Seizing Dreams

Chapter 18: bid farewell


At the same time, outside the lighthouse, the water level continued to rise, and all the lamprey-like sea monsters gathered around the lighthouse with their tentacles and began to climb.

The books on the bookshelf became more and more restless. He jumped out several times to attack the three of them. The general quickened his pace and jumped on the handrail of the stairs. Yu Hao started running and followed behind them.

"Will there be a gatekeeper?" Yu Hao remembered that the gatekeeper of his palace was his crush, a character who guarded the darkness and fear in his heart. For Shi Ni, her gatekeeper might be her mother

When they got to the top floor, the general put down Shi Ni and said, "It's better not to..."

On the top floor is an attic, and around the attic, there are many blurry and flashing pictures floating around, just like the photos in the memory are hanging in the air.

"What is this?" Yu Hao asked suspiciously.

The general and Yu Hao each swung their weapons and were ready to fight, but the attic was empty. The two looked around, and the general reacted: "Now, let's go!"

In an instant, black flames swirled around in front of him, and a huge open platform appeared at the top of the lighthouse. In the center of the platform, there was only an office swivel chair. Shi Ni's father, Shi Liang, was sitting on it. Shi Liang was holding a dilapidated bear doll in his hand. The black flames of his whole body transpired, turned into energy, and rose into the air, converging into a huge magic eye.

The magic eye lowered slightly at the moment, and looked towards the three of them. In the middle of the magic eye, there was a symbol wrapped in black qi.


The general swung the golden cudgel, Yu Hao split his hands, and the staff turned into two short knives.

"Ni Ni, you're here." Shi Liang lowered his hair with a wretched smile, "Let Dad see? What do you always hide behind?"

Shi Ni stood behind Yu Hao and the general, breathing heavily.

The sea monster rose from around the lighthouse, waving its tentacles, the magic eye turned, and a beam of light shrouded the entire platform.

Yu Hao and the general pointed at Shi Liang with their weapons at the same time, and shouted, "You are finished!"

General: "We have called the police!"

Yu Hao: "Tomorrow at the latest! You will go to jail!"

Shi Ni's eyes widened and he remembered. And just at the moment she remembered, thousands of thunders burst into the dark sky, spinning towards the lighthouse and smashing down!

"You're finished!" Shi Ni released all her anger in her dream and said, "You can't hurt me anymore! Beast!"

The trial thunder burst, and all the sea monsters entrenched on the lighthouse were electrocuted and fell!

Shi Liang suddenly widened his eyes and roared, "Impossible!"

Yu Hao could not have imagined that Shi Ni had released such a powerful energy after realizing in a dream that his father was about to be brought to justice, only to hear the general shout, "Do it!"

The two rushed forward at the same time, only to see Shi Liang raised his hand, the magic eye burst into a beam, swept towards the two, Yu Hao fluttered his wings, suddenly picked up the general from behind, circled and flew into the air. The thunder released by Shi Ni suddenly disappeared.

Shi Liang's magic eye shone brightly at Shi Ni, and his sneer shook the sky.

"I know what you do. Your every move is under Dad's surveillance."

Shi Ni screamed suddenly, the thunder in the sky disappeared without a trace, and Shi Liang regained control of the conscious world again.

Yu Hao: "Shi Ni!"

General: "She can hold it! There is a talisman! Avoid the light and drop me down!"

Shi Ni's whole body began to freeze under the illumination of the magic eye, but when the ice layer was spreading, a red aperture suddenly appeared on his wrist, and then, a sound wave burst out from the aperture, and the ice layer shattered!

"He's afraid of fire!" Yu Hao suddenly remembered the conversation that day.

The general smiled and swept away the golden cudgel, the head of the cudgel erupted with blazing flames, and shouted, "Encircle him!"

Yu Hao seemed to be holding a flamethrower, and the fire released by the general swept across. The platform instantly turned into a sea of flames, and the circle of fire kept closing towards Shi Liang. After surrounding him, Shi Liang suddenly retreated in fear and looked around.


Yu Hao let go of the general, and the general struck the mountain with a golden cudgel in the air, causing a raging fire to pierce through and ignite Shi Liang.

Yu Hao and the general landed, each of them rolled, stood still, and protected Shi Ni who was standing in the middle, forming a surrounding situation. Shi Liang kept struggling and roaring unwillingly in the fire ring.

"It's over." Yu Hao stared at Shi Liang in the flames. Shi Liang rolled on the ground, climbed up, and the magic eye in the high place suddenly shot out black smoke and began to gather towards Shi Liang. The magic eye disappeared, and the totem appeared!

"Grab the totem!" the general shouted, "I'll deal with him!"

In the circle of fire, a huge mutant sea monster soared into the sky, all its tentacles swung towards Shi Ni in an instant, entangled her, and Shi Ni shouted. The general turned around, swung out the golden cudgel, and rushed forward to attract its attention.

Yu Hao took advantage of the opportunity to fly away, shaking the daggers with both hands, spinning in the air, slashing fiercely with all his strength, and severing all the tentacles that wrapped around Shi Ni!

The totem descended slowly, Yu Hao rolled on the ground, more tentacles rolled towards them, Yu Hao pushed Shi Ni away, pointed at the totem in the air, and shouted, "Get it!"

Shi Ni staggered to his feet, but the totem seemed to recognize the real owner of this dream, and it began to turn into powder, flowing towards Shi Ni, building a bridge in the air. Yu Hao ran to the side and swept away the two short knives. The rays of light all around him drew the attention of the mutant sea monster.

It had thousands of tentacles, all of them rolled towards Yu Hao in an instant, forming a giant cage that covered the sky and the sun. At this moment, there was only a loud whistle not far away.

The big monkey swiped his fingers between his lips and swept in front of Yu Hao. The second time he took away all the tentacles, he then stepped on the waving tentacles, jumped twice, and flew up. Yu Hao suddenly fluttered his wings and was about to step forward to support him when the big monkey shouted loudly in mid-air.

"Accept, die, go!"

The bright red flames bursting out of the golden hoop suddenly illuminated the entire dark world of consciousness, like the flaming galaxy rushing past in the sky, and roaring in the darkness, lighting up the stars of the boundless and vast universe!

Oh my god, so handsome... Yu Hao was flying in the air, and when he saw that figure whipping up the sky fire, it was like a meteorite that was burning sin, and he felt that his reason would be shattered in an instant!

The general swept out the first stick, and that stick burst into a strong light, which instantly ignited the sea monster.

Second stick! The earth trembled, and the mountain-like mutant sea monster was picked up in the air,

The third stick!

The general spun around in the air, and carried the golden hoop stick with great strength on his shoulders.

The mutant sea monster was scorched black and shattered in the air, and its tentacles waved at the general.


The general was gasping for breath, but he was swept out by it and fell into the anger sea under the lighthouse. Yu Hao immediately dived and flew towards the general.

The general panted with a triumphant smile, turned his back to the sea, and was wrapped around his ankles.

"Don't..." Before the general could say a word, Yu Hao rushed into his arms, hugged him suddenly, his wings fluttered back quickly, but the force of the mutant sea monster's fall was too great, dragging the two of them into the darkness together. the deep sea!

Yu Hao only felt that his whole body was icy cold, he had no strength to struggle any more, his wings disappeared instantly, and he and the general kept falling in the darkness. The bone-chilling cold drowned him in an instant, causing him to lose consciousness.

This is the subconscious mind... All Yu Hao's thoughts seemed to be forcibly taken away, his mind was chaotic, only the general shouted anxiously at him, and a burst of bubbles came out of his mouth.

At that moment, the only thing he felt was the beating in the general's chest, as if there was still a blazing sun in his heart, constantly awakening him with a "pounding" sound, so that he would not lose all consciousness.

Yu Hao hugged the general and kept falling, and the dark water around him suddenly became clear. From pitch black to dark blue, then to light blue, green, and then the sea becomes transparent.

A light came from afar.

Shi Ni stood on the high platform of the lighthouse and raised his hand towards the totem. The totem was transformed into a galaxy-like light powder, wrapped around her body and turned into a glittering and gorgeous snow-white princess dress.

Shi Ni: "..."

The tulle on the skirt fluttered in the wind, and the moment the totem returned to Shi Ni's body, a wave of light bloomed from the top of the lighthouse, forming a shock wave that spread toward the entire world of consciousness.

With a bang, the giant monsters in the deep sea suddenly shattered and disappeared, and the hundreds of meters high sea level collapsed like a mountain collapse and disappeared without a trace. Yu Hao regained consciousness, hugged the general, and fell toward the sea again!

"Yu Hao!"

His consciousness came back, the general hugged him tightly, Yu Hao's whole body disappeared, the sky was spinning, he fell from a height of 100 meters for the second time, and shouted suddenly.


The two of them fell to the sea like shooting stars. Just as they were about to enter the sea, a whistle sounded at the last moment. The general grabbed Yu Hao and turned around in the air. He was wearing golden armor and fighting clouds. , fly into the sky, circle away!


Yu Hao: "..."

The general turned his head and shouted at Yu Hao, "You're not afraid of dying yourself!"

Yu Hao stood on the somersault cloud, hugged the general's waist from behind, and laughed.

The sky was white with fish belly, the general stepped on somersaulting clouds, and led Yu Hao to circle around the lighthouse. Shi Ni stood in the center of the lighthouse, Yu Hao turned around, Shi Ni unfolded the princess dress, and bowed to the two of them under the morning star.

"Thank you." There were tears in Shi Ni's eyes.

Yu Hao thought he had to go down and say a few more words, but the general held the golden cudgel in one hand, and the other hand with two fingers, waved at the master of the dream world, took Yu Hao and flew away without any explanation.

On the top of the towering mountains, Yu Hao and the general were sitting on a platform facing east. The protruding rock platform was very small. The general was sitting on the rock wall, while Yu Hao was leaning on his arms. , waiting for the dawn to come.

"You should have used somersault clouds long ago!" Yu Hao couldn't help laughing, "Why did you summon it last?"

"I really don't know!" The general said innocently, "I don't know why at the last moment, but I also have the golden armor and somersault clouds."

"Now I feel like I'm incredibly strong." The general said again, "I can kill a large group with one stick, but it's a pity that I didn't blame it."

Yu Hao laughed, his back pressed against the big monkey's chest, feeling his strong and warm heartbeat.

"The sun is out." Yu Hao said.

"Well," said the general, "it's dawn, it's time to say good night."

The sun rose and illuminated the dream world, turning the entire sea into a transparent jelly-like color. The tide swept the coral and colorful shells, and then receded in an instant, with a "swoosh" sound, sparkling.

On the sea, the floating broken trees rose up one after another, flew to the bay, and regrouped into villages.

As the sun rises, the walls and roofs show bright colors, and one after another is built automatically like building blocks, and spreads rapidly along this harbor facing the sea and mountains, until it reaches the top of the mountain.

All the vegetation outside the harbor revived in an instant, like a carpet flying over and flowers blooming.

The sun rises, the mountains melt into snow, and the clear river flows down through the greenery and into the sea.

The woods and the wind blow, birds chirping, and thousands of leaves rustle. The NPCs woke up one after another, and shouts came from afar.

The lighthouse faded from black, the outer walls turned white, the bells of "Dang, Dang" sounded in the city, and the fishing boats were floating and sinking, pulling their sails, and galloping to the wind and the sunny sea.

The sun rose, shining on Yu Hao and the general.

"Will we meet again?" Yu Hao stared at the scorching sun of the golden light, and the general raised his palm to block him in front of his forehead.

"It really won't happen this time," said the general.

The two were silent for a moment. Yu Hao looked sideways at this fairy tale harbor and said, "I have a lot to ask you, but I know you won't say anything. General, I don't want to say goodbye to you like this."

The general said: "To be honest, I also once looked forward to whether there would be a person who would stand in front of me after countless times of sun rise and find me again. On the day you gave me the totem, I... Forget it, Yu Hao... "

When he heard this, Yu Hao's heart suddenly twitched.

Yu Hao turned his head and said in surprise, "Where are you? I'm coming to find you! General! I'll come!"

"It's a pity that a dream is a dream, and it can only be a dream. When the sun rises, we have to say goodbye."

"From now on, live a good life, and you will slowly forget me."

Yu Hao said, "No! I will never forget you!"

"After many years, your memory will become more and more blurred, and you will start to convince yourself that this is just a dream."

"Wait!" Yu Hao said, "I still have a lot to say!"

The general's hand placed in front of Yu Hao's forehead burst into golden light and pressed against his forehead, but Yu Hao raised his hand, pressed it against his palm, and then intertwined his fingers.

Yu Hao shouted, "I don't want to just say goodbye to you! Let me say goodbye! General!"

Yu Hao turned over, but the general had already pressed his hand up and placed it on his forehead.

"I'm in the sun, I'm in the wind, I'm in the sky, I'm in the dream, I've always been there, I've never been separated from you, good night."

Yu Hao's whole body turned into a powder of light, dissipating in the general's arms, and was thrown out of Shi Ni's dream.

It was dawn, and the sunlight came in from the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room and shone on Yu Hao's face. He opened his eyes with difficulty in the dazzling sunlight, remembering the last moment in the dream, his heart beat like a drum, making him a little breathless.

He glanced at his phone. At half past seven, Shi Ni should have not woken up yet. Let her experience the dream after the sun rises.

Chen Yekai still didn't reply, and after a while, Zhou Sheng received the news.

[have you woken up? I came to wash up.]

He returned Zhou Sheng's news, got up to wash up, and recalled every detail from knowing the general. The most difficult thing for people is to recognize their own thoughts. Yu Hao was reluctant to think about it before, but many thoughts, even if they don't study them carefully, are still there.

It's like he actually fell in love with a person in a dream.

Yu Hao decided to keep a diary and write down the general. In fact, as soon as he woke up from the dream, he couldn't even remember the general's monkey appearance and voice. Every time after waking up from a dream, details, processes, and even words will gradually fade away, like ice cubes in running water, completely disappearing into memory.

Only in the dream, the strong surging impressions and emotions at that moment still flowed in his veins.

Yu Hao tried to type a few lines, but he couldn't describe these dreams accurately, so he had to delete, remember, delete, he stubbornly thought that he must write it down, it would be the most important thing in his life one of the memories.

Shi Ni sent him a message: [Teacher, are you up yet?]

Yu Hao replied to Shi Ni's news, Shi Ni said, "I want to eat breakfast at McDonald's.]

Yu Hao went down to buy breakfast and brought it to Shi Ni. Shi Ni was wearing pajamas and looked tired, opened the door for him, and said, "Will Zhou Sheng come to eat too?"

"He's coming." Yu Hao was a little absent-minded, still thinking about the dream and the general, and replied, "It's almost there."

Shi Ni went into the room to change clothes, Yu Hao sat on the sofa, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Zhou Sheng.

Suddenly the door lock sounded, and he looked up.

Doesn't it mean that the nanny won't come today

Yu Hao hurriedly stroked his hair and was thinking about how to explain. The door opened, a middle-aged man entered, closed it, inserted the key, and locked it. It was Shi Liang in a down jacket.