Seizing Dreams

Chapter 48: Diamond Ring


Chen Yekai and Zhou Sheng climbed with rattan on the stone wall of the hall. The sound echoed throughout the pyramid. Chen Yekai looked up and glanced in the distance. There was a broken stone bridge, and they had to climb to a higher place first. , jump on the stone bridge, and then follow the passage behind the stone bridge, enter the central area of Chichen Itza, and go to the Well of Reincarnation.

Zhou Sheng suddenly said, "Let's talk about you grumpy little boy, I'll have to meet you directly later."

Chen Yekai grabbed the rattan, Zhou Sheng stretched out his hand from one side and pulled his hand. Chen Yekai took advantage of the situation to move on to another protruding rock and moved slowly.

"Takin has always been like this." Chen Yekai said slowly, "He rejects almost all of my friends, whether they are boys or girls."

"This proves that he has a monopoly on you." Zhou Sheng said casually, and jumped over the crack of the masonry. After thinking about it, he whistled.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yekai wondered.

"Nothing." Zhou Sheng wanted to try to summon Somersault Cloud, but he couldn't summon it.

"Love is exclusive." Chen Yekai said, "But once it goes too far, it will be very painful. All social software, phone calls, emails, and blogs have been searched over and over again, and every girl who has a crush on me is attacked by him. questioning…”

"That's really scary."

With their backs against the wall, Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai walked slowly in the huge shrine nearly 20 meters above the ground, approaching the rattan hanging above the shrine.

"Are you guilty?" Zhou Sheng asked.

Chen Yekai asked back, "What do you think?"

Zhou Sheng was helpless and said, "His power is too strong, you must overcome your guilt. After all, the him in your dream is no longer the real him. You have to overcome yourself."

Chen Yekai pondered for a moment, and then said, "Yes, but I can't help it. In my many nights, I dreamed of that hotel more than once, and of Long Sheng who was waiting for me to return in the sunshine..."

"…If I had found out sooner…"

"I locked the door, but I couldn't help looking at him until I met Yu Hao..."

Zhou Sheng said, "Because you didn't visit Long Sheng in your dream, he ran out and became stronger and stronger?"

"Maybe." Chen Yekai replied, "You're right, we have to save Yu Hao. If you don't want to start, I can't defeat Long Sheng."

Zhou Sheng thought for a while, then said, "I think you've treated him... It's not your fault, Kai Kai. And even if it's your fault, what you should repent is to seek your own redemption, not self-torture."

"Who do I confess to?" Chen Yekai replied, "He is already dead, and no one can forgive me."

Zhou Sheng said, "Think about it, what would he say if he was still alive? I mean, the real him..."

Chen Yekai didn't speak, he stopped, and Zhou Sheng stopped immediately.

"Takin wrote me a letter the day he left me," Chen Yekai said, "on his blog."

Zhou Sheng said: "Oh? What did you say?"

Chen Yekai replied, "The encryption is set. The password is my birthday. I have never opened it."

Zhou Sheng didn't say a word, the two of them just stood on a long brick platform less than twenty centimeters wide.

"I know he has forgiven me a long time ago. I'm just afraid that I read that letter." Chen Yekai said in a trance, "I will forgive myself in the days to come."

"Go and have a look." Zhou Sheng said, "It's not your business anymore."

Chen Yekai said: "I don't think I deserve redemption, but on the last day of my life, I will read that letter..."

Zhou Sheng was silent for a moment, then replied, "Actually, it has always been you who punished you."

Chen Yekai said: "Yes, only in this way, I think I can survive."

Zhou Sheng glanced at Chen Yekai inexplicably and said, "It's been four years, isn't that enough?"

"Not enough." Chen Yekai replied, "It's far from enough."

At this moment, the whole world shook again, Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai raised their heads.

"Do I have to wake up?" Chen Yekai asked Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng didn't answer, he opened his eyes in an instant, and was ejected into Chen Yekai's dream.

"Yu Hao!" Zhou Sheng turned over, looked at Yu Hao on the other bed, patted Yu Hao's face, and Yu Hao also woke up.

"Thank God." Zhou Sheng immediately hugged him and patted his head, Yu Hao said, "I'm fine..."

After Yu Hao woke up, he was hugged by Zhou Sheng, his heart was beating all of a sudden, the two sat on the bed, Zhou Sheng looked at his watch - it was three o'clock in the middle of the night.

"He's in New York." Zhou Sheng said, "I slept for ten hours, which is really long. How is your situation?"

"Don't worry, before you arrive, I should be fine." Yu Hao replied, and described the situation in front of the Well of Samsara to Zhou Sheng and the Long Sheng he had seen.

"No totem?" Zhou Sheng frowned, "How is that possible?"

It was true that Yu Hao didn't see the totem, but at the end, he was trapped by the Feathered Serpent God. As long as he didn't mess with or irritate Nakagawa Longsheng, he should still be safe for the time being.

Zhou Sheng folded his arms, sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed, thought for a while, and said, "There are two possibilities, one, the totem is in the well; two, the totem is Longsheng."

"You're so smart!" With Yu Hao replaced, he couldn't think of the idea that the totem was Long Sheng.

Zhou Sheng said again annoyed and annoyed: "Kakai's dream is really hard to break into."

Yu Hao said, "Is it difficult in your dream?"

I also know that in ordinary people's dreams, there will be no places as far away as Chichen Itza, no wild beasts like jaguars, and no guns. Chen Yekai not only read ten thousand volumes of books, but also Traveling thousands of miles, this dream will be bigger and broader than ordinary people's dreams.

"Actually, before I met you, I never really crossed anyone's dream and went to the totem." Zhou Sheng thought about it for a long time, and finally said, "Most of them gave up halfway."

"How is that possible?" Yu Hao asked in surprise.

Yu Hao always thought that Zhou Sheng had experienced the dreams of a large number of people, there were no one thousand but eight hundred, otherwise he would not have known the connection between so many dreams and reality. Zhou Sheng explained: "I just have a lot of dreams out of curiosity. I traveled in and out to see. There are also many dreams. The raging darkness in them is too powerful. I want to change them, but most of them give up halfway..."

"...Usually people in reality only need to change a little bit, and I think it's fine." Zhou Sheng said, "Just like the same table in the first year of junior high school, she always likes to scratch me, and she always makes trouble for me, and I am pinched by my mother. It was so much tossing, I couldn't stand it, so I walked around in her dream."

In addition to his father's dream, in junior high school, Zhou Sheng entered the dream at the same table and found that the girl was often subjected to domestic violence at home. In the dream, the monsters that were projected by real violence in the conscious world were rampant. He helped the girl solve part of the problem. , I felt that there was almost no problem, so I stopped going, and I was tired.

In the dream of the head teacher of the junior high school, the head teacher was embarrassed by the unfair treatment and abandoned by his wife. He often vented his anger on the students. Zhou Sheng also solved part of it. , then carefully backed out.

In many dreams, he didn't want to fight to the end, but he couldn't do it. Until he met Yu Hao, otherwise he might be able to hold on to that monster in Shi Ni's dream, but he wouldn't be able to fight all the way to the end.

Yu Hao remembered that when he was summoned by Zhou Sheng that day, it was the most critical moment. Without him, Zhou Sheng might not have died, but with Shi Ni's impression of Zhou Sheng, it was really difficult to break through the darkness. dream.

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao pondered relative to each other, Yu Hao suggested: "Analyze analysis, like last time, you guessed it right, the person in front of the totem is Long Sheng."

Zhou Sheng: "Well, I don't know who the gatekeeper will be, maybe Lin Xun didn't run away."

Yu Hao said, "Maybe the gatekeeper can beat him. Longsheng is too difficult."

Zhou Sheng: "Because Kaikai's heart can't let him go, and now you and Longsheng have auras on them."

Yu Hao thought to himself how to do this, but in fact he and Zhou Sheng both knew very well that the most useful way to defeat Long Sheng, and the easiest way, was to fall in love with Chen Yekai and take away the love that belonged to Long Sheng in his heart. . Once he did this, all of Long Sheng's power would completely disappear, and he would also lose to Yu Hao in a dream.

But Yu Hao didn't want to do it, and couldn't do it.

"Can you guide him out of the past?" Although Yu Hao said that, he knew that it was difficult and difficult. It took so much effort to defeat Liu Pengxuan, not to mention that Chen Yekai's former lover had passed away.

Zhou Sheng said: "I also hope to help him get out of reality through dreams."

Yu Hao stopped talking, Zhou Sheng thought about it, and then said, "And in reality, when communicating with Kaikai, you have to be very careful. He is not a little girl like Shi Ni, and he will soon start to doubt it."

In fact, the reason why Zhou Sheng left halfway in many dreams was because he was afraid that too many masters would interfere with the dream, which would have an irreversible impact on people in reality.

Yu Hao said, "Let me call him and talk to him about Longsheng?"

Zhou Sheng suddenly remembered something and said, "Wait, do you know when his birthday is?"

Zhou Sheng told Yu Hao about the blog written by Long Sheng, Yu Hao was a little nervous, and said, "Are you sure you want to read it?"

Zhou Sheng took out his mobile phone, thought for a moment, and then said: "I don't want to decide whether to read it or not, but I want to see Long Sheng's blog published on the Internet, at least that way I can get to know him a little bit more, Kai Kai slept on the plane for so long. , I won't sleep again in a short time, I should get up, I need to exercise, let's go for a run."

It was five o'clock in the morning and the sky was bright. Yu Hao adjusted his phone to the US time for comparison. It was seven in the evening in New York. Zhou Sheng took Yu Hao and started running on the playground.

Fu Liqun was wearing a sports suit and a hood, and looked at the two of them from the side of the stadium with a bored face.

Fu Liqun: "Saturday, are you two running away?"

Zhou Sheng waved to Fu Liqun, and Fu Liqun had to join them. Yu Hao knew that Zhou Sheng was thinking while running, so he didn't bother him. This is really a strange habit. thing

Early on the weekend, the three of them ran laps on the playground like crazy. Yu Hao was the first to lose and couldn't run anymore. Fu Liqun added two more laps and said, "I'm not running anymore! I couldn't get physical training yesterday, so why are you running now?"

Zhou Sheng was still running with his earphones on. The two of them stepped aside, Yu Hao gasped, Fu Liqun handed Yu Hao Shui and said, "Where did you go last night?"

Yu Hao: "I came back late, so I went to open the room." I felt a little guilty towards Fu Liqun. Recently, I haven't taken much care of his emotions. I opened a room with Zhou Sheng twice in a row.

Fu Liqun said carelessly, "Call me next time."

"Are you going to make three batches?" Zhou Sheng ran past the two and said.

Fu Liqun burst into laughter instantly, and Yu Hao spat out a mouthful of water.

Zhou Sheng ran 24 laps, took off his earphones, gasped for a while, and the three of them went back to the dormitory to take turns to take a shower and change into clean clothes. Fu Liqun said, "Brothers, accompany me to pick a diamond ring."

"Please go after breakfast." Zhou Sheng said.

Fu Liqun: "No problem!"

At 9:30 in the morning, Fu Liqun invited Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng to have breakfast and went into a jewelry store decorated in a blue-green style.

The corners of Yu Hao's mouth twitched, "Are you still going to find your sister-in-law?"

Zhou Sheng guessed that Fu Liqun wanted to get back together, and said, "Don't pick the diamond ring, pick the right earring."

Fu Liqun said again, "Let's take a look at it. After buying, accompany your brother to go to your sister-in-law."

Yu Hao was hesitating, but Zhou Sheng refused: "Hands-free, we are just two people in the world, what are you doing as light bulbs?"

Yu Hao: "..."

Fu Liqun smiled and said, "She doesn't necessarily forgive me."

Zhou Sheng: "Sister Shan wanted you to apologize for a long time. I'm afraid of Mao."

Fu Liqun: "Really? What did she say? Show me?"

Zhou Sheng said, "No! Just go! Stop talking nonsense, I'll take Yu Hao to watch a movie later."

The three big boys gathered in front of the counter to look at the ring. The counter lady smiled and put the velvet pad away and took out the diamond ring for Fu Liqun to look at. Yu Hao looked envious and amazed, and didn't dare to touch it. Zhou Sheng picked one, took a look at it, and then asked the lady at the counter to take out the certificate and introduction.

"It's too expensive." Fu Liqun said hurriedly, "It's over budget."

"I'll lend you." Zhou Sheng said, "How much money do you have?" He opened the listing and glanced at it, and immediately exploded: "Damn you, a diamond ring costs 60,000?! Why don't you go grab it? Oh Tiffany... That's when I didn't say it."

Fu Liqun waved his hand and said, "I have a point, so I don't need to borrow it. Her jewelry is all from Bulgari, which is more expensive than Tiffany's."

Yu Hao said, "This price is too terrifying. Would you consider giving her a pair of earrings? These earrings are so flashy."

Fu Liqun hesitated for a moment, Yu Hao tried his best to persuade him, it was not worth it to give a diamond ring, and it was best to be well-prepared for a marriage proposal, and it was a bit sloppy to propose by the way when asking for a reconciliation... Zhou Sheng listened for a while and cast an approving look at Yu Hao.

"Really?" Fu Liqun said to Yu Hao, "If it were you, would you accept it?"

Yu Hao: "Uh..." I thought to myself that I'm not a girl, how should I answer when you ask me this? Why don't you ask Zhou Sheng? Did you know I'm gay too? But just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm a girl! How can I know what Sister Shan is thinking

"Women's hearts, needles at the bottom of the sea." Zhou Sheng said, "Just go and seek reconciliation first, don't be self-defeating."

Fu Liqun finally said: "Okay, Yu Hao, you choose a pair, I trust your aesthetics."

Zhou Sheng exploded: "I have no aesthetics?!"

Yu Hao: "I really have no aesthetics..."

Fu Liqun: "Just choose!"

"This pair, I think she might... like it." Yu Hao hesitantly picked out a pair of earrings.

"You just want Yu Hao to help you pick something cheaper?!" Zhou Sheng said in one sentence.

Yu Hao: "..."

Fu Liqun said, "Yu Hao's choice is definitely the most cost-effective. Why don't you choose the more expensive one yourself?"

Yu Hao picked out a pair of earrings worth more than 9,000 yuan for Fu Liqun, and he felt heartache for Fu Liqun. Fu Liqun swiped his credit card, stuffed the small blue bag into it, and the two took him to the train station.

"Goodbye." Fu Liqun bought the standing ticket and said, "In the next three months, we will have to eat all the instant noodles. Brothers, please help."

Yu Hao saw that Fu Liqun usually doesn't spend money indiscriminately. He always compares prices when he buys things, but he bought a gift for his girlfriend without frowning. He was very moved and said, "You will definitely succeed, brother."

Zhou Sheng: "Okay, I will eat it in one bite, and you will eat it in one bite. Go, don't come back if you don't succeed."

Fu Liqun entered the station, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng watched for a while, Zhou Sheng said with a bit of emotion, "Let's go to the movie."

Yu Hao recalled Fu Liqun's sentence "Of course I wish you all", and couldn't help feeling very emotional. Fu Liqun and Cen Shan have known each other since their first year of high school. This year is the fourth year. If Chen Yekai didn't have that incident, maybe he and Long Sheng are now living a happy life in some corner of the world, right

"What do you think Teacher Chen's totem is?" Yu Hao suddenly moved in his heart and asked Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng said, "You have to ask him to find out. How can I guess? You want to say a diamond ring?"

Yu Hao was almost in sympathy with Zhou Sheng and said, "You know what I think?"

"It's hard to guess." Zhou Sheng said absentmindedly, stuck in the sofa chair of the cinema, "He said that after the defense of his graduation thesis, he would take Long Sheng to Chichen Itza again and propose to him. The diamond ring should be prepared."

Yu Hao also thought of this, Zhou Sheng said, "Imagine, do you think he will throw the diamond ring into the well?"

Yu Hao said, "Zhou Sheng, you are really amazing."

Zhou Sheng: "Of course."

Yu Hao: "I mean when I played under Chichen Itza."

Zhou Sheng: "Well, I also noticed the little eyes you admire, let's watch a movie."