Seizing Dreams

Chapter 23: past


"You... Who will you sing that song for?" Chen Yekai suddenly said.

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao kept silent and led him to the front of the dormitory building and up the stairs. Chen Yekai smiled and said, "Who is that friend?"

"General." Yu Hao replied.

"Who... who is the general?" Chen Yekai asked again.

"One person in my heart." Yu Hao said with a smile, "It's not you, Teacher Chen. But... let's sing it for you and all my friends."

Sing to Zhou Sheng, Fu Liqun, Chen Yekai, Huang Ting, and even the reporter who has never met and doesn't know his name, to all those who have helped him... And the only one under the sun is still the general.

Chen Yekai's body became heavier, and Yu Hao couldn't think about it any more. He led him upstairs and touched Chen Yekai's trousers pocket. There was no key. It was a fingerprint lock. Pulling Chen Yekai's hand and pressing it, the door opened.

Entering Chen Yekai's house, he immediately warmed up, Yu Hao put him on the sofa, Chen Yekai lay down, muttered to himself, "I heard it, I heard it!"

Yu Hao said, "Drink some water." Then he turned to the kitchen to get some water, while Chen Yekai was lying on the sofa panting.

He unscrewed the water purifier, and from the day he first met the general, for some reason, the past became very clear scene by scene. The previously forgotten memories, like a hazy negative film soaked in the developing solution, gradually became clear and surfaced.

The day Chen Yekai arrived in Ying City happened to be when that incident happened, but they didn't know each other before. Can one person dream of another person he has never seen before

Assuming it can, then the general has the ability to enter anyone and any dream on the premise that he has known each other. Since he can come and go freely. Why did you say to Shi Ni again, "You called me here"

If not, then he and Shi Ni have both met the general and hope that someone will save him, so that the general can take advantage of this impression and occupy a place in his and Shi Ni's dream.

Chen Yekai had met Shi Ni. If the general was him, why would he be turned into Monkey King in Shi Ni's dream? And before that incident, he had never seen Chen Yekai, nor did he know his existence. So it wouldn't be Chen Yekai, could it be Zhou Sheng? ! Thinking of this, Yu Hao's heart suddenly beat wildly uncontrollably.

He will see Shi Ni in court tomorrow. He needs to confirm one thing with Shi Ni. Just give him a little time and let Shi Ni answer one of his questions.

In the living room, Chen Yekai vomited.

Yu Hao quickly took the cup, Chen Yekai vomited, Yu Hao supported him to drink water to prevent him from choking. Chen Yekai let out a long sigh, Yu Hao found that there were tears on his face, and he actually cried!

"Teacher?" Yu Hao was at a loss for a moment. Chen Yekai's drunkenness had far exceeded his ability to handle it. Chen Yekai lay back again and began to sing in a low voice. It was actually the same song Yu Hao sang at night. Hao just felt so ashamed, why did he choose such a girly song!

"It turns out that you are the luck I want to keep the most. It turns out that we are so close to love. That is my decision to fight against the world... "

"Every scene is all about you... I'm so lucky to meet you..."

What's even more strange is that Yu Hao couldn't help but laugh and sing along with Chen Yekai. He observed Chen Yekai and determined that he was really just drunk. Utensils, clean up a mess.

I should take a photo... Yu Hao was laughing as he mopped the floor. Chen Yekai, who was as flawless as a star, also had such embarrassing moments.

"Are you still vomiting?" Yu Hao asked Chen Yekai, and said, "I'll prepare a basin for you to put on the ground."

"I'll hang up my clothes."

After he said that, he washed his hands, put the clothes and trousers that Chen Yekai lent him back in the closet, hung up the white shirt, remembered the navy blue shirt, opened the cabinet door on the other side, and suddenly saw that Chen Yekai had been killed before. On the navy blue shirt that was tucked in casually, a photo dropped out and landed on the ground.

Yu Hao bowed to pick up the photo, just glanced at it, and instantly turned to look at the living room.

At that moment, he inadvertently learned a certain truth, and he also vaguely understood why Chen Yekai had such a reaction.

In the photo, Chen Yekai is younger than he is now, just like the photo from five or six years ago, wearing that navy blue shirt, holding the hand of a boy, his fingers interlocking, the boy is handsome and handsome, a Chinese, two A man standing in front of a waterfall, smiling brightly and carefree, closes the picture.

That boy was wearing the white shirt that was kept by Chen Yekai on the side of the closet, the white shirt that Yu Hao wore today! Moreover, the boy's appearance, although his facial features were very different from Yu Hao's, had a slightly melancholy temperament, just like Yu Hao was still a little sad when he saw himself in the mirror and smiled.

Yu Hao also recognized the waterfall in their background - it came from the "Breakthrough" that he had watched many times, which Liang Chaowei and Leslie Cheung never did in their entire lives...

Iguazu Falls.

Yu Hao's heart was mixed in an instant, is this Chen Yekai's ex boyfriend? Is he bent? They broke up for good? Yu Hao didn't dare to touch it again, he quickly put the photo back on his navy blue shirt, and tried his best to look like it had never happened. He felt extremely guilty for a while, but felt very sorry for Chen Yekai.

"I didn't mean it." Yu Hao said, "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it."

Like a child who did something wrong, he didn't realize the more meaning behind it all. He closed the closet decisively and thought about it. Maybe the best move was to keep this secret in his heart forever. Let Chen Yekai find out.

So he had to take off the shirt again, fold it, put it back in the bag, and put it on the side of the sofa.

Chen Yekai lay flat on the sofa, Yu Hao turned Chen Yekai over and made him lie on his side to prevent the vomit from blocking the trachea and causing suffocation, and said, "Teacher, I'll go back first."

Chen Yekai pulled Yu Hao's hand away, not wanting to lie on his side, but lying flat.

Yu Hao found a blanket to cover him, Chen Yekai frowned slightly.

Yu Hao asked him to face to one side several times, but Chen Yekai was unmoved. Yu Hao thought about it, and finally sat on the sofa on the other side, took off his clothes and covered him, and decided to take care of him at least tonight. , to avoid any situation.

There are too many thoughts, intricate and complicated, which makes him feel very tired. For Yu Hao, perhaps the most shocking news today was that in the photo, Chen Yekai looked like an attacker.

Has he ever been in pain because of his feelings? Yu Hao remembered the appearance of those two shirts together, which was a plot from another movie:

"Brokeback Mountain" by Ang Lee.

Why didn't I think about it when I borrowed a shirt? Yu Hao really wanted to slap himself. He turned off the light and closed his eyes wearily in the dark. At this moment, he didn't have much excitement or curiosity, but felt that he had recklessly entered his heart on this night when Chen Yekai was drunk.

He knew that Chen Yekai must have had a very sad moment, but he didn't dare to say anything, he could only close the door of his heart carefully, and take advantage of the fact that he didn't know anything, then exit slowly, and let everything remain This kind of tranquility will no longer take the liberty to disturb the master here.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Yu Hao recited it silently countless times, I really didn't mean it... Then, in the darkness, for some reason, the general's words sounded again in his mind: "Good night."

He fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, the sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Yu Hao curled up on the single-seater sofa all night, his whole body falling apart in sleep. He was covered with a blanket that smelled of the sun, and the clothes bag by the sofa had been taken away. The sound of water came from the bathroom, Chen Yekai was taking a bath.

Yu Hao yawned, got up and shouted, Chen Yekai answered in the bathroom.

"The toothbrush and towels are prepared for you on the sink. They are all new." Chen Yekai said, "Do you have to go to court today?"

Yu Hao suddenly remembered, he made an appointment with Zhou Sheng to go to court today, and quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face. After a while, the sound of water stopped, Chen Yekai put on his bathrobe and came out, blowing his hair behind Yu Hao, and asked, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Yu Hao hurriedly waved his hand, indicating that he could handle it.

Chen Yekai said again, "Take a shower before you go? I'll find you some new base clothes."

Yu Hao waved his hand again, and Chen Yekai said, "Then wash your hair."

Yu Hao's hair was messy, this was okay, Chen Yekai blew his head, Yu Hao heard the sound of a rice cooker coming from the kitchen again - Chen Yekai was making breakfast.

This kind of life-like scene made Yu Hao feel unreal. Maybe this was the life he had longed for. He let the hot water flow in his ears and hair, and recalled the melancholy boy in the photo. Did they break up? It should be a breakup. Why would someone as good as Chen Yekai break up

Yu Hao blew his head, Chen Yekai had changed into his plaid pajamas, and there were two bowls of hot white rice on the dining table, as well as lotus root soup and pickles.

"Have the details of the trial been correct?" Chen Yekai asked again.

Yu Hao took the chopsticks and said, "You can't collude with witnesses in advance. Huang Ting said that you can answer whatever the court asks."

Chen Yekai nodded and said, "Auntie cooked lotus root soup last night. Eat it as you go, and pay attention to the time."

Yu Hao glanced at his watch, there was still a lot of time left, he was a little nervous, looked up at Chen Yekai, but Chen Yekai laughed.


"Your food is delicious."

"I just cooked a pot of white rice!" Chen Yekai laughed. "My predecessor always disliked my cooking and said I didn't look like a Chinese student."

Hearing the word "ex", Yu Hao confirmed his conjecture, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, he just smiled. After drinking coffee, he felt much better. Auntie came to clean and said, "Student."

"Well, little brother." Chen Yekai said casually, and said to Yu Hao, "I'll call a car for you, you can ask Zhou Sheng to come down and wait."

Yu Hao wanted to say no, but knowing that Chen Yekai wanted to thank him for taking care of him last night, he nodded and accepted. When he arrived at the school gate, Zhou Sheng was waiting.

Zhou Sheng: "Aren't you in the dormitory early in the morning?"

Yu Hao didn't want to tell Zhou Sheng about the night he spent at Chen Yekai's house, so he nodded.

"I've washed my hair." Zhou Sheng said again.

Yu Hao thought to himself, why did you observe so carefully today

Zhou Sheng: "Have you changed your shampoo?"

Yu Hao: "..."

When the car arrived, Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng suspiciously. Zhou Sheng looked puzzled and asked, "Did you weave a hand rope for me?"

"Why so fast?" Yu Hao replied, and Zhou Sheng said, "Why are you a little weird today."

Yu Hao was always thinking about the question about the general last night, but was interrupted by Chen Yekai's secret. Now, when he saw Zhou Sheng, he couldn't help thinking about it. Besides Shi Ni, he also wanted to ask Zhou Sheng a few times. In other words, now is not the right time.