Seizing Dreams

Chapter 54: tears


"Long Sheng? Are you there? This is your home?" Yu Hao looked around, the room was empty.

"Yes, this is our home in Manhattan." Nakagawa Ryusheng's voice said, "It's also the 'afterlife' that Nikcy promised."

When the words fell, Long Sheng walked over from the living room.

Yu Hao got off the bed immediately and said in surprise, "Long Sheng, you can speak? Why didn't you speak just now?"

Long Sheng nodded restrainedly, and said, "I can't speak after I leave here. Only when I'm at home can I speak. I know you are Yu Hao. I'll... make you a cup of coffee? Please sit down."

Yu Hao only felt that all of this completely and thoroughly implemented the rules of the dream world. It was too unreal. One moment he was in Chichen Itza, and the next moment he traveled to Chen Yekai's home in New York.

Yu Hao looked at the ceiling, there were no cracks in the ceiling, how did he get out

"I don't have any friends." Long Sheng said, "you are welcome to be a guest."

Long Sheng's Chinese seemed a little strange. Yu Hao noticed that he was wearing a black uniform of a Japanese high school with his white shirt underneath. He was quite handsome and handsome. He unscrewed the coffee can and added Japanese style to two bamboo cups. of UCC instant coffee.

"Did you buy the house?" Yu Hao's attention was distracted, "Mr. Chen is really rich in the Manhattan house."

"Yes." Long Sheng replied simply.

"Why do I care about this?" Yu Hao couldn't help laughing, "I'm sorry, I'm so vulgar."

Long Sheng and Chen Yekai's house had no door. Yu Hao tried to open the curtains that were illuminated by the sun. There was a wall behind him, which meant that he couldn't leave here in a normal way.

Long Sheng was carrying a wooden tray. On the tray was coffee, sugar, milk, and a small Napoleon cake. Yu Hao took a sip. The coffee was very fragrant.

"Nikcy likes it." Long Sheng said with a flat expression, "I hope you like it too. I only have this dessert at home, and I brought it to Nikcy, but he hasn't eaten it."

"Thank you." Yu Hao said, "I like it very much."

The two were sitting at the dining table, Yu Hao wanted to say something, and more was thinking about how to get out, and whether Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai had reached the wellhead in Chichen Itza, what would happen next, but Thinking of what happened before the fall, the dark dragon at the mouth of the well was indirectly killed by this bright dragon. Maybe they were also looking for themselves when they arrived

Yu Hao was confused, but he didn't know how to open his mouth for a while. The two of them just looked at the tablecloth. For some reason, Yu Hao always felt that when he was with this Long Sheng, there was no need to say more, there was a calm understanding between the two.

At the end, Long Sheng suddenly spoke.

Long Sheng: "When we were with Nikcy before, we could sit quietly for a day like this. He just sat in your place and read."

"What about you?" Yu Hao asked.

"I see him." Long Sheng replied.

His hair is a little long, but his eyes are bright, as if the whole world will be quiet as long as he is there.

"Are you here to save him?" Long Sheng said.

Yu Hao and Long Sheng looked at each other and put down the cups in unison.

Yu Hao nodded and asked doubtfully, "What exactly does your existence represent? Is this a safe haven?"

That sentence was asked by Yu Hao, and he didn't expect to get an answer. In fact, he tried to chat with the NPC in his dream, and the answer he got was always specious.

Long Sheng asked, "What do you think?"

In an instant, a thought flashed in Yu Hao's mind: "Are you his totem?"

Nakagawa Longsheng: "Yes."

Yu Hao: "!!!"

Yu Hao's first thought was that if Zhou Sheng was also here, he might have shouted, "The totem has become a fine, my mother!" This scene was really weird, but thinking of Zhou Sheng's speculation earlier, he couldn't help it. Not very impressed.

At that time, he said: "It is possible that the totem is in the well, or that Longsheng is the totem." In the end, both of them may have guessed right! It is God's prophecy!

"But..." Yu Hao said, "Outside the well, who is the one of you who attacked us?"

"Let's start from the beginning." Long Sheng said, "I should have left a long time ago, but all along, Nicky was reluctant to part with me, locked me in a hotel, and wouldn't let me leave."

"Where are you going?" Yu Hao frowned, thinking that this world is all in Chen Yekai's heart, where can Long Sheng go

"Come here." Long Sheng pointed to the dining table, "This is the next life we promised, but he doesn't agree."

"He said that he would often come to the hotel to see me, and I would live in the hotel like this until the day this dress disappeared from my body." He opened the front of the student's suit and let Yu Hao see the white one inside him. Shirt, said, "I think, maybe it's time, so I decided to come out to find him, to my inevitable destination."

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao remembered that he had borrowed Chen Yekai's white shirt the night before the academy celebration performance, and suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

"I understand." Yu Hao murmured, "It turned out to be because of me."

outside the well.

After the resurrection of the dark dragon, the dark fog swept the entire Chichen Itza patio, and Chen Yekai couldn't see anything else in his eyes. Zhou Sheng looked at everything here vigilantly, especially the nearly five-meter-high statue of the Feathered Serpent God, beware of it coming back to life at any time.

"Nikcy." Dark Longsheng said in the frantically scrolling darkness, "Are you guilty?"

Chen Yekai choked and said, "I'm sorry, Long Sheng, I'm sorry... This is what I've always wanted to say."

"This is not your real repentance." Dark Longsheng roared almost frantically, "To this day, are you still not willing to really face me?!"

"...Your arrogance and pride have destroyed yourself." Long Sheng's voice was low, like a devil born from the darkness, "You stand on the commanding heights of this relationship and think you love me, right? The reward for me! It's your sympathy for me!"

Chen Yekai's expression suddenly became calm, he held back his tears: "Yes, Long Sheng, I already understand."

There was a hint of surprise in Dark Longsheng's voice: "What do you understand?"

Chen Yekai: "I understand your love for me."

The dense fog that had previously shrouded the courtyard began to dissipate gradually, revealing the figures of Chen Yekai and Dark Longsheng, Zhou Sheng secretly thought to himself that he did a good job! Long Sheng's dark power seemed to be gradually fading in front of Chen Yekai, and condensed into the area near the wellhead.

Chen Yekai: "I also understand what you said to me every day we were together."

Dark Longsheng walked slowly towards Chen Yekai and looked at him across the well.

"I understand your uneasiness." Chen Yekai said, "The eyes you are holding back and the fear of losing me, but you don't understand! I love you the same! Long Sheng!"

Chen Yekai almost roared out in the end, causing Dark Longsheng to take a step back.

Chen Yekai said sadly: "I'm also learning how to love someone! I'm learning how to get along with you! I don't know how to manage our marriage. I don't know how to give you what you want. I want to be with you. Go get married and want to spend a lifetime with you! I know that I have too many choices in my life, but you only have me."

Speaking of this, Chen Yekai let out a long sigh, and Zhou Sheng immediately turned his head to look at the sound of water coming from all directions. Drops of water began to fall from the ceiling, seeping into the room, repressed in his heart for four years, and converging into tears from the Iguazu Falls.

in the hotel.

Tears oozing from the corners of Chen Yekai's eyes slipped down the side of his face and dipped on the pillow.

Yu Hao turned his head subconsciously, while Zhou Sheng raised his arm in his sleep and put Yu Hao on his shoulder.

Bottom of the Well: Afterlife.

"No." Long Sheng said seriously, "please don't blame yourself, I just want him to be happy. My original intention of doing this was not to punish him, but to hope that he would not face so many choices again. Accept the pain of choice."

"However, everything can be repeated." Yu Hao said seriously, "The only thing he can't bear is losing you."

Speaking of this, Yu Hao suddenly had a strange feeling, as if the person in front of him was not the Long Sheng in Chen Yekai's consciousness, but the real Long Sheng's soul who had traveled through time and space.

Nakagawa Ryusheng got up, walked to the record player, played a song, and the music started, it was "Perfect" by ED and Beyonce.

“Cause we were just kids when we fell in love.”

"Not knowing what it was—"

"Everyone thinks that death may be very painful." Long Sheng said calmly, "but for depressed patients, death is a kind of relief. Why can't it be regarded as a fateful parting? We spent it together. The best of times, and I was sick, a genetic incurable disease, rather than torment in the last days of my life…”

Yu Hao began to understand Long Sheng's last thoughts.

"It's better to cherish every day, every minute, every second that we can still be together." Yu Hao said softly.

"Yes." Long Sheng said, "This is true for me. I know very well that my disease comes from family inheritance, and I am destined to be incurable. I have no regrets during my time with him. … Do you understand if you think about it this way?”

Yu Hao remembered that in the chapter on cognitive behavioral therapy in his professional class, he mentioned that the cause of depression is not completely clear, but at least for now, it has a very complicated relationship with genetics, endocrine, nerve function and regeneration. Multiple chromosomes are clearly linked to major depressive disorder.

According to unofficial data surveys, depression in China has reached nearly 3%. This is not a mental illness that can be solved by letting patients "think about it". Once diagnosed, medication must be taken on time. For patients with severe depression, even if they are temporarily cured, the recurrence rate after cure is as high as 60%, and many patients need to take medication for life.

However, in China, depression still remains on the appearance of mental disorders and rarely gets attention.

"In the Mayan civilization, death is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey. Life is gorgeous but short, just like a flower. It will bloom again after it withers. We keep going back and forth in reincarnation, and we will meet again. That's not a goodbye... let's talk." Long Sheng explained in the flowing music, "So, I went back to Chichen Itza and walked to the well."

Yu Hao said: "He locked you in the hotel in his heart, maybe it was because he didn't want you to leave, let go, let go, and he didn't want you to go to reincarnation before."

Nakagawa Longsheng stared at Yu Hao and replied very lightly, "Yes, you are right."

Yu Hao suddenly thought about the series of causes and consequences in Chen Yekai's conscious world. Long Sheng, who died in his heart, hoped to go to Chichen Itza, to the so-called "afterlife" to wait for Chen Yekai, but Chen Yekai could not accept it. Long Sheng's departure.

So in his dream, Longsheng, as a totem, always stayed in the hotel "start is the end".

"Just when I wanted to go to the next life, I met Mr. Lin at the wellhead in Chichen Itza." Long Sheng said, "He polluted me, split me into two halves, took away a part of me, the darkness I don't want this to end like this, so, Yu Hao, I ask for your help."

"He's very good," Long Sheng said, "but I think I'm just a passing visitor in his life. What he gave me in this life, to be precise, is not love, but sympathy. Teacher Lin The half that I took away was my only obsession with Nikcy in this relationship."

Yu Hao: "No, it's not like that, Long Sheng."

Nakagawa Longsheng raised his eyes and looked at Yu Hao, Yu Hao showed a sad smile.

"Your existence is the proof of his love for you." Yu Hao said with expectant eyes, "I believe that in his past world, the totem was not what you looked like, since you came, you have become His only totem."

There was a hint of surprise in Nakagawa Longsheng's eyes, and Yu Hao said again: "Everyone's totem means his meaning, his persistence, and the self he hopes to become. Longsheng, come back with me, Go back to him, only you can do it, you can give him the courage to get him back into the sun."

"I remember that you wrote him a letter."

Long Sheng: "I remember it too. However, I think he also once gave you one thing, which is essential to defeat Teacher Lin."

Yu Hao froze in his heart: "What?"

Long Sheng shook his head slowly.

outside the well.

"They told me that everyone has a totem in their heart, and that is the symbol I care about the most. If I get it back, I can be myself..." Chen Yekai said word by word, "Longsheng, I think, if the totem is It really exists in my heart, then... it should be your appearance."

Dark Longsheng stood in a daze, unable to speak for a while.

Chen Yekai: "I destroyed you and I also destroyed myself, but I am sure that I love you. Until now, I firmly believe in this. Even today, four years later, I still remember the best things in our lives. those moments, I don't want you to leave like this."

"It seems that as long as we don't open that letter and say goodbye to you, we will never be separated, whether it's this life or the next life."

"Liar... you liar..." Dark Longsheng trembled, "I'm going to kill you!"

Zhou Sheng suddenly said: "Long Sheng! You left a letter to Nikcy, didn't you?! What did you say in the letter? Did you forgive him, or do you want him to die with you?"

In an instant, the central area fell silent, and Dark Longsheng opened his eyes wide and looked at Chen Yekai, but he couldn't answer for a while.

Chen Yekai said slowly: "Long Sheng, you in the past, even if you hurt yourself, you won't let me suffer any pain... Long Sheng?" Suddenly, Chen Yekai seemed to realize something, and said in a trembling voice: " Is this what you really think? Why..."

"Longsheng!" Chen Yekai suddenly said, "This is not you! Who confused you?!"

Under these words, the dark dragon born screamed in pain. Chen Yekai's cognition seemed to have a powerful impact, causing the black smoke from his whole body to fly backwards, revealing hideous eyes.

Chen Yekai: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "That's not him! Kaikai! That's a disguise! Shoot!"

Dark Longsheng roared wildly and charged towards Chen Yekai. Before Zhou Sheng could get out his golden cudgel, Chen Yekai suddenly drew his gun. After a brief hesitation, Long Sheng's face changed strangely. Hesitating, point the muzzle at "Longsheng" and pull the trigger!

A gunshot sounded, causing severe pain in Zhou Sheng's eardrums. The bullet left the muzzle, spun, and roared towards Long Sheng. However, the Feather Serpent statue moved instantly, and flew past Long Sheng, blocking the shot. !

Feathered Serpent God flew away, and Lin Xun's face appeared behind him.

"Ha ha ha ha… "

"Hahaha… "

Lin Xun laughed grimly, and said coldly: "Nikcy, it seems... you finally decided to abandon Longsheng! It's not in vain that I spent so much effort to separate the two of you."

Zhou Sheng instantly realized a serious problem: "No way, is the boss you?!"

In an instant, in the entire patio area, the walls collapsed, the iron nets spread out, and the huge platform rose. Under the dark sky, Chichen Itza disintegrates! The hurricane swept away countless boulders and bricks and swept in all directions. The huge pyramid disintegrated layer by layer, only the platform rose to the sky.

The sky is cloudy, thunder and lightning are scattered, the world of consciousness has turned into a sea of fire, Lin Xun roars, the body bursts with black fire, the grand platform rises to the height, the bricks fall, only Chichen Itza in front of the well remains The throne, the ground extended to a square of nearly 10,000 square meters, Lin Xun turned to sit on the throne, and the statue of the Feathered Serpent behind him was resurrected and began to wander.

Chen Yekai's voice was hoarse: "Teacher, why are you... doing this! Why!"

Lin Xun said coldly: "There is nothing wrong with listening to the teacher, why bother with a depressed teenager so much? I took great pains and used so many methods to let Long Sheng leave you. A bright future awaits You, you're going to be a better person than you ever imagined, Nicky. Don't take my good intentions on deaf ears..."

"You hid this secret for four years!" Chen Yekai was in a moment of grief and indignation. He pointed at Lin Xun with guns in both hands, and shouted, "I should have killed you a long time ago!"

Lin Xun said coldly: "The incentive for his death has long been planted. Even if I am good at psychological intervention, it is impossible to persuade him to commit suicide. If you didn't ignore him, how could Long Sheng die?"

Under the pitch-black sky, the entire world of consciousness has become a sea of flames, flames are everywhere on the ground, ashes are transpiring, rising to the sky, the dark sky is shaking with thunder and lightning, the Feathered Serpent is roaring and rushing, Zhou Sheng is ready, and before it pounces on Chen Yekai At that instant, a dodging body, holding a shield in front of Chen Yekai!

The shield expanded in an instant, and with a sound of "dang", it collided with the Feathered Serpent God, and the Feathered Serpent God made a sound of gold and iron, soaring high into the air, fanning the wind.