Seizing Dreams

Chapter 68: The essential


"I don't care about my eldest sister's objection to help Lin Xun." Liang Jinmin said, "I firmly believed that this was my soul mate in my life. Every day I was with him, I felt that the bright sun was shining on my life. Soul, now that I think about it, it's really beautiful. Yu Hao, you said that I didn't understand, I really didn't understand, or from the bottom of my heart, I was always reluctant to admit my cowardice. It was this cowardice that made me fall into In the endless cycle of life tragedies…”

The living room was silent, Yu Hao didn't want to cry, but he couldn't help crying. He could put himself in his shoes and realize that Liang Jinmin loved Lin Xun so much at the time, but thinking of her now, he felt extremely sad.

Chen Yekai's eyes were also red, and he could hear the faint sound of inhalation.

Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Hao, Liang Jinmin took out a piece of paper, handed it to Yu Hao, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"No." Yu Hao hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Liang, it was my words that were too presumptuous."

Liang Jinmin said, "Come on, have some chocolate." Then he took out high-end chocolate from under the coffee table and distributed it to them.

"Lin Xun and I supported each other, left home, and went to study in San Francisco. Just like the wedding vows said, no matter if we were healthy or sick, poor or rich, young or beautiful, or old, we would always support each other and accompany each other." Liang Jinmin said, "Later, the eldest sister died of lung cancer four years later. The many trivial conflicts in our married life gradually kicked off."

Yu Hao listened to Liang Jinmin's recollection of the relationship between her and Lin Xun, the bloody reality and quarrel, all turned into a dream, knives, axes, blades, saws, hammers and many weapons on the giant metal monster's mechanical arm. . Gradually, Lin Xun and her father's image became one, and it was indistinguishable from each other.

"A girl who has witnessed a lot of domestic violence since she was a child is also caught in a reciprocating tragedy when she grows up." Liang Jinmin sighed and said, "Is that a habit? Or a yearning? Analyzing myself makes me very embarrassed, but On this night, I am willing to reveal my soul as it is, under your sunshine and moonlight, to be judged."

Zhou Sheng adjusted his posture on the sofa and smiled, "Sunshine?"

Liang Jinmin nodded and said, "I am a pessimistic person. Nietzsche mentioned in "The Birth of Tragedy" that the reciprocation of tragedy actually provides an aesthetic attitude towards life, allowing us to obtain the ultimate liberation. Long Sheng once said bluntly that in my subconscious, due to the psychological shadow of my family of origin, I have a certain kind of self-pity that is not easily detectable, which makes it difficult for me to escape this constant repetition."

"Secondly, I think that tolerance for Lin Xun stems from a feeling of remorse and indebtedness towards my father after witnessing the whole process of my sister killing my father that evening. Accepting my husband over and over again San’s violent behavior, and tolerated it, formed a psychological suggestion of redemption.”

Chen Yekai said: "If you let me go to trial, I only have one sentence, they should all be damned."

Liang Jinmin looked at Zhou Sheng, but Zhou Sheng did not express his position, only said, "Go ahead."

Liang Jinmin said: "I have become accustomed to living in this kind of original family. My mother also told me that all couples in the world will have quarrels and even physical conflicts. I used to believe this. After adolescence, I Once decided not to marry for life…”

"It's the same as me." Zhou Sheng replied, "I'm just afraid that, like my dad, one day I won't be able to control myself."

"You won't." Yu Hao said to Zhou Sheng.

Liang Jinmin laughed and said, "But love is beyond everyone's control. I have convinced myself countless times that I have the courage to welcome a new life, and finally took that step, but I didn't expect that that step would actually lead to the abyss..."

Yu Hao: "..."

"When Lin Xun knelt down to me and begged for forgiveness after his first act, I was still convincing myself that this was the normal state of marriage, although I knew very well that it couldn't be." Liang Jinmin lit a third cigarette and said, " I always feel that marriage in this world is just like my parents get along. I can't imagine living a happy and happy life. Later, Nicky and Takin fell in love, and I realized that a person can be so tolerant of his lover, which makes him grow old together , The future of unmistakable love has become possible."

Chen Yekai smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Anything else?" The thought in Yu Hao's heart gradually surfaced, but it was still not real. He was waiting for the moment when it finally became clearer.

"If there's anything else, I think, it's love." Liang Jinmin closed his eyes and said, "I was talking about the future with Nicky in the coffee shop that day, and I started to decide to make up for my mistakes and dedicate the rest of my life to me. professional. But not long after returning home, what you know happened…”

Chen Yekai said, "I remember you said at the time that you would be ready."

"Yes." Liang Jinmin replied with her hand holding the cigarette and her ring finger between her foreheads, "But after three days, many things happened intermittently, but I can't remember them."

Zhou Sheng's expression suddenly became serious, but he didn't interrupt and cast a glance at Yu Hao. At this time, Yu Hao chose not to speak.

After a long silence, Liang Jinmin said again: "Yu Hao said today, I didn't think about it, yes, maybe deep down in my heart, that little bit of stupid love and expectation for him is hindering me and blocking me. a memory of…”

"You are obstructing yourself subconsciously." Yu Hao picked up the photo frame, looked at the photo of Liang Jinmin and Lin Xun on it, and said, "I don't want to send him to prison, even if he has already formed the facts of murder, right?"

"I think so." Liang Jinmin opened his eyes and said.

Chen Yekai said, "Yu Hao, blaming Teacher Liang is useless, we can't control our subconscious..."

Liang Jinmin said: "It doesn't matter, that's why I want to talk to you. For many years, I may never really know myself."

Zhou Sheng said, "So you were in the hospital that day, and after you woke up, you kept remembering?"

Liang Jinmin nodded and said: "Yes, the doctor's identification result for me is that the long-term coma has caused a fault in my memory. I have been thinking about it all day, Nicky and Officer Huang suggested that I can wait, but only me I know that the real reason is that I deliberately forget about it."

The hall was silent for a long time, and the smoke in Liang Jinmin's fingers burned to the end.

"Finally, let's conclude today's lesson with Nietzsche's arguments with a few modifications." Chen Yekai said, "Under the light of the sun god, everything takes on the appearance of beauty, which changes the essence of tragedy and makes Its painful and maddening side is eliminated, and it reflects a magnificent light, which is how we know ourselves."

Zhou Sheng finished drinking the wine in the glass, put it down, and when he looked at Yu Hao again, he was still thinking.

Yu Hao said, "What else did you guys talk about on the day we met at the cafe?"

Liang Jinmin did not answer, thinking.

"At the time, I thought the evidence you got might not be strong enough. I remember Teacher Liang saying," Chen Yekai said, "'Then I will go back and continue to collect enough evidence until I send him to prison'."

Liang Jinmin said: "I believe I said that at the time, but the memory has been blurred."

Chen Yekai said: "This is just my inference. Huang Ting's analysis on this is that if Teacher Liang's last thought before the coma was about evidence hidden somewhere, then the moment of coma, Maybe it will cause this memory..."

"Broken piece." Zhou Sheng said.

Liang Jinmin nodded and said, "During the retelling process and leaving the transcript, I still remember that Lin Xun said one last sentence to me, and then knocked me out, but I can't remember this sentence."

Her eyeliner was stained with tears, and she put down the empty wine glass and went into the bathroom.

And when Yu Hao heard the last sentence, many flashing impressions in his mind were suddenly linked together. Based on what he saw in the dream world, it was speculated that Liang Jinmin was struggling with the metal monster, and in her understanding, A metal monster has taken away something that can protect itself from being destroyed...

He looked down at the photo in the frame, and Lin Xun's face overlapped with the metal monster in an instant! He had seen that "evidence" subconsciously!

That's a wooden Mayan sculpture! At that time, Yu Hao was still very strange, why was it the only thing glowing in the entire subconscious world!

Thinking of this, Yu Hao opened his eyes uncontrollably, trembling slightly.

"What did you think of?" Zhou Sheng was the first to notice Yu Hao's abnormality.

Chen Yekai frowned, staring at Yu Hao, Yu Hao said, "Has there ever been a wooden sculpture in this house before?"

"What?" Zhou Sheng didn't expect Yu Hao to suddenly say such a sentence.

"Teacher Liang!" Yu Hao got up immediately and said, "Do you remember a wood sculpture? It's probably this big, brown and black, Mayan style..."

Zhou Sheng and Chen Yekai immediately got up and followed behind Yu Hao. Chen Yekai said, "I remembered! It was a handicraft that Long Sheng and I brought back to Teacher Liang four years ago..."

Liang Jinmin came out of the bathroom with a towel in his hand, and when he heard these words, he suddenly trembled uncontrollably.

"Teacher Liang?" Until now, Yu Hao still didn't understand the meaning of this wooden sculpture, but when Zhou Sheng saw Liang Jinmin's expression, he instantly knew that Yu Hao had finally found a certain key core.

"Think slowly, don't worry..." Zhou Sheng said, "Mr. Liang! Don't!"

"Teacher Liang!"

"Teacher Liang!"

Liang Jinmin's eyes widened, his face pale.

"I remembered, and finally he said, he wanted to collect... what evidence? Your arrangement... hide... but... I..." Liang Jinmin said in a trembling voice, and then passed out as if he had suffered a mental blow. Chen Yekai and Yu Hao were taken aback, and they hurriedly supported her, causing chaos. Chen Yekai said, "Bring her in quickly..."

Chen Yekai carried her into the bedroom, Zhou Sheng said, "What is that wood carving? Kaikai! Do you remember what it looked like?"

"Wait..." Chen Yekai put Liang Jinmin away, and everyone became nervous, Yu Hao said, "Not in the living room, I just watched it!"

"It's in the living room." Chen Yekai said, "The last time it was there, what does that mean? Yu Hao, why do you know about it?"

"Don't ask!" Zhou Sheng said, "Find it first! There must be a camera inside!"

Zhou Sheng's words instantly penetrated Yu Hao's cognition, Yu Hao said, "There is surveillance in its eyes! Yes! It must be!"

"It..." Chen Yekai said, "It should be right here!"

Chen Yekai pointed in front of the TV, there was a row of ornaments on the low cabinet where the TV was placed, and said, "When I helped them move, I specially took them out and put them here..."

There was a sound from inside, as if something fell, the three of them immediately turned around and ran to the bedroom, Yu Hao thought he had found it, but upon seeing it, Liang Jinmin struggled to get up and fell under the bed. Chen Yekai hurriedly helped her up, and Zhou Sheng said, "She is mentally unstable, Kaikai, look at her."

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao returned to the living room, Yu Hao stroked his hair and said at a loss, "Where will she be placed?"

"Wait." Zhou Sheng said, "Don't worry, calm down and analyze."

Yu Hao was silent for a long time, then said, "Why did Teacher Liang suddenly faint?"

"Because you mentioned that piece of evidence." Zhou Sheng said solemnly, "The existence of 'evidence' led to her being beaten into a coma by Lin Xun, and a conditioned reflex occurred in the spiritual world. As soon as she remembered it, she would Spontaneously recalled the moment when the blow resulted in a coma."

Yu Hao understood and frowned, "It stands to reason that after the accident, Huang Ting blocked the scene and prevented Lin Xun from going home. The things should still be there."

Zhou Sheng said: "It was taken away by him, this is the only possibility."

Yu Hao: "!!!"

Zhou Sheng: "Before Lin Xun knocked Liang Jinmin unconscious, he had roughly guessed the existence of this 'evidence', so he hinted at her in the final blow, and then searched the whole house and destroyed that evidence."

Yu Hao: "..."

Yu Hao was unwilling to accept it, but this was the only possibility, so he sat down helplessly.

"Will Lin Xun keep it?" Yu Hao asked.

"Impossible." Zhou Sheng said, "He will definitely destroy it completely. Wait, if it was a monitor that recorded his domestic violence, would he take a look with his computer before destroying it?"

Yu Hao said, "I'll definitely delete it after reading it, I won't keep it."

Zhou Sheng: "Even if it is deleted, the data on the hard drive can be restored. I'm afraid he won't have to read it on his own computer... Wait, will she back it up in the cloud?!"

At this moment, the sound of a car came from outside the room, and the two suddenly became vigilant. Zhou Sheng opened the curtains in the living room and looked out. A car stopped outside the door, Yu Hao said, "Who? Passing by?"

"No." Zhou Sheng frowned, "There will be no passing cars here, it must be Lin Xun back."

"No way! Such a coincidence?" Yu Hao said.

Today was the first day that Lin Xun was released on bail pending trial. Yu Hao suddenly remembered that Shi Liang had returned home without warning, and was a little cowardly.

"It's okay, I'm here, so what are you afraid of." Zhou Sheng said calmly, "Continue to drink his Tibetan wine and chat with him."

Yu Hao: "..."

The car outside the house drove away, Zhou Sheng went to the wine cabinet, poured himself some whiskey, and someone rang the bell outside the door.

"Jin Min." Lin Xun's voice said, "I know you are at home, open the door, I want to talk to you."

Chen Yekai quickly walked out of the room, the three of them looked at each other, Chen Yekai said, "Mr. Liang is better."

Zhou Sheng motioned him to go back and let him handle it, Chen Yekai nodded. Yu Hao sat down on the sofa, Zhou Sheng took the wine glass to open the door, the moment the door opened, Lin Xun's face was extremely bright.

"Yo, Professor Lin." Zhou Sheng raised his glass to him, "I wish you good health!"

Lin Xun immediately regained his composure and said solemnly, "It's you, Zhou Sheng."

Zhou Sheng let Lin Xun in, closed the door, and locked the door.

Lin Xun knew what was going on just by looking at the wine glasses and ashtray on the coffee table, and shouted inside, "Jin Min!"

Without answering, Lin Xun wanted to go in, but Zhou Sheng said: "Don't go in too busy, let's chat, I haven't apologized to you yet."

Yu Hao said, "Professor Lin, what would you like to drink?"

"Don't bother you." Lin Xun said coldly, "It seems that Mr. Liang's academic salon has just disbanded, and you have learned a lot. Do you hope there will be a second half? I brought water, what do you want to talk about?"

"Talking about the situation where you panicked and ran 30 miles against the wind that day." Zhou Sheng smiled slightly with a hint of alcohol on his face, "The next time the academy holds a sports meeting, Mr. Lin must sign up for the teacher group. Hurry up!"

"It is an instinct for people to protect themselves in times of crisis. This is normal." Lin Xun said calmly without any guilt.

Yu Hao said, "Even if you confirm that you have committed a crime, is this still the case in order to evade the punishment of the law?"

"I admit to breaking the law." Lin Xun said seriously, "I did not stand the temptation of money, and now the teacher has repented. After you leave the society, you must remember not to follow my path."

This was not the first time Yu Hao had a face-to-face conversation with Lin Xun. The last time, he was mad at Lin Xun, and this time the situation was not much better. They came close to finding the evidence, only to miss it.

"You're very poor, Yu Hao." Lin Xun said, "I've read your profile, it's not easy to be poor, and your sexual orientation is not normal. It's a very painful thing."

Yu Hao took a deep breath, knowing that Lin Xun was angering him, but Zhou Sheng glanced at Yu Hao and said to Lin Xun, "It turns out that a few are not normal, so what about me? What's your opinion?"

"Your family is in good condition." Lin Xun smiled mockingly, "The so-called 'children of the poor, unkempt and unkempt in the streets, the children of the rich, with a monstrous appearance, squeamishly roaming at home, grow up, They are all turning around in society in a dark and dark way, like their father, or not as good as', Lu Xun described it very accurately on this point."

Zhou Sheng sat on the single sofa where Liang Jinmin sat before, lit a cigarette, and said, "Does Teacher Lin's academic salon always discuss such topics?"

"Yes." Lin Xun said, "I am a realistic person, unlike your teacher Liang, she likes romanticism, tragedy, classical genres, and brainwashing you, Mr. Chen, until he forgets who he is. already."

Zhou Sheng was thinking about how to confront Lin Xun, but Yu Hao suddenly said, "You are not the first, Teacher Lin."

"Oh?" Lin Xundao, "What's the first one?"

"The first person to say that he 'advocates reality'." Yu Hao said, "They always teach me a lot of great principles in life. For example, in this society, the weak eat the strong. If you don't harm others, others will harm you; Take, you are an idiot, you will regret it sooner or later; life is meaningless, and everyone will die in the end..."

"Correction." Lin Xundao, "The last point of view, called 'nihilism', has nothing to do with reality. You need to read more books, and when you read enough books, you will question the world. Form your own worldview. You know what, Yu Hao? Reading is to choose your beliefs. You will come into contact with the whole wonderful world, which is full of many theories. With your life experience, you will come up with ideas one after another, one by one. If you are overthrown by you, you believe this when you are 20 years old, believe that after 30 years old, and then believe other things when you are 40 years old. There is no absolute right, only choices that allow you to live freely, and with power, you have a choice."

Yu Hao said, "I'm not as knowledgeable as you. I've read many books. My belief comes from self-examination of my heart. I think you may never introspect. You have strength and wisdom, but you may be useless for evil. People can come to punish you, and you can live with impunity. But your spiritual world has become a ruin, cloudy, the sun will not appear, and life will no longer grow in this wasteland, you can no longer experience There are so many beautiful things in the world!"

Zhou Sheng: "…"

Zhou Sheng originally thought that he would have a fierce confrontation with Lin Xun, but he never expected that Yu Hao would be more excited than him. This was the first time he had encountered Yu Hao who would argue with others in such a long-winded manner. Instead, Zhou Sheng said nothing. Can't tell.

He never thought that there were so many words in Yu Hao's heart! At this moment, the screen of the mobile phone placed on the coffee table lit up, and three messages from Chen Yekai in the bedroom popped up.

"I don't need to introspect." Lin Xun sneered, "I live well, I live better than you, and succeed more than you all. This is the life that my faith has brought me. I don't need a student to guide me. Me, you two, even Nicky, Long Sheng, you are just kids living in the mud. You have no right to judge me, no, you can say whatever you want, but it won't affect me in the slightest, I don't care. I don't care!"

"This is the inequality that makes you helpless. When you leave this campus and walk into society, you will find that there are more inequalities in the world. This is what I call 'reality'. In the end, it is the same as what I predicted today. , I understand that this society is realistic and materialistic. In the future, you will definitely remember what I said tonight. This is a winner, sharing the feelings of the loser, and it is also my experience as a past person. ."

"You're like a blind man." Yu Hao said solemnly, "From the day you started doing evil, you lost the most precious thing that the Creator gave everyone, and this is the price you paid for it!"

Lin Xun laughed and said, "Maybe, we can't convince each other, but the conclusion is obvious, you have already lost."

"Not necessarily?" Zhou Sheng suddenly replied.

At this moment, Zhou Sheng made a move that surprised Yu Hao. He put the wine glass away, moved it to the couch, sat side by side with Yu Hao, and took out the TV remote control from under the coffee table.

Yu Hao's brows furrowed slightly, and he turned to look at Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng turned his head sideways, responding to Yu Hao's glance, raised his eyebrows, revealing his usual mischievous smirk.

Immediately, Zhou Sheng pressed the remote control, the TV turned on, and the blue screen was displayed. The options of Apple TV pop up under the screen, mobile phone projection, video slide, click, select one of them, unlock the screen, set landscape full screen, play.

It was Chen Yekai operating his cell phone in the bedroom!

Yu Hao stared blankly at the TV screen, Lin Xun shivered violently, his eyes widened, his face pale.

The video of 7 minutes and 25 seconds begins with Liang Jinmin and Lin Xun arguing in the living room. Lin Xun holds his suit and walks across the sofa. Liang Jinmin grabs Lin Xun's suit. Lin Xun turns around and pushes Liang Jinmin to the ground. Liang Jinmin stood up trembling, Lin Xun threw down his suit, loosened his cufflinks, dragged her over, and slapped her.

This was the first time in Yu Hao's life that he saw the surveillance video of domestic violence. He couldn't help clenching his fists. Zhou Sheng pulled Yu Hao's hand and put his palm on the back of his hand.

Liang Jinmin couldn't help but dodge, Lin Xun grabbed her by the hair, dragged her back, and punched her temple. When Liang Jinmin turned to his side, he deliberately fled to the front of the TV, Yu Hao caught a glimpse of her crying in pain, she fled to the door, but was dragged by Lin Xun, then pressed her head and slammed against the wall. When Liang Jinmin turned to break away, Lin Xun grabbed her neck with one hand and hit the wall twice.

Liang Jinmin sat down along the wall with his hair disheveled, his head bowed. Lin Xun grabbed her hair, knelt down on one knee, whispered something in her ear, and finally pressed her head, slamming her hard, Liang Jinmin fell softly to the ground and fell into a coma.

The whole process only takes three minutes.

Lin Xun kicked Liang Jinmin again, came back and sat on the sofa, cast a sideways glance at her, poured himself a glass of wine, and bowed slightly, as if thinking. He got up, carried Liang Jinmin, and went down the underground garage from the stairs at the corner. Two minutes later, he came back, looked around, and seemed to wonder if there was anything unusual about it.

Until the seventh minute, Lin Xun got up and judged the special behavior of Liang Jinmin hiding in front of the TV cabinet. From left to right, he began to check all the ornaments. But only halfway through the inspection, he noticed the camera, reached out and took it off, the camera turned to one side, shaking Liang Jinmin who was lying in the corner. After a while, the screen goes black, and the surveillance video ends.

Lin Xun was stuck in the sofa like petrified, and didn't get up for a long time. Zhou Sheng turned up the floor lamp, and Yu Hao saw Lin Xun's expression, like a dead man.

There was a sound in the bedroom, and Chen Yekai opened the door.

"Mr. Liang remembers it." Chen Yekai said to them, "After she went back that day, she installed a camera in the woodcarving and uploaded it to an independent cloud account, but she just didn't remember it for a while. I have already notified Huang Ting. , they'll be here soon."

"It's really a turning point." Zhou Sheng sighed, "Then... you might really be imprisoned, Mr. Lin? After the interview, how are you feeling now?"

Lin Xun didn't speak, Zhou Sheng looked at Lin Xun and said seriously: "Mr. Lin, you are very 'realistic', so you think this world is what you understand, but don't forget, we also live in this world , we are also part of this 'reality'."

Yu Hao: "!!!"

Someone rang the doorbell outside, Zhou Sheng got up to open the door, and Huang Ting came with a colleague.

"Let's go back." Zhou Sheng said to Yu Hao. The two stood up and came to the door. Zhou Sheng said loudly, "Mr. Liang, goodbye!"

"Goodbye." Liang Jinmin's calm voice came from the bedroom.

Liang Jinmin never came out of the bedroom from beginning to end, even if he looked at Lin Xun again.

"Goodbye, Teacher Lin." Yu Hao looked for Lin.