Seizing Dreams

Chapter 62: ruins


"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao said to himself, "Something is shining! Is that you?"

In this dark galaxy, Yu Hao discovered a unique light body, he flew towards the light body, it was mixed in the distant debris, the speed was slower than all the debris, it was moving slowly.

"Not Zhou Sheng?" Yu Hao said, "What is this?"

In the entire dark world, it is the only luminous object. It is four meters high and three meters wide. It is an ancient Mayan wood carving, a bit like a cultural relic. The place where the light shines is precisely the left eye of the wood carving.

"Whose totem is it?" Yu Hao said again, "It doesn't look like it. Forget it, find someone first, and leave it alone."

"I found that if I told all the things in my mind, it would make me appear to be mentally retarded." Yu Hao said to himself, "But am I... originally acting like a retarded person sometimes? What should I do? ?! Where are you, Zhou Sheng? Don't let anything happen to you... "

"There's something down there?" Yu Hao gradually got used to this area and the various echoes generated by his own brain. He saw a place far, far away, as if there was a huge vortex in the middle of this area, like A black hole in general. Yu Hao began to approach it, and found that there were beings in all directions, all of them being sucked into the middle.

"That thing looks so dangerous." Yu Hao said instinctively, "It's better not to get close. Could this be subconscious? Whose subconscious? Zhou Sheng won't be sucked in, right? God! What should I do?"

"Subconscious." Yu Hao's two daggers suddenly made a sound, "The alpha frequency band of the spectrum of life forms, the impression of consciousness waves is blue-shifted, and a subset of energy formed after weak transitions."

"What's the matter! My weapon can talk?" Yu Hao said, "How could it be? Are you a man or a woman? How can you not tell from the sound? Damn it! Are you talking? The weapon! It was clearly talking just now. Hey, my logic is so confusing, I have to study logic next semester."

Yu Hao raised the dagger, combined it into a staff, took it apart, and asked again, "Are you talking?"

The dagger was silent, Yu Hao said, "Just repeat the steps just now, subconsciously?"

"Subconscious, the alpha frequency band of the spectrum of life, the energy subset formed after weak transition during the blue shift of the impression of consciousness wave."

Yu Hao: "Subconscious?"

"Subconscious, living body..."

"Subconscious, subconscious, subconscious subconscious... subconscious, subconscious..."

"Hahaha that's so stupid." Yu Hao said, "It's like returning to zero on a calculator, returning to zero..."

"No, what about Zhou Sheng? I'm going to be schizophrenic... Where the hell are you!" Yu Hao flew across a vast area, but did not find Zhou Sheng's whereabouts.

"Wait, isn't this a hint to find him? You have to calm down first, is this an AI that will answer me if you hint a keyword?" Yu Hao said to himself, "But what keyword can make him speak? What is the principle of this? Yes, I can't find any keywords that can be hinted, I can use the semantics in its explanation! It was taught in the literature retrieval class, I'm so smart, I'm a genius! Spectrum of life forms?"

"The spectrum of life, the spectrum of the universe formed naturally by life."


no respond.

"Elephant blueshift? Impression blueshift?"

"Impression blueshift, the process of transforming from a superficial impression to a deep impression."

"Weak transition?"

"Weak transition, frequency band changing process."

"Waves of consciousness?"

"Consciousness wave, a kind of life wave, has the following four characteristics..."

"What do you mean? The more you listen, the more confusing it becomes!" Yu Hao didn't want to listen anymore, and said, "Stop! Stop! What the hell are you? Zhou Sheng! You have to find Zhou Sheng quickly! Can you tell me where Zhou Sheng is? What? My consciousness is so confused, can there be some switch to turn off this function of saying whatever you want? It's too distracting! Become a voice? Then... whose consciousness is on this weapon? Is it my consciousness? No, how can there be someone else's consciousness in my consciousness? There is only one possibility for the existence of consciousness communication with me, you are The consciousness of the Golden Crow?! You are the Golden Crow!"

Through that messy logic, Yu Hao miraculously understood the core behind this strange and unreasonable situation!

"No wonder, the consciousness information directly obtained from the Golden Crow Wheel is not presented in words or pictures. In this strange space, pure consciousness communication becomes voice!" Yu Hao said to himself while searching for Zhou Sheng's whereabouts. He said, "In this way, it is more conducive to ask questions to the Golden Crow?"

Suddenly, the summoning appeared again, as if something was sending out radio signals to Yu Hao repeatedly.

Yu Hao flew towards the source of the signal, remembering the way of "information" obtained from the Golden Crow Wheel earlier, just like the "search" of a supercomputer, every time he stepped on a keyword, the content would appear in his mind.

"But what are the principles of these?" Yu Hao flew high and low, and suddenly discovered something strange. The place where he was standing was a huge spiral arm!

All the two-dimensional or three-dimensional fragments have gathered into a mighty river, which is heading towards the black hole at the center of this world. In the distance, there are several identical spiral arms.

Yu Hao said to himself again, "It looks like these are the only things here. They should be nearby. Jin Wu Lun, are you an AI or a human? I think you are an AI. Can I call you Xiao Jin?"

This time the weapon did not flash or make a sound. Yu Hao approached the vortex and observed the other spiral arm. When he reached the black hole, he could probably see clearly that the central black hole was spinning with six spiral arms. East and West merged into rivers, pouring into the black hole on a grand scale.

"Is this something that was forgotten?" Yu Hao approached the black hole and suddenly saw a flash in the middle, and the signal became clearer!

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao flew towards the black hole.

"Warning." The dagger suddenly radiated light, "Modifier, warning, danger reminder of the jump destination, danger: extremely low. Please be careful to open the interference barrier."

Yu Hao: "What? Xiao Jin, what do you call me? Corrector?"

"Remediator: In the binary system, the only position that forms a resonance connection with the monitor. During the operation of the consciousness wave collection repeater, it assists the monitor and corrects all possible occurrences..."

Yu Hao suddenly discovered Zhou Sheng's golden hoop!

The golden hoop rod is being rolled in the black hole, spinning along with countless fragments, slowly approaching the center of the black hole vortex, but it does not sink, and keeps sending signals to Yu Hao!

It turned out to be it! This time, Yu Hao didn't hesitate anymore, flew into the whirlpool and grabbed the golden hoop.

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao shouted, "Where are you?"

As soon as he left the spiral arm, the sound disappeared in an instant. Yu Hao always felt that the golden crow wheel reminded him of something strange, but he couldn't care anymore. After grabbing the golden hoop, he wanted to raise the height and observe the black hole in the center of the vortex. , the surrounding memory fragments are more and more, piled on him, and directly knocked him into it!

So cold! As soon as Yu Hao entered the black hole, he suddenly felt like his whole body was freezing!

What the hell is this? Yu Hao thought to himself, the phenomenon of converting consciousness into sound in an instant disappeared! Great! This way you won't confuse yourself. But the coldness here is beyond my imagination, and the feeling of coldness is completely different from reality, even Shi Ni's dream.

It was a calm that came from the spiritual world. It was incomparably quiet. His consciousness was constantly being lost in all directions. It seemed that this dark area was constantly drawing out his spirit. Yu Hao instantly understood! It's not cold, it's the loss of energy!

Just like the body temperature keeps dissipating in the cold winter, and can't keep it, Yu Hao can't fly up, and he's falling. But draw his power faster!

"No... I'm going to fall!" Yu Hao said, "What should I do? What is the barrier?"

He pushed his whole body to the strongest, just like Zhou Sheng shouted "give me strength" every time. It was too late to say it was too soon, the moment the mental energy reached a certain threshold, a "hum" sound formed a spherical protective barrier around Yu Hao!

Yu Hao: "???"

The barrier with a diameter of several meters exudes a faint silvery-white luster, and the arc of light on the surface stops for a while, and the loss of power stops. Is this the barrier

Yu Hao spread his wings and formed a celestial body emitting silver light in the sky, just like the moon.

Great, Yu Hao found that he would no longer be disturbed now, the light outside the barrier instantly illuminated the whole world, and the sky and earth were covered with silvery white moonlight.

The earth was covered with bizarre memory fragments, like a huge and boundless garbage dump. Things were still falling silently down from the sky, like silent rain. That scene reminded Yu Hao of the legend. sea snow.

In the depths of the sea, white snow kept falling until it fell to the bottom of the sea.

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao shouted, and slowly descended.

A faint light appeared in the distance, Yu Hao immediately turned around and flew over, his light illuminated the entire world deep in the subconscious.

"Zhou Sheng!" Yu Hao finally found Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng was standing in the middle of the land like a garbage dump! Together with Chen Yekai, the two were holding a lantern. Zhou Sheng was approaching the lantern with his palm, and a faint linear golden flame burst out from his hand, pouring into the lantern to keep the fire in the lantern from going out.

As soon as Yu Hao's barrier passed by Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai, the two of them instantly shouted.

"You..." Zhou Sheng grabbed Yu Hao's shoulder and said in disbelief, "Yu Hao! Why are you here? Did you hear me calling you? How did you hear me? Impossible! You can hear me calling you subconsciously. ?"

Yu Hao said, "I'm looking for you! Why are you two here?"

"Why are you all right?" Zhou Sheng said, "This is the end of the subconscious! What is this? Why do you have a protective halo in Teacher Liang's subconscious?"

"What is the end of the subconscious mind?" Yu Hao said, "Have you had enough! Why did you come in by yourself without notifying me! You are too much!"

"What time is it outside?" Zhou Sheng said, "How long have we slept?"

"Wait!" Yu Hao said, "come one question at a time!"

Zhou Sheng was a little cowardly today, Yu Hao found out, he raised the clothes drying fork to kick him, but Zhou Sheng didn't dare to hide, so he had to stand and wait for the beating.

Chen Yekai held up the lamp and said, "That's great, you're here. I thought we couldn't get out this time."

"Who came up with the idea?!" Yu Hao said angrily.

"He!" Zhou Sheng immediately sold Chen Yekai.

Chen Yekai explained the situation in two or three sentences.

"We negotiated to find someone in Teacher Liang's dream, hoping to wake her up in reality. Zhou Sheng speculated that Teacher Liang had fallen into the subconscious, and the subconscious is not safe, and we don't know much about it. Zhou Sheng Afraid that you would be in danger like last time, I decided not to let you act together."

Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng looked indifferent and said, "Who made you make yourself so embarrassed last time?"

Yu Hao's lungs were about to be blown up by Zhou Sheng's anger. When he didn't find him, he was very worried. When he got to meet, Zhou Sheng's expression of blaming him, finally prompted Yu Hao's stick to go down. Zhou Sheng Busily: "Don't! Don't!"

Yu Hao had a clothes drying fork in his left hand and a golden hoop in his right hand. He was about to beat Zhou Sheng, but Zhou Sheng immediately ducked and said angrily, "Yu Hao, you still rebelled!"

This was the first time Yu Hao had the urge to beat Zhou Sheng, but Zhou Sheng was quicker than him. With one move, he slashed his wrist. Before Yu Hao regained his senses, the golden hoop was in Zhou Sheng's hand. He subconsciously As soon as he avoided the ground, Zhou Sheng put away the golden cudgel, grabbed his wrist instead, and dragged it towards his arms, and then hugged him fiercely.

Yu Hao's wings were dragged on the ground, and he was suddenly embraced by Zhou Sheng unprepared. Zhou Sheng's embrace seemed to have said a lot, and Yu Hao's anger disappeared without a trace, and he stammered: "Ah... you're fine, that's great."

Zhou Sheng just hugged and immediately separated. Out of the corner of his eyes, Chen Yekai caught sight of Chen Yekai, who shone around with the faint light from the lamp, and said, "Find a place first and sort out the situation? Come in alone."

Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng looked above their heads together. Chen Yekai tried to walk out of the barrier, and took a few steps back. Yu Hao said, "It's cold outside, don't go out."

Chen Yekai said, "Zhou Sheng? Look, the fire is now stable."

"Yeah." Zhou Sheng was still shivering with cold, and said, "There is no need to keep it burning."

Yu Hao's barrier guarded the two of them, and when they came to a hill covered with debris, Zhou Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, found a place to sit down, and motioned Yu Hao to come to him.

"Ask a question." Zhou Sheng said.

"Where is this?" Yu Hao asked suspiciously.

"Speculation is the deepest part of the subconscious." Chen Yekai said, "a place to deal with forgotten memories."

Zhou Sheng said: "You can call this a garbage dump, or forget the ruins. Did you just come in from your subconscious?"

Yu Hao remembered that the whole world was being rotated by a black hole, and the fragments and pieces in the six spiral arms were sucked in one after another, and he immediately understood: "So the things in the dream world are sucked here, and after they fall into the garbage dump, they will be sucked in. Forgotten?"

"Maybe so." Chen Yekai said, "This is all our guess."

"Golden Crow told me." Zhou Sheng corrected, "It's not just speculation."

Chen Yekai frowned and glanced at Zhou Sheng, obviously Zhou Sheng didn't tell him.

"Why didn't it tell me?" Yu Hao remembered the news he got from the Golden Crow after he came in.

Zhou Sheng gestured with his eyes, Yu Hao immediately understood, Zhou Sheng didn't want to say too much in front of Chen Yekai.

"It's my turn to ask." Zhou Sheng said, "One question per person, why won't you be absorbed by this place?"

"I don't know." Yu Hao looked blank. He gave a general description. He found the golden hoop. After entering, in order to resist the surrounding cold, he inadvertently propped up the barrier.

"Will it be uncomfortable now?" Zhou Sheng asked.

"No." Yu Hao said blankly, "It feels normal."

"Damn it!" Zhou Sheng said, "How come you only suck my power and not yours?"

Yu Hao said, "You've already asked a few questions, it's me!"

Zhou Sheng turned around and stepped out of Yu Hao's barrier, snapped his fingers, and golden flames erupted from his entire body, but the flames disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"The more I increase my strength." Zhou Sheng said, "the faster I get sucked! Why don't I have a barrier?"

"How do I know?" Yu Hao said, "Come in! It's too cold outside!"

Zhou Sheng tried several times without giving up, and finally had to give up and hid in Yu Hao's barrier. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something and said, "Oh, what I said, the golden hoop stick left outside is calling to you, let you in."

"Huh?" Yu Hao said, "Because that's mine..." He immediately realized Zhou Sheng's wink and didn't say any more, because the golden hoop was changed by Yu Hao's totem, so when Zhou Sheng was dragged in here, he stayed there. down

"What is this?" Yu Hao stared at the lamp in Chen Yekai's hand.

"Tinder." Zhou Sheng said, "Liang Jinmin's last sense of survival took a lot of effort to find it."

Chen Yekai didn't ask anything, he just looked up at the sky, frowning in thought.

"How did you guys fall in?" Yu Hao asked.

Zhou Sheng said, "Accidentally, one hundred secrets are sparse."

"Zhou Sheng thought of a way." Chen Yekai said, "In my dream, through the Golden Crow Wheel, a tunnel leading to Teacher Liang's dream was established. After entering, the subconscious world can't see anything..."

Then, Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai searched for the "fire seed" in this dark world. The moment they found it, a powerful monster appeared in the dark void and began to attack the two of them.

In order to protect the fire, Zhou Sheng ignited his whole body to resist the fierce attack of the master of the conscious world. After the two fought fiercely, they were severely beaten into the center of the vortex of the subconscious and fell into the ruins of oblivion.

As soon as he entered the ruins of oblivion, the fire suddenly became dim, almost completely extinguished, and Zhou Sheng tried his best to keep it burning. As time went by, the power of the two was constantly being sucked away. Zhou Sheng had to slow down his activities, and while maintaining the fire, he tried to find a way to get out of here, but he couldn't summon the somersault cloud, and Chen Yekai's weapon could not be used either. How effective.

At the last moment when the fire was about to go out, fortunately Yu Hao found it.

The presentation of time in the subconscious seems to be slowed down a lot, and the problem now becomes, first bring Liang Jinmin's self-awareness out of the ruins of oblivion, return to the subconscious, and then try to return to the top level of the conscious world, which is the dreamland go inside.

As long as she returns to her dream, she will be able to wake up in the hospital and her condition will be greatly improved.

"You guys actually did so many things behind my back!" Yu Hao couldn't believe it, "And Zhou Sheng, when did you learn to use someone else's Golden Crow Wheel to wear it into someone else's dream?"

Zhou Sheng said: "Kaikai and I have repeatedly deduced that many things are based on guesswork, but it did succeed. What I don't understand the most is... Why are you subconscious and nothing happens?"

Yu Hao suddenly remembered the title of "corrector" when he came in, the only position that formed a resonance connection with the maintainer. What does this mean? The Golden Crow took him as a corrector, so what is Zhou Sheng? watcher? Double star system, what is it

"Fly up and take a look?" Zhou Sheng motioned.

Yu Hao slowly ascended in that barrier. The strange thing was that he didn't need to flap his wings to fly in this world, and Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai also continued to rise as he ascended into the sky. Chen Yekai raised the lamp, and under the protection of Yu Hao's barrier, the golden flames became much brighter, and they flew to the ceiling against the falling memory fragments.

"It's useless." Zhou Sheng frowned, "Where did the memory fragments fall in, and the source can't be found. You see, the fragments all fall vertically, without radiation, and without an entrance."

Chen Yekai replied, "It can't appear out of thin air, there must be an entrance."

Zhou Sheng: "You forgot that this is a dream and doesn't follow the logic of reality."

Yu Hao knew that they must have discussed it long before he came over. He thought about it and said, "Have you attacked the sky?"

After Zhou Sheng got the golden hoop, the sword he used to have disappeared, but Chen Yekai's gun was still there. He picked up the gun and said, "I've tried it several times, but it doesn't work."

Chen Yekai pulled the trigger in the barrier, and a golden beam of light shot to the ceiling and disappeared into the darkness.

"It's useless." Zhou Sheng said.

Chen Yekai took out the knife from the weapon strap again and threw it out. After an unknown amount of time, the knife flew back in a circle.

Yu Hao pondered for a moment, took apart the staff, held a dagger in each hand, and said, "I'll try it!"

Immediately after that, Yu Hao rolled over in the air on his head and foot, swiping a lightning-like arc! The arc light was like a crescent moon breaking through the night, and with a "swoosh", it flew towards the zenith against the memory fragments in the sky!

The pitch-black sky was torn apart silently, and Zhou Sheng was shocked.

"Go!" Chen Yekai said immediately.

With the three of them, Yu Hao rushed through the crack, rushed out of the forgotten ruins, and returned to the subconscious world.

"Great!" Zhou Sheng didn't expect it to be so easy, and shouted, "I'm back! Get ready for battle!"