Seizing Dreams

Chapter 75: Decide


Out of breath, Yu Hao followed Zhou Sheng and rode for 30 kilometers. Zhou Sheng stopped and waited for him from time to time. In the end, Yu Hao arrived at the school in second place.

Yu Hao: "I... can't do it anymore."

Zhou Sheng said: "Okay, the card is yours."

"I didn't win again!" Yu Hao exploded.

"I said, 'If I win,' it means 'If I win,' the card is yours!" Zhou Sheng said proudly, "Omit the word 'I'."

Yu Hao: "..."

"Then let me put it away for you." Yu Hao watched Zhou Sheng riding his bike ahead, waiting for him to catch up from time to time, then stopped, waited for him, and rode forward again, he just felt that this part of the road was vaguely like their relationship.

"Don't you see how much money you have?" Zhou Sheng laughed.

"Don't watch it!" Yu Hao said, "Resolutely don't watch it! Suffocating you to death!"

The bedroom was swept clean, and even the cracks of the blackened tiles were washed white. The wooden cabinet door and wooden table have also been waxed. Like the new furniture, the bed has been replaced with a new four-piece cotton set, the bookshelf and wardrobe have been neatly organized, the bathroom has been replaced with a new shower curtain, and the light bulbs have been replaced. into sixty watts. There is an extra mobile air conditioner, a small refrigerator on one side of the balcony, which is full of ice, drinks and beer, two reclining chairs on the balcony, and a flower stand on the side, with potted plants on the shelf.

Now there are cold drinks and air-conditioning. Wall-mounted air conditioners are not allowed in the bedroom. The heat exhaust pipe of the small mobile air conditioner leads to the balcony. Although the cooling effect is not stronger than the wall hanging, it has solved the living problem of the stuffy bedroom.

Yu Hao put his hand on his forehead and felt like he had entered someone else's house.

"I'm asking someone to renovate it." Yu Hao said, "It's not easy to do this in one afternoon."

"I don't know if I can buy a washing machine..." Before he finished speaking, Zhou Sheng accidentally bumped his head into the floor-to-ceiling window of the balcony and said angrily, "Why do you wipe it so clean? This is murder!"

At night, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng were lying on the bed. After the first day of this summer vacation with nothing to do and nothing to do, Zhou Sheng played games with Yu Hao for a while. Yu Hao recorded two songs but was not satisfied and deleted them. Now, I thought that the translation money had almost been spent, and I had to find another part-time job. But fortunately there is a scholarship next semester, which will be relatively more generous.

Good translation and writing jobs are hard to find, and there are too many fraudulent manuscripts. Yu Hao watched it on the translation forum for a long time, and many people were scolding the fraudulent manuscripts, which made him a little frightened. It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. Having done translation, I no longer want to do manual work. Sure enough, technology is the primary productive force, and it is especially important to have skills.

Of course, whether it was him or Chen Yekai, they were all relying on their skills to survive, but in front of a capitalist like Zhou Laichun, they were still slag.

At nine o'clock, Zhou Sheng's mother called the dormitory, Yu Hao answered it, heard Zhou Sheng in the dormitory, Zhou Sheng asked long and short questions, and wished her son a happy birthday by the way, Zhou Sheng just replied perfunctorily that he knew.

"When are you going home?" Zhou's mother said, "Yu Hao, come over together!"

Yu Hao had no choice but to follow Zhou Sheng's instructions, "We're going to have a game."

"Ah good good! Where is the game? Let's go and see!"

"Don't bother." Zhou Sheng didn't want to talk anymore, Yu Hao could only whisper "En" "Okay", in response to Zhou's mother's call, Zhou's mother began to recall the day Zhou Sheng was born, and a phone call made more than one phone call. Hour to hang up.

"Sleep?" Zhou Sheng said, "Have you decided where to go to play?"

Yu Hao: "I didn't think about it."

"Then let's think about it." Zhou Sheng picked up the clothes drying fork by the bed and flicked the light switch in the bedroom, "Sleep." The room was dark. It was the first time Yu Hao lived in the bedroom so comfortably. Thanks to Laichun Zhou for the money.

Chen Yekai: [Are you back? Is it possible to cool the air conditioner?]

Yu Hao: [… ]

Chen Yekai: [What?]

Yu Hao: [You bought it?]

Chen Yekai: [I ordered it online last week, and it arrived today so I can send it to your bedroom as a birthday present for Zhou Sheng. Seeing the four aunties cleaning, the driver at Zhou Sheng's house said to buy a refrigerator.]

"The air conditioner was bought by Kaikai." Yu Hao said.

"Got it." Zhou Sheng looked at WeChat in a trance. The light from the phone illuminated the faces of Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng. In the darkness, Zhou Sheng suddenly sighed and threw the phone aside.

"Jing Ya added it?" Yu Hao turned his head and raised his head slightly to ask him.

Zhou Sheng didn't answer, he just lay down quietly, while Yu Hao continued to use his phone. After a long silence, Zhou Sheng said again: "I didn't add it, I don't care. I'm upset, I want to go to the moon."

In the middle of the silent night, many troubles and melancholy will always be magnified. It is said that people do not have far-sighted thoughts, so there must be near-term worries. Before the final exam, Yu Hao often heard Fu Liqun lying on the bed, "Hey", what should I do if the troubles fail the exam? Now, go home and be scolded to death.

The boys' dormitory always seems to be like this. They have a lot of fun during the day. Before going to bed at night, the feeling of depression that goes with them quietly comes. When talking about the world in the mental health class, the teacher specially mentioned that this is the inner guilt of wasting time. , Once you feel that you have nothing to do during the day and have no goals in life, you will feel restless, troubled and remorseful before going to sleep at night, and you will always feel that you are a waste. Staying up late will further strengthen and magnify this negative emotion.

Yu Hao rarely felt this kind of torment. He tried his best just to be alive. For the time being, he couldn't think of a higher-level problem in Maslow's needs.

"There is no moon today." Yu Hao said.

"Yu Hao." Zhou Sheng said.


After another nearly three minutes of silence, Zhou Sheng finally said in the dark, "What do you think we will be like ten years from now?"

Yu Hao didn't answer, but Zhou Sheng's question triggered his thoughts. His eyes turned from the phone screen to the void and darkness around him, his brows filled with confusion.

"Are we going to separate?" Zhou Sheng said.

"Maybe." Yu Hao replied, an unspeakable sadness suddenly engulfed him, and he couldn't bear to think about it - University only takes four years, and after four years, his friendship with Zhou Sheng and Fu Liqun will also end. Well, no matter what love is, they will be separated.

Zhou Sheng said, "Let me imagine it."

Yu Hao said, "Can you not be so cruel?"

After four years of study, many friends and loved ones have gone their separate ways, some stay in the city, some go to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, some go abroad, and some go to graduate school. Maybe they still keep in touch. However, they live under one roof. It will never be the case again.

There is no such thing as a feast in the world. Everyone will start a family, start a family, and have fewer and fewer contacts. The class is divided, and the life situation is like a world of difference. When I mentioned it, only vague memories of the past were left.

Sometimes life is really like a dream, Yu Hao thought, many things will gradually be forgotten, including this cool summer night.

"So," Zhou Sheng said, "I want to discuss it with you seriously... What are you looking at?"

Yu Hao was still swiping his phone, and when he got to the back, his heart was no longer on his phone, nor on Zhou Sheng's words.

"It's nothing." Yu Hao was in a very bad mood today, especially after he made that decision, it was almost twelve o'clock and Zhou Sheng's birthday was coming to an end.

Zhou Sheng glanced at Yu Hao's phone, and Yu Hao said to Zhou Sheng, "I made friends in a question and answer session."

Zhou Sheng: "What Q&A?"

Yu Hao: "A question and answer about boys looking for boyfriends."

Zhou Sheng: "…"

Yu Hao showed it to Zhou Sheng. There were a few private messages on it. Zhou Sheng sat up immediately and asked, "Did you post the photo? Quickly delete it!"

Yu Hao said, "I didn't send it, so I sent a message to a few people who had photos, and they all replied to me."

Zhou Sheng opened the private messages one by one, all of which were greetings, Yu Hao said, "There's nothing to see, just return it to me."

Yu Hao observed Zhou Sheng's expression, Zhou Sheng turned the phone over and pressed it, his expression disappeared into the darkness, and said, "Why are you suddenly looking for a boyfriend again?"

Yu Hao replied, "I had this plan before."

Zhou Sheng was sitting and Yu Hao was lying. In the darkness, neither of them spoke. Yu Hao said, "Zhou Sheng?"

"Okay." Zhou Sheng finally said, "As long as you like it."

Yu Hao remembered the conversation he had with Zhou Sheng that day in Chichen Itza,

"You said in Tianqingshan in your dream..."

"I remember." Zhou Sheng's voice was very indifferent, "You don't need to remind me. So I just say you like it."

"Give me back the phone." Yu Hao said.

Zhou Sheng handed over the phone, lay down, and the two stopped talking for a while. Yu Hao knew that Zhou Sheng would definitely be jealous, but this matter had to come to an end. Yu Hao had been reluctant to take this step before. First, he liked Zhou Sheng so much that he couldn't deceive himself;

But just today, after listening to Zhou Laichun's words, Yu Hao realized that he shouldn't go on like this anymore. No matter how Zhou Sheng views this kind of relationship, it is impossible for them to have any results.

"I fell asleep." Zhou Sheng said.

"Good night, General." Yu Hao said.

Yu Hao put down his phone and sighed very lightly. At this moment, he felt a huge sadness. It was like the collapsed mountains were pressing in his heart. If the Golden Black Wheel was not sealed, he doubted his dream. At this time, it would definitely be covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and torrential rain.

This feeling is even worse than the head-on punch he received when he confessed to Liu Pengxuan. Liu Pengxuan's punch was in the face, this time, it was Yu Hao who held a dagger himself. in his own soul.

The horns sounded in unison, and the grand game began.

Under the dark sky, around the ancient Roman Colosseum, the audience cheered, and the huge ring building stood upright in the middle of an isolated island in the boundless ocean.

The sky was overcast, and the black dragon flew with Zhou Sheng, flapped its wings, suspended in the low altitude of the Colosseum, and slowly descended. Zhou Sheng carried a golden hoop stick on his shoulders, wore AJ sneakers like golden armored boots, wore iron scale armor, and stepped on the faucet.

"I want to challenge!" Zhou Sheng swung his golden cudgel, turned sideways, and pointed his weapon at the audience.

The chariots passed through the tunnels in the Colosseum, rumbled out, and lined up in a ring, with a huge and ferocious monster entrenched on each chariot.

A small fox doll was parked on Zhou Sheng's shoulder. He turned his head and raised his hand to touch the furry back of the little fox.

"Which one to hit first? You say!" Zhou Sheng said.

Of course, the doll wouldn't answer. Zhou Sheng looked at the thirteen chariots arranged in a circle, and in the center was a burly and horned demon king, Satan. He calmed down and glanced at the rest of the chariots.

"Just you." Zhou Sheng pointed at one of them indifferently.

"When—" With a loud bang, the audience cheered wildly again.

Satan: "Finally willing to make a deal with me? What do you want to gain?"

Zhou Sheng said solemnly, "You know what I want better than me."

Satan turned towards the auditorium and said loudly: "Very good! The master of the dream, this general decided to face himself and overcome his fears, let's wait and see!"

The black dragon fell to the ground, and the battle kicked off amid the thunderous cheers.

When Yu Hao woke up the next day, Zhou Sheng had already gone out, and he didn't know where he went.

Yu Hao recalled what he said last night, like in a dream, he sent Zhou Sheng a message, but he didn't reply.

Chen Yekai called Yu Hao and asked him to go to the movies today. Yu Hao said, "Zhou Sheng went out early in the morning, and I don't know where to go."

"I asked him." Chen Yekai said, "If he doesn't go, let me find you."

Yu Hao thought for a while, and finally had to say, "Okay, I invite you to see it."

"You invite me to dinner." Chen Yekai said, "I have already bought the tickets, three tickets, wait for me to call Huang Ting."

Yu Hao just hung up the phone when he saw Zhou Sheng sent him a message.

Zhou Sheng: [I have something to do today, you can solve it yourself at noon? I'll bring you dinner?]

After Yu Hao replied, he and Chen Yekai went to find Huang Ting for dinner. The two waited for a long time before Huang Ting said, "I managed to sneak out, let's eat barbecue."

In the meantime, Huang Ting noticed Yu Hao reading the private message and said, "What are you doing?"

"Make friends." Yu Hao didn't intend to hide from Huang Ting, anyway, he also knew about his sexual orientation, remembering that Huang Ting didn't seem to have mentioned his girlfriend, he said, "Are you in a relationship? If you think I'm gossipy, you can ignore me."

Chen Yekai smiled and said, "Do you remember Junjun?"

"Ah—" Yu Hao immediately thought of the female reporter.

Huang Ting hurriedly clarified: "The eight characters haven't been written yet, don't talk nonsense, did you find it online?"

"En." Yu Hao glanced at Huang Ting.

"Pay attention to safety." Huang Ting said, "especially physiological hygiene."

"I'm making friends." Yu Hao said, "I'm not dating!"

Chen Yekai said, "Is your confession rejected?"

Yu Hao glanced at Chen Yekai, and Huang Ting said, "Confession? To whom?"

Chen Yekai said, "Don't worry about this, Officer Huang."

"Professional habits." Huang Ting replied.

"You two seem to be talking about cross talk." Yu Hao said.

Before the movie started, Chen Yekai went to pick up the tickets, while Yu Hao and Huang Ting sat in the rest area outside the venue. Huang Ting was wearing plain clothes today, with a straw in his hand, sitting upright, and said to Yu Hao, "Yu Hao, please explain the situation truthfully."

Yu Hao: "Are you going to make a transcript?"

Huang Ting said: "Do you usually have any emotions or conflicts with your teacher Chen?"

Yu Hao: "..."

Huang Ting's eyes were sharp and he looked at Yu Hao: "Why have you chosen to seek marriage online, to be precise, to seek friends online, and not consider Teacher Chen?"

Yu Hao: "Officer Huang, it's very bad for you to do this. Be careful and I tell Sister Junjun."

"You don't have her contact information." Huang Ting had a confident expression and his eyes were deep, "Now, please don't evade the question I just asked and answer it truthfully."

Yu Hao: "..."

"Let's go." Chen Yekai came over, and Yu Hao thought that he wouldn't come out with you two next time.

In the end, when watching the movie, Huang Ting and Chen Yekai sat on either side of Yu Hao, sandwiching him between them. Yu Hao always felt like a prisoner being escorted.

Chen Yekai also whispered to Yu Hao from time to time. After a while, Huang Ting tilted his head and fell asleep on Yu Hao's shoulder. Yu Hao was completely speechless, and Chen Yekai made a shush gesture and said, "He's been too tired recently, let him sleep for a while." He pointed to the 3D glasses in Huang Ting's hand, and motioned to hide them, so as not to be caught He found.

When the scene was over, Huang Ting woke up. Yu Hao was very curious about what this guy's dream was like, but with his ability, it would not be a haze in his dream.

"Very good movie." Huang Ting said.

"Have you seen it in the end?" Yu Hao asked.

Huang Ting: "Of course I watched it."

Chen Yekai: "Where's your 3D glasses? Go apologize and lose money."

Huang Ting said: "Of course it was put away by the two of you. This kind of prank is too outdated, Mr. Chen, be a good example, don't be a bad example, give it to the waiter, I'm leaving, I'll do a task at night, see you later."

Yu Hao had nothing to do with Huang Ting. In the evening, Chen Yekai said, "Come to my house for dinner?"

"I have to go back to the dormitory." Yu Hao said, "Zhou Sheng bring me dinner."

"Then make an appointment when it's free." Chen Yekai sent Yu Hao downstairs before turning around and leaving. As soon as Yu Hao looked up, he saw Zhou Sheng looking out from the corridor upstairs. The two looked at each other and Zhou Sheng entered.

"Eat it." Zhou Sheng opened the lunch box, took off his chopsticks, scratched and removed the bamboo thorns a few times, and handed it to Yu Hao, "What did you watch today?"

Yu Hao answered, and the two chatted for a while. Zhou Sheng put on his earphones and watched the drama on Fu Liqun's computer while eating. Yu Hao kept silent and looked down at his phone. The atmosphere in the dormitory seemed to be back to what it was two months ago. a while.

"Where have you been today?" Yu Hao remembered the last time he accidentally caught a glimpse of Zhou Sheng in the mall.

Zhou Sheng took off his headphones and asked blankly, "What?"

"It's nothing." Yu Hao waved his hand, Zhou Sheng put on his earphones again, and continued to eat.

Yu Hao wanted to clear all the private messages, but one of the netizens came, and he spoke very politely and wanted to get to know Yu Hao.

Huang Ting sent another message to Yu Hao: [Seeing that netizens pay attention to safety, we need a police officer to be a bodyguard and suggest making an appointment three days in advance.]

Yu Hao: [I will pay attention, thank you for reminding me.]

Huang Ting shared with Yu Hao several pieces of news that saw netizens being cheated of money, being smuggled, stolen, and calling the police if the goods were wrong... Yu Hao finally couldn't bear it any longer: [Don't post it again!]

Finally, Huang Ting shared a song: "Don't Give Me One Hundred Dollars".

Yu Hao: [I'm going to block you.]

Huang Ting: [I suggest not, it is more convenient to find acquaintances when calling the police, and the response is quicker.]

Zhou Sheng came over and took Yu Hao's finished lunch and threw it out. He glanced at Yu Hao who was switching WeChat accounts and said, "How's the chat going? When will we meet?"

"Just added." Yu Hao was really depressed, he wanted to pretend to be dead.

When Zhou Sheng came back after throwing out the trash, Yu Hao asked again, "How is Jing Ya? Did you go to her for dinner?"

Zhou Sheng said, "I just added it." He put on his headphones and ignored Yu Hao. The person sent a message and chatted with Yu Hao for a few words. Yu Hao replied without a word until late at night, when Zhou Sheng said, "Good night." Then he turned off the light, and the two couldn't talk all day. Ten sentences.

Ancient Roman Colosseum.

The roar of the black dragon resounded throughout the audience, followed by thunderous cheers and applause!

Zhou Sheng carried his shield and stood on top of the black dragon, which rose into the air. In front of him, the enemy had goat's horns, bare chest full of hair, two eyes slanted toward the top of his forehead, in the narrow pupils, the eyes flashed with evil red light.