Seizing Dreams

Chapter 70: Pennant


"Yu Hao, is Kai Kai chasing you?" Fu Liqun asked.

"What?" Yu Hao looked manic, took off his earphones, and after listening clearly, he said, "You chase me in your dreams!"

Fu Liqun: "Don't imitate Zhou Sheng."

"I'm going crazy!" Yu Hao said, "The deadline for the manuscript will be on the nineteenth of July! If you can't submit the manuscript, you will lose money!"

"It's just the contract." Fu Liqun said, "There are a lot of drafts delayed. Your sister-in-law knows a screenwriter, and the draft was dragged so that the producer hung a row in front of the house, and it dried out."

"Then how can you do it? You have to have the spirit of a contract!" Yu Hao said, "Mr. Chen didn't chase me, don't mention this again, be careful that Zhou Sheng is going to get hairy again."

"Anyway, if he chases you, don't agree." Fu Liqun said.

"I won't agree." Yu Hao said.

Fu Liqun: "In this way, there will be an endless supply of cakes to eat..."

Yu Hao: "..."

Fu Liqun said, "There are fifteen days before the summer vacation. Yu Hao, in my life, I will definitely remember our days of sharing weal and woe..."

Yu Hao suddenly remembered something and said, "Brother, after the final exams are over, when I receive the manuscript fee, can you do me a favor?"

Fu Liqun: "?"

The final exam came as scheduled, and it rained continuously in Ying City. The water in the school was about to reach his thighs, and the desks on the first floor were floating everywhere. Yu Hao was relieved after finishing the last subject, and hurried back to translate the last three reports. Done, submit!

"It's over! Long live!" Yu Hao just wanted to throw Fu Liqun's notebook downstairs.

Chen Yekai called Yu Hao and said, "Didn't you tell me how many times you can search? You've finished all the searches for me?"

Yu Hao: "Yes!"

Chen Yekai said, "Wait a minute... How long did you spend? Did you miss the exam?"

Yu Hao couldn't figure it out, these days, as long as Zhou Sheng went to training, he was always translating. Chen Yekai said: "I will communicate with Party A. In this case, Party A must pay you more money."

"No, no!" Yu Hao hurriedly said, "You can give seven thousand, I'm serious!"

Chen Yekai hung up the phone, and finally, Yu Hao's account was credited with 13,000.

Yu Hao: "..."

Chen Yekai said: "Party A thinks your translation quality is very good, it's hard work."

Yu Hao immediately said, "I'll treat you to dinner!"

Chen Yekai smiled and said, "Didn't you just eat it the day before yesterday? Do you want to eat with me so much?"

During Zhou Sheng's exam the day before yesterday, Yu Hao did bump into Chen Yekai in the cafeteria at noon. The two of them had a meal together, it was always a coincidence every time. Yu Hao was instantly embarrassed, and Chen Yekai said, "Just kidding, Zhou Sheng is about to play, right? Get together after the end? Call Huang Ting, Liqun, and Cen Shan, come to my house to play together, and I'll cook for you. Eat, I'm learning to cook recently."

Yu Hao was going to turn around and ask Fu Liqun and Zhou Sheng. After submitting the manuscript, there would be no problem. Finally, he could return the laptop to Fu Liqun. During this time, Fu Liqun's computer was almost completely monopolized by Yu Hao. He couldn't watch American dramas, and he couldn't play games. He could only review.

"The laptop is here for you." Fu Liqun said.

"No no." Yu Hao was very moved, and said, "Thank you, I've been thankful for these days."

Yu Hao felt that Fu Liqun was really nice. He lent him a computer and never offered to pay it back, even if he took it back, he just used it for more than two months.

"Then I'll put it on the table." Fu Liqun said, "You can get it anytime you want."

What a joke, Fu Liqun is on summer vacation, who needs a laptop! Find a girlfriend now!

Zhou Sheng rarely showed up in the dormitory these days. Most of the time he practiced under the guidance of his teacher, and he stopped smoking. It was the first time that Yu Hao saw Zhou Sheng being so serious. It was like he had changed his personality. He wanted to go to the training hall to accompany him, but Zhou Sheng told Yu Hao not to come. He only wore headphones and practiced seriously.

After Yu Hao had finished everything, he could finally go to see Zhou Sheng's practice, and brought him two bottles of water. Zhou Sheng's training has also entered the last week, and he has passed the high-intensity training phase. Endurance is the main thing.

Zhou Sheng was not in the training hall, Yu Hao asked the teacher, and the answer he got was that Zhou Sheng didn't come today and needed to rest. Yu Hao waited suspiciously all afternoon before Zhou Sheng returned to the training hall.

"Where did you go?" Yu Hao asked.

"Go out and do some errands." Zhou Sheng said casually, "Where do I go? Are you my mother? Let's go and play basketball?"

Many students ran out of summer vacation after their final exams. Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao were left to shoot on the basketball court. Zhou Sheng also helped Yu Hao adjust his shooting posture.

"It's your birthday soon." Yu Hao couldn't help but look at Zhou Sheng, "You are a Cancer."

"That's right." Zhou Sheng seemed to be in a good mood. He walked a few steps sideways beside Yu Hao like a crab, using his hands as scissors to clamp him, and said solemnly, "Look at the backboard! Why are you looking at me? Be careful not to lean forward. What do you want to eat on the second day of the game?"

"How could I let you cook on your birthday?!" Yu Hao said.

"Who said it's time to cook!" Zhou Sheng said, "Where's the face? Pick it up! Go out to eat!"

Yu Hao missed his shot, Zhou Sheng took a few shots, made a three-step layup, turned around and said to Yu Hao, "Learn a little bit."

Yu Hao said again, "What birthday gift do you want, Young Master?"

Zhou Sheng thought for a while, then passed the ball to Yu Hao and said, "Record a song for me? I'm tired of listening to 'Perfect'."

Yu Hao said, "I can have this, as long as it's a song? Don't want anything else?"

Zhou Sheng: "…"

Yu Hao: "??"

"By the way." Zhou Sheng remembered, "My brother's birthday is in August. He will be in Japan by then. Buy something for him in advance? Most of my money is with you. You can think of something for us to give him together. ."

Yu Hao said, "Okay, that's what I originally thought."

Zhou Sheng: "My brother is everyone's brother. You can buy him something more expensive."

Yu Hao: "How expensive?"

Zhou Sheng couldn't say it either: "You can figure it out yourself."

Yu Hao said "En", and Zhou Sheng said again, "You still use a human computer, and it will last for two months."

Yu Hao: "I know! I originally planned to buy him a present."

Yu Hao was going to use the money he earned from his part-time job to buy Fu Liqun a birthday present. He would never forget the memory of Fu Liqun going to the hospital on his back that day.

"Oh?" Zhou Sheng said sourly, "Originally?"

Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng. At this time, Zhou Sheng's phone rang. He took out his phone and said a few words with a strange expression on his face. After hanging up, he looked at Yu Hao: "Xue Long is looking for me."

"Ah?" Yu Hao thought to himself that every time the counselor looked for them, it would be no good thing. Don't come looking for the bicycle race again at this time.

In the office, the pennant of Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao "collecting gold is not ignorant" hangs on the wall. Xue Long saw Yu Hao outside and said, "You came just in time."

Zhou Sheng looked at the counselor vigilantly, Xue Long turned over the transcript and said, "Zhou Sheng, do you know why I'm looking for you?"

Zhou Sheng said: "How do I know, it's not the roundworm in your stomach."

Yu Hao couldn't help but want to laugh, Xue Long took a deep breath and said, "You see your grades for yourself?"

Yu Hao: "!!!"

Zhou Sheng: "Oh."

Zhou Sheng took the second grade in the exam!

Yu Hao was dumbfounded. Looking at Zhou Sheng, Xue Long said, "Zhou Sheng."

Zhou Sheng said, "You suspect me of cheating?"

Xue Long immediately said, "Of course not. How could the teacher think so? The reason for calling you here is to praise you. Yu Hao also did well in the test, so keep going."

Yu Hao opened the report card and found himself third in the class.

"Do you want to apply for a scholarship next semester?" Xue Long said. "Both of you have a chance."

Zhou Sheng said coldly, "Yeah, why didn't you apply?"

Xue Long said, "Yu Hao is fine, but Zhou Sheng and you..."

"What's wrong with me?" Zhou Sheng asked.

Xue Long said to Yu Hao, "Or Yu Hao, I'll report it to you first. Fill out the form and hand it over to me after school starts. Zhou Sheng, look at who the fourth place is."

"What does this have to do with me?" Zhou Sheng said, "Oh, he, his family's conditions are not good, I know."

Yu Hao didn't take the form, Xue Long added, "This semester, you were criticized twice, once for beating Shi Ni's parents, and once for fighting a group. I don't have to give you two this scholarship. ."

Yu Hao couldn't bear it any longer and said, "What the fuck does this have to do with me? I haven't been criticized yet."

Zhou Sheng suddenly burst into laughter, Yu Hao was dazed, Zhou Sheng almost burst into tears, and said, "How dare you speak swear words?"

Yu Hao understood what Xue Long meant, but felt extremely angry. Xue Long wanted to persuade Zhou Sheng to give up the scholarship and give the fourth place. In fact, Xue Long could do the same, as long as he wrote a question about his moral performance during school in his comments. , it is also not necessary to give Zhou Sheng scholarship.

Yu Hao was about to die of anger, but when Zhou Sheng smiled like that, his anger instantly disappeared.

"Isn't this a discussion with the two of you?" Xue Long was obviously very upset and handed Yu Hao a form, but he couldn't say anything blatantly when Chen Yekai returned to school, saying, "Zhou Sheng, think about it when you go back. , your family conditions are good, I suggest you... "

"I don't want it anymore." Yu Hao didn't answer, and said coldly, "You can keep it for yourself. Give it to whoever you love, how can you still do this?"

"Why are you so stinging? Yu Hao!" Xue Long almost didn't know Yu Hao anymore.

Zhou Sheng: "Why not! Of course! Go! I'll fill it out for you!" He took the scholarship application form, and just at this moment, someone knocked on the door of the office, and Chen Yekai's voice asked, "Mr. Xue, Are you there?"

"Mr. Chen?" Xue Long was a little cowardly, why did he leak the news so quickly? Not so much, right

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao were also at a loss, Zhou Sheng immediately said, "Here, Kai Kai, what are you doing? Come in and sit down!"

Xue Long: "..."

"I want to come in and sit down."

Chen Yekai pushed open the door and came in, followed by Huang Ting, as well as a female reporter who had met Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng before, the female reporter sat down familiarly, crossed her legs, and said with a smile, "Hey, still It's good to catch up, there will be no one in your school in two days!"

Huang Ting said: "It's a coincidence, we represent the police station to send pennants to the two classmates."

Chen Yekai said, "I hang it up in the office during the summer vacation, and then take it back after school starts?"

"Hang, hang, hang!" Zhou Sheng said, "There are two sides? What did you write?"

Both pennants thank Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao.

The first pennant came from the Fengyang District Police Station of Tongxian County: act bravely in the face of justice.

The second pennant comes from the Ying City Public Security Bureau: Wisdom Fighting Gangsters.

Xue Long: "..."

"By the way, let's interview two handsome guys." The female reporter said, "My name is Junjun, you can just call me Sister Jun."

Chen Yekai noticed that Yu Hao gave him a wink, and immediately understood: "By the way, what are you doing here?"

"The form for receiving the scholarship." Zhou Sheng replied, "The one who just received Yu Hao is about to receive mine."

"Yo! Not bad!" Jun Jun said, "Are you invited to dinner with the scholarship?"

"Definitely!" Yu Hao immediately said.

Xue Long was completely confused, three pennants were hung up, and Yu Hao said, "I won't go home for the summer vacation, so take it back to the dormitory for me?"

Because Chen Yekai did it before, Yu Hao let him hang it in the office. Now that Chen Yekai moved to Liang Jinmin's office, and he was not the head teacher, he could take it off. Zhou Sheng thought about it too, he simply didn't do it, and said to Xue Long, "We'll take the pennant back."

"I've started the interview." Junjun turned on the recorder, and Chen Yekai said, "Mr. Xue?"

"What with you! What with you!" Xue Long saw that the wind changed his face faster than flipping a book, and immediately handed Zhou Sheng's watch to him and said, "These two classmates are also among the best in their academic performance!"

Yu Hao thought to himself that Xue Long was disgusting to a certain level, and already had a strange beauty.

After the interview, the three of them heard Yu Hao's indignant accusations outside, and they laughed so hard they couldn't stand up straight. Chen Yekai wanted to invite him to dinner, but Zhou Sheng had a bicycle race next week, so he had to pay special attention to his diet, so he made an appointment to meet after the race.

in the bedroom.

"You are brave, can you call me once in a while?" Fu Liqun looked at the pennant with a sense of emptiness in his heart, "Are we roommates?"

Zhou Sheng said: "I will remember to inform them next time, add your name to the pennant, you can just lie down in the dormitory."

Fu Liqun was quite cheerful: "That's even better, so that I won't be scolded by your sister-in-law all day long, saying that I lie in the dormitory every day."

Yu Hao: "..."

The next day, Zhou Sheng still went to training, Yu Hao always wondered if Zhou Sheng had been sneaking around recently and would go out of school again. It just so happened that Fu Liqun left school tonight and went home, so Yu Hao said, "Brother, will you accompany me to buy a birthday present for Zhou Sheng?"

"What to buy?" Fu Liqun said, "I was thinking about this, I have to buy one too."

"You can buy him a cake then." Yu Hao said, "I haven't thought about it yet, but the money is ready."

Fu Liqun agreed immediately, put on a sports bag, put both hands in his pockets, and went shopping with Yu Hao. When going out with Fu Liqun, Yu Hao could always feel the eyes of girls from all directions, as if going out with Chen Yekai, but not with Zhou Sheng at all... Obviously Zhou Sheng is also very handsome. !

"How much did you buy?" Fu Liqun stood in the mall and said, "Tell me, my brother will help you choose."

Yu Hao said, "Eight... nine thousand, right? No more than ten thousand, save a little for next semester's living expenses, and the tuition fee has a student loan. I've borrowed all that, and I can't stop it. Do you think it's okay to buy a mobile phone?"

Fu Liqun smiled and said, "Damn."

Yu Hao: "??"

Fu Liqun said, "The most expensive thing your sister-in-law gave me is more than 10,000 yuan."

Yu Hao said, "I haven't spent ten thousand."

Fu Liqun: "Your sister-in-law's credit card has a limit of 300,000 yuan. How much do you want to swipe? You only have how much money you have in your card. This is your entire income from working for two months!"

"You can't compare like that." Yu Hao said with a smile, "Sister-in-law is afraid that you will have a psychological burden. I want to buy a mobile phone and a pair of expensive shoes for him..."

"What mobile phone should I buy?" Fu Liqun said, "Brother will take you to buy shoes!"

"Wait..." Yu Hao suddenly saw Zhou Sheng standing on the escalator, walked along the mall to the second floor, and said, "Zhou Sheng hasn't trained yet, what are you doing here?"

Zhou Sheng still had that lazy look. He watched the dog in front of a pet store for a while, then turned into the mall and walked outside the handicraft store.

"Oh?" Fu Liqun looked at him suspiciously and said, "Are you following him?"

Before Yu Hao could regain his senses, Fu Liqun said again, "Are you still going? That store is going to close. If you want to know what, you should ask him directly. With the relationship between the two of you, he still hides it from you?"

Yu Hao thought about it, leave some space for Zhou Sheng, don't ask too many questions, maybe it's because of the pressure, just want to relax? If he didn't want to tell himself, then he had a reason not to tell himself. He changed his mind and said to Fu Liqun, "Let's go, go to the store."