Seizing Dreams

Chapter 59: hide


For several days, the academy seemed unusually calm. Chen Yekai's departure didn't seem to cause too much trouble, but Yu Hao could sense that in the two classes that Chen Yekai had led, everyone was discussing something in private. For nearly a week, Yu Hao always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

After he came out of Chichen Itza, Zhou Sheng's attitude suddenly became strange. When he looked at Yu Hao, he always seemed to have something to say, and his jokes became less frequent. He always restrained himself not to quarrel with Yu Hao.

"Aren't you happy?"

"No." Zhou Sheng's consistent answer was, "Are you playing games?"

"Really not angry?" Yu Hao observed Zhou Sheng's expression.

"No, what did you say!" Zhou Sheng said, "Why do you think I'm angry? I'm not an explosive barrel!"

But Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng and the others, but he still seemed to be talking and laughing. Earlier Zhou Sheng said he would cook for him, but he really did cook for Yu Hao. He also wrote a menu that was convenient for him to make in the dormitory on cardboard with beautiful photos of the sugar water scenery, and asked Yu Hao to order.

"Can it really be ordered?" Yu Hao asked in disbelief.

"Click!" Zhou Sheng said inexplicably, "Isn't this what you asked for yourself?"

Happiness came so suddenly, Yu Hao was in a state of extreme dizziness, and said, "I was just talking that day..."

"You're kidding me!" Zhou Sheng threw the menu.

Yu Hao hurriedly said, "That's great! I mean! Well, I want to eat dried bamboo shoots and braised braised pork first..."

"Oh." Zhou Sheng said boredly.

Yu Hao: "Can I ask my brother to come and eat?"

Recently, Fu Liqun was a little embarrassed to eat the two of them. The day before yesterday, Yu Hao saw that Fu Liqun had taken half a catty of rice to make the free soup.

"No, tell him to eat shit." Zhou Sheng said casually.

Yu Hao: "..."

But an hour later, Fu Liqun came back like an elated big dog with vegetables. Apparently, Zhou Sheng transferred the money on WeChat and told him to go to the supermarket to buy it.

"Master, do you cook? Is it right? Cooking is great!" Fu Liqun said, "I'm here to help! Wow! What's this? There's a menu? Any orders? Fry this page! Master! The back Any more?"

"Yu Hao only eat after you order it!" Zhou Sheng immediately said, "You can't order it!"

Zhou Sheng's menu simply illuminated Fu Liqun's whole life. Zhou Sheng made two dishes and one soup in his bedroom, Mapo tofu and dried bamboo shoots, braised pork, and a lotus root stewed pork ribs soup. Next, as long as Zhou Sheng didn't have classes in the afternoon and evening, he would get something to eat in the dormitory for Yu Hao. An induction cooker and an electric rice cooker could make a lot of tricks in Zhou Sheng's hands.

Fu Liqun burst into tears and said, "Finally, I don't have to eat the braised pig Mimi in the cafeteria."

"Zhou Sheng?" Yu Hao saw that Zhou Sheng was sending a message.

"Yeah." Zhou Sheng said, "You guys eat first." Then he took his mobile phone and went to the balcony with a solemn expression.

Zhou Sheng: [How is the situation?]

Chen Yekai: [Look at this form, the action plan is all there. Can you really enter your mother's dream?]

Zhou Sheng: [Not sure, I will try my best.]

Chen Yekai: [If you hide from Yu Hao, will there be any problems?]

Zhou Sheng: [Didn't you say that you just listen to me?]

Chen Yekai: [Okay, I'm just a little worried.]

Zhou Sheng: [What action plan do you still do, so you won't be afraid to leak it out.]

Chen Yekai: [Only you and I know that in the first half of the reality to find witnesses, I also sent Huang Ting a copy, don't worry, it's nothing, no matter how good Lin Xun is, it's impossible to find our WeChat chat records.]

Zhou Sheng: [Okay, let’s follow this plan first.]

Chen Yekai: [I want to ask a question, Zhou Sheng.]

Zhou Sheng: [About the content of the dream, everything refuses to answer.]

Chen Yekai: [No, about Yu Hao.]

Zhou Sheng: [Then you ask Yu Hao to go, what do you ask me to do?]

Chen Yekai: [Sorry to ask, [bars teeth] Are you dating now?]

Zhou Sheng: [? ?]

Chen Yekai: [?]

Zhou Sheng: [Speak human words.]

Chen Yekai: [[covers face] [covers face] Do you like him? Are you together?]

Zhou Sheng: [No, no, do you like him?]

Chen Yekai: [[Smiling].]

Zhou Sheng: [[wiping sweat] Kaikai, are you okay with your brain?]

Chen Yekai: [Nothing.]

"What do you mean by dating?" Zhou Sheng returned to the dormitory and asked Yu Hao.

"It means dating," said Fu Liqun.

"Date, confirm the relationship." Yu Hao asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Sheng waved his hand and said nothing.

"Are you in a bad mood?" A few days later, when Yu Hao returned to the dormitory, he saw Zhou Sheng looking bored again, listening to songs with headphones on while cooking chicken wings.

"What?" Zhou Sheng frantically took off his headphones, looked at Yu Hao inexplicably, and said, "No! Why do you keep asking such questions!"

Yu Hao waved his hands hurriedly. In fact, he always felt that Zhou Sheng's aura was very wrong recently. Could it be that it was too troublesome to cook for him every day? But a week passed in the blink of an eye, and the promise was fulfilled. I just don't know when I will be able to eat delicious food next time.

But after the week ended, Zhou Sheng asked Yu Hao again, "What do you want to eat tomorrow?"

Yu Hao replied, "It's been a week, so don't do it?"

Zhou Sheng said: "I'll make it for you when I have time, and there will be no class tomorrow night."

Yu Hao was shocked, Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Hao and frowned, "What?"

Yu Hao said, "Forget it."

Zhou Sheng said in disbelief: "Yo! I cook for you and you still haven't eaten?"

Yu Hao complained bitterly, "I'm afraid of your trouble."

Zhou Sheng: "It's really not troublesome! What has happened to you, Yu Hao? Why is it so strange?"

Yu Hao thought that the strange person was you, right!

Fu Liqun hurriedly said, "No! Young master, let's continue cooking!"

Zhou Sheng ignored Fu Liqun and said to Yu Hao, "Oh, Yu Hao, are you tired of eating? Let's eat in the cafeteria for a few days and change your taste."

Yu Hao hurriedly said, "No, I'm really afraid of your trouble. It takes too much effort to cook every day."

Zhou Sheng ignored him, got up and changed into a T-shirt, Yu Hao said, "That one you just wore yesterday, the balcony is drying..."

"It's okay, I'll wash it myself later."

"where did you go?"


Zhou Sheng took it to the door and left.

Yu Hao looked at Fu Liqun and felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Fu Liqun: "???"

In the evening, Zhou Sheng never came back. Fu Liqun opened his laptop and asked Yu Hao to come over to watch the variety show. Yu Hao watched half of it and said, "Brother, why do I think Zhou Sheng is a little weird recently."

"Ah?" Fu Liqun didn't understand, he turned the volume down and said, "Is it strange? Don't you think so?"

Yu Hao: "Oh... Really?"

Fu Liqun said, "I think you are rather strange."

Yu Hao: "How can there be!"

Fu Liqun thought about it and said, "Did you two quarrel over something?"

Yu Hao said, "We didn't quarrel."

Fu Liqun said, "He's still like that in class... But in this way, you two seem to be really strange. Oh yes, why doesn't Zhou Sheng take the initiative to talk to you recently?"

Yu Hao said, "Right."

Fu Liqun looked at Yu Hao suspiciously, and Yu Hao said, "I don't know why, but I always feel like he's been mad at me because of something."

"You ask him to go." Fu Liqun said.

"I asked." Yu Hao said, "He also said no."

Fu Liqun laughed suddenly, Yu Hao said blankly, "What are you laughing at?"

Fu Liqun waved his hand and said, "Watch the video!"

Yu Hao said, "Hey, I'm not in the mood."

Yu Hao's various behaviors and performances towards Zhou Sheng are always a matter of gain and loss. He has always been more sensitive, even just a glance from an ordinary friend can feel strange, let alone Zhou Sheng

And since Zhou Sheng's review last time, the classmates in the grade haven't made fun of them anymore. Zhou Sheng said something that day, as if it was not a review but a threat - "If you dare to say anything about Yu Hao, be careful of being beaten up" In addition to his serious attitude, no one dared to talk about Yu Hao behind his back.

Zhou Sheng walked down the dormitory building quickly, glanced at his phone, and started replying to Chen Yekai's news.

Chen Yekai: [Indeed, the last time was too dangerous.]

Zhou Sheng: [Anyway, go in once and bring her back to the dream world from the subconscious mind. No matter what the sun is or not, as long as she wakes up, many things will be solved easily. You are sure that she has something fatal to Lin Xun in her hands. evidence?]

Chen Yekai: [I think yes, our last conversation revolved around this point, but since Lin Xun has monitored us, maybe he will try to destroy the evidence. I hope everything goes well. Regarding Yu Hao, I want to confirm again.]

Zhou Sheng: [Just as I said, stop talking nonsense, Kaikai.]

Chen Yekai: [Does he have someone he likes?]

Zhou Sheng: [I don’t know, I went for a run.]

Chen Yekai: [I came out for a drink when I was free.]

Zhou Sheng: [Oh [smiles].]

Zhou Sheng pressed his hands on the track and field track, raised his head, and looked at the haze-covered skyline.

The track and field was built on the hillside, surrounded by mountains behind, and in front of it was a vast city that stretched as far as the eye could see. Instead of running, Zhou Sheng got up, stood up straight, and then bowed down.

At this moment, he suddenly had a hunch that he might lose Yu Hao.

The moment in the dream appeared countless times in his memories, Yu Hao's open wings, and the moment he embraced him, Zhou Sheng was stunned when he saw the sharp snake tail whizzing past him.

That hug made him feel a heartbeat that he had never had before, but it was only for a moment, and it was completely replaced by anger and pain.

"You scared me to death that day." Zhou Sheng would only say this over and over again. A few days ago, when he entered Yu Hao's dream and taught him how to parkour under the Great Wall, Zhou Sheng caught Yu Hao who fell and let him He stood up and couldn't help but speak again.

"You've said it several times." Yu Hao said, "Are you a repeater? I will definitely be careful in the future, for sure!"

"You still know how to talk back?" Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Hao in disbelief.

Yu Hao laughed, how could he be careful? At that time, doing so was the only way.

in the bedroom.

"Did you fall in love?" Fu Liqun said.

Yu Hao thought for a while: "Oh, it's a bit like, yes, maybe it's a relationship, yes! He hasn't known who to send WeChat messages lately!"

As long as they are awake each day, they spend most of the time together except in class. Yu Hao noticed that Zhou Sheng had been sending WeChat a lot recently, and he often frowned at his phone.

"But it's not right either." Yu Hao said, "He didn't call anyone to cook porridge, doesn't he like to make phone calls when in love?"

Yu Hao remembered that in Zhou Sheng's life, there seemed to be someone who had contracted some small and secret details, such as the last time the three of them were together on New Year's Eve, Zhou Sheng's target on the phone with a smile.

Is that his safe haven

"Ah? I mean you two! Aren't you two in love?" Fu Liqun showed a strange expression.

Yu Hao: "Of course not!"

Fu Liqun said, "How is that possible!! Then the menu? Order? I thought you two had already opened a room and slept in bed!"

"Really not!" Yu Hao hurriedly clarified, suddenly realizing a serious problem. It seems that in Fu Liqun's eyes, the two of them are indeed a couple. Looking back on the whole process of this semester, in the eyes of Fu Liqun's roommate, Zhou Sheng First, they fought for Yu Hao, then in the middle of the night, they shouted and confessed in the downstairs of the dormitory, and after that, they went to open a room together...

Yu Hao said, "He doesn't like boys."

Fu Liqun said, "Oh? Then you..."

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao simply confessed: "I like him, yes."

Yu Hao felt that both Fu Liqun and Zhou Sheng were smarter than him, so it was okay to tell him, anyway, many people discussed it in private before.

Fu Liqun said, "If you like it, go and confess it, isn't it good?"

"He knows." Yu Hao said, "If he wanted to, he would have accepted me long ago. Well, don't mention the past."

However, in the next sentence, Fu Liqun said, "Oh? Does he not like you?"

Yu Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he got up to go out to find Zhou Sheng, and said, "I don't like it."

Fu Liqun: "I think I like it, but it's just that I don't know what I want. You should take the initiative. Don't you still persuade me to take the initiative to make peace with your sister-in-law?"

Yu Hao said, "A straight man can't bend, no matter how he likes it, his friends will like him."

Fu Liqun said, "That's not necessarily true, who said that? Some are bent, and some are not. It needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, right? And I think Zhou Sheng is a bit... eh?"

After speaking, Fu Liqun gave Yu Hao a "you know" look.

Yu Hao smiled wryly, and Fu Liqun added, "It's not clear whether homosexuality is congenital or acquired. Everyone has learned psychology. If you give an example of heterosexuality that will not become homosexual, I can also list some heterosexuality for you. Be a sample of homosexuality in this period. Besides, there are bisexuals in LGBT, right?”

Yu Hao was changing his T-shirt, and when he heard this, the fog that had been in front of him suddenly became much clearer.

The fan was humming overhead, and a low pressure surged in the stuffy bedroom. The rain will not fall, there is no wind, and the vegetation is quietly waiting for the storm to come.

Yu Hao went to the sports field to find Zhou Sheng. He remembered that they had hardly met in a dream recently. Last week, he vaguely remembered that Zhou Sheng had come to his dream. The two were playing parkour under the Great Wall. The city wall ran up, but for some reason, some dreams were clearly remembered, while others were almost forgotten after waking up.

Just like on New Year's Eve, he and Zhou Sheng watched fireworks together in the capital. What Zhou Sheng said in his dream could hardly be remembered when he woke up, and the same was true under the Great Wall, as if Zhou Sheng had deliberately erased the Memories of certain dreams.

Yu Hao walked across the school road, suddenly remembered Chen Yekai, lowered his head and sent him a message.

[Teacher Chen, can I ask a question?]

Chen Yekai replied in seconds: [What's wrong?]

Yu Hao raised his head and looked at the track and field. After running, Zhou Sheng was soaked in sweat, lying in the middle of the grass, looking up at the sky.

"Go to dinner?" Yu Hao asked Zhou Sheng.

There was a handsome smile on Zhou Sheng's face. He didn't know what he was thinking while wearing the headphones. Yu Hao shouted, "Zhou Sheng!"

Zhou Sheng didn't answer, he just lay down and gasped. It was obvious that he had just finished running. Yu Hao went up to take off his earphones. Zhou Sheng closed his eyes and said, "What's up! What's the noise?" He raised his hand and made a gun. With a gesture, he banged at Yu Hao, and then spread his palm.

Yu Hao pulled him up, and the two went to the cafeteria. Zhou Sheng was playing with his mobile phone, as if nothing had happened, he glanced at Yu Hao's mobile phone and found Chen Yekai's WeChat profile picture, and asked, "What did Kaikai say? "

"No news." Yu Hao said, he decided not to talk to Chen Yekai about anything else now, so as not to be seen by Zhou Sheng.

This night, Yu Hao was lying on the bed and couldn't help but talk about all kinds of straight men breaking bends. There are indeed many boys on the Internet who shared the moment when he had feelings for the same sex, but many people only at a certain time in their lives, Once they have fallen in love with a specific same-sex, once the two finally separate, they will return to their normal lives, still love their girlfriends, get married, get married, and have children.

Fu Liqun's words seemed to shake his certain determination and made him start to think about another possibility. At this time, Chen Yekai called him, Yu Hao hurriedly hung up, and WeChat sent a message: [Speaking here.]

Yu Hao glanced at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng was lying down, he was sending WeChat with his earphones on, the screen of his mobile phone was facing Yu Hao's side, and Yu Hao saw that the screen was stuck in the chat box with Chen Yekai. Chen Yekai sent ten or so one-minute speeches in a row, and Zhou Sheng typed back his message.

what are they talking about? Why don't you talk in the group? Yu Hao thought it was a bit strange that he had a group of three with Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai, so it seemed that Zhou Sheng had been in contact with Chen Yekai recently, discussing something.