Seizing Dreams

Chapter 5: guard


When Yu Hao left the village, he saw a shepherd on the side of the road, which surprised him. The shepherd looked at him suspiciously, and Yu Hao also turned to look at him.

The shepherd passed them by.

"They are the NPC residents in your dream." The general said, "Don't go and say hello now."

After leaving the village, there was a vast prairie, and Yu Hao was startled by the chirping of an elephant. Not far from the prairie lake, there was an elephant drinking water by the lake.

"Why?" Yu Hao asked the general again.

The general replied: "Everyone, every dream will happen in this big world, like a piece of puzzle that has been patched up, adding a new part. For example, if you dream of lying in the wild today, the wild is your new birth. A piece of the dream. When you dream of someone, there is this NPC in your dream. These NPCs are permanent and are your impression of people outside. Talking to them now may cause trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Yu Hao said, "Why is there trouble?"

The general stopped abruptly and said, "What do you hear?"

Yu Hao didn't hear anything, the general stood in front of him, swiped behind him with his backhand, and drew a broad sword. Yu Hao noticed that the sword was much bigger than when they first met.

"Someone has come to arrest us."

Before he finished speaking, the sound of horses' hooves in the distance, and a group of soldiers rushed towards the village.

"There! Found it!" shouted a familiar voice.

Immediately after hundreds of people rushed towards the village, the general made a decisive decision: "Run!"

Yu Hao's face was dazed. This was an open plain, and he would be found wherever he fled. In an instant, a sharp arrow came and swiped across his face. The general turned around, pressed Yu Hao to the ground, and protected him with his back. The arrows fell like a torrential rain, shooting many dents on his iron armor.

When the wave of arrows was over, the general shouted, "Go to the lake! Hide!"

The next moment, the soldiers riding the warhorses rushed in, Yu Hao glanced hurriedly as he fled, and saw more and more cavalry, forming a siege from all sides, all wearing black leather armor, their bodies exuding black aura. The leader turned out to be...

"Let's go!" the general shouted, and immediately raised his broad sword, facing the leader who took the lead with a ruthless sword!

The leader suddenly turned on his back, and the general swept away his weapons, but he was alone and collided with hundreds of cavalry!

Yu Hao fled to the lake. There was a forest by the lake. The general told him to "hide", but he looked into the distance nervously, feeling that he had to do something. And the elephant who was drinking by the lake heard the sound, turned his head and looked at him.

There were more and more cavalry on the grassland, and the general wanted to fight and retreat, but Nai He Gosuo shot from all sides, wrapped around his wrists and dragged him to the ground. The cavalry rode the war horse and stepped on him fiercely. The general grabbed the horse's legs and overturned the war horse to the ground.

Then, a whistle sounded, and the earth shook.

An elephant thundered violently, and rushed along the grassland toward the cavalry team. Everything in the world seemed to be shaking. Yu Hao was riding on the elephant's back.

"Get out of the way!" Yu Hao shouted.

The chirping of the elephant sounded like the horn of a charge, but with a single collision, the cavalry team collapsed in an instant! The general rolled sideways on the ground, avoiding its huge pillar-like legs, and shouted, "You almost stepped on me!"

Yu Hao shouted, "Come up!"

The general grabbed a lone warhorse, turned on his horse, and rushed out of the encirclement. The elephants trampled everywhere, the cavalry fell off their horses one after another, and each fled, holding a halberd in their hands. When they were about to fight again, the elephant turned its head and rushed towards the leader.

The team leader was in a state of embarrassment and shouted, "Yu Hao! You thief!"

Yu Hao: "..."

The general shouted, "Who is that?! Get rid of him!"

Yu Hao: "That's our grade counselor!"

The cavalry captain's helmet slipped off, revealing his face. It happened to be Yu Hao's counselor, Xue Long...

"It's up to him!" The general rode his horse across the perimeter, controlled the horse with his legs, swung his big sword and rushed in again, roaring, "Step on him!"

Yu Hao: "..."

The elephant didn't wait for Yu Hao's instructions, and with a long cry, it stepped on Xue Long, Xue Long screamed, and the cavalry suddenly panicked and scattered.

"Go!" The general cut down several soldiers and urged.

Another chasing soldier came from afar. This time, the leader of the team did not know who it was. Yu Hao patted the elephant on the head. In parallel, the backhand returned the sword to the back, Yu Hao stretched out his hand to pull, and the general jumped suddenly and rode on the back of the elephant.

As the war horse ran, the general wrapped his arms around Yu Hao's waist and rode steadily behind him.

The elephant left the pursuers far away, but Yu Hao couldn't help but look back, the two of them heaving a sigh of relief.

The general said: "The owner of the totem has discovered us. Once it is alerted, there will be more and more chasing troops."

"Who is the owner of the totem?"

"It's up to you," replied the general, "but I don't think you don't know."

Yu Hao said, "This elephant is willing to help me for some reason. I just arrived at the lake, and it seems to know that I am in danger, so it knelt down and asked me to ride on it..."

"Everything has its reasons for appearing in your dreams." The general said, "On the way, try not to talk to the NPC in the dream, otherwise it will alarm the totem owner."

Yu Hao asked again, "Why do you know this, are you human, General?"

The general did not answer.

Yu Hao remembered what the general said last time, "I'm not part of your consciousness", which means that the general came from outside the dream.

"Why did you come to my dream?" Yu Hao asked, "Why did you save me?"

The general replied, "I don't want to watch you die."

"Are you human or..."

"Ghost?" The general was very self-conscious.

Yu Hao put his hand on his forehead, he felt that he had too many questions, maybe a little annoying, but the general was always patient.

The general finally said: "Don't ask any more, the more you know, the easier it will have a complicated impact on your dreams, which is not a good thing."

Yu Hao nodded, suppressed his curiosity, and did not ask any further questions.

At the end of the road, a majestic mountain blocked the way. After changing to the mountain road, a wind blew and the sky darkened. The two's elephant mounts began to become restless, the mountain road was rugged and difficult to walk, full of thorns, but the elephants continued to move forward unswervingly, until the mountainside was full of cliffs.

Yu Hao and the general got off the back of the elephant, facing a narrow path with a steep rock wall on one side and an abyss on the other. The general said, "I'm heavy, and I'll carry you over there."

Yu Hao asked him to carry it on his back, the general turned around, his back was against the rock wall, facing the cliff, stretched out his hands, and moved carefully step by step.

He really wanted to know the general's appearance. Judging from his tone, the general was not very old, and occasionally he would be cute, like a young man, trying to make himself sound more mature.

Yu Hao suddenly asked, "General, can I see what you look like?"

"No." The general said without thinking.

Yu Hao had to give up, and the general said again, "If you can successfully recapture the totem, I'll take off the helmet for you once."

When Yu Hao heard the word "snatch", he vaguely felt that a challenge was about to take place. According to what the general said, the current owner of the totem had powerful power, and he was still chasing him. He didn't seem to want him to return to his original position.

"What am I going to do?" Yu Hao said, "Is the enemy difficult to deal with?"

"You'll know when you arrive." The general said the same thing, he carefully walked through the narrow passage and let Yu Hao down. It was almost night, and when they came to the end of the cliff, Yu Hao couldn't help exclaiming.

On the plain below the mountain, a huge city appeared, and in the center of the city stood a magnificent palace! The palace is dazzlingly lit and colorful, the eaves are looming in the night, and a huge black dragon is flying in the sky!

"This..." Yu Hao couldn't believe it.

The general adjusted his helmet and iron gloves, and said casually: "Next, I have to escort you back to the palace and let you become the master of this world. But the palace has been occupied, we have to be very careful."

"What about the reinforcements last time?" Yu Hao asked, "Can I call them in for help?"

"No, they are guarding the Great Wall to protect you," the general replied.

Yu Hao remembered the attack on the road and said, "I can't do anything."

The general said: "Your strength will come back little by little, and when you reach the totem, you will become omnipotent."

Yu Hao said, "But how are we going to get in? Can I do something? Like using magic?"

"What are your specialties, or hobbies?" The general took him near the outer wall of the city, looking for a way to enter the city, hesitated for a moment, and asked.

Yu Hao: "English."

General: "..."

Yu Hao: "Okay, does playing chess count?"

General: "Anything else?"

Yu Hao: "Sing... It's okay to sing."

General: "Isn't there any sports?"

Yu Hao had nothing to do.

The city wall stood up, there was a sound from the other side of the wall, the city gate opened instantly, and a team of thousands of soldiers and horses poured out into the plain.

"We're searching for our whereabouts." Yu Hao said.

The general said: "Find a way to get in there and think about whether there are any elements that can be connected in reality."

Yu Hao frowned deeply, looking at the city gate that was opened and then closed, and then raised his head to look at the city wall.

Not long after, Yu Hao found a group of elephants from the plain outside the city. Elephants piled on top of each other, like a circus, began to pile up Arhats.

General: "..."

Yu Hao: "What's the matter? I can only command the elephant." He found that the elephant in the dream listened to his words, and did what he wanted to do.

General: "Can it still be like this?"

Yu Hao said, "Have you been in many people's dreams? You shouldn't be surprised, right?"

General: "Not too many."

Yu Hao wanted to ask a few more questions, but out of politeness, he didn't show much curiosity. He and the general climbed up the backs of elephants. These elephants are like his patron saints. There are things or people related to it that are protecting themselves.

"Okay." Yu Hao stood on the top of the wall and looked at the colorful city. The palace complex was located in the center of the big city. The buildings were stacked one by one, and the architectural style was like the tall buildings of the Tang Dynasty.

Yu Hao never imagined that his inner world would actually be presented in this way. What does that dragon mean and when it appeared, he was even more at a loss. But just when he saw the palace building, a strong thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

This was his kingdom—the structures, the passages within the palace, became clear in an instant.

"Let's go." Yu Hao said, "I gradually remembered it."

The general replied, "Your power is being gradually awakened."

Yu Hao said, "This is the first time I made a building block when I was a child. It was a toy sent to me by my father who was working outside."

General: "Where's the dragon?"

Yu Hao shook his head and said, "I don't know, follow me!"

He walked along the city wall, came to the top of a residential house, jumped on the roof, ran quickly, the general followed closely, stepped on the sound, and the two jumped over the roof of one residential house together. Pass through most of the city and get close to the magnificent palace.

"There is an entrance below." Yu Hao said.

"You can't go through the front door," replied the general.

Yu Hao replied, "Go through the back door."

Entering the city, Yu Hao instead took the initiative, and the general stopped expressing his opinion, just followed him silently, like a loyal guard. At this moment, the two stopped at the end of the street, at the top of the last residential house. People came and went on the street, blocking their way.

There was a faint black aura on the NPC's body, Yu Hao said, "Go over."

"It's too dangerous, be careful, what is that?" The general motioned to Yu Hao to look.

In the northeast corner of the city, opposite the central palace, there is a strange temple. Compared with the brilliant lights in the city, it is very lonely and deserted, and it looks abrupt and unreal.

Yu Hao looked blank. Following the general's explanation, he began to learn to connect dreams with reality.

Everything here exists for a reason, but time has not allowed him to think about it.

"Go and see?" Yu Hao asked.

The general couldn't make up his mind for a moment, and said, "Maybe it's a safe haven for you."

Just as Yu Hao wanted to ask, he suddenly realized that it should be similar to a safe zone in memory, but now his goal is the deepest part of the palace, he thought for a moment, and finally said, "Let's go."

He jumped down first, and the general followed closely behind, saying, "If it's just you, it's really not easy to be found, but I'm an outsider, and it's easy to arouse the vigilance of the environment in this situation."

"It doesn't matter." Yu Hao said, "We just need to pass behind them..."

The crowd gathered in the middle of the street. An open-air movie was being played in the middle of the street. Yu Hao heard a voice—it was one of his favorite movies, Wong Kar Wai's "Breakthrough", his face flushed immediately, and the general turned his head to watch At a glance, nothing shows up.

Of course, he was wearing a helmet, and Yu Hao couldn't see his expression.

They tiptoed past outside the crowd, Yu Hao was going up and down in his heart, the fact that he liked boys only existed in the deepest part of his heart, and he never mentioned it to anyone. But the general came in, which meant that his inner world had a clear view of him, which was a bit embarrassing.

Across the long street is the splendid palace, with a low wall at the back of the palace, they concentrate and stare at the crowd all the time. And just behind the back, the circling black dragon turned his head and suddenly found them.