Seizing Dreams

Chapter 19: afraid


Before Yu Hao could react, Shi Liang didn't expect someone in the living room, turned his head inadvertently, and was obviously stunned.

Yu Hao's breath stopped for a moment, he didn't know what to say for a while, but a completely unrelated thought flashed through his mind. Where the magic eye comes from! Shi Liang has been monitoring his daughter! It is very likely that Shi Ni's mobile phone was located!

"What do I say..." Shi Liang was dumbfounded, his whole body trembling with anger.

Yu Hao calmed down, got up slowly, stood in front of Shi Ni's door, watched him vigilantly, and figured out how to get out. He held the phone, put his back behind him, and pressed emergency call.

Seeing his hands behind his back, Shi Liang seemed to understand something, and roared angrily, "How dare you break into my house! I'm going to kill you!" He picked up the furnishings in the living room and slammed it towards Yu Hao!

Just as Yu Hao unlocked his phone, he immediately threw it aside when he saw the incident, bowed and threw at Shi Liang, hugged his waist, rushed across the living room, and threw him on the floor of the dining room!

Shi Ni rushed out and shouted, "Yu Hao!"

"Go back to the room! Don't come out!" Yu Hao shouted, "Take my cell phone and call Zhou Sheng!"

Yu Hao rolled over to get up, Shi Liang swung a chair and slammed him hard on the head, the smashing made Yu Hao dizzy, his eyes darkened, and all the stars were dangling. Shi Ni rushed forward to pull his father away, but was slapped by Shi Liang and fell to the ground, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Yu Hao seldom fights, but if he really wants to be ruthless, he will kill him. He immediately grabbed another chair and smashed Shi Liang on the back. Shi Liang dragged her up with Shi Ni's collar in one hand, and turned around to slap Yu Hao. Pushing it to the front of the cupboard, the two of them fought for a while. Yu Hao suffered a loss when he just woke up or went barefoot. As soon as he stepped on the broken glass, blood began to flow, and he had to protect Shi Ni, and he was hit again on the head.

"Open the door!"

There was chaos in the house, and Zhou Sheng's roar came from outside the door: "Yu Hao! Are you inside?! Open the door!"

Yu Hao dragged Shi Liang and roared, "Ni Ni, go open the door!"

Shi Ni: "It's locked!"

Zhou Sheng kicked hard in the corridor, and there was a loud noise in an instant, but the security door could not be opened no matter what. It was early in the morning when all the neighbors were alerted and opened the door one after another.

In the chaos, Shi Liang's electronic products and TV were all smashed when they were pushed and shoved. Both of them had blood on their heads. Shi Liang held a smashed wine bottle and pointed at Yu Hao. Yu Hao's head was bleeding. He was still barefoot, stepping on the glass ballast all over the floor, gasping for breath, blocking the Ni Ni behind him.

"You broke into my house." Shi Liang gasped and said savagely, "Even if I kill you now, it's still in self-defense!"

Yu Hao breathed slowly. The next moment, he suddenly turned around and hugged Shi Ni's head. The two of them rolled into the corner at the same time!

Behind Shi Liang, Zhou Sheng was clinging to the steel drying rack with one hand and kicking on the balcony. With a loud noise, the floor-to-ceiling windows turned into sky-filled glass and flew into the living room. Zhou Sheng let out a furious roar, like a wild beast. Liang Gang turned around with fear in his eyes, and before he could shout, he was kicked in the chest and hit the bookshelf.

Zhou Sheng roared again, Shi Liang just got up, and immediately received another straight punch and fell to the ground.

"Stop hitting!" Yu Hao was afraid that Zhou Sheng would kill someone, so he roared and rushed forward to open the door. Huang Ting rushed over with his colleague.

Zhou Sheng was like a beast out of the cage, roaring forward and punching again.

Shi Liang received a head-on blow, his face covered in blood, fell to the ground, and passed out.

Yu Hao seemed to hear the sound of a broken bone, and quickly turned around and pushed Zhou Sheng to the corner of the wall. Zhou Sheng's arrogance was like a steel-making furnace, and it finally calmed down.

While in the car, Zhou Sheng was still panting like a leopard with fried fur, while Yu Hao's mind went blank. He kept looking behind the car and asked, "Shi Ni..."

"Huang Ting will take care of her." Zhou Sheng recovered and said angrily, "Why don't you know to close the door? Hide in the bedroom!"

Yu Hao couldn't hide from that situation. Even if he could, he would never have imagined that he was in a hurry. His only thought at the time was to protect Shi Ni.

"How did you come in?" Yu Hao remembered the moment Zhou Sheng appeared on the balcony.

"It jumped over." Zhou Sheng said.

"Thirty-sixth floor!" Yu Hao suddenly gushed blood to his head, and said angrily, "You're dying?!"

Shi Liang's family lives in a high-rise near the top floor. The exterior wall is bare. Only the neighbor's balcony is nearly three meters away. Zhou Sheng first opened the window of the sun room on the neighbor's balcony, jumped to the outside wall of Shi's house and grabbed the air-conditioning rack, and then jumped to Shi's house. outside the sun room, opened the small window of the sun room, and got into the balcony. Yu Hao looked under the balcony, and there wasn't even a place to kick his feet. Immediately, the image of Zhou Sheng trying his best to hang outside the balcony appeared in his mind. On the marble platform of the overhead floor on the second floor, it fell into meat sauce!

Only now did Yu Hao realize that he was afraid, his eyes showed panic, and he couldn't stop gasping for breath. Zhou Sheng took Yu Hao out of the car and hurried towards the hospital.

"What if else?!"

"Put me down!"

"Shut up!" Zhou Sheng got angry again.

Thinking of the scene where Zhou Sheng was hanging on the balcony, Yu Hao's mood was extremely complicated, and his heart was gripped.

A lot of broken glass from the coffee table was stuck on his feet, and a lot of blood dripped along the way. The situation was very scary, and he was hugged by Zhou Sheng. The nurse said at a glance, "Go to the innermost room in the corridor! I'll look for it. doctor!"

"Obstetrics and gynecology?" Zhou Sheng entered the ward with a question mark.

Yu Hao: "..."

The nurse took a quick look and took Yu Hao as a girl, thinking that something had happened. Yu Hao struggled to get down, limping, and when he arrived at the surgical ward, Zhou Sheng hurriedly went to the nurse to ask for iodine and bandages. The nurse took a pair of tweezers and cleaned his wound.

Yu Hao didn't notice it before, but now when the glass ballast was removed, it started to hurt. He pursed his lips together, his face pale.

After the nurse finished cleaning up, Zhou Sheng knelt down on one knee and helped Yu Hao with the medicine, and suddenly raised his head to look at Yu Hao, the two of them relaxed completely.

"I can't go to the playground today." Yu Hao didn't know why, but this was what he remembered.

"I remember." Zhou Sheng patted his pocket and said, "The tickets are all bought, and they are valid for one year." After he started answering the phone again, Yu Hao remembered that he forgot his phone at Shi's house.

There was a lot of confusion, and finally Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao were left in the ward, silently facing each other, very quiet.

"Next time, you must protect yourself, you know?" Zhou Sheng said.

Yu Hao replied, "You also have to promise me that you won't be able to climb the thirty-sixth floor anymore."

"Didn't I need to climb the stairs when you were locked inside?" Zhou Sheng exploded again.

Yu Hao said, "Can he really beat me to death?! It's a big deal. If you fall, it will be fatal!"

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao were both furious for a while, but returned to their silence.

Yu Hao never thought that someone would do such a dangerous thing for him in this life, although for Zhou Sheng, it might be purely subconscious.

There is a person in the world who cares so much about his own safety. This taste is like a bitter olive. After chewing for a long time, it has a different taste.

"You saved me twice." Yu Hao said uncomfortably in the silence, "I... I'm sorry, Zhou Sheng."

"Don't be silly." Zhou Sheng couldn't help laughing and laughing. He stood up and said, "It's too numb." He glanced at his phone, got up and went outside to answer the phone. The moment he turned around, Yu Hao suddenly saw that Zhou Sheng's face was flushed.

For some reason, Yu Hao couldn't help laughing. Zhou Sheng made an annoyed gesture toward him, motioning him to keep his voice low, telling the people on the other end that the bleeding had stopped. It must be Huang Ting who told them to go there as soon as possible.

"Let's go." Zhou Sheng pulled Yu Hao up and said, "Can you go?"

"I can go by myself." Yu Hao hurriedly said.

Zhou Sheng didn't hug him anymore, bowed slightly, and helped him out of the hospital.

Half an hour later, at the police station, Shi Ni hugged Zhou Sheng and cried for a while, then held back her tears in front of Yu Hao, and asked in a low voice, "Are you alright?"

Yu Hao looked at Shi Ni with a smile, and said, "Small injury." Seeing a middle-aged man and a lady standing behind Shi Ni, he said, "Don't you want to introduce me?"

Shi Ni burst into laughter and introduced his uncle and aunt. The two kept thanking Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng, but their expressions were very unnatural. They were obviously still immersed in the truth that Huang Ting told them, and they did not quell their anger.

Huang Ting personally interrogated Shi Liang, and what everyone worried about the most was that Shi Liang refused to admit the matter, and even bit Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng, accusing them of breaking into the house and committing murder. The interrogation of Shi Liang could only last for twenty-four hours. Once the time was up, if he did not confess, he could only be released.

Shi Ni glanced at the interrogation room and said, "I want to see him."

"Don't go." Yu Hao said, "At least you are truly safe from now on."

Shi Ni said, "No, I have to go."

Zhou Sheng: "We will accompany you."

Shi Ni wiped away her tears and said, "Let me go by myself, trust me, Teacher Yu."

Yu Hao pondered for a moment, Shi Ni stood in front of him a little stubbornly, still wearing pajamas, he looked down at Shi Ni's hand, Shi Ni's fingers kept shaking.

Yu Hao spread out his hand, Shi Ni put his hand in his palm, Yu Hao closed his palm, and said seriously, "Okay, I trust you."

At this moment, he felt that Shi Ni was like a new soul. Her eyes reminded him of the time when he stepped on the general's somersault cloud, flew to the top of the tower, and said goodbye to the princess in a dress in the dream. . At that moment, she unfolded her foreign dress and saluted a little, her eyes seemed to tell them that she would no longer be afraid.

Just like Yu Hao himself, the moment the sun rose, he felt the gloom in his heart disappear.

Shi Ni turned around and entered the interrogation room alone. It only took five minutes for Huang Ting to bring her out.

The crowd got nervous.

Huang Ting made an OK gesture, indicating success.

Shi Ni seemed very tired, her aunt took her aside, and the two talked in a low voice.

"She unlocked her dad's phone." Huang Ting whispered, "There are... some pictures of Shi Liang. Shi Liang can't deny it any longer."

Almost instantly, Yu Hao thought of the top floor of the lighthouse, the attic surrounded by blurry glowing images.

Shi Liang dropped the charges against Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng, and immediately started looking for a lawyer.

Yu Hao sat in the cafe with Zhou Sheng, Shi Ni, and Shi Ni's uncle and aunt, chatting for a while. Shi Ni's uncle decided to take her to her grandmother's house in a neighboring city first, and her grandmother wanted to meet her.

"Ni Ni, call me anytime if you need anything." Yu Hao knew that the next step was to wait for the court session. They were all involved, and they would meet again at that time.

Shi Ni nodded, made a gesture, meaning QQ contact, and got into his uncle's car.

Zhou Sheng asked Yu Hao to put his shoulders on his shoulders, and the two stood at the door of the police station. Ying City ushered in the best day after winter.

The wind blew up, and all the dead leaves on the treetops flew away from the branches. The sky is as blue as a wash, and the traffic is full of traffic. The mirrors, the car windows, and the glass outer walls of high-rise buildings all reflect the white clouds in the sky, just like someone poured a bucket of blue and white paint from the sky in an instant. Turn into soft graffiti floating in the city.

The sun is bright and warm, shining on everyone.

"Have a cup of coffee?" Huang Ting said, "I inform you that the head teacher is here, and there are still some things that need to be finished."

In the cafe opposite the police station, Huang Ting went to buy them coffee, and Chen Yekai sat opposite Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng with a strange expression.

"Teacher, your hair..." Yu Hao said.

"It doesn't look good?" Chen Yekai said.

"No." Yu Hao said with a smile, "It's beautiful, but I didn't expect you to be so trendy!"

Chen Yekai was getting a haircut in a high-end styling club when he received the belated news of "something bad". Yekai turned pale when he saw the phone, and kept urging Mr. Tony to hurry up, because he was in a hurry, so Mr. Tony had to keep it in the end and brushed it for him. Chen Yekai hurriedly rushed over, only to see Yu Hao. He was eating cake and drinking coffee with Zhou Sheng, and was almost scared to death.

"Where's Shi Ni?" Chen Yekai asked.

"I was picked up." Zhou Sheng replied, "Let her have a good rest."

"He recognized it?" Chen Yekai asked.

Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng didn't know how to answer for a while, Huang Ting came back, put down the coffee, and said, "Yes."

Huang Ting and Chen Yekai exchanged glances, Yu Hao vaguely felt that Chen Yekai had guessed what happened, from Yu Hao's overnight stay at Shi's house, and then speculated that he was protecting Shi Ni, and then observed the three of them. With a demeanor, Chen Yekai hardly asked any questions since he sat down.

"Teacher, please eat this." Yu Hao took out the box of chocolates that Shi Ni gave him yesterday. There was still the last piece in it. Chen Yekai looked at Yu Hao and took the chocolate from the box with his long fingers.

Zhou Sheng said: "Let's discuss, Kai Kai, let's forget about the ward round."

Chen Yekai: "..."

Yu Hao: "I'm real..."

Huang Ting: "They were afraid of being punished, so they asked me to testify."

Chen Yekai waved his hand and said to Huang Ting, "Is it so easy to recognize?"

Huang Ting nodded, the four of them were silent for a long time, Chen Yekai put the chocolate in his mouth, narrowed his eyes, chewed a few bites, and said, "Very well, this is over, let's go, take you two to cut your hair."

"I'm not going!" Zhou Sheng immediately said.

Yu Hao: "My feet are not good!"

The protest was ineffective. Chen Yekai filled out the form and took the two of them to get their hair cut. He observed his new hairstyle in the mirror and asked Yu Hao, "Do you think the teacher looks good with this hairstyle or a round inch?"

"Of course it looks good now." It was the first time Yu Hao came to such an expensive barber shop, and he felt completely uncomfortable. Zhou Sheng said, "Don't be smug, you are not as good-looking as Laozi."

Chen Yekai: "..."