Seizing Dreams

Chapter 67: Night talk


"So, what about the new school and environment?" Liang Jinmin asked.

Yu Hao knows what this means. With Liang Jinmin's care, he will retake the college entrance examination by himself. As long as he passes the admission score, with Liang Jinmin's help, the college will recruit him, and the subsequent major reassignment will also be smooth, more importantly. What's more, after reading, he can get a college degree!

"I asked Zhou Sheng." Liang Jinmin said, "Zhou Sheng also gave me an answer, but he said he doesn't want to influence your choice, so I want to hear your opinion first."

Yu Hao thought to himself that it was no wonder that Zhou Sheng would suddenly say such a thing today.

"Let me see Zhou Sheng." Yu Hao only spent a short time thinking about it, then said, "If he wants to drop out of school and retake the exam, it's fine for me to change places. It's just... I don't think going to this school means that you will be able to go to school in the future. There is no way out, if I read well, I can also go to a school for graduate students."

For a long time, Yu Hao had not formed a clear understanding of his own future, future, and life ideals, but suddenly, everything became clear.

"It's not that I have no opinion." Yu Hao smiled, "It's just that I can't express some things very well. Most of the time, my thoughts are very similar to Zhou Sheng, but he can say it more clearly. After we graduate, if If there is a chance, I want to apply for your graduate school, and when the score is up, you will also accept me, won't you?"

Liang Jinmin smiled and said, "I see. I have nothing to thank you for. I just want to, at least do my best to protect the two children who will be avenged by sin in order to protect me."

"No." Yu Hao said suddenly, "You don't understand, Teacher Liang."

Liang Jinmin was startled.

Yu Hao said, "Is this the end? You plan to make a clean break with the past, don't you? For the rest of your life, you will stay away from him, so in this way, you will forget the past and not be hurt again?"

Liang Jinmin stared blankly at Yu Hao.

Yu Hao knew why in his heart—Liang Jinmin had never defeated the metal monster that occupied the city in a dream until now.

"There must be some way." Yu Hao thought for a while, then said, "I think this may not be over yet..." His brows furrowed and he shook his head. He always felt that he had overlooked some details, and This detail may be able to reverse the current predicament. If he is really powerless, it's fine. When he faces giving up everything, it's not that he can't accept the reality.

But he has a hunch that things will turn around.

If only I were as smart as Zhou Sheng... Yu Hao had discussed this case with Zhou Sheng many times over and over again, and every time the answer was close to the same.

While talking, the waiter opened the door and Chen Yekai came in.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." Chen Yekai said with a smile, "Have you eaten enough? I'm starving to death, let me eat first."

Liang Jinmin's expression recovered, as if he had been thinking about Yu Hao's words. Yu Hao gave Chen Yekai the menu and asked him to order something to eat. Today, Chen Yekai was wearing that long-lost navy blue shirt and black casual shorts. He had a nice smell of cologne on his body, mixed with the warmth of his body in summer, revealing the downright sexy of an intellectual.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Yekai ordered sushi and said, "This sea urchin is good, Yu Hao, you can try it."

"Gossip." Yu Hao said, "It's nothing."

Liang Jinmin said, "Nicky, Yu Hao doesn't want to go to your alma mater to re-undergraduate."

"I guessed it." Chen Yekai swallowed the sushi with difficulty, drank tea, and said, "I actually don't want to go back to my alma mater. I also decided to stay here, Mr. Liang."

"Ah?" Yu Hao said, "No no, you must do whatever you want!"

Chen Yekai said, "Staying here doesn't mean staying in the academy. There is also a book in Yingshi, just in time to study and prepare for the exam. Who wants to take the postgraduate exam in this academy?"

"Then..." Liang Jinmin seemed rather depressed, so she nodded.

"Do you want to pack Fu Liqun and Zhou Sheng?" Chen Yekai asked.

Yu Hao saw that there were only 128 sushi in a pair, so he quickly said, "No, Zhou Sheng must have eaten it. Just bring Fu Liqun a few handmade biscuits..."

"Nicky." Liang Jinmin said suddenly.

"Yeah." Chen Yekai continued flipping through the menu, without looking at Liang Jinmin, and said, "Let me order it, I'll treat you today." Then he asked to pay the bill.

Yu Hao: "?"

After Liang Jinmin said that, he fell silent again, and the three of them were speechless for a while. After the waiter came over, Chen Yekai asked to prepare to pack, and then smiled and lowered his head to send a message to Zhou Sheng.

"Yu Hao, you..." Chen Yekai's mouth curled slightly.

"What's the matter, Teacher Chen?" Yu Hao asked anxiously.

"Don't call me Teacher Chen anymore." Chen Yekai said, "I left my job a long time ago. Call me whatever you want. In short, I don't want to hear the name Teacher, I'm tired."

Yu Hao laughed, and suddenly noticed that Liang Jinmin had been sitting quietly, with tears rolling in her eyes.

After the packaged food was delivered, Chen Yekai said, "Let's go, I'll take you back."

Chen Yekai went to drive, Yu Hao and Liang Jinmin stood under the street lights, this commercial area was at night, all the office buildings were lit up, standing like crystals in the dark night.

"You're right, Yu Hao." Liang Jinmin said, "I don't understand."

Yu Hao turned his head to the side and looked into Liang Jinmin's eyes.

"When I was in a coma, I saw an archangel with white wings and a black suit, and a warrior in armor." Liang Jinmin looked at the busy road, and said in a trance, "The angel is yours. Look, another samurai, he wears a veiled helmet. You carry lamps and guide me in the dark... Maybe it's some kind of providence."

Chen Yekai drove, stopped on the side of the road, and said, "I'll drop by to pick up Zhou Sheng later? He's not far from here."

Yu Hao was about to get in the car, but Liang Jinmin said, "Wait, Yu Hao, Nicky, would you like to go to my house for a drink?"

Yu Hao looked at Chen Yekai. Chen Yekai was also a little bewildered, not knowing why Liang Jinmin made this invitation.

"Like before." Liang Jinmin said.

"I can, look at Yu Hao." Chen Yekai said, "His answer is definitely to look at Zhou Sheng, I'll talk to him after that."

Yu Hao said, "You know me too well."

Yu Hao got into the car, Chen Yekai drove, turned two intersections, and picked up Zhou Sheng in front of a hotel. Zhou Sheng was carrying a one-shoulder sports bag. He had just attended the reception in the hotel and said, "Okay, Mr. Liang, it's our first meeting, please take care of me."

Liang Jinmin smiled and nodded at him. After Chen Yekai drove to the academy, he crossed the road without street lights, and a bright moon appeared in the mountains, and the silver light covered the ground.

This is a small townhouse with a courtyard house for Lin Xun by the college. It is separated from the college by a hill and opposite.

The room was very spacious and had already been cleaned. Liang Jinmin turned on the floor lamp, and the room was glowing with warm yellow light.

"What would you like to drink?" Liang Jinmin said, "Whiskey? Nicky, stop driving later, call an online car-hailing car to go back."

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao visited Liang Jinmin's wine cabinet and said, "Yo, Teacher Liang, you really have a lot of good wine."

Liang Jinmin said lightly: "Open it and drink it if you like it. I don't think it's as good as the wine you've drunk, so I'll do it soon."

Yu Hao gestured with his eyes, Zhou Sheng nodded and said, "This bottle is more than 40,000 yuan."

Chen Yekai said: "I remember there is a bottle of Macallan, I'll drink it, Master Zhou also?"

Yu Hao said, "I don't have much pursuit of wine, so don't make it too expensive."

"Open this bottle of Canadian ice wine." Zhou Sheng knew that Yu Hao was afraid of waste, and said, "It's not expensive, a thousand dollars, I'll adjust it for you, and drink it sweetly as juice."

Yu Hao immediately signaled that it was okay, that's all, he thought that Fu Liqun was still waiting for his dinner in the dormitory... He was drinking tens of thousands of dollars of wine with them here.

Chen Yekai poured Liang Jinmin a glass of wine and sat on the sofa with Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao. Chen Yekai and Liang Jinmin sat on the single sofa, while Zhou Sheng leaned on the couch, leaving a place for Yu Hao.

Under the warm light of the floor lamp, Liang Jinmin lit a cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke gracefully.

"To Takin." Liang Jinmin raised his glass a little in the dark of the floor lamp.

"To Takin." The rest of the people raised their glasses one after another.

"What do you want to talk about tonight, teacher?" Chen Yekai shook the cup gently, and the ice balls collided in the cup, making a crisp sound.

Yu Hao took a sip of Zhou Sheng's ice wine. It was really sweet, but not greasy. It was delicious. His eyes were always paying attention to the furnishings in the room. He remembered that Lin Xun abused Liang Jinmin domestically here and beat her up. Seriously injured and unconscious, dragged her to the garage, put her in the passenger seat, and created the car accident.

After the car accident, Huang Ting blocked the house immediately, and investigated every corner in detail, but found nothing unexpectedly.

Yu Hao thought to himself, would there be some details left here that have not been discovered? However, with the professional quality of the police, after checking it once, there is no gain, and I am even less able to compare.

While thinking about it, Zhou Sheng raised his foot and touched Yu Hao lightly, his eyes seemed to have something to say, Yu Hao immediately understood, Zhou Sheng was thinking the same idea as himself, and he didn't give up.

"Talk about my failed life." Liang Jinmin put down the wine and said lightly, "Talk about the understanding and feeling of destiny as a mayfly-like individual in this vast world and the history of human civilization."

"Let's start today's lesson with an oracle of Delphi. There is a famous saying in the Temple of Apollo: Know yourself. What is a man? Is the soul born good, or is it inherently evil? We are in this world Mutual slaughter and crusade, as large as a nation and a country, as small as a family…”

Lights, wine, sofa... In this late night, Yu Hao could vaguely imagine that Liang Jinmin's late-night class went from the bricks and axles of ancient civilization to the guns and wars of the steam age; To Genghis Khan; from Tutankhamun's golden eagle seat to Napoleon's Waterloo... The flash in the grand historical river is like a dream, mighty and never-ending.

And the power of knowledge guides human beings to go beyond the limitations of individuals, standing at the end of the river, and seeing many bloody storms in the fog.

Liang Jinmin talked about the birth of stars from the mainstream academic theory, the beginning of the universe, the energy released by nuclear fusion, the melting of ice into water, the photosynthesis of plants, and the conditions for the birth of intelligent life on planets. According to the legend of the sun god, in ancient civilizations, the sun was worshipped as the supreme god, and "light" was also considered to be the source of all things.

This is the first time that Yu Hao has used this method to listen to a class. Liang Jinmin has kept the salon style abroad and chatted with them. Chen Yekai occasionally expressed his own opinions. Zhou Sheng was also fascinated by it. Everyone forgets what they are most concerned about and is immersed in Liang Jinmin's knowledge.

Yu Hao suddenly felt a little bit of regret that he actually rejected Liang Jinmin's proposal to let him transfer to another school. Studying with such a teacher, maybe he could really learn something in this life.

"...Under the influence of this phototaxis," Liang Jinmin said finally, "we live during the day, and at night we sleep and enter the dreamland. In the dream, the most primitive desires in the heart are released and hidden in the undetected personality. Formation originates from the impressions we have formed of the world and ourselves in the environment we grew up in…”

Chen Yekai added: "This is a relatively mainstream statement in the field of psychology at present."

"That's right." Liang Jinmin nodded and said, "Take myself as an example, my family has been full of violence since I was a child. My father, an unwilling intellectual, because his brother stayed in the United States, in the 1970s , was strongly criticized and unfairly treated. My mother is a descendant of a landlord family. My grandfather and grandmother fled Hong Kong, and only my mother stayed for my father. You have not experienced that era, so you don't know what does that mean… "

"I probably read some." Yu Hao remembered the reports he had translated, which included the history of this era.

Liang Jinmin smiled and said, "My parents have two daughters. I am the youngest daughter. From the time I was sensible, the family was full of ubiquitous violence. My father also suffered from intense hysteria..."

"Dissociative disorder." Chen Yekai explained to Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng, "also known as hysteria."

Liang Jinmin said indifferently: "My father beat our mother and us all night, and my mother resigned. My sister and I are always full of fear, looking forward to the morning, when the sun rises..."

"... But when the storm passed, my father regained his intellectual and gentle image. He taught us to read and write, and urged us to study hard... I couldn't even tell which one was the real him. It seemed that he split into There are two sides to gods and demons. When the sun goes down, that is the beginning of a nightmare. In that era, mental illness was not taken seriously, and many people in the country did not even know this aspect at all.”

"Later I thought that in the marriage life with Lin Xun, the psychological shadow of the original family on our character may also affect my life." Liang Jinmin took out a second cigarette from the cigarette case, and Zhou Sheng took out a lighter , give her a cigarette.

"Of course that's something for the future." Liang Jinmin added, "As he grew older, his father's violent behavior lessened, and on his face, there was a kind of depression and desolation that a middle-aged man was powerless to change his situation. He was seriously ill, and when he was in bed, he still called our mother to beat and scold. One day, my eldest sister finally couldn't take it anymore. He tied me to a chair, walked over silently, went to the bed, and covered him with rubber gloves."

Yu Hao: "..."

It was also the first time that Chen Yekai heard Liang Jinmin talk about his past, and he immediately forgot what to say.

Zhou Sheng said, "Your eldest sister didn't want to drag you into the water, so she tied you up."

Liang Jinmin said: "Yes, but this incident did not cause too much turbulence. His father suffered from a brain tumor, and Chang Ye thought that someone would harm him. In the last days, he had reached the point where he could not sleep peacefully. The news of his death spread. Everyone, including neighbors and relatives, was relieved."

"Later on, the eldest sister got married, and her mother lived with her. The grandfather and grandmother who fled to Hong Kong had passed away, and the two uncles found the mother and gave her a large inheritance to her father. This inheritance is enough for us to live well. I took the test. I went to college and met Lin Xun. At that time, he was very personable. Although his appearance was only average and his family was not superior, there was something about him that made me want to stop."

"Bookish." Chen Yekai said.

"Not bad." Liang Jinmin said to Chen Yekai, "The temperament of a scholar is also evident in you. This temperament makes many women fascinated by it."

Zhou Sheng said, "It seems that I don't have one."

Liang Jinmin said: "Note that this is only a characteristic of a person. Whether he is kind or not has much to do with how many books he has read."

Chen Yekai said with a smile, "Every time I slaughter a dog with a righteousness, I am a scholar with a heartless heart."

Everyone laughed.

Liang Jinmin said: "It is inappropriate to cover all in any group."

"Just kidding." Chen Yekai laughed.

Liang Jinmin said: "In Lin Xun, I can feel the romantic feeling that my father taught our sisters to read in the afternoon when I was a child, the same temperament of a frustrated intellectual, and an unspoken arrogance. Frankly nothing, but always seeking, freedom in mind and soul..."

Liang Jinmin opened the drawer under the coffee table, pulled out a photo frame, and handed it to them to read. It was a group photo of Lin Xun and Liang Jinmin, who had just arrived at Stanford University in San Francisco, in front of the school gate.