Seizing Dreams

Chapter 17: sleep check


When he left the police station, Yu Hao was left alone and asked Huang Ting, "Can this case be convicted?"

"You should be fine, go back to the meeting, and I'll explain the situation together, so that you can't be wronged any more. The premise is that Shi Liang admits the crime..."

"I'm talking about her case." Yu Hao couldn't help laughing and crying, "What am I?"

"It's hard to say." Huang Ting said: "The medical report is a very strong evidence, but it is her father's behavior that cannot be proved. It has to wait for the procuratorate to file a public prosecution. Shi Liang is very cunning. lawyer, the case will stick for a long time."

Yu Hao frowned and thought, Huang Ting said, "Now we can only protect her, Yu Hao, I strongly advise you not to stay at her house for the night..."

Yu Hao interrupted: "I know. I just want her to calm down first, and she won't live in her house."

Yu Hao knew that Shi Ni was now full of a strong sense of insecurity, and he didn't even fully trust the police. He was afraid that things would repeat, and he was always worried about the magic eye in the dream world.

"And if the Ni Ni family is under surveillance..." Yu Hao said.

"There is no monitoring." Huang Ting said: "I am very sure of this, otherwise I would not have been entangled in your matter for so long."

Yu Hao thought for a while, then asked, "Where's the nanny?"

Huang Ting said: "Her nanny is only there on Monday and Thursday, and she won't come tomorrow or the day after."

So... what does the magic eye represent? babysitter? Yu Hao was always thinking.

"In short, you enlighten her well. Tomorrow night, I will let my colleague stay with her for one night and wait for the day after tomorrow. We can only detain him for 24 hours. If she is willing to confront Shi Liang, the situation may progress... "

Yu Hao interrupted, "She doesn't want to see him again, can she be sentenced if she doesn't meet?"

"This is a criminal case." Huang Ting lowered his voice and said solemnly: "It's not a civil dispute. If the witness is absent, it will lose a certain amount of strength. I understand that you want to protect minors, but when the court is open, she is best Able to."

Zhou Sheng waited for a table in front of the restaurant, and when he had called out, he called out to Yu Hao.

"Do your best to do her psychological work. At present, she believes in you the most." Huang Ting added: "I asked my colleague to spend the night at her house, but she always insisted that you accompany her back, otherwise she would not go home. She has always been very defensive, and now she is willing to listen and consider whatever you say."

"Easy to say." Yu Hao raised the bar for a rare moment.

Huang Ting laughed, took off his hat, and looked at Yu Hao.

"You are a young man from the healing department." Huang Ting said, "How's Glory's healing going? Join our team?"

Yu Hao: "...No time, final exam!"

"It's a combination of work and rest." Huang Ting said, "your class teacher is short of milk, go back to practice."

Zhou Sheng shouted again, "Hey! What are you doing, Yu Hao?! Hurry up for me!" He looked like a big monkey with fried fur.

Yu Hao had to rush over to meet him. Shi Ni was already waiting in the restaurant. Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng briefly exchanged news. Zhou Sheng understood it and said, "I'll think of a way."

Yu Hao said, "I can sleep in the corridor of her house for one night."

Zhou Sheng said: "Hey, don't be stupid, wrap it on me and talk about it later."

Shi Ni was in a heavy mood during the meal, Yu Hao could see that she was full of anxiety about the future, while Zhou Sheng had been sending WeChat, Yu Hao thought about it, and chatted with Shi Ni about English literature, and put Shi Ni's attention on it. The force was successfully transferred. When paying the bill, Zhou Sheng said to Shi Ni, "Ni Ni, I've thought about it, why don't you let Yu Hao live in your house, let's live outside today, I'll open two rooms, you sleep in one, and Yu Hao and I sleep in one. ."

Shi Ni thought for a while, understood what Zhou Sheng meant, and asked the tutor to sleep in his own home. It wouldn't be good if someone found out, so he said, "Why don't I go home and sleep, I'm afraid he will call home."

Yu Hao glanced at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng said, "Alright, I just happened to save money for a room. When I get up early tomorrow morning, we will go up to you and take you to the playground."

Shi Ni: "Really?! We agreed!"

Zhou Sheng said: "Of course, what I promised, I will do it no matter what."

Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng opened a room at the front desk of the hotel. The hotel was downstairs from Shi Ni's house. After opening the room, Zhou Sheng saw a lot of messages on WeChat when he checked his mobile phone to pay.

"I've checked the bed, I have to go back." Zhou Sheng said immediately.

sleep check? ! Yu Hao suddenly went crazy, why did he check the bed at this time? I almost forgot that Chen Yekai was also a new official. The new official took office as three fires. Although everyone stayed home at night, if Chen Yekai was to be dealt with seriously, he would definitely be scolded.

Zhou Sheng said: "Before turning off the lights at ten o'clock, he will start the inspection from Building No. 4. As soon as I go back, I will go to your dormitory and sleep under the quilt. After checking your dormitory, I will fly back to my dormitory."

"This..." Yu Hao could only say, "Okay."

"Xiyou—" Zhou Sheng started to fly at a speed and ran to the subway station.

Yu Hao: "..."

Instead, Shi Ni became amused. He stood in the hotel lobby and laughed for a long time. Yu Hao was suddenly moved by her emotions, and laughed too. The two looked at each other and smiled, as if he had accomplished a major event in his life.

Shi Ni: "You take me home."

Yu Hao: "Okay."

Yu Hao put away the room card and took Shi Ni back home. The house was deserted. Shi Liang had installed a row of blue lights on the ceiling. Perhaps the original intention was to focus on the modern style, but when he turned it on, it caused a chill in the whole house.

"I'll take a shower first." Shi Ni said, "wait for me, I still want to talk to you."

Shi Ni went to take a shower, Yu Hao was leaning on the sofa, still thinking about the magic eye, is there really no surveillance in this house? Will it be hidden in some hidden corner? But since Huang Ting said it, he must be experienced and experienced, and there is no way to hide it from him with surveillance.

After taking a shower, Shi Ni had long hair and was wearing pajamas, like a fragrant and soft animal. He found two bottles of yogurt, one for Yu Hao, one for himself, and then he took out the one he had already hidden. Scented candles are lit.

Yu Hao lay down and looked at her, frowning slightly, the two were speechless for a while, Shi Ni was a little embarrassed to see.

"Ni Ni, do you have any boys you like?" Yu Hao asked.

Shi Ni bit the straw and looked at Yu Hao, then shook his head.

Yu Hao smiled and said, "What about the girl?"

"Lu Xiaoxiao." Shi Ni replied.

Yu Hao just mentioned it casually, but he didn't expect to share Shi Ni's secret inadvertently. Shi Ni thought about it and said, "What about you? Do you have any boys you like?"

"Ah?" Yu Hao was startled: "You..." Immediately, he thought about it, the little girl's eyes were sharp now, maybe she could see something.

"My dad told me what your counselor said."

Yu Hao was a little annoyed and frowned, "Mr. Xue? How did he know?"

Shi Ni was only a few words, but he explained a large amount of information. Yu Hao guessed that the counselor had mostly asked the people in his dormitory, and he only told the roommate in the upper bunk, because the roommate was also gay. And why the counselor revealed the students' privacy to Shi Ni's father, perhaps because Shi Liang wanted to make himself more disgusting, the counselor had to reveal his sexual orientation.

"Is Zhou Sheng your boyfriend?" Shi Ni asked again.

Yu Hao said, "He is straight, as straight as a telephone pole."

Shi Ni nodded, sighed, and said, "We are both hard-working people."

Yu Hao wanted to say that you are still young and your sexual orientation has not yet been determined, but he changed his mind and joked, "Love will come." At this point, he suddenly remembered the general's words.

"I hope." Shi Ni said a little sadly, and then asked again: "Are you attacking or suffering?"

"Uh..." Yu Hao was embarrassed and said, "I haven't talked about it, but I think I'm attacking, what do you think?"

"Yeah." Shi Ni said, "Xiaoxiao said that you are like a neighbor's big brother. She is the cutest of you."

Yu Hao thought that today's elementary school students understand too much. When he was in elementary school, he was completely confused.

"Do you want me to help you confess to Zhou Sheng?" Shi Ni added, "Straight men can also bend."

"I'm leaving, you can go to bed." Yu Hao said with tears in his eyes, "He has a girlfriend! Don't worry about it."

"The last question." Shi Ni said, "Why are you willing to help me?"

"To help you is to help myself." Yu Hao said casually.

"I know you don't think so." Shi Ni said.

Yu Hao smiled and replied, "My friend pulled me out of the quagmire. He wants to pull you too, I'm just helping him."

Shi Ni frowned in doubt, and Yu Hao said again, "The one who helped you is him, not me." He was indeed summoned by the general to Shi Ni's dream. Without the general, he and Shi Ni would not be saved. .

"Who?" Shi Ni asked again.

"Go to sleep." Yu Hao couldn't help remembering what Shi Ni had just said. If there is someone he likes, maybe the general waiting for him with a torch in the darkness has become a memory that he will never forget.

"Get up tomorrow, maybe you will usher in a new life."

Shi Ni looked at Yu Hao for a while, and said, "I dreamed of you last night." After drinking the yogurt, he went to brush his teeth, and then said, "I was with a big monkey."

Yu Hao went downstairs with a smile. When he got to the hotel, he glanced at his phone, and his smile instantly froze.

Chen Yekai's message: [Go back to my bedroom immediately, immediately! immediately!]

Zhou Sheng: [It's discovered, don't worry about him, he won't do anything to us.]

Yu Hao: "..."

Chen Yekai's angry look appeared in Yu Hao's mind, he quickly replied to Chen Yekai, saying that he was in his high school classmate's dormitory, and now that the lights are out, he can't go back, so he will go back early tomorrow.

Chen Yekai didn't reply, Yu Hao waited anxiously for a long time, and his heart was full of mourning. Zhou Sheng made a lot of voices, and Yu Hao leaned into his ear to listen, to the effect that Zhou Sheng was lying on Yu Hao's bed, eating snacks under the quilt, Chen Yekai thought that Yu Hao was sick, so he came to lift the quilt with concern.

As soon as the quilt was lifted, Chen Yekai and Zhou Sheng, who was eating chicken feet with pickled peppers, looked at each other.

According to Zhou Sheng's vivid description, the scene at that time was quite strange, but Yu Hao wanted to hit the wall when he heard it.

In the end, Zhou Sheng's voice said: "I accidentally dropped the chicken feet on your bed. Come back and wash it yourself. I bought a bottle of iced black tea and I didn't drink it, and put it on your table."

Yu Hao: "..."

Chen Yekai never replied to Yu Hao's news, like a sharp sword hanging over his head, Yu Hao couldn't help but force himself to sleep fast, tossing and turning until nearly twelve o'clock before falling asleep.

Passing through the golden light in the same way, Shi Ni’s dream appeared in front of him. In the loud noise, the ice layer exploded, Shi Ni’s scream, the general’s shout, the stormy waves rushed in, carrying sharp and sharp pieces of ice, forming A hurricane covering the sky and the earth!

The moment Yu Hao opened his eyes in the world of consciousness, there was chaos around him, and the force behind him spewed out, forming wings. With a subconscious shake, he avoided the angry ice falling from the sky and flew away along the dark sea!

The sky and the earth have become a vast ocean, thousands of huge sea monsters roaring in the water, leaping, and the icebergs above their heads are like a meteor shower, smashing into the sea! The entire world of consciousness began to disintegrate and collapse, the sea turned black, and the ice layer was smashed into pieces by the iceberg that fell from the sky. The ice sheet drifted in the furious sea, the sea water rose into the sky, and an iceberg suspended in the sea was about to break apart. On the high cliff, the general hangs on the ice wall, kicks his feet violently, and has nowhere to focus. Shi Ni anxiously grabbed the big monkey with one hand and tried to drag him up.

Just behind them, six sea monsters roared and flew out of the seabed, soaring in the air, then turned their heads together, towards the two on the iceberg, opened their huge mouths, and swallowed them!

"Let go!" the general roared.

"I don't!" Shi Ni shouted anxiously.

The six sea monsters rushed down at the same time, and in an instant with a "swoosh", Yu Hao gliding past at high speed, dragging the two of them at the same time, flying away from the iceberg, a second later, behind him, the sea monster slammed down, the iceberg suddenly Torn apart!

"Why are you only here now!" the general shouted angrily.

"I can't sleep!" Yu Hao shouted, "I can't sleep! I'm sorry!"

General: "..."

Shi Ni rode on Yu Hao's back, the general wrapped his feet around Yu Hao's waist, and hung upside down. Yu Hao struggled to skim across the sea, like a cannonball that fell obliquely into the sea, and he had to keep raising his head to pay attention to the ceiling The huge ice lump that fell!

"How did it become like this!"

"Fly high!" shouted the general. "Watch out!"

Countless sea monsters roared behind him, chasing after him for a while, Yu Hao's swiftly flying air waves created a white line on the sea.

Yu Hao: "It's too heavy! I can't fly! You go down first!"

General: "What a joke!"

There was a smile on the corner of Yu Hao's mouth: "I heard you yell to let me go!"

"That's different!"

The three of them were flying on the angry sea. Yu Hao's strength was limited. He hung a big monkey nearly two meters long, riding Shi Ni on his back, getting closer and closer to the surface of the water. Without crawling towards the heights, Yu Hao immediately shouted, "Don't move!"

"You're deliberately messing with me!" The general was almost immersed in the water, Yu Hao flapped his wings with difficulty and raised his height, Shi Ni suddenly shouted, "Lighthouse!"

A lighthouse appeared on the sea in the distance, Yu Hao said, "Why is there another?"

"Pfft, gollum..."

Yu Hao accidentally posted it too low, and the general's entire head was submerged in the water.

"I really tried my best!" Yu Hao cried bitterly, he really tried his best to keep flying upwards, and he had to keep dodging the icebergs falling from the sky and the sea monsters chasing behind him, and shouted again, "I'm going to turn! Hold me tight!"

The general finally couldn't bear it any longer, his legs pinched Yu Hao's waist and hugged him upwards, instantly sticking to Yu Hao.

"Turn." The general wrapped the whole big monkey around Yu Hao and said in his ear. The deep voice and breath made Yu Hao's heart beat wildly uncontrollably. It's too late to say it, but on the other side of the lighthouse, dozens of larger giant sea monsters broke out of the ice!

In an instant, Yu Hao regained his balance, spread out his hands, and turned abruptly in the air, avoiding several icebergs that fell one after another!

boom! boom! boom!

Three times in a row, monstrous waves erupted from the sea, the general and Shi Ni shouted at the same time, Yu Hao turned to one side, broke through the wave wall, and swooped through! With a sharp rise, the moment when the sea monsters were encircled, they passed through the gaps of countless tentacles with unparalleled accuracy, and passed by with a bang!

The world of consciousness has become an ocean, the towering mountains have turned into isolated islands, and the sea is still spreading, submerging all the villages at the harbour. The broken wood was scattered, but a platform under the lighthouse was covered with snow.

With the shouting, the three rushed into the snow, plunged in, and landed safely.

The general's hair and eyebrows were covered with snow. He was the first to get up from the snow and hug Yu Hao. Then he turned around to look for Shi Ni and cleared the snow. Shi Ni was shivering with cold, and the black sea water came from all sides, gradually eroding the snow-covered platform.

"Go!" said the general.

Yu Hao grabbed Shi Ni, turned and ran towards the lighthouse, Shi Ni raised his head, with fear in his eyes, unwilling to approach.

Under the lighthouse, a black door appeared.

"Open the door!" The general let Shi Ni recover, and Shi Ni said, "I don't know how to open it. I won't!"

The sea monsters in the vast ocean were gathering towards the lighthouse. Shi Ni stepped back and said, "Where is this?"

Yu Hao stared at the door in a daze, the sea water spread rapidly around, and sea monsters continued to gather towards the lighthouse.

"Ni Ni." Yu Hao said suddenly, "This is your study room. Face your fears and fight him!"

Shi Ni took a deep breath and looked at Yu Hao, Yu Hao said, "The teacher will protect you."

Yu Hao stretched out his hand, and Shi Ni put his hand on Yu Hao's palm. The three approached the huge black iron gate, "hum" Yu Hao and Shi Ni passed through, but the general slammed into the door.

Yu Hao: "..."

The general roared outside the door: "What do you mean!"

Yu Hao immediately raised his head, pushed up the door latch, and the general carried it hard on his shoulders, carrying it out of a crack in the door, crawled in, and looked at Yu Hao without speaking.

"I want to go," said the general.

Yu Hao: "I'm really sorry!"

The moment Yu Hao saw the door, he vaguely guessed where it was - the Shi family's study.

And his identity is Shi Ni's tutor, so he was allowed to enter this study, which means that in Shi Ni's consciousness, he has the ability to come and go freely. But the general does not have this ability, because the general has never entered the Shi family study.

"Let me rub it for you?" Yu Hao said hurriedly, thinking that he would also blow up if it was him, and fled with Shi Ni for a long time, waiting for his comrades in arms to be late. Another bump on the door.

He knelt down on one knee and looked at the place where the general's forehead hit, and was blocked by the general angrily, but he looked at it perseveringly, and after rubbing it a few times, the general got up reluctantly.

It was suddenly quiet outside, the general looked back and Yu Hao said, "Let's go."

"I want to rest!" said the general. "I was exhausted when you weren't here!"

Yu Hao sat down with him to rest, raised his hand, released a warm white light, and pressed it on the general's forehead. Shi Ni stepped aside and looked up at the tower. After the general casually told what happened, Yu Hao realized that when the general first appeared in the dream, the power of the magic eye suddenly increased, it summoned the sea water to rise up in the air, then condensed into an iceberg, and smashed down towards the ground. The ice cap shattered, the water level continued to rise, and thousands of sea monsters emerged from the sea, chasing the general and Shi Ni.

The general led Shi Ni to flee everywhere, from one iceberg to another, and even encountered a tsunami and was pushed farther and farther.

"Where is the boundary of the subconscious?" Yu Hao asked.

"The sea." The general replied, "I was dragged into the depths of the sea by the monster, and I will never come back. I want to ask you something..." The general stretched out his arms and hugged Yu Hao in front of him, beside his ear. Very small voice: "How is it handled in reality?"

Yu Hao turned his head to look at the general, one person and one monkey were so close, their lips were almost touching.

"I'm not angry," said the general. "I just want to talk to you alone because I don't want her to hear it."

Yu Hao suddenly understood, and explained to the general in a very low voice the general passage. The general just listened in silence, Yu Hao said again, "How are we going to fight?"

"She trusts you, you have to trust her too." The general put his lips to Yu Hao's ear, the hair on his face made Yu Hao a little itchy.

"When you get to the top floor, do as I tell you..." the general said, "I will definitely win."

After Yu Hao heard this, he suddenly turned to look at the general, with joy in his eyes, the general asked again, "Understood?"

Yu Hao nodded. At this moment, the palm on the ground suddenly became cold. The two of them immediately lowered their heads to look at the ground. Sea water was seeping in through the crack of the door.

The general immediately got up with Yu Hao and went up the stairs of the lighthouse, only to see that the inner wall of the lighthouse was entirely made up of bookshelves, countless books clucked and bounced on the shelves, the pages opened, showing sharp teeth in them, choosing people And devour. The general turned sideways and let Shi Ni walk between him and Yu Hao, blocking the bookshelf.

There was another crashing sound outside, the lighthouse began to vibrate violently, and Yu Hao felt the danger.

"We have to hurry."

"I'll carry you." The general said to Shi Ni.

Shi Ni said, "What's on the top?"

"Your father."

This was Yu Hao's guess, and the general said, "We will try to defeat him, you have to trust us."

Shi Ni nodded.