his wings, flew towards the huge pillar, flicked his dagger, and drew an arc.

The air root connecting Ou Qihang's dream was broken and pulled away, and another beam of light rose in the dream world.

"You promised me, Yu Hao!" Gundam followed the Feathered Serpent God, rising up in the sea of subconsciousness, breaking through the fog and flying to the big tree.

"I see!" Yu Hao said angrily, "Don't keep reminding me."

Sometimes Yu Hao really didn't understand what Ou Qihang was thinking. Huang Ting said, "If Zhou Sheng really agrees to lend you, you have to promise that you won't be in my dream. I don't want to dream of you."

Ou Qihang said, "No, Uncle Kai said he would like to accompany me to study."

"You guys..." Yu Hao suddenly seemed to have discovered something and looked at Chen Yekai.

Chen Yekai replied, "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with Long Sheng."

Yu Hao nodded, and Ou Qihang asked again, "Who is Long Sheng? Is this the collective subconscious? The whole world is being controlled by Ren Chong? How long has it been in the real world?"

Fu Liqun said, "Everyone is here, we can save the young master."

Yu Hao looked at the roots of the big tree. They had already reached the bottom of the canopy. The pale light of the golden black wheel shone down through the leaves. And just under the intertwined roots of the tree of the world, the subconscious fog has reached the point where you can't see your fingers, but just under the roots, there is a bottomless cave, and there is a faint light shining in it.

"Before falling into the subconscious, he asked me to tell you, leaving you with a guiding signal of where you are..."